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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. @optimizer7, you mention on your profile, that it can take 6 months for the websites you build to rank based on ranking factors.

    You have been in business for 8 months and your gig isn't getting seen. I don't even see an average response time for you, which means you aren't getting any inquiries.

    It might be helpful for you to know that Fiverr no longer "ranks" gigs ... it is a matching service. When buyers type in words in the search box, only relevant gigs will show up. Relevancy is much more than SEO and keywords. Sellers with more orders than you and positive reviews will be seen as more relevant. A good insight into your relevancy is how many impressions you are getting. If you are getting good impressions, then you are more relevant.

    But that's not enough. As @smashradio mentioned, it requires you to research your market so that you know how to connect with and attract customers. If no one is clicking on your gig, that means no one is finding your gig attractive.

    As @mariashtelle1, mentioned, if you don't attract the customers, they won't buy your gig. If buyers click on your gig, that means your gig was attractive enough to take a look at. However, if they didn't place an order, you weren't convincing enough to get a sale.

    4 hours ago, optimizer7 said:

     If there is any problem, then suggest to me what to do next.

    No orders is a problem. Unfortunately, that's where you have to do your research to find out how to make your gig attractive enough so that your customers will want to place an order with you. You can start with your gig thumbnails, portfolio, and gig descriptions.

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  2. H @joppebijlsma, Welcome to the forum! 😊

    If a buyer cancels an existing subscription, then normal cancelation terms apply. It may affect your seller statistics. 

    If a buyer cancels a future subscription that will start in less than 10 days, it will affect your seller statistics. I usually run into this problem if I do weekly subscriptions with my buyer.

    If a buyer cancels future subscriptions that starts in 10+ days, then it will not affect your seller statistics.

    This is from the Help Center. Feel free to read more about that here:


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  3. On 8/19/2022 at 1:31 AM, dmbnn0728 said:

    So it's been a week since I started Fiverr and I'm getting impressions. So far no orders. Can anybody tell what's lacking in my gigs?

    On 8/19/2022 at 1:12 PM, dmbnn0728 said:

    Yeah but I need someone to look at my gigs and tell me what's wrong with it. Thanks for the tips!

    Hi @dmbnn0728, just because you didn't get a sale within the first week doesn't mean that there's something wrong with your gig. Most sellers will not get a sale their first week. Some take months to get their first sale. It's a myth that all you have to do is set up a gig and orders will start pouring in.

    @joyh97 & @breals already gave you great advice to get started. In order for you to get orders, you'll have to learn how to connect with your target customers and deliver great customer experiences. You also need to makes sure to highlight your unique selling points (USPs) so that your gig stands out from the competition.

    Read the link that @joyh97 provided you. It is a great resource for sellers who are serious about making money on Fiverr.

    These articles can also help you:





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  4. Hi @ghazlani662,

    You are in a very competitive field, so you'll have to find ways to make your gig stand out from the competition. It can be hard to get new orders when you were last active 3 years ago. However it can be done. It will take a lot of time and dedication on your part.

    Here are some articles that you can read and learn from to help you grow your Fiverr business:


    • Like 8
  5. First of all, there's no such thing as "gig ranking" any more. That's not how Fiverr currently operates. Fiverr operates as a matching service. So what you need to focus on is making your gig as relevant as possible, so that when buyers type in search terms, your gig will be seen.

    Relevancy is not only the title and tags, but your performance as a seller. Sellers who consistently deliver quality work will be seen as more relevant than sellers who may not be getting as many orders, are responding slowing, or who not getting good reviews (this includes private reviews). You can read more about how this works here:



    • Like 3
  6. I agree with you @writing_elites8!

    Fiverr has Fiverr Business, where freelancers can do exactly what you want (giving other team members admin access):



    The only problem is, this is a buyer-only program, so Fiverr's freelancers not allowed to take advantage of this program.

    Fiverr does give its freelancers Fiverr Studio (for select sellers) and Fiverr Workspace, but neither of them give Fiverr's freelancers the features available in Fiverr Business.

    For freelancers working as teams (with either a remote or local office ...or with a team created on Fiverr) and also selling on the platform, a version of Fiverr Business would be great!


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  7. @fredm777, you posted the same question 16 hours ago. This isn't necessary, so I've asked for your previous post to be deleted.

