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  1. I don't want to disturb people. They know very well they can leave feedback. My success manager said I have fewer private reviews and that affects my exposure on the platform. But why would I disturb my long term clients and force them to leave a review? Many of them ignore Fiverr messages to leave a review, if they see me asking for one, they might ignore that too. And I agreewith @vovkaslovesnyy. You can also trigger a bad review from a buyer if you're not careful.
  2. Fiverr will not offer more information than what's readily available on the platform. Otherwise, if too much info is shared, people will try to manipulate the system to their own benefit.
  3. Yep, if you use a third party site that controls your business, it's very easy to remain without a business, if they chose that. After all, a LOT of sellers that made 5-6 figures a year ended up getting banned by Fiverr over the past few years. It's very risky to stick solely with a single freelancing platform. Ideally, as you said, make your own website, engage in other types of money-generating endeavors, it's much safer than just relying on a platform which may/may not provide any orders.
  4. The order was finished and it's clearing, so it doesn't matter what you are doing with your gig. But why should you delete the gig? If that gig receives a bad review, the bad review stays on your profile... It makes no sense to delete a gig.. unless you don't want to offer that service. But even then...
  5. It's hard to know for someone that's not within your niche. But what I will say, it does make sense to use the Milestone system. That way you get paid for every milestone, as the customer sees the progress. And Milestone gigs can take a longer time, when compared to regular gigs.
  6. Not really, it comes down to what people want to charge and what they think it's fair. Some will inflate prices just because they can..
  7. Different niches will have different starting prices. For a lot of stuff it's $5, for various categories it's higher.
  8. Let's not focus on the doom and gloom future. Who knows what will happen. What we do know is OP's situation, there are a lot of writers that are accused of AI due to random, unreliable AI checkers. And for me, the best solution is to just vet buyers and understand the tools they use, if I am ok with those, etc. If there's any red flag, I just don't accept the project or, if the order was made without my consent, it's better to jus cancel it entirely. As for creating stuff, you can just copyright the stuff you created. There are ways to protect your stuff. But I do agree that AI is killing a lot of niches, and that will end up removing a lot of meksells from the platform, especially when it comes to writing.
  9. There will always be people that hire a professional writer for good content. Despite the doom and gloom that others mentioned, I don't think there's any major issue. There's still quite a lot of demand in the writing space, and in my experience, a lot of people took the AI route, but now they are coming back because AI ruined their website. And it's not an isolated incident, either. I see a lot of people doing this. AI will always be an alternative for someone that wants writing, video creation/editing, even programming. But as mentioned, it copies other places, it uses those as inspiration, so it's not something unique. The problem here is not that. Instead, OPs point is clear, AI checkers are a problem, because some buyers specifically rely on AI tools rather than the experience of a writer. It's not that often, at least for me, but it does happen. You will have someone that couldn't care less what you write, as long as it's not seen as AI by their tool. Last night I had a particularly interesting discussion with a person that said they want me to rewrite all their website content, which was fine, but it needs to pass their AI checker, without obviously telling me what tool is that. Who would agree to such a task that has a very high probability of a refund?
  10. Welcome to my world. I agree, people trust AI tools searching for AI rather than a real writer's knowledge and expertise. And the worst thing is that even if there are many tools to search for AI, people either trust just one, or 2 of them, and disregard the others. It's disappointing, especially when you see that even after a minor change, the "AI" percentage is very very different. It's clear these tools are unreliable. That's why I am at a point right now where I vet buyers before placing the order and learn what tool they want me to check with, if they actually care about AI at all. Most buyers will usually disregard that if they have an AI checker they prefer...But obviously they won't say anything about what tool they want to use until you deliver, then all of a sudden they accuse you of using AI, which is I assume is the exact thing that the OP dealt with as well. I had this happen myself, and buyers don't really care. I just finished talking with a person right now and it's exactly what OP said. They didn't even share the exact requirements, they just wanted me to confirm the content will pass their AI tool, without even telling me what that tool is. "If it's human content, it will pass". How can a writer guarantee anything without using the tool himself? Seems like a severe lack of trust, and who would start a business relationship based on that? I always skip these "potential orders" because they smel like a scam to me.
  11. There's nothing you can do. The work was delivered, so the buyer has the right to review your work...
  12. It's like any business you would start in real life. If you're good and you are surpassing others with your quality and value, you will reach success. But keep in mind there are way more competitors online when compared to a brick and mortar, local business within the same niche. You will have access to more clients, but also deal with way way wayy more competitors. So no one can tell you whether you can be successful or not. Success will vary based on how much you commit to your business, how you differentiate yourself from others, etc. And yes, there's always a small degree of luck as well.
  13. So you do have the option 🙂
  14. I already explained and everyone has the option to do that. You don't. You can report or mark as spam from your Desktop as well.
  15. Near every message you will see 3 dots when you have your cursor on that message. If you press the 3 Dots, you can mark as spam. Also, try to reply before reporting/marking as spam, just to avoid any penalty.
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