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I am scared of this forum :(


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I've been here for a few hours and I finally have confidence to post a thread looking for feedback >u<

I'm also still looking through the forums in case there is anyone else who is also doing art commission like me! But what makes me scared is, why are all the posts the same thing? About not getting sales, being new, copy pasted advice, a bunch of thank you posts after the main advice posted... They are on many different sections of the forum! Are these bots? Why are there so many spam bots on the forum? Is it always like this everyday? The atmosphere is very unsettling for me 😞

I am just looking for genuine feedback and advice ;-; I don't want to be labelled as a spam bot for being new! 

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5 minutes ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

I've been here for a few hours and I finally have confidence to post a thread looking for feedback >u<

I'm also still looking through the forums in case there is anyone else who is also doing art commission like me! But what makes me scared is, why are all the posts the same thing? About not getting sales, being new, copy pasted advice, a bunch of thank you posts after the main advice posted... They are on many different sections of the forum! Are these bots? Why are there so many spam bots on the forum? Is it always like this everyday? The atmosphere is very unsettling for me 😞

I am just looking for genuine feedback and advice ;-; I don't want to be labelled as a spam bot for being new! 

Us "old-timers" who have been on the forum for years, have complained about this for a long time. Unfortunately, it's still an issue. We could use more moderators. A lot more. And stricter rules about the same repeated bad advice, not getting sales and so on. It has to do with the user base being mainly new sellers and people who never had any success on Fiverr. It's probably not bots. But it just as well could have been. The value they bring is the same. 

There's a great bunch of sellers here who posts good advice, too. But I'm afraid it tends to drown in all the pointless, self-congratulatory spam. 

It usually takes me 10 minutes of scrolling to find a couple of meaningful posts I actually do wanna reply to. Your post is one of them. 

If you're looking for advice on how to get started on Fiverr, I'd begin with this one: 

And this one for getting the most out of the forum is a gem, too! 

Enjoy, and welcome to the forum 😄

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Don't be scared! We have not just bots, we also have cookies, please take one! 🍪 (it's also not really bots, no worries, it's more like people who think posting lots and getting fancy gamification forum badges will help them somehow, or people with a bit of a language barrier who might be scared to post more than Thank Yous).

Take your time to look around a bit, you'll find loads of information, and also fun threads, even though they may be a bit hard to find under all the white noise at times. But you can find ways to make it easier for you, for example, by just looking at certain categories, or following people you know to post interesting stuff and then check the new forum activities based on the notifications you get about them having posted (that's what I do most of the time here). The old forum version was much smaller, less confusing than this one is, but this one is more modern and mighty, has lots of features, badges, etc., and some people prefer it. I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work for you, if you give it a little time.



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Hello to OP ( original poster ) -

Yes. You will find many many of the repeated similar topic postings and replies. I doubt that their robots. Please remember FIVERR membership is very large.

What does concern me recently, is that I posted a new thread in one Forum sub- section and later the same day , FIVERR Support Team or Administrator(s) moved my posted thread to a different Forum sub-section. I am pretty sure this happened, but have no way to prove it, since I did not take a screen shot of my original.

BTW, I have never been interested in winning or obtaining Badges / Awards on the FIVERR Forum. 

Enjoy !

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11 minutes ago, cferry1 said:

What does concern me recently, is that I posted a new thread in one Forum sub- section and later the same day , FIVERR Support Team or Administrator(s) moved my posted thread to a different Forum sub-section.

That's what happens when someone creates a topic in the wrong category/subcategory. A forum moderator moves it to the correct category/subcategory.

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3 hours ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

why are all the posts the same thing? About not getting sales, being new, copy pasted advice, a bunch of thank you posts after the main advice posted

Some advice about navigating this forum, use the "Fluid" view.


And apparently I can't post images right now? I guess give me a few to try and figure about what's wrong with the forums so I can share images...


2 hours ago, cferry1 said:

I posted a new thread in one Forum sub- section and later the same day , FIVERR Support Team or Administrator(s) moved my posted thread to a different Forum sub-section.

