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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @rudra_dey! You had two orders in the last 3 weeks, which isn't bad for a new seller. Your two reviews mentioned your attention to detail and that you do great work. So keep delivering quality work to keep your buyers happy.

    Also, since you are a graphic designer, it would be great if potential buyers could see the projects that you do for your buyers. Projects can be displayed next to buyers' review by turning on the Live Portfolio option for each gig. Make sure "Live Portfolio" is checked. Buyers would need to approve the image when they write their review. The Live Portfolio is a great way to get more orders. I've had many buyers message me saying, "I know you do great work, I saw your work in the reviews." Then they would place an order with me.


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  2. 17 hours ago, alex68berlin said:

    .. in my case, one buyer was already showing that he didn't care about rules, since he knowingly underpaid and tried to cheat me. So I would still be happy to have this in my hands and do not have to rely on the willingness to cooperate of someone who is either lacking experience or has already shown not being interested in n.ot harming me.

     @alex68berlin you might want to consider increasing the price of your base package ... $5 will attract the type of buyers that you are describing. You are a Level 2 seller with 140 great reviews so it may be time for your to increase the prices so that you can start attracting buyers of a higher caliber.

    @excel_expert the same goes for you too. You are a Level 2 seller with 863 5-star reviews. There's no reason why you need to list your services for $5.

    When you increase your prices (especially from $5!), you will find that buyers will respect you more.

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  3. @williambryan392 .& @imagination7413, Amazing content, thanks to the both of you for your posts!

    I was the first one to react to your post @williambryan392, but it literally popped up right after my 5th post of the day! ...And thanks for mentioning a newbie. 😊

    Luckily there was so much content to go through that it's kept me busy. And with Listerina chiming in, things couldn't have gotten better!

    This post has definitely been bookmarked in my browser so that I can refer to it often and and share often. 🥰


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  4. On 5/29/2022 at 1:40 AM, dev_mh said:

    I think stories are just like stories, for entertainment purposes. But in the case of experience, it should be for motivations and guidelines. 

    I like this explanation! That means I've posted in the right category ... I think! 😉

    On 5/29/2022 at 11:31 AM, smashradio said:

    Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you! I've been sharing guides and tried to be helpful on the forum for years. Sometimes, I've given up and not logged on for months, simply because of the amount of spam/bad advice and pointless posts. 

    So you're not the only one. 

    Thanks @smashradio for the personal welcome! I'm following you and I've bookmarked a lot of your content. I really appreciate the time you take to explain everything in detail. These are my top three favorite!




    On 5/29/2022 at 3:19 PM, alphagev said:

     I remember my first question ever. I was anxious because of a buyer who didn't leave a review. Well, some members correctly pointed out that I was being too pushy and my attitude was unprofessional. That was a great lesson to me - I keep it close to my heart.

    It's scary making that first post! Some newbies come to the forum expecting the forum members to take their side. I'm glad you were humble enough to take the criticism! 😊 I've been following you too. Thanks for making the forum a better place!

    On 5/29/2022 at 3:19 PM, alphagev said:

    So, wrapping it up, here's what the forum taught me:

    • to listen to advice and don't take comments too personally - people could seem rude but you should see things in perspective;
    • to avoid scammers on Fiverr;
    • to stop listening to bad advice and to have a critical thinking mindset;

    I'm still learning how to say "no" (thanks to smashradio and many others for the beautiful threads about this topic).

    Thanks for your key learnings! I think you are the first one.

    ...where's @smashradio's article about "no'? I found many articles on the art of saying "no" from @imagination7413

    On 5/29/2022 at 6:08 PM, fiveroptic1 said:

    Me too! Just easing my way back in to the quagmire of drivel hoping to find a decent nugget that makes visiting here worthwhile. Well done to @vickieito for being succinct and sharing a post of value. If only all newbies could say something so constructive...!    

    Thanks @fiveroptic1! I saw you on a lot of older threads but not on recent ones until now. 😊 Good to see you! 

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  5. On 5/28/2022 at 3:17 AM, djwaruna said:

    Such a valuable post 😍

    Thanks @djwaruna! It looks like you have been on the forum for over 5 years! I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you get the most out of the forum!

