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What is SPAM when it comes to the Fiverr Forums?


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I think enough time has passed to develop a "fair and reasonable" impression of the "new" forum. IMO, It's worse than the previous iteration.

Sure, threads devoid of any substantive content being spammed by clueless and desperate users who thank, congratulate, and praise one another was rampant in the old forum, but at least there were flagging and re-categorizing tools present that gave a modicum of means to combat the swelling tide of self advertising and harmful misinformation.

I used to comment on the forum multiple times almost every day. Now, I need to intentionally muster the willpower to drag myself to posting a few times, then take a few days off from the brain cell killing drivel that inundates virtually every category in the forum.

14 hours ago, uk_webcreations said:

You need to scroll through 30 waste of time spammers to get to a single decent question for help

Expect that to get worse as more and more users who meaningfully contribute to the forum give up on it...

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3 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:


It's like a game at this point. How many of the points from your list will any given post hit. 

There is a most recently updated post in Super Bowl category of all places where a person congratulates themselves with reaching the Explorer rank. Both in the post title and then in a separate message to themselves. The person has zero sales and is followed by 4 people. One of the 4 is a guy who has liked what feels like every comment I’ve ever made on the forum.


I bet he’ll ❤️ this one as well. 

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12 hours ago, theratypist said:

The Tips for Sellers is a mess. It should be the priority category that needs a cleanse. It is missing out on the opportunity to be truly beneficial to sellers, especially new ones. 

True. Unfortunately, too many "tips" in there currently read like this:

1. Add a picture to your gig.

2. Write some text in the description box.

3. Publish your gig.

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53 minutes ago, uk_webcreations said:



I see you are following your usual course of action then --  doing absolutely nothing you complete waste of space


Calling people a complete waste of space on the forum is no better than asking people to pray for you every five minutes. I was going to post about how I agree with the forum getting worse, but now I just want to point out that speaking to people the way you did just there is worse. You're setting a bad example if you want to improve the forum, in my opinion, by behaving in this manner. 

With all that being said: 

The forum has become a place for useless and repeated nonsensical content. I know several of us "oldies" from the forum, who used to write guides and helpful posts, and responding to a lot of the requests for help, have just given up. I'm still at it when I can, but anything I write will dissapear in a sea of "pray for me" posts and "I got 1 order congratulate me".

It's sad. The state of the forum is sad. It needs a big team of active moderators who will sift through and remove pointless posts, or at least, put them in a category hidden from the front page of the forum. Something has to be done, because I'm not sure how long I wanna keep sifting through the useless posts to help sellers with actual questions, or spend two hours of my life writing content that hardly anyone reads, because 90% of the forum now consists of people with no work ethic who won't even spend five minutes to learn new stuff, but just want to confirm that staying online 24/7 will get you X amount of orders. 


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I'm not fussed bud i'm not here to make friends i dont care if you agree with me or not


Im here to point out facts...


The admin has had days to respond now and like I said he has done or said absolutely nothing 


I dont want to improve the forum thats not my job... 


Im simply pointing out the forum of the website we all give 20% of our takings to is not fit for purpose....


If fiverr expect us to reply within seconds 24 hours a day why would I not expect to at least receive some form of response from fiverr admin


I stand by what i said @mjenson415 is a waste of space.. He is as much use as a chocolate fireguard 



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1 minute ago, uk_webcreations said:

I'm not fussed bud i'm not here to make friends i dont care if you agree with me or not


Im here to point out facts...


The admin has had days to respond now and like I said he has done or said absolutely nothing 


I dont want to improve the forum thats not my job... 


Im simply pointing out the forum of the website we all give 20% of our takings to is not fit for purpose....


If fiverr expect us to reply within seconds 24 hours a day why would I not expect to at least receive some form of response from fiverr admin


I stand by what i said @mjenson415 is a waste of space.. He is as much use as a chocolate fireguard 



I didn't expect you to come here to make friends. But expecting fellow members to behave in a civilized manner when communicating in the forum - perhaps especially when they are complaining about the state of the forum - I think is very sensible. 

What do you think you'll gain by using derogatory terms? 

The forum is by no means a mandatory part of Fiverr. You can sell your services on the platform without even touching the forum button. I agree, the forum is not fit for purpose anymore. 

And I agree that the admins should be more involved in the day to day operation of the forum. I'd love to see a more involved team on the forum. But I don't think name-calling and rude behaviour will get you a response any sooner. That's just my opinion. 

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I think the real problem lies in the fact that I wouldn't mind helping out genuine freelancers who need help selling their genuine skills.


But recently its not real people with real skills.... Its just every single Indian in the world has signed up and is trying to sell skills they do not possess because their friend in the local internet cafe makes good money when he  "does the fiverr"


Then we are left to sift through the spam


just 1 example - 



Here is a self claimed " professional expert marketer"..... asking for someone to help him to market his marketing gigs.


And this sums up 50% of the forum


the other 50% is people asking for prayers






Edited by uk_webcreations
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@uk_webcreations Generalizing people from India is unnecessary at best , at worst, racist. 

