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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 22 hours ago, newsmike said:

    It seems literally every day I encourage a seller who is terrified to stand up

    Thanks @newsmike! I'm one of the many people who you've told to stand up professionally for my business.

    I tend to imagine the worst-case scenarios, and I find out that it's always worse in my mind than in real life. In real life, buyers almost always respect me when I give them reason to.

    So if I've raised my prices, I don't need to apologize. If they want to rush the order or change the order requirements, I don't need to feel bad about charging them an extra fee. If they exceed my revision limit, I'm more than happy to add on a revision as a gig extra. And if they yell at me, I can just respond with my @newsmike QR's so that they know I'm not someone to mess around with. 😊

    Since I've started standing up for myself, my ASP has increased, my order cancelations have decreased, and my communication with my buyers has improved. There's no reason to fear when I'm delivering quality work and I clearly communicate expectations to my buyers. It also helps to have a Success Manager fighting for me when things go wrong due to buyer error. My Success Manager has gotten me my money back in those cases.


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  2. 10 hours ago, prosjs said:

    Actually we work in a team. I'm specifically only good at Photoshop editing. if I ever get any order related to proofreading or rewriting my team mate is suppose to be the one editing it.

    Hi @prosjs, if you operate as a team, mention that in your profile and gig!  Your buyers won't know unless you tell them. It's very misleading when you say "I am an expert" and "I am a published author" in your proofreading gig when you are not.

    It also doesn't give you credibility when all of your gigs have spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in them. 

    Is there a reason why your friend wants to operate under you, rather than creating his own account and gig? It will be hard for you to get any orders to pass off to your friend.

    10 hours ago, prosjs said:

    However, He edited one of my Gig description right now (attached word doc's). Can you please check it out for errors

    Since you offer proofreading services, I can't proofread or check this Word document for errors. I will say that the sentences are awkward and not what I would expect from someone offering proofreading and rewriting services.

    As I mentioned above, focus on what you are good at (Photoshop editing). Put together a good portfolio and add gig videos to all of your gigs. The articles that I provided also have helpful tips well.

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  3. 5 hours ago, prosjs said:

    I have been on Fiverr since may 2022 however I do feel my Gigs are not getting enough impressions and clicks and no orders.

    HI @prosjs

    You're still new to Fiverr! Some sellers go for months before they get their first sale. It does take time to build a business, especially when you are just starting out.

    5 hours ago, prosjs said:

    this Gig is performing a bit better than my other Gigs lately.

    Since you still haven't gotten your first order yet, this gig isn't performing better than your other gigs. Your gig performs when you are getting orders. Impressions and clicks don't mean anything unless they convert to orders.

    5 hours ago, prosjs said:

    can you help me with one of My Gig to improve pricing description or Tags. Is my Gig image catchy or do I have to make changes.

    Background removal and photo retouching are highly competitive categories to work in. I would say your gig images are pretty standard to what I see in search.

    Consider adding gig videos to all of your gigs. Fiverr states that gig videos increase user engagement by 40% (and I've seen this in my gigs). I also noticed very few of your competitors using gig videos, so that would help you differentiate yourself from your competitors.

    Your gig descriptions also list what you do, but doesn't convince buyers to use your services. Since you are a writer, you can write compelling gig descriptions that can help you stand out from the pack.

    In all of your gig descriptions, you have punctuation, word choice, capitalization, and syntax errors. You also have more errors than you have sentences in your proofreading gig. Consider only offering services that you are good at.

    Since you are new to Fiverr and the forum, here are some articles that you can read:






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  4. Thank you @smashradio! I always look forward to reading your posts and this one does not disappoint!

    You seem to intuitively know what issues I'm facing in my business and dealing with difficult buyers is one of those issues. I love how you named these buyers after the monsters in "Stranger Things." I will never look at these buyers the same. 🤣

    51 minutes ago, smashradio said:


    This buyer has no concept of boundaries, be it personal or professional. They expect you to respond to messages at 3 a.m., even on weekends. When you respond, they demand to know why you haven't replied to their last 16 inbox messages. They are like psychic vampires, sucking the very life out of your day.