    I think the biggest benefit so far is that I've been debunking a lot of myths and biases that I thought were truths.

    I've been reading a lot of articles on the forum, especially this article right here on posting (thanks @miiila!) ... but I still feel I need more time learning, following, and responding to others' post before I initiate too many conversations on my own.

    I still can't figure out the differences between all the different categories. For example, "Fiverr Stories" and "Your Fiverr Experience" seems kind of the same to me. The Ranting Pot seems pretty straight forward and Casual Conversations seems pretty safe for posting.

    Right now, it's much easier to just jump into conversations that have already been started. And instead of just following or answering questions from other newbies, I'm starting to have actual conversations with people. So that's been a new and fun thing for me too.  😊 

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  6. @alex68berlin and @excel_expert, the next time that happens again, have the buyer cancel the order on their end with "ordered by mistake" as the reason. If the cancelation is done this way, it will not affect your seller statistics (so please make sure it is done correctly). Sometimes when the seller initiates the cancelation (even through Fiverr CS) the cancelation affects seller statistics. It's always better if the buyer initiates the cancelation in these instances. I like how @imagination7413 explains it here:


    If canceled in this way, the following statement will show up on the canceled order (this is how you know you did it correctly):


    In order for this to work, clear and professional communication with the buyer is necessary. Remind the buyer of the scope of your package and show them how they included requirements that don't align with what you offer. Suggest that they initiate the cancelation so that they can get a full refund and provide them with the instructions provided above. You may even want to suggest how they can go about finding another seller who is more qualified to meet their needs. When approached this way, most of my buyers are grateful for my help and are more than willing to initiate the cancelation in this way.

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  7. Hi there! I saw several posts from newbies asking about the benefits of the forum, so I thought it might be helpful to share what I’m doing to get the most out of it and hopefully get others to talk more about this topic. I am also new to the forum. 

    I made my first post on May 3rd, so I’ve been active on the forum for 25 days now. This is actually my second attempt at it—I signed up for the forum five months ago, took one look, and ran away. There was too much information (and misinformation). Too much spam. And it was really hard to find the answers because as a new seller, I was pretty clueless.

    This time around it has been a much better experience because I learned how to filter out a lot the noise and concentrate on the content that I find most meaningful. 

    First, I want to clarify two things:

    1)    Being active on the forum will not get you more orders or more gig impressions. 

    The forum is a great source of information and a fun place to interact with others who are using the Fiverr platform, but it will not result in more orders or get you more sales. If anything, more time on the forum simply means less time that you could be working on your business.

    2)    As a newbie to the forum, your first priority should not be about making posts.

    I discovered this quickly because when I made my first post, I received only one response and a confused-faced emoji. This taught me that I would be better off following conversations, responding to others’ posts, and observing more experienced members on the forum. So far, I’ve only started five conversations and out of the five, three could probably be deleted because they aren’t providing any value to the forum.

    So, how can a newbie get the most out of the forum? 

    As a newbie, I spend most of my time on the forum browsing, observing, reacting, following, bookmarking, and verifying. It helps me and it may help you, too!

    1) Browsing – Instead of posting your question, why not look it up in search on the forum or the Help Center? Most likely someone has already asked the same question and you can find your answer much quicker by searching. I see many newbies posting a question, waiting around, and then reposting the same question again a week later. They could have easily looked up answers to their questions in a matter of minutes.

    2) Observing – Learn how to act on the forum by watching others. How are others posting and reacting? Pay attention to the posts that get called “spam,” down voted, a confused-face emoji, or negative/interesting responses from other forum members. Look at how others react to your posts as well. Try to find out why others are reacting in negative ways, and avoid making similar posts.

    3) Reacting – You can react to posts with emojis, up voting, down voting, or, if you encounter spam, you can report it. All of these reactions (when used responsibly) add to conversations and creates value for other forum members.

    4) Following & Bookmarking – When you like someone, follow them. When I follow someone, it’s because they’ve impressed me in some way. When you find good content, bookmark it in your browser or follow the conversation. Following good content is a great way to filter out a lot of the nonsense that is on the forum. Bookmarking it will help you retrieve that content again when you need it.

