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About lalitsdmittal

  • Birthday 02/16/1993


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  1. this is a viral Scam on fiverr, don't fall for it.
  2. I use social media for update myself related to my niche. I used to be a ghost Instagrammer, but one day I thought I only got one life, let's start posting 😁
  3. Yeah, I think the gig area should be more, the gigs should be shown up on the top rather than any other info. I wouldn't say I like this UI from fiverr.
  4. It's scalding in India in summer, the temperature goes to near Celsius. I like to be in my room with my lovely working setup and air conditioner.
  5. there should be another option of "Have Any Question" and then they should through them in the chatbox, I have many clients who revised the order just to ask a question.
  6. Fiverr should immediately block the IDs containing the name "Fiverr Support"
  7. For first impression, conversation is very important.
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