    Luckily, I can usually spot most Demandogorgons before we enter into any orders together. They are demanding right from the start and the warning signs are very clear. I try to block these buyers as quickly as possible. If they waste 3 hours of my time when we don't have orders, I'd hate to see how much of my time (and energy) they'll suck out of me if we do have an order together. You're right - they are vampires!

    51 minutes ago, smashradio said:


    ...Five revision rounds later, you realize that the buyer will never stop doing this. There's no end in sight. 

    I used to have a lot of Scopoflayers, but I found out I was breeding these types of buyers by offering "unlimited revisions, until satisfied." This was also the reason for many of my order cancelations. Since I've limited my revisions to 3, I've made my expectations very clear on how many revisions they will get and what entails a revision. If I'm clear on the scope of the order, they usually don't try to ask for more.

    51 minutes ago, smashradio said:


    ...Many buyers on Fiverr expect a low price. ... Depending on the situation, I use a couple of techniques on this type of buyer. 

    1. I take the time to educate the buyer on the value I'll be delivering, or
    2. I tell them my rate and then make an "exception" to this – but only this time. 

    ...Another type are the ones who have no idea what it takes to complete what they're asking of you. ...

    The last type of Negotodog just wants you to undervalue yourself and your work because they can't afford you.

    Ahh... good point!!!😅 I tend to make too many exceptions (so it's not an exception). My Negotodog buyers are usually a combination of all three characteristics that you mentioned - they expect a low price, they can't afford me, and they have no idea what it takes to complete the project. It often takes a lot of time to educate these buyers, so I often discount (at my own expense)! Thanks for bringing up this point!  I'll work on educating these buyers because I don't want to cancel any more orders due to me taking on more work than what I'm getting paid for.

    51 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    Toxic Spider monster

    If your buyer has a bad day and takes it out on you, there's no excuse. If the buyer is generally disrespectful, there's no excuse. If they call you names or don't respect your boundaries, there's no excuse. 

    ...You need to run. Now. Don't accept this type of behavior from anyone.

    The worst thing about the Toxic Spider monsters is that their toxic behaviors usually don't come out until after the order is placed. Normally they are in a good mood when placing the order. Then, once the order starts, that's when things get difficult. Sometimes they're tired at the end of a long day of work, and other times they are ornery because of bad health or they had a terrible day. Either way, when they take it out on me, it's very confusing for me. I don't do well when someone is yelling at me, is extremely negative, or accusatory. I find the best thing to do is just step away from the conversation and then I come back when emotions have settled down.

    I really have a hard time blocking someone that I have a working relationship with. It's easy to block spam or someone from my inbox. It's harder if I have several orders with that buyer or current order with them. I still have not blocked that one buyer you told me to block several weeks ago! I feel like I have to "work things out" rather than take the easy route and block them. I also feel rude for blocking these buyers. 😟

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  5. You would think by now, I would know the answers to these simple questions, but I don't. So I'm going to post these silly questions here! Thanks for bearing with me!😉

    (This is also my first time using this "Ask New Question" button, so I'm sure my last question will be answered simply by making this posting.)


    1. What is the difference between Fiverr FAQs and Fiverr Questions?

    2. Is there an easier way to "Ask a question" on the forum? 

    (note: you can "Start a new topic" and "Ask a question" ... I have only been starting topics up until now) 

    I found this button at the top of a post with a question in it and it looks like that's how I can answer a question, so I'm going to try this out for the first time. However, does anyone know of an easier way to ask a question without checking multiple threads to find this button?


    3. Are posting questions the only way to enable the upvoting/downvoting functions and marking a Community Answer in a thread? 

    None of my posts have had these functions, so I'm guessing this is a 'yes.' 

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  6. @dev_soaib,

    I took a look at your profile and gigs and have the following suggestions:

    1. In your bio - you switched back and forth between the "I" and "we" pronouns. Stick to one pronoun so that your writing is consistent.

    2. Also in your bio - "If you have any queries please feel free to ping me." Consider using "message" instead of "ping." You also use "ping" in your gig descriptions.