    3 hours ago, fredm777 said:

    Hi Everyone! This is a gig that I've created for some time - https://www.fiverr.com/share/Y6yNdd However, I haven't received any orders yet. Even the gig clicks and impressions are very minimal. Can anyone tell me the reason for this? Thanks a lot in advance. Best Regards

    I checked out your gig and it looks like your last delivery was 2 days ago, so you have received at least one order.

    Low impressions means that your gig is not seen as relevant to search as other sellers on the market. You have a very specific gig, writing articles on dentistry. If I were to type in "write dental" in the search box, not too many gigs will come up in search. Only 185 services pop up. If I type in "write medical," you have 3,583 services that pop up.

    You might want to read this article:


    This article also explains how Fiverr works:


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  8. Hi @piksart_designs,

    This should not be posted in "Seller Tips." Seller tips are for experienced sellers to share tips with other sellers. If you want to receive tips or share experiences, you can post in "Your Fiverr Experiences," "My Fiverr Gigs (links allowed)", and "Improve My Gig (links allowed)."

    4 hours ago, piksart_designs said:

    I have made 7 gigs but among them none of my gig is actually ranked in Fiverr I have only received 3 clicks in the last 7 days.

    do you have any information regarding of which gigs will get more requests in 2022.

    It can take a while for your gigs to gain visibility when you first post your gigs. From the screenshot you just sent, if you click on the gig title, you will see graphs of the impressions, clicks, and orders you are getting from that gig. This gets updated daily and will give you a view of how your gig is performing over time.

    More impressions will mean that more people are finding your gig in search. This means you are more relevant in search. Your relevance in search depends on your seller metrics that you see on your dashboard, how relevant your gigs are to buyers who are searching for services, and how you compare with other sellers in your category.

    More clicks will mean that people who see you are attracted to your gig and want to learn more about your services.

    More orders will mean that people who do visit your gig are convinced to buy from you.

    There is no such thing as a "gig rank" - Fiverr operates as a matching service. You can learn more about that here:


    • Like 16
  9. Very interesting, @uk1000!

    This is part of Fiverr's efforts to protect the work of designers, artists, writers, and creatives:



    Fiverr values individuals' hard work and creativity. As a platform that supports designers, artists, writers and creatives around the world, it is of the utmost importance to us that original work is presented and delivered at all times.

    I think the main points are in these words here, saying that sellers cannot resell another seller's work "as-is"...


    ...under the misconception that it is the seller's original work and in order to gain profit from price differences.

    So clearly, an artist can't take the work of a cheaper-priced seller (in its "as-is" state) and deliver it to a buyer as their own work. This makes sense. This prevents sellers from stealing another seller's work.

    However, it seems like sellers will now have to be completely transparent if work is being outsourced - so just stating it on their gig page or FAQs is not going to cut it. Sellers will also need tell their buyers if part or all of the work is being outsourced for each order. Previously sellers didn't have to do that. Now it looks like they might have to.

    For those who already work in teams - the fact that you are working in teams should be clear anyways.

    But for sellers who usually do their work solo and only outsource occasionally, to handle order overflows, I'm not sure if they would want to have that stated on their gig. However, if they remain true to the working-solo image, they might have to start turning down orders, and that could affect their gig's performance as well. So I'm not sure what the solution is for them.

    I have gigs where I operate solo (and am looking to outsource for overflow needs) and where I operate as a team (with video editors, voiceover artists, content writers, and graphic designers). It looks like I will have to put a notice on all of my gigs to make it clear that I might be working in collaboration with other sellers. I only have that on several of my gigs.

    I'm curious to see how others interpret this, and how it might affect how they do business!

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  10. 21 hours ago, finndev478 said:

    or be like me and shave it off, so nothing to worry about and easiest self-care routine ever haha 🤓

    @finndev478, I would love to do that (especially during these hot summer months)! ...but my husband would be so angry if I shaved my head!

    16 hours ago, kendal1747 said:

    Wow, I love people like her. Yes, as soon as I get things (income up a little more and more free time) I am going to go indoor rock climbing. I went through a divorce a few years back and it has been rough, but I will overcome. Thank you so much for the inspiration! 

    You are a fighter! I see some of your threads on the forum and know how tough you can be! You've got this!

    16 hours ago, kendal1747 said:

    Can you tell me more about Moringa? I understand it is good for energy and I want to buy organic or at least something that has no chemicals. Thanking you in advance. Have a great weekend.

