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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. @donnovan86, Buyers actually have the option of leaving  3 reviews for each order (2 private and 1 public). It gets annoying if you are purchasing multiple orders and you decided to leave all three reviews (which I normally do). As a buyer, you don't have to leave any review and each of the three reviews allows you to opt out of leaving the review. I don't know if the 1st private review is weighted more heavily or if the 2nd one is. So that is in addition to the reminders that @frank_d mentioned.

    As soon as you (the buyer accepts the delivery of an order), you will be asked to give this 1st review:


    Then it will immediately take you to the public review:



    After 1 day, you will then be asked to leave another private review which looks a lot like the first. I believe the question is slightly different, but I can't remember. I'll provide a snapshot of that review when I do it tomorrow (this order just closed today). Or maybe @vickiespencer can provide a snapshot of that review sooner than I can.

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  2. This post is just a follow up to my last post on Fiverr Learn and CreativeLive here:


    When I originally wrote the post, I was only exploring these two learning options. Now I'm actively using CreativeLive to learn a variety of skills for FREE (and you can too)!

    24/7 FREE Live Stream Courses

    CreativeLive has 24/7 FREE live courses on anything from Photoshop to photography to learning how to run a business. You can look at all the courses that are available up to a week in advance. Here's a small snapshot of the courses they offer on a day-to-day basis (see below). As you can see, there is a good variety of courses offered. The only downside to this training is that it is not on-demand training ... it is live training. You will have to be available at the time that the class is playing. However, with the sheer number of courses offered every day, it is very likely that you'll get another chance to learn the skill that you missed. 


    Seller Plus FREE 1-month Creative Pass

    The other FREE learning option is through Seller Plus. Basically, you can have a free 1-month Creative Pass, which is access to all CreativeLive content (which is over 2,000 courses). I noticed that they started to integrate in some of the Fiverr Learn courses onto the site as well. After the month is up, you will have to pay $15/month for this Creative Pass, so use your free pass wisely!

    I signed up for this free pass because I recently purchased a subscription to Adobe's Creative Cloud All Apps. So I wanted to learn skills in Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and Premier (to start off with). All of the Fiverr Learn and the CreativeLive courses were easily $100 per Adobe course, so I decided it was time to take advantage of my free 1-month Creative Pass to have access to ALL of Adobe's courses. I'm going through some gig-related courses first. I finished a Graphics Design course yesterday and started on a Presentation Design course as well as a course on creating eBooks and interactive PDFs. Once I finish those, I'll jump into the Adobe app courses and will see how far I get in one month's time!

    Even if I end up paying $15/month to continue the Creative Pass, I still think it's a great deal for those who are serious about building the skills they need to bring their business to the next level. So if that's you, I highly recommend subscribing to CreativeLive to learn these skills!


    Note (and note to self): To avoid becoming a seminar junkie, try to pick relevant skills to learn and set goals to actually use your new skills to improve the quality of services that you offer.

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  3. As a seller, it's important to know where your orders are coming from so that you can know what areas you need to focus on in your business.

    Fiverr makes this easier for those on Seller Plus - you can look at your 'Orders Breakdown' tab under 'Analytics' for each of your gigs. However, this view tends to lump different orders together and you still have to visit a separate tab to look at your repeat business scores.


    So even if you're on Seller Plus, you should probably break your orders down even further by the different sources and then take a look at the data. I've been experimenting with these different sources of orders over the last few months to see how they impact my business. Let's take a look at them below:

    Organic Traffic

    These buyers find you through search. If you’re a good match, your gig will be visible to them. If your gig is attractive, they will click on it and decide if it meets their needs. They may or may not message you, so it's important that your descriptions and FAQs answer any questions that they may have. Your goal is to convert these into orders and then repeat orders.

    “Regulars” or “Repeat Buyers”

    For some reason this shows up in the "Organic Traffic" category. Your regulars are buyers that have already ordered from you once. They love your work and often value quality over a speedy delivery. Sometimes these will be your Fiverr Select or your Fiverr Business buyers. These buyers also buy from you regularly, so they keep your business going when business is slow. These buyers are also a great source of referrals.


    Referrals are great because your buyers do all the marketing for you! When you deliver quality products and services, your buyers will naturally share your gig with others and you’ll start getting orders from their friends, family, and colleagues. One of my buyers even asked if it was okay if she shared my gig link with her friends on social media. Of course, I said “yes”! I got several orders from her free promotion. I love this because I'm never on social media.

