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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @infiniteamazon! Congratulations on getting your first order and welcome to the forum!

    Many sellers don't get their first order so quickly. I also think that your numbers look good so far. Since you just barely posted your gig, give it some time to see how it performs before making any additional changes. You are getting impressions, clicks, and have one order under your belt. So your conversion rate is good so far. Monitor these numbers over time to see if you need to many any additional changes to your gig.

    To explain these performance statistics to you:

    If you are getting impressions, that means you are showing up as "relevant" in search. Fiverr's algorithm will see you as a "relevant" seller if:

    • Your title and tags are relevant, AND
    • You are performing well as a seller (see your performance dashboard)

    If you are getting clicks, the buyers that see your gig are attracted to your gig. They want to click on the gig  to see what you're all about.

    If you are getting orders, then the buyers like your prices and how you've presented your services.

    You can read more about this in Fiverr 3.0 here:


    Here are other things you can work on while you're building your business:


    Since you are also new to the forum, here are some tips to make the most of it:


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  2. 16 minutes ago, roktim01 said:

    I'm a new seller offering Photoshop services. Would you please give me tips and advice on how to get more impressions and clicks?

    Hi @roktim01, Welcome to the forum!

    I just answered that same question here:

    I also noticed you are a New Seller with no sales. You might want to read these articles here:





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  3. On 7/29/2022 at 6:51 AM, mco_designs said:

    I have lost my gig from the search results since 3-4 months. From then I have tried so much hard and satisfied many of my clients and got positive feedback but I am still facing the problem that my gig does not come in search results for my key word "real estate logo" even on all 20 pages of the search, each time I try. I have tried using filters (local sellers, online sellers,, etc.) but I never found my gig in search. Please help me through this and make my gig visible please.


    The marketplace isn't a listing service. It is a matching service. It adjusts to the buying preference of each buyer. So what you see in search will be different from what another person sees in search. Just because you can't find your gig, doesn't mean someone else can't see it.

    You can tell if you gig is "visible," by taking a look at your impressions. Are your impressions more than zero? If you answered 'yes,' then that means you are coming up in search. You are visible.

    What you should focus on, is not whether you can find yourself in search, but how your gig is performing over time - what are your impressions? Are they increasing? How many clicks are you getting? Are they converting to orders?

    If you aren't getting impressions, then Fiverr doesn't see your gig as "relevant." Relevancy depends not only on your title & tags, but your seller performance metrics that @lloydsolutions mentioned above. Your performance is compared to other sellers in your category. When I typed "real estate logo," into the search, I found 37,758 sellers offering this service. You will have to outperform them to be seen as "relevant" in search.

    If you aren't getting clicks, then your gig isn't attractive to buyers who do see your gig. 

    If you aren't getting orders from those clicks, then it means that there is something about your gig that made them not want to buy.

    Please read the articles below about Fiver 3.0 and changes you can make to your gig to make them more attractive to your buyers:





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  4. @williambryan392 & @donnovan86,

    This was discussed earlier in the thread before it took off on a tangent. There are three reviews that buyers get to leave after each order:


    @miiila also mentioned a buyer leaving a review after cancelation, but it might just be the anonymous review.

    On 7/21/2022 at 5:21 PM, miiila said:

    Slightly off-topic, but then again not - unless they changed it, it seems buyers can also leave private feedback after a cancellation; or at least, that's what a buyer told me after a mutual cancellation, where he didn't need the service, after all, and I hadn't started with the work yet.

    He'd said he left good feedback, so I'm guessing it must have been a private review.


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  5. Okay, I'm going back to @donnovan86's topic.

    On 7/19/2022 at 2:31 PM, moikchap said:

    Does the second prompt occur if a tip was left after the first prompt? 
    I'm probably not going to test this one, but; Does the second prompt occur if a negative review was left the first time.

    ... I can see Prompt 2 be weighted less, even zero, due to how wildly it would end up varying from Prompt 1. They would put it out there anyways if they found they were getting more tips by doing it.

    After reviewing more of my own orders (as a buyer and as a seller) ... this second prompt occurs 24 hours after the order closes, regardless of whether a tip was left or not AND... (this makes me mad) ... it even occurs after a negative review from a seller is left.