    5) Verifying – Just because it is on the forum doesn’t mean that it's true. If you read something, look into the person who made the post. Do they have authority to make the claims that they make in their posts? Are they using credible sources, such as the Help Center?  I find it alarming that many newbies are so willing to take advice from someone with zero experience that they turn down the advice of the more experienced members of the forum. If these newbies just took a little time to look into the backgrounds of those who were posting, they would have a better idea on who they could trust.

    Doing these five things have really helped me to create order out of all the information that is out there on the forum. There really are nuggets to be found, so it’s worth it to take the time to search out good content and good people to follow. 

    Now it’s your turn. 😊 I wrote this post with less than a month’s worth of experience on the forum so I’d love to hear from the rest of you! 

    How has the forum been for you? And how are you getting the most out of it? 

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  8. So far, Buyer Insights has been really handy for me! 

    I  received two inquiries today and my first customer averages $51-$100 per order, so I was able to negotiate a price slightly higher than what I'd normally offer. The second customer I spent about 20 seconds on because I knew I was priced higher than his average order price and he was demanding a 24-hr delivery.

    It also looks like the 2nd buyer opted out of showing his completed orders, rating, and what he usually orders. However, I can see his rating and number of orders in the section above ... and if I really wanted to spy on him, I could click on his order find out who he bought from and know what he usually orders, too. So I'm not sure how helpful the opt out feature is for buyers because the information they're opting out of is already public information.


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  9. 16 hours ago, katakatica said:

    ... lately, I've been getting a LOT of inquires again ... so by doing what you did (extending the delivery times, etc.) I'll likely be able to sleep a bit easier (I won't be in a rush with anything AND will get to work on EVERYTHING.)

    That being said, a lot of things have changed in the past year or so (I started focusing fully on Fiverr towards the end of 2021), so I think delivery times/prices/etc. will still sort of change as I figure things out more and more. 

    The decision I made was definitely survival instinct rather than a strategic plan like @mariashtelle1 did ... the changes felt quite drastic at the time but I was in survival mode and just wanted to stop the influx before I broke down. 😂 Luckily I was able to keep up with it all.

    I listed my first gig Nov 2021, so I'm like you too, I'm still trying to learn how to run this business in a sustainable way. 

    13 hours ago, sabinespoems said:

    This decision process of yours @vickieitofeels very similar to what I went through! Long story short; I increased mine too and it gives me some creative breathing space (or just some time to relax when I don't feel like writing) and it's really great. 

    A benefit I noticed from having longer delivery times than I actually need is  good ol' psychological one; people's expectations. If I put 4 days and I deliver in 2 days people often think 'wow she's so fast!', and leave that in their reviews as well. 

    ... I'm thinking about increasing my gig prices as well, I'm curious how that will play out though. 

    I'm glad the longer delivery times are working for you as well! ....And what you said about the psychological advantage is true! I was thinking I was just awesome (getting good reviews), but it looks like a lot of my good reviews are because I'm delivering early. 😅

    On prices, I ended up increasing the minimum package from $15 to $50. My orders are about 50% what it was before, but I still get orders every day, so I'm not too worried. I hope you're able to figure out prices that work for you, too!

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  10. 20 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    I had to put my prices up and longer delivery times at some point in time. I’ve been overwhelmed, I’ve been working on 10+ orders a day 


    ... 10+ orders would've killed me! 😂 Really, I start complaining if I have to do more than 2 orders a day. I'm glad the longer delivery times are working for you too! Like you said, it's a balancing act trying to figure out the financial model that works best, without compromising too much in income, quality, or sanity. I'm glad you were able to find a system that works for you!

    19 hours ago, jonbaas said:

    My standard delivery time has been seven days for many years now, and it's been working out just fine for me. I also offer 3-day expedited delivery, which has attracted a fair number of buyers. Of course, I still get the "I need this in 24 hours" buyers here and there, even a few, "I need it in 6 hours", but I always say no, and redirect them to MY delivery lengths, and explain why MY delivery lengths exist as they do. Some of those "I need it now" buyers have ended up hiring me at my 3-day delivery time.