    Promoted Gigs

    Promoted Gigs is a great way give your gigs higher visibility in search. You do have to pay for each click, but often the returns are well worth it. I just started Promoted Gigs about a month ago, and so far it is giving me over 10-11x in returns. I like how I can turn this on and off whenever I want to (I probably do this more often than most people – I turn it off when I sleep or when I’m not working). I should probably keep this on, but I don't like to promote if I'm not available.

    Coupons or Custom Offers

    I had to try coupons just for fun and I really don’t like it. I feel like it trains my customers into thinking that I’ll always give a discount. I'm already "weak" when it comes to prices, so I also feels like this creates another situation where I could get myself into a bad deal. Most of my customers are happy to pay full price with a tip, so I like to give them full-price custom offers instead – usually right after closing an order or when they request a quote. I use discounts and coupons sparingly, and always with care, since I know my tendency to go overboard on offering discounts.

    Buyer Request & Buyer Briefs

    These two are lumped into the same category on the Seller Plus Dashboard. There’s a lot of spammy Buyer Request & Buyer Briefs, so I don’t spend too much time on these. However, every now and then I do get good orders through Buyer Briefs. And Buyer Request can be a good source of orders when you are a New Seller, when your seller stats are low, or if your business is going slow.

    Fiverr's Choice & Other Badges (Such as Rising Talent)

    You’ll have to meet certain performance and quality metrics to qualify for these badges, but that’s why you get them! Although I haven’t gotten a Rising Talent badge, having a Fiverr’s Choice badge brought 4x more traffic to my gig than normal. So badges really do help your business! My busiest months have been when I have the Fiverr’s Choice badge.

    Now let's share! Where are your orders coming from? And what are your favorite sources of orders?

    For those of you who read through the whole post, you know that I like to hear from you! So I'll start this discussion - most of my orders come from my repeat buyers and my favorite sources of orders are my regular customers and referrals! It’s great to be “loved.” 😍

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

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  4. 20 hours ago, luke975 said:

    why did you focus on it being bad? I never put that in anywhere of the gig. It isn't ment to be bad.

    Hi @luke975, sorry if I offended you. You advertised it as "writing Japanese as a foreigner would" and when I saw your other gig with the bad cat art, I assumed that was the advertising angle you were taking for both of your gigs. If you want to target fellow foreigners to swap writing samples, you'll need to mention that in your gig because I didn't pick that up from reading your gig description. 

    20 hours ago, luke975 said:

    Also in general about me, I have no relevant skills so these gigs are the only ones I can think of that might be doable and profitable.

    19 hours ago, luke975 said:

    I started this account so that I can try to have some income while my yt channel gets off of the ground (it hasnt) but now it looks like this was a pointless endeavor.

    Don't give up on yourself so easily! You would be surprised how many skills that you do have that can make you money on Fiverr!

    For example, you do YouTube videos, so can you offer video editing services? Or can you create a slideshow videos of pictures set to music?

    Here are some things that I do, that you can probably do too:

    1. Organize - I organize files for a client into folders (relabeling the titles with the names and dates and put them into their appropriate folders). 

    2. Update - I update Word documents for my clients (policies, procedures, and other technical documents).

    3. Data Entry - I enter data and information into spreadsheets.

    4. Summarize - Many of my clients require me to read through legal agreements, grants, or surveys and summarize the data for them.

    5. Read - I beta read author's books and share with them my thoughts and impressions that I had while I read their book.

    6. Fix - I fix the sentences written by non-native English speakers so that they sound natural.

    These skills may sound basic, but I'm earning a full-time income doing this, so people need these skills.

    I started off like you - I couldn't think of any skills that I had. So I actually didn't create a gig for 2.5 years. However, once I found the skills that I had that buyers were willing to pay for, it didn't take long for me to start getting in orders. I hope the same is true for you too!

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  5. 10 hours ago, zeus777 said:

    I am quite curious...WHAT WAS the kanji!!??

    6 hours ago, lunacubed said:

    I'm also curious about the arare snack package kanji 😅

    We love nori maki arare! 🤣 This isn't the exact brand, but this is the kanji that was used, along with a Japanese crest that was on the package. Both of my sisters thought it looked pretty cool and didn't really care about the meaning. 


