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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @sizeburo, I think the best perk about Seller Plus is having a Success Manager that I can reach out to whenever I have questions or run into a problem. I once had a disappearing buyer and ended up having to cancel the order. I was sad because I had delivered most of the work and a canceled order meant that I wouldn't get paid at all. However, my Success Manager went to Customer Service and had them pay me for the work that I did do (and that I gave to the buyer).  So that was really nice! 😊

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  2. 1 hour ago, pkolouchxd said:

    but suddenly in like period of 3 days the impressions started to decrease from thousands to dozens. ...

    This happened when I had around 16 orders overall and like two or three of them were late, so maybe it could be caused by this?

    ...Other thing that seems weird to me is that this didn't happen just with one gig which would be understandable but with all of them, overall I have 8 gigs and all dropped to almost nothing. Why would it happen to all of them?

    Hi @pkolouchxd,  you mentioned 2-3 late orders occurring and that does affect your overall seller stats for on-time delivery. Late orders will affect your account for 60 days.

    Late orders also may suggest unhappy buyers who can leave negative public and private reviews. I did see there were 2 reviews where the buyers gave 3.7 & 4.0 stars, with one stating, "Not the best." Both of these reviews were a month ago, and it's likely they left negative private reviews as well. Negative private reviews can also affect how many impressions you are getting.

    If your gigs are not getting impressions, it's because Fiverr doesn't think your gigs are as relevant to the buyer as they used to be, based on your late deliveries, negative private reviews, and how your performance compares with other sellers in your category.

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  3. 20 hours ago, miiila said:

    If you have to block so many potential customers, maybe take a quiet hour and ponder if you may be able to keep them from coming to you in the first place

    Such as using those negative keywords that you mentioned! Thanks for bringing this feature up! I wouldn't have noticed the change if you didn't mention it. 

    22 hours ago, smashradio said:

    I guess my point is that even the biggest douchebag can be an important buyer. Had I blocked this individual at the first sign of bad behavior, I would have lost the opportunity to work on some rather exciting projects. And then there's the six grand, of course. 

    That is a great point! I have very little orders compared to you, so I'm just learning this important truth! I'm willing to deal with my slightly difficult buyers if it means more orders, more repeat buyers, and happier customers! (and more money)😊

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  4. On 7/26/2022 at 12:27 AM, lilychinadancer said:

    I had called the Apple Technology Service Center today and told them the problems already, they will contact me back again after one more day , because they need time to do test to find out the idea to fix my problems . We will see what happen 🙂 

    Hi @lilychinadancer, Has Apple gotten back with you yet? I'm curious to see what their solution is!

    • Like 5
  5. 4 hours ago, palebluedot_ said:

    Is it fine that these days I'm blocking so many inboxes just because I feel like it's gonna be an order full of misunderstandings or pain?

    47 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    You risk losing out on potential great clients in the future. ...You have to measure that risk against the risk of ending up with a nightmare buyer. 

     @smashradio, I'm including the link to your "Nightmare Buyer" topic since you mentioned them:


    My nightmare buyers are also the ones that I "sense" through conversations that they are "nightmare buyers." They demand, they complain, they "seem" more concerned about price than quality, and they don't seem to appreciate the value of my work. I also "sense" through conversations that they are the ones likely to leave bad reviews or to feel unhappy about my deliveries.

    HOWEVER, I'm having a hard time blocking them because these buyers are quickly becoming "great clients":

    1. All of them are showing up as "valued buyers" on my Seller Plus coupon list.

    2. All of them are quickly rising up the list on my "Contacts" tab as having the highest number of orders and the highest dollar amount spent

    3. With each new order, these buyers are "softening up" - they are kinder, they trust me more, they show more appreciation for my work, some have even turned into regular tippers (which is surprising when they couldn't even spare an extra $5 initially), and some are now "raving" customers. It's funny how things are turning out.

    So instead of blocking these buyers, (which would be an easy out for me), I would rather try to work with them. And if I feel strongly that we can't work together, I can just tell them that. I don't have to do an order with them. Most buyers will just leave when I tell them I can't work with them. If they don't leave and start harassing me, then I'll block them.

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  6. On 7/24/2022 at 7:29 PM, lilychinadancer said:

    I used a photo taking software in the SMS interface, ( As shown in the figure ) , when I approach my cell phone , as photo A , everything all right . But when I stay just a little far from my phone, there will be a dark shadow on my head , as photo B .  Anyone knows what's problem with it ? How to fix it ?  If you know any idea just let me know , thanks very very much 🙂 .   Best regards  from Lily  .

    Hi Lily, I'm not an iOS expert, but I did reach out to my friend Yoav who is good with Apple devices. Here's what he said:

    1. You are using the iOS message app to create your Memoji.

    2. The issue is caused by your background - when you move backwards, the iOS software is trying to compensate and remove the background behind you. It's doing a bad job.

    Unfortunately Yoav doesn't have a iPhone 13 to try this out on (and I'm an Android user), so this is his recommendation to you:

    Try using different backgrounds (a flat green one will work the best - you can use green paper or a green sheet as well).