    You might want to grow moringa yourselves - these trees are easy to care for and grow like weeds! They are easy to chop down with a machete, too (the wood is very soft). I chop the trees down to the trunk, and the next day there are leaves growing back from the stump (and the branches that I've cut up). I think you can even grow them indoors (but they can get huge really fast if you aren't cutting them down all the time).

    13 hours ago, mandyzines said:

    There's a good chance that I've eaten greens from your family's farm if they ship to other islands. I eat a lot of greens! Are the Samoan cacao shorter, like the coconut trees?

    My family only delivers organic greens to a market that's 5 minutes from the farm so customers can get the freshest products. We eat a lot of salads and drink a lot of green smoothies. 😋

    I'm not sure how tall the cacao trees get because mine died.😔 But I think they can grow more than 2x my height (I'm 4'10" or 148 cm). That seems big to me!

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  11. Hi @soufianejanna

    If your gig is performing well, Promoted Gigs is well worth your money.

    Promoted Gigs not only considers the bid price, but the quality of your gig - based on your performance metrics and relevancy.

    Here's what the Help Center says on Promoted Gigs (see below):



    Bids. A bid is the highest amount the Seller is willing to pay for one click on their Promoted Gig’s Ad. Higher bids may increase Sellers’ chances of winning auctions, however, other metrics such as relevancy, quality or the likelihood of views or sales are also taken into consideration for determining the Gig’s “Ad rank”, which ultimately determines the auction winners.

    Fiverr only wants to promote gigs that are high performing and doing well, so if your gig is not doing well, it might not be worth your money to use Promoted Gigs. However, if you are doing well, you can get really nice returns on your money. I've seen 15x returns when I had the Promoted Gigs feature turned on. 

    Right now I have the Fiverr Select badge, so I turned off Promoted Gigs. I like how you can turn this feature on/off when needed.

    Keep monitoring to see if this is working for you and make any necessary adjustments. It took a while (maybe 2 weeks?) before I started getting inquiries from my promoted gigs.

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  12. 6 hours ago, kendal1747 said:

    I try to take care of myself. I hate going to a gym. So I don't pay for something that I know I will never use. I do like going for long walks, so that is the way I stay in shape. I like to dance also. I love karaoke and that gets me moving around all the time. I had been coming to my studio (which is located in my house) in my pajamas. I had to stop though because some of my customers wanted to do a zoom meeting and that stopped that. I needed to dress better and be more conscious of my appearance. I live on a farm and drive a tractor and there is plenty of grass and hay to cut. I try to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and only a small amount of meat. I am making some natto tomorrow which is excellent for the body.  I believe that I missed out on my calling though, because I have been having this incredible urge to go rock climbing. Lol 

    You sound a lot like me! I like to work in my PJ's (on of the reason why I refuse to do Zoom meetings) and eat natto. My family has an organic aquaponics farm in Maui that sells healthy salad greens. We also grew moringa, taro, banana, jabong, oranges, and banana. I tried to plant a sapling cocoa tree from Samoa (in hopes of making my own chocolate), but the climate (and my black thumb) killed it. 

    Although I haven't gone rock climbing since I lived in Utah, I did have a dream last night that I was leaping through a suburban neighborhood parkour-style. I really miss the big backyards in America. Things are a little cramped here in Tokyo. Ah...it was a great dream and I wish I could do it in real life!

    You shouldn't give up on rock climbing! You don't have to go complete freestyle on the first go...maybe start with the indoor walls and work your way up? When I ran in the Salt Lake City marathon, there was this 87 year old grandma who was smoking me (her and this annoying man in a banana suit). After the race, she mentioned that she didn't start running until her 50s, and last 30 years of her life was the healthiest she's ever been. Talk about inspiration! 

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  13. Great post @katakatica! I think the underlying reasons behind most of the plagiarism that I see on Fiverr platform is not inspiration, but laziness and lack of skill. If it were for inspiration, I'd feel flattered.

    However, when I see someone plagiarizing my gig descriptions and it's clear that they really didn't put much effort into putting their gig together (i.e., researching and gaining inspiration), but rather slapped it together and published it as fast as possible to start making money, it's a bit disheartening. It's also really sad when you see that their skill level is not what they are advertising it to be. 