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  6. This post makes me laugh! I have two younger sisters. One saw a pretty design with kanji on an arare snack package and had that tattooed onto her left shoulder. And it was my other younger sister, an artist, who was dating a tattooist and borrowed his tools to tattoo the design herself. It was her first time using the tools. 

    That was many years ago. Now my sister keeps her tattoo covered because she works as a lawyer and my other sister went on to become an architect (she did marry the tattooist, though).

    @zeus777, I'm glad your clients are listening to you! 😊

    • Like 12
  7. Promoted Gigs give visibility to sellers who are preforming well. I see your last order was a month ago, much like this seller that I responded to on the same issue. If others in your category are making more sales than you, they will get higher visibility and more impressions than you:


    • Like 5
  8. 18 hours ago, luke975 said:

    So, is my gig in any sort of demand?

    Your two gigs are to: 1) write Japanese using your poor gaijin handwriting and 2) draw really bad art.

    One way to see if there's a demand for your service is to look up your service in search. I couldn't find any relevant services for writing "bad Japanese" and the "bad art" only brought up 14 gigs with most of them having zero orders. One did have 3 orders, and it looks like the seller "exceeded expectations" in producing really bad MS Paint drawings. 🤣 So based on my research, I would say there isn't a high demand for your services, even though they are fun.

    However, if you are looking to make money, you'd have to follow @melanielm's advice ad define your target audience. If you are catering your services to Japanese people, maybe you can offer services tailored to them (such as English proofreading or English resume writing) and then add on humorous gig extras such as the bad handwriting, bad art, and maybe even some fun oyaji gags in English. 

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  9. 18 hours ago, websitetunes said:

    @vickieito in my gig section it shows a feature "Get briefs(Set a rate)" .Can you please explain this feature and what are the featues and benifits of this?


    Hi @websitetunes, This feature allows you to get Buyer Briefs sent to your inbox. All you have to do is set the rate that you want. I have mine set to a minimum of $100. Buyer Briefs work much like Buyer Requests except that you'll get alerts whenever Fiverr has "matched" you to a Brief. Here's an example of a brief that I got:


    Here's my experience with briefs:


    You can also read more about Buyer Briefs here:


    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, writersdesklog said:

    Why is Fiverr BR full of trash?

    I agree - most of the Buyer Requests are either spam or sellers who are inappropriately advertising their gigs.

    However, Fiverr is working hard to clean up the Buyer Request! Take a look at this article below:

    I'm looking forward to see what improvements will be made to Buyer Requests!

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  11. 10 hours ago, pratyushgupta said:

    It's been almost 3 days since I started promoting my old gig which has around 44 reviews. But even though my CPC cap is on Auto, still I just have got only 2 impression. I was just wondering how is this even possible on a promoted gig? And I have got those 2 impressions after contacting "help and support" 2 times, 1 impression each time and it could be from them while checking. But the sad thing is, they keep saying "I checked and saw that you currently have one Gig that is active in the program". But if it is really working then I should have got more impression maybe no clicks but why no impression ? After so many years I was super excited to see this feature and was filled with hope. But again I feel like I'm wasting my time.

    Promoted Gigs not only considers the bid price, but the quality of your gig - and that's quality based on your performance metrics and relevancy. Here's what the Help Center says on Promoted Gigs (see below): https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010393757-Promoted-Gigs-Terms-of-Service


    Bids. A bid is the highest amount the Seller is willing to pay for one click on their Promoted Gig’s Ad. Higher bids may increase Sellers’ chances of winning auctions, however, other metrics such as relevancy, quality or the likelihood of views or sales are also taken into consideration for determining the Gig’s “Ad rank”, which ultimately determines the auction winners.

    Since your last order was 1 year ago, your gig is not seen as "relevant" because the likelihood of sales for your gig is lower than your competition. So your ad is not getting seen.

    If your gig is performing well, Promoted Gigs is well worth your money. I'm getting 10-11x returns from promoting my best-selling gig (which seems typical based on other posts I see on the forum). However, Fiverr only wants to promote gigs that are high performing and doing well, so if your gig is not doing well, it might not be worth your money to use Promoted Gigs.

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  12. 5 hours ago, seven_sign said:


    What are you talking about?

    Weren't you interested in seeing "how" the OP achieved the Grand Master rank so quickly? I originally had a lot more detail in my post on how the OP did that, but figured you all saw what I saw - that the OP would select several posts made by the shepherds of the forum (which have 100-200replies) and then serial liked every one of the comments, including "thanks" and "great info." I even ran the time studies on it and found out it would only take her, on average, 10 minutes of her time to get to the 308 reactions a day needed to achieve the Grand Master rank in 23 days. That's if each reaction took 2 seconds to deliver. 