    Hopefully this will solve your issue. If not, you can refer to these articles here (or wait until Apple support gets back with you). Good luck! 🙂



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  7. 19 hours ago, peterpan348 said:

    The seller is a good guy so he agreed to make some changes. BUT i will not be able to write him a good review, a review he really need.... So bad for him as a new seller. 

    Actually @peterpan348, you can leave a public review on orders auto-closed by Fiverr. All you have to do is go to the 'Order' tab at the top of your screen and select the completed order. You can leave a review on the order page. As a buyer, you have 10 days from the date of delivery to leave your review. Once those 10 days have passed, then you are no longer able to to leave a public review.

    You can read more about reviews at the Help Center:


    • Like 5
  8. The Promoted Gig feature is only offered to to sellers and gigs that qualify for the program, so if you don't see it, your gig doesn't qualify for Promoted Gigs at the moment. This may because there was a drop in one of your quality metrics.

    Here's what the Help Center says about Promoted Gigs:



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  9. Hi @isratmunna, it might be a good time to update your gigs. I noticed that not all of your gigs had videos, and you can also use your graphic design skills to update your gig images to give them a fresh, new look.

    Here are some other things you can do:


    You might also want to explore other ways to get orders besides Buyer Requests:


    Here are some other tips you can try to get more orders:



    • Like 6
  10. Hi @evanego! That's awesome that your Fiverr earnings helped get you a housing loan! I also enjoyed reading about your 8-year Fiverr journey. 

    My journey is much shorter, but so far, I really enjoy freelancing on Fiverr. I love meeting and working with clients from all over the world! 😊

    I posted my first gig in Nov 2021, and have been freelancing on Fiverr full-time since February. I didn't get a housing loan like you did, but I'm happy that I can work from home and make much more than my previous day job. My goal is to keep growing my business!

    • Like 8
  11. 1 hour ago, kirhood_jr said:

    one question.: what about promoting gig, when business is slowing down?

    Hi @kirhood_jr - When business is slow, like it is for you now, you should try to get orders in any way that you can. That means putting in offers to Buyer Request and Buyer Briefs. If you are on Seller Plus you can also give coupons to to your buyers to encourage orders. If you have Promoted Gigs, that's also a great option. I get good returns from advertising my gigs through Promoted Gigs.

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  12. 22 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    Mmmm, though I don’t think that that particular comment will be of any help for the OP’s question 🙈 

    But the quick, very simplified answer: yes, it’s all guesstimating your number for supply and demand based on the numbers that you can find online. 
    That’s how other business do it and not only for services but also for products.

    Sorry! Your content is a bit tricky to quote so I included the whole shebang... along with the slightly irrelevant thread that your comments were made in. I should probably use the quote function for your content. This is what I was quoting (as an intro to @jonbaas, @yannisenglish, & @katakatica's content):

    23 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    There is no such thing as marketing your gigs ...As a freelancer you are a one man show and you have to be good not only at your services but also learn marketing, learn how to sell, learn how to understand and attract your audience, be a customer support for your clients, e an accountant for yourself and much more. If you fail even at one of those times hen unfortunately you most likely wouldn’t make it. 
    Knowing how to sell your skill is THE most important skill.

    (taken from the thread "Can fiver show some love to new sellers?" posted on Fiverr Forum by prosjs) [italics, underlining, & boldface text added for emphasis]

    I like this quote because one of the reason why I joined Fiverr was because I believed I was terrible at marketing, or as @yannisenglish calls it, "pitching." I quickly learned that my definition of marketing was completely wrong and the definition that you have of marketing - learning how to sell, understand and attract buyers, and keeping your clients happy is exactly what I was doing to get more orders.

    On 7/21/2022 at 12:28 AM, danjsmith said:

    because nobody is searching for this in the first place

    22 hours ago, yannisenglish said:

    One other way to check whether your skill is demand is to use the search function. Type keywords related to your service and see what other terms the auto-fill brings up.

    22 hours ago, mike84931 said:

    you can also look at things like the most popular searches on Fiverr by using their search suggestions

    Great point, everyone! Using search is a great way to know if your niche is thriving, what's trending, and how your gig stacks up to the competition.

    • Like 7
  13. Thanks for the recommended apps & websites, @smashradio!

    I use #1 Fiverr.com and #2 Google Workspace (included Google Keep for notes) the most ....I'll have to look at the others you have listed!

    To add to your list (in no particular order):

    #10 - Audible.com (to listen to audio books on business and personal development)

    #11 - Amazon Kindle (to read ebooks on business and personal development)

    #12 - CreativeLive (currently taking free courses on graphic design and Adobe apps)

    #13 - Canva Pro (to make ebooks, presentations, slideshow videos, and other e-Learning content)

    #14 - MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) (for my projects and orders)

    #15 - Snipping Tool (to screenshot everything I do for recordkeeping and better communication with clients)

    #16 - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ (to keep track of all my time zones on the computer...I use my clock app if I'm on the phone)

    #17 - YouTube (for fun diversions during the work day and for education... I like the TedTalks)

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  14. 8 hours ago, hbfs_studio said:

    As a Fiverr seller, you should always encourage people to review your work critically because this not only will make you improve but also will improve the Fiverr community userbase, a happy client is more likely to be a returning customer or promote the platform to other people

    Actually, as a Fiverr seller, you shouldn't ask your buyers for reviews at all. Fiver already asks buyers multiple times to leave a review and asking for reviews from your buyers could get you a warning (even if you ask for a "honest" review). Buyers also don't have to leave reviews if they don't want to.