    On 7/22/2022 at 7:01 AM, dean_a_plus said:

    one of the purpose of private feedback is for buyers to leave a more honest review ANONYMOUSLY. 

    If buyers can see a negative review from a seller before giving their private reviews, I'm not sure how "honest" this review is.

    Here's what happened to me as a seller:

    1.  The buyer maxed out his 3 revisions and requested a 4th. 

    2. I offered a gig extra for a 4th revision.

    3. The buyer ignores my gig extra and closes the order after making the comment "revisions will be handled in the inbox."

    4. The buyer immediately leaves a review.

    5. He messages me for free revisions in the inbox. I refuse.

    6. I give my first negative review simply because this buyer was difficult to work with.

    7. Both reviews are posted publicly. I can see that the buyer left a 5-star review (because he wanted free work done via the inbox). The buyer had 24 hours to stare at my negative review and my inbox response stating I would not give him free revisions.

    8. The buyer gives private feedback. I suspect it was negative (based on my gig impressions).

    On 7/19/2022 at 2:31 PM, moikchap said:

    ... I can see Prompt 2 be weighted less, even zero, due to how wildly it would end up varying from Prompt 1. 

    My gig impressions have been steadily declining each day since the buyer's private review (from 4,514 to 598). It doesn't appear that the 2nd prompt is weighted less. 

    In retrospect, I could have avoided this because I knew the 2nd prompt was coming in 24 hours. So I could have waited to leave my public review and told him "no" on the revisions after the private review was given.

    Luckily impressions, clicks, and orders are on a rise in my other gigs.

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  6. 41 minutes ago, archakash said:

    I am a level one seller in another account, but I deactivated this because of my bad review.

    First of all, why would you deactivate an account over a single negative review? This undoes all of your hard work that it took you to get to Level 1. The best thing a seller can do after receiving a negative review is to provide an appropriate response to that negative review. Often a seller's response to a negative review shows a prospective buyer much more than a profile with only positive reviews. I might choose to buy from a seller with a negative review simply because I was impressed with how they responded to the negative review. So don't throw your gig out the window over a negative review.

    51 minutes ago, archakash said:

    I am new on Fiverr. I already created 2 gigs. But there is a problem, I am not getting buyer requests last 3 few days. 

    You will now have to build your account in the same way that you built up the last one. And don't base your whole business on buyer requests. There are other ways to get orders (see below). Also, do what you can to make your gig relevant in search.





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  7. It looks like there is a benefit of spam, if it resurrects good content like this! 😊

    I'd like to add one more (obvious) pointer to your list, @miiila:

    Do not use someone else's picture as your profile image.

    This one really should be a given, but some sellers just don't get it. Be truthful on who you are (no matter how much you hate your picture)!!!


    Also, I read the comments from you, @lloydsolutions, & @mariashtelle1! It is sad that so many people come to the forum for help, but don't even read the helpful advice that is given.  (I suspect this is because they wanted a response within 5 minutes, and when it didn't come, they left.)

    On 4/6/2022 at 4:44 AM, lloydsolutions said:

    My philosophy is "If you throw enough mud at the wall some of it sticks" so that is why I never give up. 🙂

    I just wanted to thank all of you for all your posts because even if the OPs aren't getting the message, at least there are others like me who do learn from all of your posts! I'm still a rather "new-ish" seller with experience only quantified in months, not years. So I still have a lot to learn. So please keep posting! 

    Anyways, I thought it was a rare thing to see all three of you chatting in this thread rather than answering the flood of newbie questions! I'd like to see more moments like that!

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  8. Hi @donnovan86

    I wrote more about CreativeLive here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/285035-🧠learning-for-free-on-creativelive/#comment-1801332

    Compared to Skillshare and Udemy, it is similar, but since CreativeLive is now Fiverr-owned, there are some differences.

