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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @shuvomallick69,

    Usually a sudden drop in impressions is due to a negative private review (which you'll never see). Fiverr also operates as a matching service and chooses to show your gig to sellers based on relevancy. And this is relevancy based on performance - so if you are not getting as many orders as other sellers, Fiverr will see you as less relevant. Hopefully some of these articles can help pull you out of the slump in sales that you find yourself in:






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  2. Hi @ayomide_tunde, The Fiverr Rising Talent badge is a temporary badge given to only a few new sellers based on a manual review by Fiverr's Editorial staff. Not every new seller will be reviewed by Fiverr's team. Here's what the Help Center states:



    Fiverr’s Editorial Team manually handpicks new Gigs with great potential, and grants them a temporary “Rising Talent” badge, which offers amazing marketplace exposure and credibility.  We recommend taking full advantage of this spotlight by providing buyers with the best possible service! Make sure you deliver high quality, original work, avoid late deliveries and cancellations, be responsive and always keep a professional manner.  

    How do I get a Rising Talent badge? 

    Fiverr’s Editorial Team manually reviews new Gigs and handpicks them based on quality and potential. We have certain criteria according to which we decide the Gigs that will be handpicked.

    Can I apply for a Rising Talent badge?

    We do not accept applications for Rising Talent. However, if you’re a new seller and you’ve created a new Gig, make sure to use every feature at your disposal in order to generate the best Gig possible and receive a Rising Talent badge!

    The best thing you can do is, like the Help Center states, "deliver high quality, original work, avoid late deliveries and cancellations, be responsive and always keep a professional manner" and to "use every feature at your disposal" when creating your gig (such as gig extras and subscriptions).

    I've never gotten the Rising Talent badge, but have gotten the Fiverr's Choice badge multiple times (the criteria is similar). It really gives a good boost in sales!


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  3. Hi @rs_rahaman, Welcome to the forum! 😊

    It can take time to build a business and it's normal to go 5 days without an order or inquiry, especially when you are just starting out and have less than 10 reviews. I looked at your profile and you have many happy customers - so keep delivering good, quality work and find ways to make your customers happy. That will give your gig better exposure in search and will make it easier for buyers to find your services. The forum is also a great place to learn how you can improve your business.

    Here are a few articles that you can read to get started (note: there are a lot of links in the first one):







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  4. Hi @nazrul780,

    The client will have a chance to leave a review after each subscription order. Since you have 6 orders in your subscription, that's 6 times the client will be able to leave a review. This doesn't necessarily mean the client will leave a review after each order. Clients aren't required to leave a review, however, this is optional.

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  5. If you mark them as spam, it won't affect your conversion rate.

    I've tried to help many newbie sellers at first, too, but it never ended well for me. It's better for them to do things the right way, by researching, reading the Help Center, and taking action to improve their business.

    I hope you're able to get your conversion rate back up!

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  6. 5 minutes ago, melliflousvoice said:

    I thought I should help them. Who knows, what they are going through..having said that, I get your point.
    Thanks again 😊

    You can let them know that it isn't allowed for sellers to contact other sellers through their inbox. Most seller will immediately block them as spam. If they get blocked enough, Fiverr may even give them warnings and shut down their account.

    Also, it can actually hurt you as a seller if you are getting messages and they're not resulting in sales. Fiverr's algorithm will see that and assume that there's something wrong with you or your gig (if people are contacting you and it's not resulting in sales).

    They can always come to the forum, the Help Center, or contact Fiver CS if they need help.

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  7. There's no such thing as "gig ranking" any more. Fiverr acts as a matching service based on how relevant your gig is to the buyer's search query. Relevancy is based not only on your gig title and description, but your seller metrics and performance, as compared with other sellers. 

    You can read more about that here:


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  8. Okay! I've updated all seven of my gigs' FAQs to reflect how I'm handling my outsourced work (I might add something about NDAs as well):

    Will you keep my information confidential?

    Yes, your information will never be shared or outsourced without your consent. If consent is given, it will only be shared with those participating in the delivery of the finished product. I will always perform the final check to ensure that quality is consistent and meets the highest standards.

    Will I have copyrights to all intellectual property?

    Yes, copyrights to all created intellectual property will be transferred to you, the buyer, with the right to use them for commercial purposes. This includes any outsourced work, designs, or other content.

    On my end, I have to make sure that the sellers I work with will give me copyrights to all intellectual property so that I can pass it off to my buyers. 

    • Like 6
  9. @omorodiono - If you want someone to buy your game design, you should state that in the title and describe your services in the gig description. I didn't know you were selling game art from your gig. The title only states "I will do something I am really good at" and the gig description only says "lovely game design," followed by a thousand letter n's.

    You also mention in your bio that you are a "proficient person in the use of the English Language" and "specialized in writing and editing." If you are, you really need to show that in your bio and your gig description. Currently, it doesn't look like you are proficient in English (so you should probably change your Language setting to "Conversational"). There are a lot of grammatical errors in the bio, and the the gig description make no sense.

    Fiverr operates as a match-making service, so everything in your gig has to match what your potential buyer will be typing in search to find your services. So make your gig as relevant as possible so buyers can find you.

    I suggest you make changes and improvements to your gig as soon as possible - Fiverr is shutting down gigs for "low-quality."

    Here are some things you can do when updating your gig:



    Good luck!

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  10. On 8/19/2022 at 9:15 PM, writing_legacy said:

    all i am asking is why it is on the last page after being on the second page for a month now. I am below pages and pages of sellers who have zero reviews.

