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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @ateeq_666, Welcome to the forum!

    There must be some impressions and clicks since you did have an order several weeks ago and you have 3 orders in queue.

    If you saw a sudden drop in impressions in clicks, that's usually due to a negative private review from a buyer. This is different from a public review that's posted on your profile. Just so you know, each buyer will get 3 reviews for each order, and it's the private reviews (the ones you don't see) that has the greatest impact on how your gig performs in search.


    There's no such thing as gig ranking - Fiverr operates as a match making service. So the results you see in search will be different from what a buyer sees in search. Your gig will show up based on how relevant you are:

    If you have low impressions, it means that your gig is less relevant based on your performance, ratings (both private and public reviews), and services listed in the gigs.

    If you have low clicks, that means your gig is not appealing to the buyers who do see your gig in search.

    If you have low orders, that means buyers are not convinced in ordering from your when they do click on your gig.

    You can read more about this here:


    The forum is a great way to learn about how to grow your business. This article is a great place to get started:


    I wish you best of luck!

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    10 minutes ago, gayanchamira said:

    Hi i like to add option ,who are the well famous company, clients that i have offered my service and i observed some sellers did this and show it on above the profile.

    Hi @gayanchamira, Top Clients is available only to select sellers and you will receive an invite if you are eligible to join.

    You can read more about this from the Help Center:


    If eligible to join, you'll see this below your profile picture:


    To add a client, you'll have to follow the instructions listed in the link that I provided you. You do need approval from your clients to add them (which is why I haven't added any clients yet).

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  3. 1 minute ago, vickiespencer said:

    How quickly? I have been still waiting since yesterday morning. They used to get shut down within hours.

    Hi @vickiespencer - the first gig was shut down within minutes and a second one was paused. By the next day, 4 of the 5 gigs I reported were gone. I went ahead and reported the last one again and will see if it gets taken down as well tomorrow.

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  4. @sarahhagwood - there is only one of you and you really need to take care of yourself!

    I was in your shoes earlier this year, trying to be that super mom struggling to keep up with all the competing obligations that seemed to be drowning me. I ended up doing 48-hr days, sleeping only a few hours between, and kept telling myself, "I can do this!"...until I couldn't.

    This is one of the reasons why I came to the forum - I told myself there just had to be a better way!

    6 hours ago, sarahhagwood said:

    I just stayed up ALL night doing $50 in work.... Nope. Not worth it. 

    It's not worth it to do that to your body @sarahhagwood! Your family (and baby) needs you!

    For me, I had to learn how to set clear boundaries for sleep, work, family, and other competing activities. I also had to learn how to say "no" to a lot of things - not just in business, but in my personal life.

    6 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    It's a good idea to make some changes to your price structure, that will push some cheaper buyers away, but it will give you more time with your kids and you can also rest and earn more money. Yes, I agree these are challenging times...

    I agree with @donnovan86 - I increased my average selling price from $15 to $100 (for resume writing) and doubled my delivery times. Life has been so much better! I get less orders, but make more. Higher prices has also brought in better buyers.

    I used to think my buyers wanted quick deliveries and discounted prices, but since I raised my prices and extended my delivery dates, I'm surprised that many buyers are okay with -day delivery. It really doesn't take long to write a cover letter, resume, or update LinkedIn, so my buyers are always happy when I deliver way earlier than 14 days. Having the longer deliveries also allows me to plan my orders better and I can schedule in time blocks that fit my family's needs.

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  5. 22 hours ago, seven_sign said:

    Hi @vickieito How are you doing?

    Thanks @seven_sign, I'm doing great! I hope you are, too1

    I like this topic because I know Fiverr has an initiative to increase repeat buyers and subscriptions are a great way to do that. 

    So even though I don't really use this feature, I have turned on subscriptions on all my gigs. And lo, and behold, today I got my first ordered-right-from-the-gig-page subscription order with a 3-month subscription. We'll see how it goes!

    22 hours ago, seven_sign said:

    And, According to your screenshot, I can see that subscription unavailable gig subcategory Research & Summaries.

    I did some research with other sellers from the same subcategories and I couldn't see anyone using subscription. So I believe that subscription feature not available for this category.

    Research and Summaries is actually the only gig that I have where I'm getting the most repeat orders (and with the highest ASP), so I would highly recommend that this category get added to the list of categories available for subscriptions.

    21 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

    However, I perform Sensitivity/Beta/ARC Readings and I'm not sure how the subscription option would work with those gig choices? Normally, someone will get a reading done and then the gig is over.