    3. Gig Videos - None of your gigs have a gig video. According to Fiverr, gig videos increase user engagement by 40%. I've found that to be true.

    4. Gig Descriptions - They are too generic. Try to make them more unique so that you can stand out from the crowd. 

    I also noticed that you haven't gotten your first order yet. Here are some good articles to read:





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  7. On 7/8/2022 at 3:03 PM, emdiabdinur said:

    So, how do I politely draw boundary that any & all communication should be moved towards my Fiverr gig page and not my personal social media? And that it is not a collaboration, but work that I would be performing.

    Hi @emdiabdinur,

    If your friends ask about your Fiverr business, give them your Fiverr profile link and ask for them to message you on Fiverr. Let them know that it is Fiverr's policy to keep all Fiverr-related conversations within the Fiverr platform and app.

    Once your friends contact you in Fiverr, only respond to them in Fiverr. For example, if your friend mentions Fiverr on Messenger, respond to to your friend in the Fiverr app, not in Messenger. Start your message with a reminder to keep all Fiverr communications within the Fiverr platform before answering their questions. You can set up a Quick Response to handle this. This will train your friends to only communicate with you on Fiverr.

    To clarify your services, explain your gig and services in detail so that your friends understand what services you are offering and what you are not.

    For example, you offer book illustrations. You can explain your different packages and how each package includes commercial rights to your illustrations. At that point you can explain how you don't need to be listed as the illustrator for their children's book.

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  8. 23 hours ago, marketer_azlan said:

    Hi. I am also a beginner and I wanted to know something about Fiverr gigs. First I saw subscription offer on some gigs. I wanted to know how it works.

    Here's what the Help Center says on subscriptions:


    You know you have this option if your gigs look like this on the Gig page (note: before you turn it on, the check will be a plus sign (+)). My first gig doesn't have the subscription option, but 6 of my gigs do.


    23 hours ago, marketer_azlan said:

    Secondly, Some gig images have "ordered on Fiverr" written. How can I get that.

    I'm not sure where you're seeing this. Is this the Live Gallery? Pleas send me a screenshot or link so I can see where you are seeing this.

    23 hours ago, marketer_azlan said:

    Thirdly, I have some past clients how can I add them to my portfolio.

    Here's what the Help Center says about Top Clients:


    If you have this option, it'll look like this on your profile. 


  9. HI @frank_d, you might want to pin your post.

    Members are already posting on the forum about this. This one was posted 8 hours ago by a new seller (there were at least a few other posts already asking why they can't see buyer requests):

    It appears that Fiverr is rolling this program out a little at a time, since it is already affecting some sellers. However, it hasn't affected me yet. I still have access to the old Buyer Request on the mobile app and desktop (both as a buyer and seller). I'm also on Seller Plus, so it'll be interesting to see if Fiverr does offer certified requests to those on Seller Plus.

    I sure hope the new Buyer Request gets rid of all the spammy requests! I am staring at 583 requests right now, most of them are spam or sellers inappropriately advertising their gigs there.

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  10. "If at first you don't succeed, try to hide your astonishment." - Harry F. Banks

    "If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you're dead and rotten, either write the things worth reading, or do the things worth writing." - Benjamin Franklin

    "I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car." - Will Rogers

    "Do a common thing in an uncommon way." - Booker T. Washington

    "Some of us are like wheelbarrows - only useful when pushed, and very easily upset." - Jack Herbert

    "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton

    "When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not!" - Mark Twain

    "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps because it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." - Henry David Thoreau

    "A kick in the rear is a step forward." - Anonymous

    "When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out." - David L. Weatherford

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  11. Hi @gajjavellynagar, this is a glitch that happens often for me. I went to Customer Support the first time it happened, but they told me to contact Paypal. Paypal then told me it was a Fiverr issue. After a week of back and forth, I set up the bank transfer method (through Payoneer) and got my funds immediately.

    So now,  I have both the "Paypal Account" and "Bank Transfer" options set up. Sometimes the "Bank Transfer" option doesn't work. Other times the "Paypal Account" option doesn't work. However, I haven't found a time when both didn't work. This is a quicker solution for me than reaching out to Customer Support. If one doesn't work, I can quickly select the other option to get paid.

