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About katakatica

  • Birthday 05/29/1904

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  1. As stated above - this is fake. There's no order. Fiverr won't ask for your card number to verify that you have enough money. What was happening is simple: A scammer was trying to steal from your account. I'm not sure why they have these minimum amounts (I assume so they know what to try and take?)but it's all fake. I'd call your bank to be sure that they can't try to steal from you again.
  2. Could be a scam somehow (because they are so common right now) , but now that you mention it one of my customers had trouble ordering - I think last week - as well? They didn't realise they didn't place the order (and they aren't new) so maybe that's something to look into!
  3. The tricky thing is, a lot of incompetent people have flooded the writing section on Fiverr, I'd wager from day one. I wouldn't be surprised if they really only accepted (what they deem) the best of the best at the moment. It's tough, but when the site has so many bad apples, they need to do something. Hopefully though you'll get accepted soon, with your record you should be fine at some point I'm sure! I started our as a ghostwriter but now barely get much work on the gigs that are in that category. There's many other things that (for me) have worked a lot better. I know it does hurt to be rejected though (I've been rejected from being a pro several times and it still hurts) but there's always other things to try!
  4. I mean engagement is supposed to be good for your account, I guess...? What I have noticed is that the layout of profiles seems to have changed a bit again (in preparation for professions I guess?) so maybe the algorithm is being shifted as well? (I'm honestly just glad. Last year I lost all work for months after going on vacation so comming back from unofficial vacation and having something to do is nice.)
  5. It's been the opposite for me for once! I had 10 spam messages (well, 12 counting sellers asking for work I think) and a good few actual potential clients. Up until now it's been not so busy though so I might have just gotten lucky.
  6. I also got 'targeted' (though nowhere near this badly) for a few days. I reactivated some gigs (figuring some details out with them) so that's likely why. It's nasty but for sellers who know the messages are fake, mostly harmless. Hopefully it'll stop sometime soon though.
  7. No. That is NOT why. Using a blue tick (like on twitter) or the fiver logo is not okay in any case because it makes you seem like you're verified (a pro account, for example) or staff. You aren't getting impressions because your profile - and you - need work. Your bio shows that your English isn't the best, but then your descriptions are good (I assume doctored up by AI.) Buyers might avoid people whose profiles are inconsistent. Furthermore, have you checked out your competition? Data entry has A LOT of sellers. You need to prove yourself to get more impressions- and work. Waiting won't help either: you need to study, do research and prove your worth.
  8. Yeah... They weren't tagged that for me, but I mysteriously spent half of what I'd spent in the month so far in the past three days... (that's a whole other 'rant' / thing though, I've noticed a pattern that's pretty odd but.. it could just feel that way due the page not updating all the time/etc.
  9. Same here, I was sent about 10 of them in 3 days. They are each a tiny bit different (at least the ones I got.) The links are the same but the text itself changes. I think that's likely why? They can filter them out but only if X words are in it. (Still, something needs to happen. It's getting really disruptive.)
  10. Generally, revisions are for the whole order. 6 covers at once is a lot though, so it might have been best to do a trial project (I do them too, always paid of course, just small) to make sure that you're on the same page. If the client had issues with the first drafts for the first two books, it's likely that they'll want a revision with the rest as well - so this is definitely a bit of a tricky situation. I'd probably send through (not delivered yet) the drafts together and then work on them one by one in this situation. When I write more than one story for a client, I usually write them one by one (even under the same older) but I'll ensure that revisions do cover all stories (since it'd be weird to only get them for half of the order/etc. I - personally - mostly count revisions once an order has been deliver. Full redos in-order are different (I tend to send an extra for those), but small tweaks can be fine. I think what you might want to do is ensure that your flow works well for your clients - send drafts of the rough ideas first if needed just to ensure that you won't need to redo everything (I'm not sure how that works with cover art, but it can be helpful!) PS.: Your Wordpad gig (where you comment on people's works) might be against the rules. I'd check the TOS here and there (but generally buying engagement is against the rules on most platforms.) Reading/reviewing is fine of course (but buying comments/etc isn't) so it'd be best for you to check the rules out.
  11. Your English is far from fluent unfortunately 😞 But that's okay. Be honest about it - that way you're not misleading people into thinking you're better than you really are. I speak more languages (and better) than I have on my profile, but I don't show everything because fluency is still far from where I'm at. Being honest is VERY important.
  12. I don't know what happened, but they started bugging me as well. 9-10 messages in 3 days (and those are the ones that weren't caught before I'd assume.) I'd add FIver (or fIverr), NotIfication and Heip Center (yes, with the I) to the list somehow if possible as well, @Lena. It seems like they are just changing a few letters (knowing that they might look the same in your inbox or similar.) For me, it's more annoying than anything else, but it's definitely an issue for other reasons 😞
  13. It's a scam. Do NOT enter your card details, they will steal from you.
  14. I did that yesterday by accident. Got some ice coffee that I guessed was low on caffeine and well, it was very tasty. One very rough night after I genuinely don't know how some people actually try to stay awake for so long to "work"! (I say "work" because generally they just stay awake in case clients come... ) Something that's important to understand is that not everyone will make it on here. It's a tight competition with MANY sellers. If it doesn't work out for a long time and you keep trying, it might be time to look into other things, too.
  15. Several other sellers have written about the topic from scratch, though. AI is a food tool to help with proofreading / etc but it shouldn't be used to replace writing entirely - especially in such cases where you need to share your personal experience. Believe it or not people will read a post more likely if it's simple, short and to the point than if it's longwinded and full of 'big words'. I know this from experience. (But yes, it's best to learn how to avoid being scammed. It's pretty bad at the moment.)
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