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  14. I had so many interruptions while writing this!

    Thanks everyone for your comments! A lot happened while I was post-limited. 😊 I had fun reading this thread!

    I hope I can reply back to all of you in this single post (my 5th post of the day)!

    @mandyzines & @zeus777 - your fur babies are so cute! We have cat allergies at our house, but we do watch cat videos on YouTube every night. Our favorite is Hikakin's cat Maruo. I don't know why, but we just love watching him! He's so cute when he stands up like a human. Do your cats do silly things, too?

    You sound so healthy, @mandyzines! I need to follow your example! I'm 100% Okinawan, so supposedly we're supposed to be eating healthy and living long. My great-grandmother lived to the age of 107. However, ever since my family moved to Hawaii a few generations ago, they have had really bad diets. So I've had aunties and uncles dying from heart disease in their 30's.

    @zeus777 - I'm envious of your hair! Mine used to be really thick, but now it's 1/4th what it used to be. I like your secrets to good health - eating, sleeping, watching funny YT videos, laughing out loud, and going to sleep in a good mood! 

    @williambryan392, I love to eat, too! That's why I became a food scientist. There was always free food!😂 So like you, the omad diet works very well for me! I only need to worry about my Oisix meal and I'm good for the day. ...on the hair - I think you're on to something. My husband only lets me use shampoo once a week...

    @katakatica, here's a picture of our Oisix dinner yesterday. Sorry for the food stains! I'm always so messy when I cook!


    @breals! So glad to hear that you actually became healthier during the lockdown! I got pretty soft because I wasn't chasing trains, climbing stairs, and commuting all the time. I agree with you - It's so easy to get caught up in things (including our Fiverr work) and forget about our health. I'm lucky I have my husband to remind me to take care of myself. And if I notice my pants are shrinking, that means I need to get up and move more! 

    @smashradio - you are still young! It must be all those Monster drinks! 😂 Once you get to my age, I think you'll enjoy the siestas. Those are the highlight of my day!

    @ashleymahan217 - I agree with you - we have to spend time with our kids. They grow up so fast! As for me waking up and visiting the forum ...am I the only one who does this?! (if so, I probably have an unhealthy addiction to the forum)

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  15. image.png.81c76bf64b0285a0b9bcb5d4315b7ad3.png

    On 8/17/2022 at 2:02 AM, uk1000 said:

    The briefs AI may be too restrictive in which sellers it gives briefs to (maybe there are more restrictions on who can get briefs than there is with the BR page).

    This is another of Fiverr's initiatives to "match" qualified sellers with buyers. So, yes, the briefs will only be shown to sellers who have been pre-screened and "qualified." This is based on the information in your gigs, your "quality" performance (I believe), and the information on your gigs. I think it's much like the Buyer's Request in that it will only show to several sellers on each level.

    On 8/17/2022 at 1:51 AM, fiveroptic1 said:

    My experience with 'Briefs' has been poor

    On 8/17/2022 at 3:03 AM, smashradio said:

    I receive tons of briefs. They are never relevant and is just as lacking as buyer requests when it comes to details, if not worse. ...

    ...This is exactly what happens with "Briefs" and this is the reason why they are useless. 

    On 8/17/2022 at 2:49 AM, vickiespencer said:

    I had it on for a week or so early on. None of the matches fit my services, so I turned it off.
    Then I turned it on last week and the matches have been better, but there was only one I wanted to apply for.

    To all of you who say it's useless...have you given the AI a chance to calibrate to you? AI can't improve if you don't give it feedback. So if you are not providing feedback and only turning it off, then that won't help you at all. The matches will still be bad.

    At first the matches will be poor, but that should improve over time based on your feedback. It only takes a few seconds to leave feedback, and based on my experience, it only took a week of feedback before the system understood what types of briefs I wanted to get. I only use it for resumes and beta reading and have told the system "I don't offer this service" for all other briefs (even if I do offer the service). Now I get notifications with about 3-5 relevant briefs a day.

    Here are your choices: (I highly suggest reporting all spam, as Fiverr will take this seriously and will shut down sellers who are using this for their own promotion)


    8 hours ago, smashradio said:

    This is what I get if I open the message buyer box in a brief. Does that not end up in the inbox?

    10 hours ago, gina_riley2 said:

    I just noticed the "msg buyer" icon. Does this mean the seller will have access to my inbox if I submit a brief?