    • Certificates - Udemy is the only one offering certificates (and that's only on select, paid courses)
    • On Udemy, you pay by the course. On Skillshare you have membership access to all courses. CreativeLive has both options.
    • Skillshare does offer free courses, but not as much as CreativeLive, which has 24/7 free courses available
    • Both Skillshare (30k+) and Udemy (183k+) offer more topics and more courses than CreativeLive (2k), which is focused mostly on creative talent.
    • Anyone can upload courses on Skillshare and Udemy ...CreativeLive instructors are picked and vetted by CreativeLive.
    • Fiverr Learn courses are also starting to show up on CreativeLive.

    Personally, I love CreativeLive because I am hearing impaired and the transcripts that come with the courses are very interactive. Tthe words are highlighted on the transcript as the course is playing and I can "read ahead" or click on the words that I want to focus on to jump to different spots in the lesson. If you are viewing in transcript mode, the video player is hanging right next to the transcript so you can see both the video and the transcript ... which works so much better than subtitling. I read faster than I listen, so I often jump ahead to catch the video up to where I'm reading.

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  9. @totempower, I often deliver pictures with my order that are collages of images too. If you want the images to look exactly like your gig gallery images, the images have to be the same dimensions as the gig gallery images. 

    The way I do this is by dropping all my pictures onto a PowerPoint slide (16:9 widescreen in size), and then I save the slide as a JPEG. That size makes my Live Portfolio image exactly the same size as the gig gallery images. You can see on my gig gallery that some of the images look like yours - that's when I was too lazy to put the screenshots onto a PowerPoint slide. 😅

    Please try this trick out ... it should work for you!

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  10. 10 hours ago, finevector said:

    I want to know how knock buyer first.

    As a seller, you can't. You have to wait until the buyer contacts you first.

    10 hours ago, finevector said:

    Recently I face a problem like Ransomware attack. I am looking for someone in fiverr who can decrypt my files and hard drive. I want to recover my data. I post a job in fiverr as well. After sometimes, Some seller are requested in the job. and 2 of them are directly messaged me. How can they do it.

    Unless you specifically asked sellers to contact you in the Buyer Request, the sellers who directly messaged you are breaking Fiverr TOS by contacting your first. Even though this isn't allowed, they can contact you because you are also a seller (if you were only a buyer, they would not be able to do that). You can treat these sellers as spam and "report" them.

    10 hours ago, finevector said:

    I am a Seller, But I post the request as Buyer to solve my problems. I think they contact me as buyer.

    You are correct. They contacted you "as a buyer would but with no intention of buying." This is spam and should be reported.

    10 hours ago, finevector said:

    My questions is-       Can I inbox first potential buyers ?

    I think you mean, "Can I inbox potential sellers first, as a buyer?"

    Of course! That's how Fiverr is designed. Buyers can use the search function to find potential sellers that they want to work with. As a buyer, you can inbox sellers, even if you are a seller yourself. You should make it clear when you contact the seller that your intention is to buy their services.

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  11. Hi @saifullah054, The Help Center lists all the requirements to become a Level 1 seller here:



    Level One

    In order to reach Level One status, there are a few requirements you need to meet:

    Note: This is an automatic process where we review your performance from the past 60 days. 

    • You have been an active seller for at least 60 days. 
    • You have completed, at least, 10 orders (all time). 
    • You have earned a minimum of $400. 
    • You have maintained a 4.7-star rating over 60 days.
    • Your response rate score is 90% over 60 days.
    • Your order completion rate has received a score of 90% over 60 days. 
    • Your on-time delivery has received a score of 90% over 60 days.
    • You have received no warnings over 30 days. 

    To answer your question of how long it takes someone to become a Level 1 Seller, it depends on a number of factors. We can use your gig as an example.

    1. Your account was opened in 2020, so it is already over 60 days old.

    2. You haven't gotten your first order yet, so you need minimum of 10 orders completed and at least $400 earned from those orders.

    • That would be 10 orders of your Premium ($40) package, or
    • 14 orders of your Standard ($30) package, or
    • 20 orders of your Basic ($20) package, or
    • Any combination of the different packages to reach a minimum of $400 and 10 orders.

    3. If you meet all requirements, the fastest you could become a Level 1 Seller would be August 15th. You would need to deliver 1-2 orders a day to reach this goal.

    How long it takes you specifically to get to Level 1 depends on you. I reached Level 1 status at the 3-month mark and become Level 2 the following month.