You mean this one?


If I had to guess (based on your post history), you originally posted it in 'Questions'? if so, then it was likely moved (again, just a guess) because there is no question in your post, and if you had included a question, then it likely would have been a general inquiry. Something for which there is no one answer (which is what the 'Questions' category is suppose to be for, to find the 'best' answer).

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There are , probably, 20 - 30 regular contributors on here, who I've found to be helpful, entertaining and informative. Stick around for a bit @nomuffinsforyou - you'll soon work out who they are! You can then choose to 'follow' them and only select 'members I follow' when visiting - so you can bypass (most) of the crap.  

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forum will be about 90%

"my seo gig doesn't get enough impressions, how do I optimize my seo of my gig" or

"I will do social marketing, 100% guaranteed real leads, but why my gig sales are low?" or

"I will design your wordpress web using free available tool that anyone can use for 100$, why don't I get more orders? " or

"How do I online 24 days, I have been online 24/7 only getting 2 view" or

"I will choose audience, optimize your ads in fb, instagram which takes around 1 minute for anyone that can open browser, why I can't get orders for last 3 years?"


Then there is some useful posts from @frank_d and other pro sellers. 

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8 hours ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

Are these bots?

Hi, welcome.  No these are not bots, they are unfortunately, new sellers from a specific region who flood the platform trying to make sales, despite having almost no English skills.  They don't read or engage, they just copy and paste the same replies many thousands of times over, in the mistaken hope that doing so will get them sales. You learn to ignore it. 

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8 hours ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

But what makes me scared is, why are all the posts the same thing? About not getting sales, being new, copy pasted advice, a bunch of thank you posts after the main advice posted... They are on many different sections of the forum! Are these bots? Why are there so many spam bots on the forum? Is it always like this everyday? The atmosphere is very unsettling for me 😞

@mjensen415 here is a feedback about forum state of things. Probably worth of looking into if fiverr don’t want to scare away new genuine users. 

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10 hours ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

I've been here for a few hours and I finally have confidence to post a thread looking for feedback >u<


Welcome! To echo others above, don't be scared, whilst there are a lot of pointless posts from some useless people (ok maybe that's too harsh but you get my point) there's literally no malice or people being mean. Don't be afraid to get involved, ask questions and share your experience.

The fact that you even made this post shows to me that you have some emotional intelligence and at least a double digit IQ 🙂, wooohoooo, these are 2 things that are not always present here and that the forum could do with more of! So, again, welcome, and don't be scared. Forum regulars will look after you I promise.

Ultimately, once you learn to tune out the rubbish it gets a lot better. It's kind of like a bad smell, you get used to it after a while 😂

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11 hours ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

I've been here for a few hours...

Hi @nomuffinsforyou! I just wanted to say welcome to the forum...from another newbie to the forum! 😊

I saw your post hours ago but could not talk to you because as a newbie, I am limited to only 5 posts a day. 😔 I tend to go through my quota pretty quickly. All I could do was react to everyone else's posts with emojis for the last few hours!

I felt exactly the same as you when I first came to the forum. The first week was the hardest. I almost didn't make it. Like you said...the forum can be overwhelming with all the bot-looking and spammy posts that are floating around.

My best advice is to start following good content and good people and it won't be so scary!

@lloydsolutions and @imagination7413 are great people for newbies to follow because they'll point to you the Help Center and a lot of useful articles.

I also follow @miiila, @theratypist, @williambryan392, @smashradio, @frank_d@yannisenglish, @jonbaas, @mariashtelle1, @donnovan86, @sabinespoems, @catwriter, and @katakatica .., among many others that I've found along the way.