    I also have a beta reading gig and subscriptions aren't really helpful for this gig. Although I do get repeat orders from my beta reading gig, it is usually because the seller: A) got a really bad beta reading score from me and is coming back with a revised draft for review, B) the work is in process, so parts of the manuscript are sent as the seller finishes writing it, or C) the seller has multiple books that they want me to review. In all of these cases, the writers usually don't know how quickly they can get me the materials (and we currently can't change the dates of the subscriptions), so it only make sense for straight orders.

    I also don't know how helpful subscriptions are for my resume writing gig. It makes me sad if I get a repeat buyer here because it usually means that they are not getting hired.

    Another thought on repeat buyers - most of my repeat buyers aren't buying the same gig. They see other services I offer and they buy those services (one buyer usually uses 3-5 of my services). I don't think Fiverr is tracking that type of repeat buyer yet.


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  6. On 8/13/2022 at 10:49 PM, filipdevaere said:


    14 days is long......

    It might seem long if you are waiting for the buyer to complete the private review, but as a seller it doesn't make sense to wait for that private review. Just leave your public review of the buyer (or choose not to).

    14 hours ago, cre8iveartwork said:

    so whatever the buyer does the seller might always want to give the buyer 5 stars 🙂

    Anyway the private review might be more connected to the placement of your gigs in the search engine in my opinion .. too many negative reviews might make your gig fall from the top searches in your category , it's not really a reason to ban someone , this isn't a ' low quality delivery thing ' .  

    Low quality deliveries might be more related to sellers having inconsistencies between what is showcased in the gig vs. what is actually delivered

    I agree - a negative private review does affect your gig's visibility in search.

    However I do think that too many negative reviews is a reflection of poor quality. All of my negative private reviews are related to low-quality deliveries. 

    Although negative private reviews are not really reasons to ban someone, if they are a TRS, Pro, or Business seller, too many negative private reviews may cause them to lose their status.

    13 hours ago, moikchap said:

    Maybe Fiverr could add a Private Review for sellers to apply to buyers, and then Fiverr makes those reviews available via Seller Plus? That gives a sort of financial incentive for Fiverr to implement the system.

    2 hours ago, smashradio said:

    I don't think Fiverr would want to share the results from private reviews done by sellers. However, I absolutely agree with you that sellers should be able to review buyers anonymously. If a buyer gets a very low seller satisfaction rate, it could show up as a warning along with the added info we get in seller plus about our buyers. That would be very useful in the vetting process. Certain other platforms do allow freelancers to review clients privately. It's only fair. 

    I'm not sure if this would be enough financial incentive for Fiverr - they want more buyers because that's how they make money. I think if this were made available, there would be a lot less buyers on the platform. Maybe that's why they aren't worried about buyers viewing sellers' public reviews of them before leaving the private reviews (because this encourages sellers to leave positive reviews of buyers).









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  7. Hi @seven_sign, I never had the subscription plan on one of my gigs, even though it is one of my better-performing gigs. The Help Center still says:


    Subscriptions are only available to eligible sellers in certain categories. 


    On 8/11/2022 at 4:03 AM, seven_sign said:

    Starting from today - Now all sellers will be able to use the subscription feature for their satisfied returning buyers.

    My questions are:

    1. Will subscriptions be available to all sellers (regardless of performance) and in all categories?

    2. Will this be rolled out/made available incrementally (i.e., for only a select group of sellers first)? I know you mentioned "today," but @melanielm and I don't seem to have this feature on all our gigs...




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  8. @daviddoyle621, did you try to email Customer Support directly at support@fiverr.com? And do you have an open support ticket?

    In order to contact someone at Fiverr, you have to create a support ticket. The only way to do that is by email or by the harder method that I described in the post below.

    Email might be the easiest way for you to get a hold of them. With the link method, you still have to click on several subjects before you get to the actual support ticket to submit (see explanation below):



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  9. 18 hours ago, all_asmoule said:

    1: Limited Forum Reply .. Hope That all people know the forum had limited replies on any topic.. i will 5-7 reply then Fiverr block my reply.. It is bad,, because per day just 5-7 reply , then i not share and not help any man.. because i not give 7+ reply

    If it makes you feel any better @all_asmoule, I'm the same as you. I can only make 5 posts a day. However, I agree with @smashradio - I don't see this as a bad thing.