    The OP was smart and efficient because she didn't post (typing the word "congress" takes 2-3 times as long as just reacting). So though I didn't agree with her method, I was impressed.

    In the same amount of time it takes me to make 1 post, the OP would have probably "liked" over 600 posts.

    2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    Unfortunately they demoted here, so we can expect even more SPAM... 

    4 hours ago, seven_sign said:

    In that case if the specific member can't react to the similar old threads again, then it will be harder to achieve the level now!

    Unfortunately, it won't be hard to gain the levels again (it'll only be minutes a day)!

    However, I'm hoping the OP will take my challenge to level up on the platform. To her defense, she did join Fiverr and the forum less than a month ago. And as soon as you join the forum, it immediately starts rewarding you with badges, making you think you're doing something right.

    14 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    It was disturbing, I received dozens of updates on the forum that she liked my content EVERY DAY. 

    4 hours ago, smashradio said:

     and I get 50 likes from the same person on posts I wrote a year ago, it becomes an annoyance. 

    I'll apologize to all the Grand Masters on this thread because I do "like" your content every day ... I even go onto your profiles and look through past content. *gasp!* 😲

    It might be annoying for all of you to be "liked" so much ... but guess what? Based on my evaluation of the forum, the most "liked" content is actually the spammy responses of "thanks," "great info," and "congress." Those types of posts get more reactions than many thoughtful, insightful, or informative posts out there. So that's the only reason why I've been reacting to your content (if I do give a reaction). I should also follow @imagination7413's example of reporting those spammy posts.

    11 hours ago, smashradio said:

    Vickie: You are a fast learner. There's now a spot with your name on it on the Fiverr Totem. Welcome to the club! 

    As is customary when a new member earns their Totem, you receive one free Conga robot vacuum*. I'm sure you'll love it!

    CONGA Serie 1091 Robot Aspiradora 2600MAH 160MIN 64DB

    *Shipping and the individual purchase, including payment of all costs, taxes, the purchase price, shipping, fees and usage of the unit, must be covered by the individual receiving this honor. 

    Yay! So all I have to do is pay the purchase price to get my free Conga robot vacuum?!!! 😍

    4 hours ago, smashradio said:

    If you ask me, the whole level system is flawed. It encourages people to react to everything they see and post random "thank you" posts. I would much rather have a system that's based on reputation points combined with the time you've been a member on the forum.

    Do we need a badge system? I've never been on a forum so far, so I wouldn't know.

    I've wanted to opt out of the badges since I started. I don't really see a point in having them and it makes people (myself included) seem like an expert when we're not.

    What I really want is to be able to post more than 5 times a day. I know this is earned based off of reputation and tenure on the forum. So it's a right I haven't gotten yet.






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  13. 3 hours ago, smashradio said:

    your regular clients are the ones who will save you during slow periods, when your visibility (ranking) drops, or when you need more orders to get out of a cancellation or negative review, hurting your stats.

    I couldn't agree more with you @smashradio! I don't think many sellers realize just how valuable it is to have repeat customers!

    Like you mentioned, if you have repeat customers, it won't hurt you when you can't be found in search or if your stats are down. I also get referrals from my repeat customers and some even ask if they can share my gig link on social media (which I'm not active on). So not only do I get ongoing orders from my happy customers, they bring me in more traffic, and I have the opportunity to have more repeat buyers.

    Thanks for your suggestions on how to build customer loyalty! It really doesn't take much to give a little more to your customers. You just need to know what they value and provide a little more of it, whether it's communication, or a certain quality of service.

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  14. 10 hours ago, mobaswiraaktar said:

    I achieve the rank: of Grand Master in Fiverr form in a short time. 

    Wow! That is the fastest I've ever seen! And it's impressive because you did it in 23 days with a reputation score of <100 and only 21 posts. That means you did "do it yourself" without having any followers liking your content to help you along. That also means you had to have reacted to over 308 posts per day to achieve your Grand Master status.

    Although I don't argue with serial liking @mariashtelle1's posts (I'm guilty of it too!), I was impressed with how you strategically picked content with a lot of comments so that you could reach your reaction quota very quickly each day. You were very efficient.