    If a seller messages the buyer or sends an offer, it will show up in your normal inbox. You can sort your inbox for custom offers. This is a problem for sellers who also are buyers because it won't differentiate between your offers and the offers you may be getting from a buyer brief that you submit.


    This is how it'll look like if you are a seller:


    I like this feature because you can withdraw it at any time (as I've done here). Sellers will also be notified immediately if the buyer withdraws the brief or accepts someone else's offer. If a seller contacts you after you withdraw or accept someone else's offer @gina_riley2, there is no excuse and you can immediately report them as spam. You should get less responses because Fiverr is prescreening and qualifying your matches, so you won't see as many responses as buyer requests.  I think it'll take time before the "qualified" matches are really qualified.

    7 hours ago, finndev478 said:

    I think having the option to report is huge improvement and difference to BR. It is hopefully thin out the spam through the report system. I always felt kinda stupid "cleaning" up the buyer requests without the possibility to report spam or tos violations. 

    This ... is ... awesome. 😊

    I think this will greatly clean up the spam as long as sellers are willing to give the AI a chance to calibrate to their preferences and report all spam.

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  16. 4 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    So... I'll start with saying that I'm still in my late twenties...

    (by the way, I love this post for some reason - really made me reflect a bit, even if I'm not quite the target audience of it!) 

    @katakatica, thanks for responding to this post! I was hoping to get feedback from the younger generation as well! We're never too young or old to start taking care of our health (and we all are getting older every day).

    5 minutes ago, katakatica said:

     the 5 years-ish that I spent abroad really messed with my body (and honestly, head, but that is for another topic!

    I didn't really realise at the time because I was basically in survival mode working a job that was wrecking me. (think - when I lost weight wasn't because I wanted to but because I had little to eat.) ...

    Anyway, the point of my rambling is that while I can't reverse the damage I did to myself before, there's plenty of time to at least stop anything else from happening. 

    I've done a lot of damage to myself too, from freelancing. I believed in the 24/7 myth and after 2 months with only 70 hours of sleep, I ended up in the hospital. That was the first time in my life ever being "sick." I've never had a sick day at work and I think the last sick day I had as a kid was when I was 12 years old. I hate hospitals. I'm never going to do that to myself again. You're young, so I think you'll bounce back quicker than me!

    15 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Now, fastforward to now, me living a very comfy lifestyle, sort of... starting the 'clean-up'. There's actual health issues I need to get looked into (and again this summer, I was basically sick on and off which is not fun..) but also just starting to try and be kinder to myself. Not necessarily because I'm getting old but because I got 'old' while I was chasing dreams that weren't meant for me. 

    I started splurging on cute clothes, getting my hair done every once in a while and things like that, not for my partner necessarily (though he appreciates it :P) but to feel good - and it really works. 

    I think what I'm hoping to do now is to sort of... prevent myself from growing old too quickly! I'm trying to eat healthier (which is, to be fair, somewhat hard but doable). Just kickstarted the debate over having homemade lunch over microwaved food (especially when going outside to the offices I work from.) I'm thinking simple stuff like spring rolls, wraps, etc. yesterday made a rice bowl with an egg and some leftover veg. Simple but fresh, which can't be said about microwave meals, though they hit the spot on days it's too hot outside.

    I love your hair! I'm also going to have to experiment with cute clothes, too. I've also never tried make-up before, so that might be fun. And I'm doing Oisix (Japan's version of Hello, Fresh) to learn how to cook up some good Japanese dishes.

    I agree that it shouldn't just be for my husband, it has to be for me, too! Thanks for all your comments - I always learn a lot from you!

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  17. 46 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

    And yet, he no longer sells on Fiverr. Part of me wonders if he was one of the sellers Fiverr removed from the site, because the service no longer fit in the professional realm that Fiverr was seeking to promote. Selling good vibes isn't exactly a professional service skill. 

    I think this is what is happening. Fiverr seems pretty aggressive in their approach taking down "low-quality sellers."

    Shutting down gigs.

    Denying new accounts.

    I know there's sellers in the marketplace stating that "I will pray for you," and "I will perform a magic spell for you." I've always wondered how Fiverr determines the quality of their gigs.