    Being post-limited is a learning opportunity to see how people interact on the forum and to learn how to make your business better. @mariashtelle1 also mentioned that you have biases and wrong assumptions. I had that too when I first joined the forum. Reading, studying, and reacting to content is a great way to get rid of those biases and assumptions.

    I also report duplicate posts, posts that are in the wrong category, and ask to lock posts with very long threads of "thanks" and "congrats" to prevent more spammy responses. So there's a lot that you can do when you aren't able to make a post. This helps to clean up the "gig marketing" and other spam that's on the forum.

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  10. On 8/5/2022 at 10:19 AM, filipdevaere said:


    And how long does it take until the buyer cannot give anymore the private feedback?

    @filipdevaere, I have to change my answer that I gave to you...it looks like buyers have 14 days to leave private feedback, so no matter when you post your public review of the buyer, the buyer will always have a chance to see it before making their private review:



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  11. 15 hours ago, daviddoyle621 said:

    Just one last note:

    It has been over two weeks since I asked for a refund.

    In that time I have never recieved a notice regarding even a recognition that a refund exists. One day my account said $1266 in credits, and then I asked for a refund and my account has for two weeks simply said $0 regarding that money.

    Also, on the cancelled order is says "Resolved". To date I have received nothing stating that my refund is taking place, nothing telling me anything. Funds were there one day and then gone for the next few weeks. Not one response from anyone - not even an automated response. 

    How is it possible that anyone would do business with this level of intolerable silence?  

    And so far - the only response here is from sellers - do actual humans even exist here that represent the company?

    I am getting badges for participating - is that all it takes?

    I'm sorry you had a negative first experience. Ouch. That was a lot of money. I normally do small "tests" to make sure the sellers I buy from are competent (I learned my lesson, too). Now I buy from leveled sellers with many good reviews. 

    If you canceled through the Resolution Center, Customer Support was probably not contact at all. You were dealing with an automatic system. So no one will respond. To contact a live person via the Zendesk that @moikchap was talking about, you'll need to submit a ticket here:


    or email Customer Support here:


    Please allow Customer Support up to 12 hours to respond to your ticket. (yes, it is long, and it took me 3 months to find Customer Service...so I feel your pain there). However, once I found out how to contact them, they have helped me with all my issues. Hopefully they are helpful to you too!

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  12. 5 hours ago, ashleymahan217 said:

    Does anyone know how to change the 'online status' on the website?

    @ashleymahan217, the OP hasn't been active since March, so I don't know if the OP will see our answers. However, to answer your question, click on your profile picture and "settings" in the drop down menu:


    This won't stop people from contacting you, though. Buyers still can message you in the inbox. If you want to prevent messages, you would have to use the Out-Of-Office option (which doesn't make sense for sleeping).

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  13. 4 hours ago, ashleymahan217 said:

    I have to agree to disagree with you, @vickieito@donnovan86 has the best answer. Don't let them get away with it! Equal review rights for all!

    I totally agree with you both on this! I need to develop thicker skin ..this is the only way that Fiverr can start taking action.

    I tried out the "report" flag for the first time yesterday (for several folks who were copying my gig description word for word), and was surprised to see how quickly those gigs got shut down. This might be my next favorite button to use besides the spam button. So, consider me in whenever you and @donnovan86 wants to bring justice to all those liars and copy cats!

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  14. @smandared, with your SEO services, you are not only promising more clicks and views, but more reservations/sales and higher income.

    How can you promise that? 

    I suggest you relook and rewrite your gig so that you are advertising exactly what you can deliver. You can also use your own marketing skills to get your first order.

  15. On 8/10/2022 at 6:24 AM, smashradio said:

    Good lord. You're a veteran on the forum and still limited to five posts?

    I think it has to do with tenure on the forum. I probably need at least 3 more months before I get more posting privileges.

    Just so people know my limits (and I'm not ignoring them): I can post 5 times a day (this includes private messages), make 1 status update, and post 1 status reply per day.

    On 8/10/2022 at 6:24 AM, smashradio said:

     Man that Newsmike voice makes me want to buy a bolt action rifle and go hunting with a bottle of whiskey and some raw chewing tobacco. 

    I listened to both of your voiceovers and was blown away ... I love your voices! ...I'm bringing in @williambryan392 because we were having a discussion on how helpful/not helpful gig videos are: @williambryan392 - Have you seen @smashradio's and @newsmike's gig videos?! (much more powerful and higher converting than the mediocre gig videos we were talking about!)