    I also noticed that you joined Fiverr the same day that you joined the forum. So you are still a New Seller with only two orders. You'll find that the platform is gamified as well, and there are statistics that you need to keep track of and targets to meet to achieve different seller levels. You can read about these requirements here:


    If you focus on leveling up your business, now is a great time. Mark July 15th as your starting date and try to get to the next level by August 15th (the next evaluation date). This would be the fastest you could level up your Fiverr business. Then, focus on getting to Level 2. This process of growing your Fiverr business is a lot more fun (but is also a lot more work) than leveling up on the forum. It also earns you more money.

    However, please note that your activity on the platform (although gamified) is not a game - it is a business.

    Leveling up your business is all about treating your business like a business. Businesses need to be maintained. There are profits and expenses to monitor, efficiencies and time management that needs to be tracked, targets that need to be met, documentation that needs to be organized, problems that need to be solved, and quality that needs to be measured so that your business thrives.

    You also have to be really good at what you do and consistently deliver a quality experiences and services to grow your business.

    Everything you do in your business should be for the purpose of making you money. Otherwise, it's just another hobby or game that takes up your time.

    I think you can do it! I'm following you now because I want to see where your business is on August 15th. 😊 Good luck!

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  15. Hi @soosmooth,

    Please get Customer Support involved as soon as possible whenever there is a cancelation that results from buyer error. In many of these cases Customer Support can cancel the order without it hurting your seller statistics, because it was the buyer's fault, not yours (see Point #3 in the thread below):


    @newsmike also has a good response for handling buyers who want to cancel orders, even though you've delivered as promised:


    I like this story about how Fiverr compensated a seller who delivered as promised (and had to cancel the order):


    I also had to cancel an order from a disappearing buyer (that I wasn't able to deliver on because I was still waiting on information from the buyer to deliver the entire order...I did pre-deliver most of the order in chats). However, Customer Support was able to cancel the order without it affecting my stats. My Success Manager also fought for me (you'll see later on in the post that Fiverr credited me for the work that I did do):


    It should also not affect your seller stats if your buyer cancels because they "ordered by mistake," if they cancel before entering in the order requirements, or for a silly reason like canceling because they didn't apply a coupon code or they ordered the wrong gig.. In all of these cases, it shouldn't affect your seller stats if you cancel the order the right way:


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  16. Hi @smartprogressrd, Welcome to the forum!

    I took a look at your gig and profile and have the following suggestions:

    1. In your profile bio, you end with "So in any case, it's been nice knowing you :D." Consider ending your bio with a CTA (call-to-action) to contact you, rather than just saying goodbye.

    2. Your gig description says that you are fluent in English but it contains grammatical errors. Please proofread your gig description so that it is free of errors.

    3. Consider adding a gig video. Fiverr says that adding videos increases user engagement by 40%.

    I also see that you just opened your Fiverr account this month and you are new to the forum. Here are some articles you can read to help you make the most of the forum to grow your business:







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  17. @onisor_b

    Congratulations on getting the Rising Talent badge! It looks great on your profile. 😊

    It sounds like you only want to make minor edits on your gig, so those edits can wait until the Rising Talent badge disappears.

    Based on the Help Center, a Rising Talent badge is given based on a manual review by Fiverr's Editorial Team, so if you make edits to your gig, you may lose the badge since that would require another manual review. Based on your profile, you were found to provide exceptional value for the money, provide excellent customer support, and have verified skills.

    This badge is temporary, so once your gig reaches a certain amount of exposure, that badge will disappear. At that point you can then make those minor changes to your gig.

    You can read more about the Rising Talent badge here:


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  18. Hi @theamitsingh, your last delivery was 16 days ago and you only have one active order in queue, so this may have affected how your gig shows up in search.

    Looking at your profile, you have very good reviews and several repeat buyers. I've found that my repeat buyers carry my business during the slow times. If you are on Seller Plus, you can use coupons to encourage your repeat buyers to continue using your services. If not, as you're doing orders (like on this one open order you have), look for opportunities to get repeat orders. Deliver quality work, look for ways to solve your clients' problems, and keep your customers happy.

    You can make offers to Buyer Briefs and Buyer Requests to try to keep a steady flow of orders coming in when orders are not coming in through search.

    More orders from these three sources (existing customers, Buyer Briefs, and Buyer Requests), delivering quality work, and keeping your customers happy all affect your gig's performance and can help you gain better visibility in search.

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