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  12. If it's for a new client, just respond to the question that the buyer is asking. You don't need to apologize for responding late. People have lives to live and it's normal if you don't respond right away.

    If it's an existing customer, I would reply to the question and apologize for the late response (if I missed their message somehow).

    In either case, it's always best to respond because Fiverr keeps track of your response rate. If you don't respond at all, that will affect your metrics.

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  13. On 7/7/2022 at 8:10 AM, marketingjasmin said:

    It was so helpful, based on my condition now. 
    But can you help me to check my gig profile for correction or update 


    I took a look at your gig and would like to make the following suggestions:

    1. Gig Images - There are too many words on your gig images, consider limiting them to 2-5 key words that describe your services.

    2. Written Text - You list English as Fluent, but your profile and gig descriptions don't sound natural at all. For example, in your bio: "I'm passionate to help you with any issue come across on your website & quickly finding a suitable solution. ... Jasmine is always active for you." and at the bottom of your first gig: "What Jasmine does is give quality service?" Please proofread all of your text (on all your gigs and bio) so that the English is clear, concise, and flows naturally. Also, consider changing your fluency level to "Conversational."

    You can also implement the 7 steps that I've included in my post. Here are some more helpful articles:





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  14. @rudra_dey, all 7 of your gigs are in the Graphics & Design category, so that is why you are only seeing one category in your Buyer's Requests.

    @abdulfiverr485, 4 of your 5 gigs are in the Graphics & Design category, and 1 is in the Video & Animation category. So technically, you should be able to see Buyer's Requests from 2 categories. However, since you are a new seller, you may be limited in how many Buyer's Requests you can see. Fiverr only shows a certain number of Buyer's Requests per level. You won't see as many as a new seller starting out.

    • Like 4
  15. 16 minutes ago, mayaest said:

    Thanks @vickieito!


    I've begun to implement some of what I learned from your resources. I appreciate you!


    That's wonderful! I love the changes you made to your gigs! I also saw that you already received your first 5-star review, so congratulations! Many sellers don't get orders that quickly.

    Here are a couple of other posts that might be helpful for you:



    I'm also following you so if you post a question, I'll take a look at it. 😊

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  16. HI @titansign, registering to Seller Plus has nothing to do with your gig ranking or your ability to qualify for Promoted Gigs.

    Those metrics are related to your performance and could be a number of factors, from hidden reviews to the metrics you see tracked on your dashboard.

    It looks like you are still staying busy - you delivered your last order 2 hours ago, you have at least 7 orders in queue, and you are delivering orders pretty much every day. So if your metrics look okay to you, just focus on keeping your current customers happy until more orders and new customers start coming through.

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  17. 2 hours ago, naeem6322 said:

    What to do in such a situation when you can't send buyers request when your rating is low?

    I visited your profile and saw your 1-star review. The worst part of it is you never responded to that review. You should always respond to reviews so that you can explain how you addressed that buyer's concern.

    Since you didn't respond, buyers visiting your site will only see that negative review: "Rip off!!! Only did 10% of the work !!! I demand a refund !!! Awful experience!!!!"

    No one will know your side of the story. You could try to address your buyer concerns in your bio, but it will still be difficult for you to convince buyers to trust you and use your services.

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  18. Hi @hussainjammu

    1. For the first order (f you haven't already), communicate to your buyer that your gig is for simple formulas, not complex formulas (as stated in your gig). Have the buyer select "ordered by mistake" to cancel the order. It shouldn't affect your order completion rate if the buyer cancels this way. Hopefully you've already communicated this to the buyer:


    2. For the second order, you can do the same. Let the buyer know what she ordered and explain how you've delivered according to the order requirements. Tell her you would be more than willing to accommodate her other requests, but that comes with an extra charge (you can add those charges to the order as a gig extras). Most of my buyers either accept the gig extra or decide they are happy with the delivery. Communication is key to keeping these buyers happy.

    3. If you feel it's time to increase your prices, give it a try. You may see less buyer inquiries, but it may be worth it if you get paid more per order and attract better customers.

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