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🌟 Introducing Fiverr’s Social Impact Hub! 🌟


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We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to our platform: the Social Impact Hub! 🎉

At Fiverr, we believe in the power of community and the importance of making a positive impact beyond our screens. With the launch of this hub, we're taking steps to bring our community into the work we’ve been doing over the past few years to drive change in the world. What is the Social Impact Hub, you may ask? It's a dedicated space where Fiverr users, nonprofit organizations, and partners alike can discover how we’re empowering our community to make a difference across three key focus areas: economic opportunity, freelancer wellbeing, and nonprofit impact.

Want to learn more? Visit the Social Impact Hub and sign up to stay up to date on our latest programming and opportunities.

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Thank you Kesha for your updates Fiverr’s Social Impact Hub.

But I failed to sign up Fiverr's social impact programs and news including upcoming opportunities. Because the "Location" option is not working. 


Edited by Lena
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It's just an exercise in ESG/CSR, as evidenced by the high levels of word soup. 


I saw the popup and email, rolled my eyes, and deleted both. I don't care. 

Fiverr is still using gamification on-platform to increase the mental stress and wellbeing of its freelancing "customers" and any comments on this were pretty much ignored during the introduction of the new system, while the new system directly increased the pressures of gamification. So for this initiative to talk about "freelancer wellbeing" is risible. 

Might do the trick for investors who care about this sort of thing though (they are increasing, but still easy to manipulate). More importantly, it'll signal to people who matter that Fiverr is a "nice corporation" that plays by the "rules" in a world which is hurtling towards neo-feudalism.  

Of course, the really big corporations take this very seriously. There's a lot of research into this. Let's say you're someone like British Petroleum, and you keep accidentally having barely noticeable oil spills and tiddling little environmental disasters all over the place (have you ever tried cooking without spilling oil? See! It's not easy, is it? Our little oopsies are just like yours!). Your PR people find that this makes people not like you very much. That's why you suddenly start lobbying and pushing for ESG/CSR and all this other corporate responsibility stuff so you can take control of the dialog and more importantly, have more control of regulations to follow. BP did an excellent job with the whole carbon thing and created a model for future corporations to follow. The best part of the BP model was that all the responsibilities shifted onto the people while the caring, lobbying companies got more, shall we say, generous terms. 

Anyway, I am not interested. I intensely dislike the entire way the world is built. There's nothing but greed and corruption behind the glittering facade. It's barely been 4 years since the last great triumph of private-public social engineering passed. 

Sort out the gamification thing first, Fiverr. That's the bare minimum you can do to persuade me that this is anything more than a cynical corporate move. But then again, I'm not the target market for this, am I? So why was this all over my Fiverr email and dashboard yesterday?

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2 hours ago, emmaki said:

Sort out the gamification thing first, Fiverr. That's the bare minimum you can do to persuade me that this is anything more than a cynical corporate move

Couldn't agree more. 

Here's my humble opinion: Fiverr talking about freelancers wellbeing while remaining deaf to any reasonable doubt or suggestion, makes me think of a commercial operation with bombastic titles. I'm very skeptical of novelties with grandiose names that don't change the reality. We have had our fair share of examples out there of green-washing and rainbow-washing that haven't worked. It'd be nice, for a change, to get clear and limpid answers, instead of obscure edicts

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12 hours ago, emmaki said:

So for this initiative to talk about "freelancer wellbeing" is risible

Maybe it's a freelancer phycological health and safety credit gain, sort of like carbon credits but where damage done to mental health via the platform is magically erased by the initiative.  

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2 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

Maybe it's a freelancer phycological health and safety credit gain, sort of like carbon credits but where damage done to mental health via the platform is magically erased by the initiative.  

It is, just like the magical money machine in the US brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrps out money all day errday.

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Here's their ESG strategy from 2022 (the last available one, there's a bunch of PDFs), btw. Note the position of marketplace integrity above all else for business strategy.



Also, this:


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In their chart "supporting sellers on Fiverr's platform" shows slightly higher than "supporting buyers on Fiverr's platform" (in "importance to stakeholders" and to "business strategy") but a buyer can go to CS and CS will cancel multiple of their seller's orders that the buyer had reviewed and given good reviews to (eg. if the buyer has an issue with another potential order). CS doesn't seem to be doing what their chart says is important.

Edited by uk1000
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Yes, it does seem a bit incongruous, but we must remember this is from an ESG POV. Perhaps sellers are higher because you can "create fair social and economic opportunities" a lot easier when a bunch of your userbase is in locations ideal for corporate do-goodery/nefariousness (depending on need)?

There's a bit near the appendix (I only skimmed) that talks about carbon emissions. They calculated their employees carbon emissions. Then they counted "buyers" carbon emissions (?!?). They did not calculate sellers' carbon emissions.

Since humans are a carbon-based life form, I am now concerned. Is this the secret behind Fiverr's drive for AI?

But then again, how much carbon does an AI need to burn to AI? 🤔 How many human seller units could be tossed into an AI furnace to make Fiverr a more socially and environmentally-friendly corporation?

I need answers.

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3 hours ago, emmaki said:

Here's their ESG strategy from 2022 (the last available one, there's a bunch of PDFs), btw. Note the position of marketplace integrity above all else for business strategy.



Also, this:


Seriously? Self-assessments for the company board and the success score "thing" to us? Well, that's hilarious 

Edited by alphagev
I had to behave
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I don't even think sellers can join it. Whenever I click Kesha's link it automatically switches me to buying. When I switch back to "Selling" it just takes me to my dashboard.

I don't think I'd be interested in any part of this honestly and the more I look into it the less I'm interested and the more I wish Fiverr would just focus on bug fixing.


Edited by dereck_s
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Pure ESG mumbo jumbo. Fiverr looking for more venture capital? 

And to talk about our wellbeing as freelancers after the past couple of months? 

HOW DARE YOU - Meme Generator

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5 hours ago, smashradio said:

Pure ESG mumbo jumbo. Fiverr looking for more venture capital? 

Oddly, my comment about their biggest investors along with their ties to a specific global collective of mogul financiers was deleted, as was a comment from @levinewman.

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25 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

Oddly, my comment about their biggest investors along with their ties to a specific global collective of mogul financiers was deleted, as was a comment from @levinewman.

It's almost like they don't want freedom of speech or me to express my personal thoughts and feelings to help manage my well-being. Sounds kinda like the country they deleted from my last message. 

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What I've learned from this editing is that Fiverr's all for criticizing Bad Oil Men and loves the environment and wee little Greta. Therefore, I'd like to ask Fiverr to use its talented freelance base to do something bold in their next ad campaign. Something that's not "talking water coolers", but shows that Fiverr is serious about its environmental responsibility and stuff.

Something like this:

Sadly, I fear this may not align with their desire to move upmarket and attract enterprise clients, so... tepid check-the-boxes PDFs and broken sign-up forms it is.

EDIT: If you watched the video, ask yourself why Fiverr's talent was unable to mobilize together like this to do something of a similar nature re: recent levels change. If they had, things could have been different, and there may have been a news story about it and Fiverr may have been forced to revise its whole approach. As it is, this did not happen and does not look likely to happen; we all either move on or continue complaining in smaller and smaller numbers until the problem goes away. And that's exactly what Fiverr is banking on. 

Edited by emmaki
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