    17 hours ago, buildmyrank said:

    If not, I would at least like to know if any of you have had similar experiences with other 'Positive Energy' gigs here on Fiverr.

    I haven't had any experiences with 'Positive Energy' gigs... but positive energy in general. My life turned around 360 degrees just because I went from a fearful, anxious person to a more positive person. I used to be angry at the weather for not going according to my "plans." Now I don't worry about things I can't control (not as much).

    I don't doubt the power of positive energy!

    8 hours ago, smashradio said:

    I'm going to create a "I will perform a religious/new age ritual of your choice while wearing my black cloak and devilish Sigil of Baphoment satanic ornaments for five dollars". 

    Edit: Then I will not do the ritual. Because I'm evil. 

    I'd love to see that! 😂

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  18. Hi @ateeq_666, it might be coincidental that you raised your prices at the same time you might have gotten a negative private review. I think your prices are reasonable and in line with what Fiverr is recommending for Wordpress web updates. 

    If your gig impressions were  low to a negative private review, that negative review stays on your account for 2 months, which may be why you are starting to get orders again. Focus on delivering good work and keeping your customers happy. This should help your gig perform better in search.

    • Like 5
  19. Yesterday, my husband called me to an emergency, closed-door meeting. No kids allowed. I was curious why he called the meeting.

    Sitting down beside his desk, I glanced at his dual-monitors and noticed all the articles and images pulled up for men’s 40+ styles and hair guides for those with graying hair.

    “Vickie,” he announced, “We’re no longer young like we used to be. Gone are the days of no maintenance. We’ve got to take care of ourselves!” True, we are both aging Asians. My husband hit the magic 4-0 number a couple of months ago and I hit that magic number almost a year ago.

    He then proceeded to go over facts and statistics regarding hair, skincare, dress, and overall health. He showed pictures of people who were aging well (as well as shocking pictures of people who were not). It was a fun meeting and I appreciate how my husband always reminds me to take better care of myself He’s the best.

    Hair. I don’t have any gray hair…yet. I am looking into different, layered hairstyles instead of wearing my hair up in a bun all the time. My husband had his first white hair when he was 9 years old. So right now, he’s trying to transition to his natural gray color. I’m sure my gray hairs will start popping out any time now and my 13-year-old son will be the first person to tell me about them.

    Skincare. Skincare was a big topic on our meeting. My husband has great skin. He uses different things for his skin in the morning and night and even bought me some skincare products. He has reiterated to me on numerous occasions that great skin is the key to youth. I’m making slow progress there. I used to use the same soap for my face and body. Now I use face wash. I haven’t been using the skincare products he bought me. So I’ll try to be more diligent there.

    Dress. Style was another topic of discussion. Last week, my husband found me lounging about the apartment in his shorts (they were very comfortable by the way). Later that day he took me for a long walk. I thought it was a nice date, alone time with just me and him. But actually he was walking me to UNIQLO so that I could buy and wear my own clothes. 😂

    I do need to dress better. I’m a creature of comfort. I got married in a muumuu and demanded that we have an all-you-can-eat kalua pork dinner buffet at our Hawaiian wedding. I’ll start by taking @smashradio's advice to at least start dressing up for work. I’ll also try to develop a better sense of style. My husband will be the judge. I do want to be beautiful for him. He’s the only person I want to dress to impress.

    Overall Health. Healthwise, I know I’m not a young’un anymore. I take afternoon sietas. I gain weight just thinking about food. I make noises as I ease into and out of chairs. My 9-year-old daughter thinks I’m hilarious and joking all the time, but I’m not. I really am starting to feel my age.

    I have shape, but not necessarily the shape I want. So I do need to take care of my health and fit again. Mental health wise, I need to follow my husband’s example.

    In the morning, he wakes up and meditates.

    ...I wake up and check the forum. 😂

    I’ve got to make some important life changes if I plan on growing old with him.

    Anyone else trying to age gracefully? How are you taking care of yourself?

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  20. Hi @listentomusic,

    Welcome to the forum!

    If you select "Additional recording time," you will need to put in additional recording times for all three package options in order to save (as you mentioned)

    If you only want to offer additional time on the basic and standard packages, you would either have to build that into your prices or add them as separate gig extras, in the section at the bottom of your edit page.

    Gig extras can be added to orders either upon purchase (by the buyer), or by the seller as a "special offer" after the buyer places an order.

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