    Side note: Why is your forum picture female, while your Fiverr profile is male?


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  12. @omnilegentangel & @bigspaniard, can I just say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread? 😍 I loved both of your comments! (following both of you now!)

    @omnilegentangel, I think you answered your own question on how to handle these clients. It's very easy to tell what kind of buyer you are dealing with if you get the chance to chat with them in the inbox. Occasionally, I'll get the buyer that just orders straight from my gig without sending a message through the inbox chats first. Either way, doing what you are doing, by asking questions and "getting a feel" for your buyer is the way to go.

    If I get an order from a buyer who hasn't contacted me first, I'll usually send them a quick response welcome message and "research" them while they are filling out the order requirements. I'll look to see if they have reviews, if they just joined Fiverr, as well as the Seller Insights that come with Seller Plus. Once the order requirements are filled out, I'll review them and have the buyer confirm the details and answer any questions they may have about the project. I also add gig extras to the order if they requested anything outside of the scope of the order. By then, I'll have a good idea on what type of buyer they are and how well we will work together. If they are brand new, I have a "Top 10 Tips for Getting Started on Fiverr" guide that I can give them to answer most of the questions they'll have. I agree with @bigspaniard that we need to give these new-to-Fiverr buyers an awesome experience so that they keep using the platform and feel good about Fiverr.

    11 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

    I'm Usually better at "reading" a person by their expressions vs their  "oral" conversations vs the written words.

    Lol. I'm just the opposite. I'm completely clueless about "reading" peoples' intentions. That's why I do so well on Fiverr because everything depends on the written word. I also have a bit of social anxiety and may have to get up and step away from the conversation for a bit (which doesn't work well in real life, but on Fiverr, the buyers totally think I've got it all together)! 😅

    10 hours ago, bigspaniard said:

    I chose the name "BigSpaniard" because I didn't want people to know who I was or tie me to the Fiverr profile based on stereotypes I felt my colleagues had about Fiverr Sellers (all unfounded of course)

    @bigspaniard, you were smart ... I lacked creativity and picked my own name (first and last name). That makes me very easy to find off platform because unfortunately, that's how I'm set up online. Now I get a lot of spam on social media and LinkedIn from clients wanting to contact me off platform. I have to ignore their messages on social media and then send them a message through Fiverr's platform saying that I would love to connect with them, but can only do so on Fiverr's platform. It's a pain.

    I think there still is a stigma around "Fiverr" because all my family and friends are wondering why I'm working on a cheap $5 freelancing site, even though they know I've replaced my day job and now work full-time on Fiverr.

    11 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

     thanks for the tip about the Fiverr Seller Plus program. 

    I'm sure @bigspaniard can tell you more about this program, but basically you need to get on a waiting list to use the program. It took me 5 months to qualify and once you do, you pay $29/mo to have the following benefits:

    • A Success Manager (who you can email at any time, plus have monthly Zoom meetings with)
    • An advanced analytics dashboard
    • Coupons to send to your customer
    • A free month's access to CreativeLive's 2,000 courses (I decided to learn all of Adobe's products...those courses are easily $100 each)
    • Quicker payments (I often choose to get paid as soon as my orders close)
    • "Negative keywords" ... where you can add words to your gig that will filter out unwanted buyers. I use the negative words such as "essay writing," "thesis," "Amazon review," and "erotica" for my writing and beta reading gigs.

    There are also other benefits and advantages to the Seller Plus program that I haven't mentioned and new benefits are added often.

    Sorry, long post! I try to make the most out of my five-post-a-day limit. 😊I'm looking forward to reading more post from both of you!

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  13. 23 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Here are my negative keywords! I think it'll take several days before I start seeing a reduction in inbox inquiries from those using my negative keywords

    17 hours ago, miiila said:

    Thank you, it would be great to hear if it worked well for you or not, if you'll remember and want to spare a few moments to update us on your success (fingers crossed).

    It didn't take long @miiila!

    I only got 1 inquiry using my negative keywords a few minutes after I posted the negative keywords .... and then ... silence!

    It's wonderful! My productivity doubled. 🥳 Yay! No one asked me to write their essay or a scripted Amazon review since.

