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About donnovan86


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  1. Most likely Fiverr was pushing your gig, it was one of the first people would find in search, hence the scammers contacting you.
  2. So based on what Kesha said regarding your question and mine, I see a pattern "suspicious and unrealistic patterns in your location". Pretty much, it seems that if you're not using VPN or someone doesn't use your account in another country at the same time you do, you should be fine. That also shows, or at least heavily suggests that those people who had issues with "location inconsistencies" might have been doing some shenanigans.
  3. Did they send you an email about the violation? There should be one. If not, or if things are still unclear, do what @navid_zafar said and contact CS.
  4. To be fair, how are these Fiverr scams? Fiverr is not trying to scam you. Random scammers are trying to get access to your account and money. Check the resources provided by Fiverr, there was a banner with this kind of stuff. Fiverr already sent emails and a banner linking to security info. However, the problem is that a lot of people don't have even the smallest online security training and want to work online.. Don't click on random links, see where emails come from, and in the OP's messages you can find a lot of grammar mistakes. Those are telltale signs something is wrong. Fiverr doesn't contact you to ask for money or verification via the inbox... How can someone possibly be a freelancer, have training to work online, but they fall for these things..
  5. If there's no internet, how can you write this? Also how other people write this? There were people complaining on the forum there's no internet and they can't do their work. But then how can you write on a forum, yet not work online :))
  6. You can't. Fiverr will refund the client if they say they did not receive what they ordered, they can't force people to accept something they disliked. And it can be for an older order too. I had someone that asked for a refund even if their order was made around 5-6 months earlier. Also, if you had a delivery and the order was canceled, the buyer can also leave you a review as well.
  7. Still better than 0. Leave those scammers without any money. Don't just take this as a lesson..
  8. You can ask for a chargeback via your bank.
  9. Well traveling for a day or two is one thing. If you stay in another country for 1-3 weeks, that's different.
  10. I think they don't want to see your location changing every minute or hour. That smells like you're using a VPN. Since Kesha said you should contact them if you move to a new country, I can only assume they check for long term changes, like months. Or very very short term things like being one minute in Dubai, the next in Germany within a span of a few seconds. Hopefully she replies to my question. But as far as I know, digital nomads shouldn't be affected, since it's not like they stay in a place for a very long time.
  11. Send him a message. Since you rated, you can't ask for a revision via the revision button, however you can send a message to your designer via the inbox. And he should still provide you with the changes. If not, you can escalate to customer support, but for the time being, contacting your designer is the best bet. See how they reply, if they assist or not, and go from there. If the designer is an honest, hard working professional, they will change the way you asked, especially considering the fact you also tipped them...
  12. Sorry to bother, Kesha, but I do want to confirm this... If I go and travel to Paris and stay there for a week, maybe go to other cities in the same country, but in 1-2 weeks I get back, that's fine right? I traveled in the past as a seller and I didn't really have any problems. But with this new policy regarding location inconsistencies, I just wanted to make sure everything is ok. I can only assume it mostly has to do with the use of VPN and other tools to misrepresent your locations. I always assumed traveling shouldn't be a problem, and never had any issues myself.. So as long as I travel to a country, be it different cities in that country and get back in a week or two at most, I should be fine, right?
  13. They aren't accepting a lot of people, if any. There are already lots of writers and who knows what they see as a good track record. Anyway, as it was already said, you should try out the other niches.
  14. It's not available for anyone, only older gigs that were already there before this approval system went in place can be seen in that category. Along with gigs that were accepted, of course.
  15. Fiverr doesn't offer support for Stripe, so that alone is a warning sign. Make sure that you try to go to the bank and ask for a chargeback because you were scammed. Again, Fiverr doesn't ask you for money. If you have a message asking for that, it's a scam. They would never do that.
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