    Always go with the delivery times that work for you. If you have a service others value, they'll see the value in the longer delivery times as well.

    Good points here, and well said too. I used to think that sellers had to offer the quickest times to their buyers. So I would often let buyers push me around and I would sacrifice everything to get the orders out as quickly as I could. This seems to be another "myth" or "rumor" that is floating around... 🤔

    Being firm with what we will and will not do gives buyers reason to respect and value our services even more. I'm surprised with the number of buyers who want to work with me even though I my delivery times are longer than what they were initially asking for.

    19 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

    I offer consultancy mainly, so my delivery time is 14 days, this just gives flexibility to schedule but most of the time the calls happen within 72 hours of purchase and I think fiverr likes this ...

    Had a call with a buyer this morning that wants it in 4 days because he's selling his business. He needs his profile and 2 company pages and all in with the expedited fees this is my largest single order to date! Woohoo!

    Ultimately I like long lead times as I don't want the stress, but hey, if someone is willing to pay a decent extra I will oblige! I also think sometimes buyers equate delivery times with quality. I'm not saying they should, but I think sometimes they do. Same with prices, if it's too cheap they think hmmmm. Any regular fiverr buyer has learned 'buy cheap, buy twice'- at least I certainly have!

    That's true, isn't it? Fiverr likes it when we deliver much quicker than our stated delivery times. I'm like you...I offer 14 days on things that usually take only a day or so to do.

    Congratulations on your big order!!!! 🥳🎉

    I honestly have never figured out how to price expedited deliveries (that buyers will pay and that is worth it for me). How much do you charge? Double rates? 

    I agree with your statement on delivery times, quality, and price. The buyers who are willing to go with my longer delivery times do so because value quality over time. And I have definitely learned the 'buy cheap, buy twice (or thrice)' lesson as well!





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  11. Last month I received a huge influx of orders. Instead of doing 1-4 orders a day, I was suddenly forced to do 6-8 orders a day. On top of the regular orders coming in, there were buyers placing orders for expedited 24-hr deliveries. So I decided to remove all options to expedite and extended my delivery times from 2-5 days to 10-14 days on my packages. I also increased my gig prices.

    It's now been a month since I made the changes and I'm reluctant to change it. I love the longer delivery times! I usually deliver in half the time, but there have been some instances when I needed all 14 days. It's great to have that flexibility. I also love the visibility it gives my business. I used to schedule orders out only 1 week in advance but now I can schedule orders out a month in advance based on the orders in queue. This means I can have a good idea of how much I'll make before the month even starts and can take action earlier if I need to make more income. The best thing is that my buyers aren't even asking for shorter delivery times (many have asked for more time).

    So for me, the longer deliveries have been working really well so far.

    I know every business is different, so I'm curious. How are delivery times working for you? Do you find yourself needing to expedite orders to stay competitive? Or are you enjoying longer delivery times like I am?


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  12. Once it's in revision, it stays in revision until you redeliver the order. Then the 3-day time period applies.

    So the 3-day time period only applies to deliveries.

    As long as your first delivery is on time, your order will be considered delivered on time.

    Even though it goes into revision mode (and the timer may show up as late), it will be counted on time once you redeliver (see image below):


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  13. Hi Merzaifatima, welcome back to Fiverr! 

    You can still get orders through buyer's requests and the quality of them just depends on the quality of the buyers who are submitting the requests. 

    New sellers also have a lot of competition for buyer's requests and sometimes the request will disappear as you are writing your offer. So don't expect to hear back from most of the offers you send in. That is normal.

    However, I still think this is a great way to get orders when times are slow. Buyers will be busy at different times of the day, so find the times when your buyers are most active so that you can send in an offer quickly.

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  14. 11 hours ago, apponislam said:

    Is there any benefit to me if I stay in Fiverr forum all day?
    It would be helpful to know what are the benefits of Fiverr Forum.

    This depends on what goals you have for coming here. If it's achieving your goals, then you are getting benefits. If it's not, it's best not to be on the Forum all day. 

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