    I did get a couple of new seller spam in my inbox, so I'm wondering if we can add "hire me," "need work," and "give me work" to the negative keywords... 🤔


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  14. On 7/28/2022 at 2:36 AM, saif_evan said:

    Why is there currently no work in the graphic design>image editing> product image editing sector in Fiverr?

    And top-rated or level 2 sellers also have no orders currently. why?

    There are 65,355 services available when you type in "product image editing." 

    The first gig to pop up was a Top-Rated Seller with 6 orders in queue.

    The second gig to pop up was a new seller with only one completed order and zero orders in queue.

    The third gig to pop up was a Level 2 seller with a Fiverr's Choice badge and 1 order in queue.

    There are also Level 2 sellers who are showing up in the search who have orders in queue.

    So there is work in the product image editing sector and plenty of it. And Top-Rated Sellers, Level 2 Sellers, Level 1 Sellers, and even New Sellers are getting orders.

    The question you'll need to ask yourself is, "How can I get some of those orders?" You'll need to be creative to stand out because competition in that category is pretty high.

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  15. Here are my negative keywords! I think it'll take several days before I start seeing a reduction in inbox inquiries from those using my negative keywords:

    Beta Reading gig - "Amazon reviews," "web reviews," & "erotica" (getting too many requests to leave reviews on websites)

    Research & Summaries gig - "essay writing" & "thesis" (getting too many student requests)

    Writing gig - "essay writing" & "thesis" (getting too many student requests)

    Resume writing gig - "Statement of Purpose," "SOP," & "essay writing" (getting too many student requests)

    Data entry gig - "mailing list" (to get rid of those asking me to collect emails, names, and addresses of individuals not businesses)


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  16. On 7/28/2022 at 3:54 AM, iamattique said:

    Exactly it combines all the data...

    My question is about the same red line stats; I got two orders for the past 3 days but, it wasn't showing here. 

    You are right about getting to look at each gig individually. I prefer that too. However, it does give a brief performance of the gigs. Thank you for providing input though.

    If there is any change in impressions or clicks, that will affect the rate. Yesterday my conversion rate was -0.1% today it is 0.02% and I've had no new orders. I have been closing orders, so that might be affecting it.

    For you, your 2 orders may be hidden due to all the changes in your impressions and clicks. Or they may not count until the order is closed. It's hard to say without a snapshot of what you're seeing.


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  17. 5 hours ago, mizankhan12 said:

    Last 30 days. is it perfect or not?

    This is just a snapshot and doesn't show us how your gig is performing over time.

    If you want to see how your gig impressions are doing over time, you have to click on your gig title to see the graph showing how your impressions are changing over time. You can also view graphs for clicks, orders, and conversion rates over time. These graphs should help you see how your gig is performing over time.

    You can read more about impressions, clicks, and Fiverr 3.0 here:


    I also noticed that you are new and haven't had any orders yet. Here are some articles that may be helpful for you:





    • Like 9
  18. @smashradio, I've ran into another type of buyer who deceptively agrees with all the gig extras I provide and innocently "adds-on" extra requirements. Do you have a name for this buyer?


    Buyer: Can you also make another version of my resume tailored to the healthcare industry?

    Me: Sure, it's $40 (~43% off) for an additional resume. Please accept the special offer to add this onto the order. [sends gig extra for $40]

    Buyer: [accepts the offer] Thanks! I am accepting this offer in conjunction with you also doing my daughter's resume. See attached.

    Me: Your daughter's resume was going to be on the next order. Would you like to add on her resume to this order? [sends gig extra for $40]

    Buyer: [accepts the offer] What on earth justifies $40 for a college grad resume?!!! I guess I'll accept this, but you need to provide me with 2 additional versions of my resume. I need a general resume that is tailored to both the fintech and healthcare industry. I also want a comprehensive CV that includes everything I sent you in my supporting documents zip file. Thanks.

    [2 cover letters, 5 resumes, 2 LinkedIn profiles, many gig extras, and 3 deliveries later]

    Me: [sends 3rd delivery] Here are your latest revisions. Please note that any additional revisions will cost extra.