    I used to ask for "honest" reviews from my buyers, but stopped after I learned from various forum members that we shouldn't even ask for those types of reviews. You can look at posts from @mariashtelle1 and @vickiespencer to read more about this. They both mentioned this multiple times.

    @vickiespencer shared feedback from Fiverr CS stating that sellers shouldn't ask for any reviews. I'm hoping that she can share that post with us again! (Please, Vickie!🙏... I ran into that post before I knew how to bookmark things on the forum and can't find it again. I promise I'll bookmark it this time!) 

    If we want to improve as sellers, we don't need feedback in the form of "reviews." Private reviews are never seen by sellers, public reviews usually aren't very helpful, and if you were to ask for further clarification on why a buyer left certain comments, you could get a warning (@donnovan86 could tell you more about this). Instead, each interaction with our customers gives us "clues" on how we can improve our services and keep our customers happy.

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  15. 10 hours ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

    This has been requested so many times by so many people. It is so strange that this isn’t possible, even through support.

    I have an order that has been sitting there for almost a year and the client is not responding. I have already delivered 25% of the work (one hour out of four training sessions). This order is so old it predates milestones so that wouldn’t have been possible as a solution.

    My options are cancel the whole order and lose the money for the work I’ve already done or wait for the client to get back in touch (they haven’t been on the platform for almost a year, despite me and support trying to contact them). For all I know, they’ll never get back in touch.

    If I could just refund them 75% of the order I (and Fiverr) could get paid for my work and we could all just move on with our lives.

    Fiverr, please add this.

    @charlsmcfarlane, I had an order that was sitting for several weeks with no contact from the buyer. I had also predelivered part of the order like you did. Fiverr Customer Service canceled the order for me so it wouldn't hurt my seller stats. After three weeks, Fiverr also paid me for the work that I did do (see last post in this thread). I've always found Customer Support very helpful when I run into issues with my buyers. I also learned my lesson to never predeliver an order.


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  16. Hi @braintool, Take a look at all of the free courses that are available on CreativeLive 24/7!

    I saw you offer a variety of services through your gigs, so if you take a look at the CreativeLive site, I'm sure you'll find some courses that will interest you.

    You can learn how to create ebooks and interactive PDFs, photography tips, business ideas, and how to design presentations, use all of Adobe's apps, and more.


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  17. 14 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    I just got my 3rd prompt to leave private feedback today. It looks like this. ⬇️ As you can see it is a bit different.


    Thanks @vickiespencer! This is exactly how my 3rd buyer review looks like, too! ...Looks like my memory is really bad, even though I do fill these out quite often! I could only remember that the 3rd review had radio buttons like the first one did. 😅

    I also don't like the tip reminders. It confuses and causes undue stress for buyers from countries where tipping isn't part of the culture. The way Fiverr "reminds" buyers to tip makes it seem like tipping is mandatory.

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  18. @smashradio & @miiila - It looks like the briefs "adjust" to your preferences based on how you respond to them. They seem to be a lot more relevant now than when I first started.

    However, since both of you are successful TRSs, I don't think these briefs will be helpful for you. I see the Buyer Briefs as more helpful to newbie sellers (who have extra time) or sellers who need an extra order or two to keep the orders coming in.

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  19. 1 hour ago, vickiespencer said:

    I like fall. I am not a fan of 30C and above. Give me colorful fall days of 22C any time.


    I love fall too, @vickiespencer! Just looking at your picture of the colorful leaves makes me happy. I think there's a bit of magic in the fall with swirling leaves, strange winds, and colder days. I love layering up, drinking hot chocolate, and eating pumpkin pie and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

    Growing up, fall was my month (so I'm also a little biased). 😊 I was born in fall and my three sisters were born in winter, spring, and summer!

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  20. On 7/18/2022 at 1:05 AM, isratmunna said:

    Is the Get Brief useful on Fiverr? Because I never got any order from 'Get Brief'

    On 7/18/2022 at 5:01 AM, smashradio said:

    No. Briefs are useless. They rarely match your skills or gigs and the buyer sposting them have no clue how to use Fiverr. A big waste of time. 

    I actually love the Buyer Briefs just because I don't have to do anything to get these leads. I set my limit to $150 and Fiverr notifies me every time there is a match. About 70% of the time the brief is irrelevant, but I do get several that are very relevant to what I do and I only send out offers to those and only if I have time in my schedule. I want to make at least $150 from each Buyer Brief order and I only look for "easy" jobs that I can do in a day or less. If I do decide to make an offer, I usually have a good chance of getting an order. I think you have to be good at writing offers to get these briefs.

    You can read more about forum members' experiences with Buyer Briefs here:


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