Really, these people are the only reason why I decided to stay on the forum! Hopefully by following these people you'll get used to the forum faster than the week it took me to start feeling comfortable. 😊

If you're interested in reading about my experiences as a newbie on the forum, please feel free to read my post below:


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Aaaaa I got post limited too, but that's good, I just have to be mindful of what to post 😄

I did not expect that I would get such a warm welcome! When I am interested in something, I always join their community. Everyone here are so friendly! Thank you so much everyone for welcoming me ;w; I feel a little more comfortable introducing myself, I hope it is okay to write something about me here 😮

I have a group of friends on Discord where I usually hang out and I post my art there. Many of them really liked it and I am super glad! The most surprising thing they told me is "I would definitely buy your art" and "I would definitely buy a shirt with your design". As someone who draws as a hobby, it gave me confidence that my art is good enough that some people would gladly commission me! >u< I kept it in my mind for a while.

I currently need a new drawing tablet (it is supeeer old and the pressure sensitivity is janky), so I thought maybe I could earn money and buy the tablet myself. I have some commissions I am going to do with my Discord friends, but I thought if there is a way my art can be recognized outside of just my friends? I watched some art youtubers commission artists from Fiverr, and I thought that maybe I can give it a try! 

I found that only few people are drawing with my art style (doodling), so I hope I can have someone take interest in commissioning me! I am also looking for a place so people can give me feedback on my art commission page (gig), and I came across the forum 🙂 I am so glad that I found the forum, because this place taught me MUCH more than those Youtube videos (how to get rich quick on Fiverr! very sus I say). I never had experience at all on business and marketing stuff, and I am really grateful that the forum has so many guides on this. 

I want to make a thread later when I start doing commissions and share my experience! Hopefully it will also be helpful for anyone else that is also interested in doing art commissions on Fiverr 😄 Now I will ignore all the spam and continue reading and bookmarking stuff, eventually I will be able to help people here n_n

Thank you for the cookie too. I ate it and it was really good! 😛



I can give currently one advice though, if you are doing art commissions, never lower your price. Low price is indicator of someone who is not confident in their skills and art with a very low price is usually counted as suspicious! People can also take advantage of you this way, you do not want that!

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I hope you got the answer. Many experienced freelancers have answered you above. Many have found you easy. If you search for what is right and what is wrong, you will find it. If you saw this forum for a while, you would understand. It's a little bit hard but not so much. Thank you, Pece ✌

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3 hours ago, lalitsdmittal said:

There are always 2 side of a coin...


14 minutes ago, mdminhaz05 said:

I hope you got the answer. Many experienced freelancers have answered you above. Many have found you easy. If you search for what is right and what is wrong, you will find it. If you saw this forum for a while, you would understand. It's a little bit hard but not so much. Thank you, Pece ✌

I am reaaally sorry but I do not understand what both of you mean >u<;;

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2 hours ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

I am reaaally sorry but I do not understand what both of you mean >u<;;

That's Fiverr Forum for you... You're going to feel that way a lot.

And wonder why some people repeatedly say "congos" or "Costco" or whatever when they (probably) mean "congratulations".


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6 hours ago, nomuffinsforyou said:


I am reaaally sorry but I do not understand what both of you mean >u<;;


On 5/29/2022 at 11:37 PM, nomuffinsforyou said:

I am just looking for genuine feedback and advice ;-; I don't want to be labelled as a spam bot for being new! 

I mean that. If you spend some day  in the forum, you will find professional freelancers. You can easily catch who is giving wrong information and who is right. 

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On 5/29/2022 at 1:37 PM, nomuffinsforyou said:

is anyone else who is also doing art commission like me!

Me me me me! 😀

On 5/29/2022 at 1:37 PM, nomuffinsforyou said:

why are all the posts the same thing?

I’m guessing it’s probably because of how much people want to make money on Fiverr, so they believe that posting about it will help in some way. Personally, I just skip those posts because, like you said, they’re basically the same thing. 

On 5/29/2022 at 1:37 PM, nomuffinsforyou said:

The atmosphere is very unsettling for me

I’m so sorry to hear that! Besides the kinds of posts that appear a lot, I’m sure the active people on this forum try to post fun or educational topics as well, just gotta look for them, I guess. 😞

Either way, welcome to the Forums! It’s nice to meet another fellow artist here! 👋😄

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