    On 8/10/2022 at 7:03 AM, smashradio said:

    Actually, I found out that you can use the Business marketplace for free. That way, all the sellers you see will have gone through the vetting process. Just visit https://business.fiverr.com/business/marketplace and you'll get a very similar experience to the regular marketplace, but with Business only sellers. You don't even need a Fiverr Business account to access it. 

    18 hours ago, theratypist said:

    I was able to do this without a Fiverr Business buyer account. Perhaps the access may change in the future, but right now in terms of catalogue access I see the experience is still open.

    Is it okay to use? My Success Manager told me that if you are a seller, you can't use the Business Marketplace (it's for buyers only). I always thought it was a buyer-only program like Fiverr Select, which Customer Support told me multiple times cannot be used by sellers-who-also-buy (though prompts will try really hard to get you to join the program). Maybe my problem is that I always ask for permission... 🤔

    @gina_riley2 will be very happy to hear that she can try this out for free!

    18 hours ago, theratypist said:

    From my experience, there are buyers who make use of what Smash said below, the "Business Success Managers" I've gotten a couple of orders through this, as in the buyer told me "Hey Fiverr recommended you would be a good person for my project etc." sort of introduction.

    That's so cool! 😎It's nice when Fiverr promotes you. The Fiverr's Choice badge has helped me tremendously.

    18 hours ago, theratypist said:

    To prove this, as @vickieito said she isn't on the Fiverr Business catalogue yet and has been told by her SM she can't apply for it at the moment. (Btw Vickie, I think you deserve to be there! In due time you will be). But if you change some filters like seller location, it will eventually show her gig. 

    Thanks for finding me! ❤️ I'm sure you had to apply many filters to find me! 😂 It reminds me of my early days when I would put in "vickie" and "proofreading" in search to find myself. And even then, only @vickiespencer would pop up!

    Note: I like how the Business Catalog shows the actual number of orders completed (instead of the number of reviews you have).

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  16. Hi @niaz770, I'm sorry I had to mark your message in my inbox as spam. The marketplace isn't where you should to request advice from other sellers to improve your gig. You can do that here. Please keep your comments to the forum.

    I suggest that you thoroughly read Fiverr's ToS, which can be found here: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service

    Regarding your gig, you offer proofreading and editing services to "make students essays better" so they "stand out from the crowd." 

    Although you can proofread student work, your gig suggests you will do more and could get your gig shut down for violating Fiverr's ToS, which states that you can't do academic work for students. You mention:

    • I love improving and editing writing as it makes the writing stand out from other pieces of work.
    • I specialize in school work to make students' essays better.

    If you proofread student work, you should only do so in the form of annotations and comments. Editing and rewriting should only be done by the student. 

    I choose not to deal with student work at all and use the Seller Plus "negative keywords" to block anyone who might want to use my writing services for "essay writing" or "student essays."

    Please also correct the capitalization error in your FAQ.

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  17. Hi Everyone! Sorry, I couldn't respond right away (I'm still limited to 5 posts a day, so I had to wait for 19 hours until I could join in on this discussion). Here's the link with my screenshots of what someone sees when they request a revision:

    On 8/9/2022 at 1:55 AM, gina_riley2 said:

    If the business platform was vetted with tough standards, it'd be well worth the $149 in time management savings. Any of you business seller able to elaborate?

    If it makes you feel any better @gina_riley2, I did ask my Success Manager about applying for the business catalog and she kindly told me it isn't an option for me at the moment. I like the list that @smashradio provided - the metrics and requirements to get approved as a vetted seller on the Fiverr Business Marketplace are pretty straight forward and shows that the vetted sellers are excellent at what they do and have the proof to show it.

    I'm still a newer seller on the platform, so I need time and experience to prove myself. I'm a small ant among giants on this thread!

    23 hours ago, danno1950 said:

    I seem to remember there was mention of some type of AI that would provide suitable seller options for a buyer within the new Business Marketplace. Granted, I haven't heard much about it recently, so that's why I wondered if it had been activated.

    I'm not sure how it is on the Business Marketplace, but Fiverr is really trying hard on the normal marketplace to match buyers to services that are applicable to them. I'm not too confident in their matches. For example, as soon as an order is placed (and before the order requirements are entered in), Fiverr immediately tries to connect you to other services to buy. You can see the fun "matches' I got here:


    This morning, I was happy to see @smashradio and @newsmike on my list of services I should buy! I'm not sure how their services relate to the female, American VOs that I normally buy, but it was nice to see some familiar faces. 😊



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  18. 1 hour ago, mayamatveenko said:

    My gig breaking Fiverr guidelines? In a what way?