    Fiverr's algorithm is based on relevancy, so if you aren't getting shown in search, it's because your gig is not considered relevant when buyers search for your service. Other sellers, based on performance, reviews, and seller metrics are seen as more relevant. Fiverr also rotates gigs, as @newsmike mentioned, to allow temporary exposure for all sellers, so don't be surprised if you see other gigs rotated in front of yours.

    On 8/19/2022 at 8:34 PM, writing_legacy said:

    I just do not know why my impressions fell from literally 350+ per day to 10 and 15 per day. It has really been bothering me. Can anyone help or knows what's happening?

    Normally a sudden drop in impressions is due to a negative private review. Those are reviews that you never see. Buyers can leave 3 reviews on each order, 2 private and 1 public. The private reviews are given higher emphasis, as buyers can be more honest in their reviews.

    On 8/19/2022 at 9:15 PM, writing_legacy said:

    I do not want to improve my gig, it is good enough

    If you don't want to improve your gig, then keep doing what you're doing.

    If you do want to improve your gig and become more relevant in search so your gig gets found, then you can follow the advice given by @spaintranslator. I'm always looking for ways to improve my gigs so that I can provide better services to my customers.

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  11. I had many questions, so I reached out to Customer Service. Amazingly, they responded in 22 minutes and answered all my questions. That was the fastest response I've ever had!

    One of my question was the definition of Intellectual Property. Here's what Customer Service gave me:


    Intellectual property rights are customarily divided into two main areas:

    1. Copyright and rights related to copyright

    The rights of authors of literary and artistic works (such as books and other writings, musical compositions, paintings, sculpture, computer programs, and films) are protected by copyright for a minimum period of 50 years after the death of the author.
    2. Industrial property 
    One area can be characterized as the protection of distinctive signs, in particular trademarks and geographical indications.  Other types of industrial property are protected primarily to stimulate innovation, design, and the creation of technology. In this category fall invention (protected by patents), industrial designs, and trade secrets.

    Based on this, the services that I provide (and may outsource at times) that are NOT intellectual property include:

    Data Entry, Resume Updates, Cover Letter Writing, LinkedIn Updates, Proofreading, Editing, Research & Summaries (written in Q&A format), Beta Reading, PowerPoint Editing, & Video Editing

    The services I provide that ARE intellectual property include:

    Video Creation, Voiceovers (I'm done doing these!), Script Writing, Content Writing, eBook Writing, Worksheet Creation, PowerPoint Designs, Resume Designs, Research & Summaries (written in MLA or APA style)

    My other question was on outsourcing. Here are some of the things that were clarified by Customer Service:

    1. Sellers are allowed to outsource part or all of a service, but clients MUST be aware of this and give consent. Buyers may not want their information share or outsourced to a third-party.

    2. For any intellectual property outsourced, you must have all copyrights transferred to you, with rights to use it for commercial purposes. (this was for voiceovers that I was using for my e-courses)

    3. Per Fiverr ToS, sellers confirm and undertake that whatever information they obtain from the buyer, which is not on the public domain, shall be kept confidential and not shared or used for any other purpose other than for the delivery of the work to the buyer.

    4. Fiverr doesn't have any additional non-disclosure agreements, but buyers and sellers can enter into NDAs if they want.

    • Like 7
  12. Hi @titansign, I don't know why, but I really enjoyed reading your post. It was the first time I've ever heard of "Broken The Egg," so I like it!

    I think many sellers are lulled to the Fiverr platform thinking that sales will just land in their laps. I'm glad that you learned that it takes diligence, research, hard work, positivity, and good communication to succeed.

    I took a look at your gigs and you have great work and many happy customers. And you probably have over 1,000 orders as well. That's awesome!

    I have much to learn from you! I look forward to reading more of your posts!


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  13. Hi @jeromehiq78, it's awesome seeing a kidpreneur doing so well on the platform!

    I see the same thing as you - I have some gigs like your Minecraft Video Editing gig that are pretty consistent, and other gigs that see huge fluctuations, such as 5,000 impressions in one day versus only 500.

    It's only natural to see fluctuations - people do searches every day and it's unlikely that the number of people doing searches each day are the same all the time.

    Like you, I don't concern myself too much with the fluctuations as long as I'm getting orders on my gigs.

    Congratulations on hitting all the targets for Level 2!

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  14. Hi @arafat_28, what you see in search isn't what a buyer will see in search. Search results are unique and tailored for each buyer. So it isn't worth your time trying to find yourself in search.

    What you should focus on is making yourself relevant in search and a lot of this is based on your seller performance and how happy you are making your customers. Getting less orders or a negative private review can negatively affect how you're shown in search. So focus on keeping your customers happy and delivering quality work.

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  15. Hi @web_expart101, you posted in the wrong category...if you want to share your link, you can post in "Improve my Gig" or "My Fiverr Gigs."

    I took a look at your gigs and noticed that your average response time is 14 hours. You might want to improve that if you are serious about building your business. You are also in a very competitive market, so you'll need to find ways to stand out from the competition.

    Here are some good articles to read:





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  16. @nazmulhuda01, Welcome to the forum!

    I see that you had 6 orders within the last week and your last delivery was 7 hours ago. It seems like you are getting orders. Many sellers can't get that many orders when first starting out. 

    I saw your status update and saw that you want to be a top-rated seller and you were frustrated that a top-rated seller had a more terrible-looking gig than you have.  I understand your frustration, but if they are getting sales and you aren't, that means they are doing something right that you aren't doing yourself. Not everyone gets that coveted top-rated badge, so I suggest you look at that top-rated seller and see what you can learn from them.

    This isn't something that happens overnight. It takes time to build a business. You have great reviews and that's a good start.

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