I've worked with many sellers from India who do excellent work, and I don't think the forum reflects any single group of people from any nation. 
I think the problem with the forum is this: it attracts sellers with no talent.

The sellers with talent have limited time for the forum because they are doing real work. Then you have the group of people that I consider myself a part of - the sellers who have plenty of work - yet are also engaged in the community because we want to help. But there are fewer and fewer as time goes by, precisely because the state of the forum has bottomed out. 

We agree on that. 

But generalizing people from specific countries isn't making the forum better, either. I know you said you weren't here to improve the forum, but I'm gonna take you at your word: "I wouldn't mind helping out genuine freelancers who need help selling their genuine skills" - and say that you want to help as well. And I think that's great. I'm in the same mood as you when it comes to the forums. 

Here is an example of a PM I got on the forum the other day. It would be funny, if it wasn't like this all day long. 

dear sir 3.png

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Guest ligiacarvalho

Looks like the Forum is abandoned. I feel that many regular members that have relevant and useful things to say are slowly leaving and the non-sense is taking over with no one watching it. Like @mariashtelle1 mentioned above, you can report the posts but there is a feeling that no one will even take a look on it.

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I find it highly concerning that my thread about the ridiculous levels of forum spam was removed by @mjensen415


Yet to this day he still hasnt responded to any of the 25+ comments


Just giving him another opportunity to give us all his take on it....










Number 1 why was my post removed addressing the spam issue..... Seeing as you are employed by fiverr are they aware about your lack of action on these forums.. Is this the reason you deleted the thread calling out your work????   

Number 2. I see you are US based while head office is in Israel  Are fiverr aware that 90% of normal sellers deem your forum unfit for purpose?

Number 3. why are you flat our refusing to even acknowledge it never mind actually fix it

Number 4 . If you think deleting my thread will quiet my voice you are mistaken inf act. I am even more intent now on having management who fulfil their role rather someone whos only role seems to be liking the odd post


So I will await your response I am sure it was just a mistake you not replying and deleting it last time 🙂

Edited by uk_webcreations
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Ok ive played a fair game now ive waited nearly 2 months too see some action


Yet over and over again people are referencing the ridiculous amounts of spam and yet @mjensen415 flat out refuses to even acknowledge the subject never mind fix it.


Seeing as we are all paying 20% of our income to this firm why cant we have someone who will actually fill the role properly 

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Why cant fiverr forum create a forum category for Indian and Bangladeshi sellers.


They seem intent on ruining the forum with spam and stupid posts.. 


If they aren't doing that there are 50 at a time congratulating and high fiving each other over pointless things. They barely even read the posts before throwing out a congratulations to everything..... Really if a post is made why is it necessary to have 50 Indians repeating the same 1 comment over and over and over and over and over again


Why cant we create a category where they just spam the hell out of each other. We can let them sit around all day high fiving over a single $5 order without impacting other sellers who actually have genuine questions





Edited by uk_webcreations
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Let me see if I get this straight: you wish to segregate people based on their ethnicity in the forums, because you don't like what they are posting? 

I agree that spam is a huge pain in the neck. But you can't seriously expect Fiverr to start sorting their forum members based on ethnicity? 

This suggestion comes across as racist if you ask me. 

And if we want a solution to the problem, it's staring us in the face: hire a bunch of new moderators among the more active and dedicated members of the forum, and have them help out sort the posts. 

Combine that with a bit of programming to keep certain categories away from the home-page of the forum, and we're nearly there. 

Then the spammers (regardless of their ethnicity) can spam among themselves in some hidden corner of the forum. 

Will it happen? I don't know. But I'd sure as hell not come up with a suggestion to start sorting people by their ethnicity. That's just wrong. End of story. 

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I'll be 100%, I mean 1000% honest. I'd like to make it perfectly clear that I am not trying to offend anyone, but here it goes:

Yes, there are many spam posts, and yes, the majority (not all of them!!) of those posts happen to be people from those 2 countries mentioned above.
I hate spam posts, in fact I'm sure most people do, and as much as I FULLY admit about getting annoyed towards those people who spam, putting everyone in the same loop and creating such categories is simply wrong. There are bunch of sellers here from India and Bangladesh who never spams and are very professional, think about how they feel when they see spam posts, and this post. I'd be a bit hurt if it was me.

I understand your frustration, I really, seriously do. I'm sure many people will get angry at your post, and at the same time I won't be surprised if a good number of people secretly agreed with what you suggested and would like to see such categories added to the forum.

But it's just not right. It's simply, simply, wrong and it ain't gonna happen. And it shouldn't.

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7 hours ago, uk_webcreations said:

google bangladesh freelancing and their own government holds fast track training courses on how to get started on fiverr......

And I wouldn’t be surprised if their government have a deal with fiverr the same as they have with Udemy. Which would explain why nothing is done about spam. 
And even if so many people on the forum will agree with you about spam and where it’s mostly coming from  it’s still not ok to negatively call out certain countries, names etc. 

Edit add on: 
Actions needs to be taken towards spam and not towards countries. All this is happening because m oderation is close to zero and fiverr forum own rules are not enforced  on people. And if there are no rules then of course there will be spam etc. We need to solve the root of the problem not the symptoms. 