    "In what ways?" (plural)

    @mayamatveenko, did you read the link that @lloydsolutions provided you? I suggest you read it very carefully. I would also read Fiverr's ToS very carefully if I were you:


    For starters, you give out your full email and phone number (in a gig image), and ask buyers in your gig description to email you. Also, both gigs have unapproved URLs that allow buyers to contact you and move business off of Fiverr's main platform.

    Please read both links that you have been provided with and make appropriate changes to your gig. You risk getting your account shut down by not following Fiverr ToS.


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  19. @lloydsolutions is a "she" not a "he." Did you read the Help Center link that @lloydsolutions gave you?

    Also, you just asked this same question again in your original post. Asking the same questions in different parts of the forum can be seen as spam. I'll answer your question over there:


    As for videos - I was referring to the 1 video you can upload per gig. The OP (original poster) had 7 gigs, but only 2 had video. So 5 more videos could be made.

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  20. Hi @salmanarif1 & @mayamatveenko I see that you are both new sellers and are trying to get your first order. Welcome to Fiverr and the forum!

    It takes time to get that first order. For some sellers it takes weeks, others take months to get that first sale.

    You can get started by browsing the Help Center and taking the FREE Online Freelancing Essentials course on Fiverr Learn:


    The forum is also a great place to learn from other sellers who are successful on Fiverr. You can read this post by a top-rated and pro seller:


    Here are the different ways to get orders:


    To improve your gigs, you can do the following:


    @salmanarif1 -

    •  In your profile bio - Change "My ultimate goal is to provide beyond your expectations" to "I strive to exceed your expectations." (this sounds more natural). It would also be good to add a call-to-action at the end (such as to contact you for questions or to check out your packages).
    • Gig images - Keep the text simple - use 3-5 words that describe your service.
    • Gig videos - I see you only have 2 videos, but you can put up 5 more for the rest of your gigs. Since you do designs, this would be a great way to highlight your skills and portfolio. Gig videos are a great way to increase buyer engagement.
    • Gig descriptions - these seem a little generic. You are in a highly competitive category and should call out your Unique Selling Points (USPs) to stand out from the crowd.

    @mayamatveenko -

    I wish you both luck in growing your Fiverr business and I look forward to chatting with you on the forum!

    (note: I am limited to only 5 posts a day, so don't worry if I don't respond right away. Just include my name with the "@" symbol in front of it and I'll get to your questions as soon as I can 😊)

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  21. As always, great topic @smashradio! 🤩

    16 hours ago, smashradio said:

    I see many sellers who look like they're using mugshots from the nearest police station.

    I see many who take "glamour" shots (some full body) that are very revealing! (not very business-like)

    16 hours ago, smashradio said:

    Dress like you mean business. 

    Exactly! ...but not that business ⬇️! 😂

    16 hours ago, smashradio said:

    I've seen a couple of profile pictures taken while sitting on the toilet

    My first profile picture was terrible. It was a selfie and I took 200 shots. Out of that, only 1 was okay to post (but still terrible). My husband complained for many months, saying exactly what you are saying right here:

    16 hours ago, smashradio said:

    When I see some of the dreadful pictures sellers upload to their profile, I think to myself: "This individual lacks a connection to reality and doesn't understand the market they're in."

    The headshot was exactly that - all head and no shoulders. That made my face too big and scary. And since it was a selfie, one eye was closer to the camera than the other, so it gave me a "half-crazed" look.

    And yes, my forehead looked like a disco ball. I definitely "lacked a connection to reality." But I worked so hard to get that bad headshot that I didn't want to do another photo shoot. I had also added that photo onto every single gig video, and I was too lazy to update all seven videos.

    16 hours ago, smashradio said:
    • If you can, hire a pro photographer. You wouldn't hire a plumber to do your accounting, right? 

    So ... about that. *ahem* My current photo was taken by my 13-year-old son on his way out the door to school. He only took one picture and applied a black background so that "no one could see my messy hair." So that's the only reason why the background is much darker than I'd like.

    This picture was a big improvement from the last one and I did see an increase in sales after changing it. I even had a buyer who I canceled an order with in the past, place a new order thinking I was a different person. As soon as he found out who I was, he canceled the order. Luckily it was before the order requirements and he did an "ordered by mistake" cancelation. So it didn't affect my seller stats. He was unfortunately, one of the orders I had to cancel in April because I was offering unlimited revisions and I couldn't do more than 8 revisions (I had a spike of 87 orders that month).

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