    Buyer: Where's the general cover letter? Also, all files need to be in txt format as well as the PDF and Word docs that you sent.

    Me: Only two cover letters were included in this order (fintech & healthcare). Also, as noted in the order requirements, your delivery is a PDF and Word document of each file. Changing all the files to txt will take additional time and formatting due graphics and columns in your resumes. Would you like me to add on the 3rd resume to the order as well as the extra txt files? [sends gig extra]

    Buyer: [ignores gig extra, but accepts delivery] I'm closing this order! We can take care of all the revisions and extras in the inbox. No pressure. 😊

    Me: 🤦‍♀️

    Although the buyer gave me a 5-star review, I gave him a 4-star review, and let him know that work and revisions are only done on open orders, not the inbox chats. I think he might give me a negative private review based on my inbox conversations with him. At least he paid! His order ended up being quite large with all his add ons.

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  19. Hi @deezonator,  I see that you are new to Fiverr and the forum, so welcome! 😊

    It takes time to build a business and getting those first few orders are always the hardest. Buyer Requests were a good source of orders when I was first getting started. At first, I thought I didn't have any Buyer Requests because it was empty every time I checked. Then I found out that most of the Buyer Request were coming in when I was sleeping (I am in Japan, but most of my customers are in the US time zone). There's a lot of competition on Buyer Request for new sellers, so you have to act fast and write compelling offers to get an order. Only 1% of my offers turned into orders, but I only needed 2 orders from Buyer Requests to jump start my business. The rest came through organic traffic and repeat buyers. I think I've only gotten a total of 4 orders from Buyer Requests.

    You can also use the forum to learn and grow your Fiverr business. You can get started by reading these articles here:






    Please let me know if you want more articles or have questions!

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  20. Hi @mauriciodm, when you dropped from Level 2 to New Seller this affects your account for 60 days. So even though you have improved your stats enough to progress to Level 1 and back to Level 2, the negative stats that dropped you down to New Seller status still affected you. As a result, you didn't have orders for 2 months. Lack of orders also have an impact on your impressions because if you aren't delivering orders, the search algorithms won't see you as relevant to buyers who are searching for services that you offer (there are other sellers who are delivering orders that are seen as more relevant).

    You might want to read the article below to see the different ways to get orders (and to get ideas on what you can do to get more orders). Please also check out the 6 links I provided later on in the thread to another forum member. I think you'll find them all very helpful!



  21. @tariqaziz937 - Are you working out of multiple accounts?

    From the screenshot you provided, you have quite a few orders in July. However, on your Fiverr profile, there is only 1 reviewed order and the last delivery was 5 months ago (also, there are no orders in queue).

    Having multiple accounts is against Fiverr TOS and puts your account at risk. You are only allowed to have 1 Fiverr account at a time.

    To answer your question, sudden drops in impressions are usually related to a drop in seller performance (such as cancelations or late deliveries) or getting negative reviews (including private reviews).

    • Like 6
  22. Hi @denisetip,

    Unfortunately, Fiverr currently doesn't have one mode that covers both buying and selling. When you became a seller, you now have two modes that you will have to work out of. When you are a buyer, switch to Buyer Mode. When you are a Seller, switch to Seller Mode.

    With that being said, there will be 3 places where you can see your communications with buyers and sellers:

    1. Your Inbox: here you will see inbox chats from buyers and sellers. It doesn't matter what mode you are in.

    2. Your Orders (as a buyer): You need to be in buyer mode to see these orders. If you click on the orders, you will see your conversations with your sellers.

    3. Your Orders (as a seller): You need to be in seller mode to see these orders. If you click on the orders, you will see your conversations with your buyers.

    See how to switch between buyer and seller modes on mobile and desktop views below:


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  23. Hi @iamattique - Can you send a screenshot? I have no problem seeing my conversion rate on mobile view. 

    Once you select the "House" icon, scroll down to the bottom of the page to view your conversion rate under the "My Gigs" section (I underlined it in red). My numbers change daily. Yesterday it was green, today it is red. I don't really pay attention to the "My Gigs" stats on mobile view because it combines the data from all of my gigs. I like to look at the gigs individually on desktop mode.


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