Edited by mariashtelle1
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7 hours ago, uk_webcreations said:

This is the problem.... No one is prepared to face the facts...

What has race got to do with it... India is a country not a race..  educate yourself before throwing out wild accusations


Its to do with nationality as its their GOVERNMENT that are pushing them all to sign up without the correct skills... Just google bangladesh freelancing and their own government holds fast track training courses on how to get started on fiverr....... This is why we now have camel herders and market stall sellers on fiverr claiming to be digital experts with 0 experience..


We have 50000 Indian digital marketing pros who cant even market their own gigs...

We have thousands of indians congratulating themselves over the most pointless things..

They have no etiquette to behave on forums and they have no valuable skills whatsoever

One yesterday was here saying how she quit her full time job of 7 years to try the fiverr cause her friends make money but she cant get a sale.... And there is 1 reason for that she simply had no skills to sell


TELL ME WHAT IS THE POINT IN BABYING THEM ALL THE TIME... At some point the truth is going to hit them


Its literally a fact 90% of the spammers are people from India and Bangladesh so give them their own category and let them spam it all day they can sit around high fiving and praying for each other rather than wasting everyones time


Just because you are too left leaning to admit the truth doesn't mean we all are.... Its a fact 90% of spammers are Indian on here


First of all, don't make assumptions about my political leaning, please. 

Secodn: Segregating people based on their nationality/ethnicity is the very definition of racism. You can sugar coat it all you want by claiming that doing it to people of a certain nationality is different, but it isn't. 

I'm not gonna go into a political discussion with you. But I stand by what I said: Your suggestion is racism. 

Have a Good day. 

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The point is these types of people are turning the forum into a damn mosque


Every second post involves praising Allah or begging for prayers.....


Now i know damn sure Allah isnt working for fiverr customer service so whats the point in it?


If they want to have crazy religious conversations about god and prayers then let them but why should this fill a freelancing forum give them their own category and they can talk about it all day without bothering anyone..


No one is saying they are forced to use that category ONLY. I am not calling for apartheid here..


I am simply saying why not create a category and let them spam the hell out of it without spamming the whole forum day after day


This way when they want to congratulate each other 150 times in a row over simply getting an order it doesn't spam the forum. Or when they want to sit around and circle jerk each other over a new badge they can also do this.

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7 minutes ago, uk_webcreations said:

I am simply saying why not create a category and let them spam the hell out of it

I'm afraid that's not gonna help, even if Fiverr DID create such a category for the spammers, I get the feeling people will still continue spamming the forum. They keep spamming because they are not aware that they are spamming, so they will continue to pop up, sadly.
Again, I feel and understand your frustration 100%, but it's better if we don't bring in nationalities countries etc. I won't necessarily call it racist, but I will personally label it as racially insensitive or politically incorrect.

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14 minutes ago, uk_webcreations said:

The point is these types of people are turning the forum into a damn mosque


Every second post involves praising Allah or begging for prayers.....


Now i know damn sure Allah isnt working for fiverr customer service so whats the point in it?


If they want to have crazy religious conversations about god and prayers then let them but why should this fill a freelancing forum give them their own category and they can talk about it all day without bothering anyone..


No one is saying they are forced to use that category ONLY. I am not calling for apartheid here..


I am simply saying why not create a category and let them spam the hell out of it without spamming the whole forum day after day


This way when they want to congratulate each other 150 times in a row over simply getting an order it doesn't spam the forum. Or when they want to sit around and circle jerk each other over a new badge they can also do this.

"These types of people"... Who? Indians? I mean... If you were only after stopping spam, wouldn't my suggestion of more active moderators be a solution? Stricter requirements of quality, perhaps?

What would you call this category? And will it only be tailored towards people from India and Bangladesh? 

What if a guy from the UK posts spam? Should we refer him to the "Indian and Bangladesh category"?

I'm no more a fan of "pray for me" posts than you are. They piss me off. They should be removed from the forum.

But why go after nationality? It's insulting to the thousands of sellers from those countries who actually have talent. 

Should we have a "Spam pot"? Yes. 

Should it have anything to do with the members nationality, religion or ethnicity? No.

Besides, do you think the spammers will voluntarily post to this category? No. 

So.. What I think we need is stricter rules on spam/pointless posts, more moderators among the active and contributing members who are on here daily trying to keep the forum sensible, and admins who take a more active role in governing the community. 

What we don't need is prejudice. 

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You mean like the English guy mentioned in the thread above who I also called out


Bud you are deluded you are literally refusing to accept facts and hiding behind the race card...


Im a straight forward man when I see bullshit I call it out i dont care if they are black, white, indian or an Alien.... Bullshit is Bullshit


However you CANNOT argue with facts the spam is all coming from Indian and Bangladesh and its not racist to call it how it is no matter how much is hurts your leftie bleeding heart




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Again with the political assumptions. I also call out bullshit when I see it. And going after people based on their nationality is bullshit. 

The point is not where they are from. The point is that we don't like spam. 

I'd take spammers over rudeness any day, though. So bring your politically derogatory attitude somewhere else, please. :)

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