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Everything posted by Kesha

  1. OMG! Nice catch. Thanks for jumping in here.😅
  2. Hi @navid_zafar! This is currently only available to Fiverr Pro users but of course, we will continue to explore the future of this exciting new feature! Let's see how it does with PRO first. 🤗💚
  3. Kesha

    Brief Message

    Hi @vector588! When it comes to responding to briefs, it's important to make a good impression with buyers by showing them that you are professional, polite, and attentive. My advice would be to make sure you read the brief thoroughly and have a good understanding of what the buyer is looking for before you respond. When responding, personalize your message to the buyer instead of sending a generalized, templated response. You can do this by adding their name and even some specific details about their orders that you are most excited to work on. If possible, offer to hop on a Zoom call with them to solidify a connection and demonstrate how you can help them with their projects. All of these things can show buyers that you are attentive and detailed, increasing your chances of winning the sale.
  4. Hi! For a project of this nature, I would recommend sending a milestone custom order or getting your buyer to purchase a subscription (if this is available in your niche). When using milestone custom order, you can break up the project so you get paid every time you complete a specific part. Learn more about it here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560178-Working-with-Milestones Alternatively, you can offer your buye a subscription where they will pay you monthly for up to six months. Learn more about this here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017584098-Subscriptions Hope this helps!
  5. Hi! This issue should resolve itself in a few days. Sometimes it takes a while to appear.
  6. Hi! Badges are earned by engaging with the community. Participate in discussions and you will eventually get the badge.
  7. Thanks for sharing these tips! These are some great things every members should keep in mind to ensure the forum is a valuable and positive place for all.
  8. Glad to see that this is the year you decided to get active again! Hope your experience on the platform this year is amazing!
  9. How did I miss this! This ode to AI is my fav. 😍
  10. Happy World Laughter Day! Today is all about embracing the healing and uplifting power of laughter. Celebrate by sharing a meme, comedy skit, or video that never fails to crack you up. I’ll go first: I can binge bentellect’s content all day! Here are two of my recent favorites: https://www.tiktok.com/@bentellect/video/7344192933454826794?lang=en https://www.tiktok.com/@bentellect/video/7307102420037815582?lang=en
  11. Sure! But, this post is a product of my intelligence, not AI's. 🤗
  12. For many digital industries, AI has fundamentally transformed the industry and standards. In such cases, professionals in these fields must quickly embrace the new tools and technologies if they don’t want to get left behind. Among these industries experiencing this shift are social media, SEO, and data analytics. The great news? Our Seller’s AI Hub offers extensive resources on how digital professionals can leverage AI to enhance longevity, competitiveness, and efficiency in their careers. For the AI-Powered Social Media Marketer We all know that content is king. With the ever-increasing demands for engaging content, producing quality materials for social can feel daunting. Thankfully, AI advancements offer tools to assist in just about every area of your social media. AI can help create content, schedule posts, conduct competitor analysis, and more. Today, leveraging AI in your social media marketing efforts transcends beyond being a nice-to-have. It is now a must-have for any professional who wishes to stay competitive in today’s market. Our recent article on the AI hub outlines which services you can delegate to AI and shares some best practices for integrating it into your strategy for optimal results. Learn how AI can transform your social media marketing efforts in our article here. The AI-Powered SEO specialist As an SEO specialist, you have a variety of AI tools at your disposal, designed to enhance the efficiency of your work. With so many options available, understanding each tool and their benefits is key, as no single-solution AI tool exists just yet. Our featured AI Hub article breaks down some of the popular tools for AI-assisted in SEO copywriting, keyword identification, and tracking and reporting performance, and more. You can read the full article here. For the Data Analyst With all the technologies emerging in Data Analytics, it’s crucial for analysts to embrace AI in their workflow. AI makes it easier to gather complex data and use it to make informed decisions. Automating repetitive tasks, creating easy-to-understand visualizations, and getting software and solution recommendations are some of the many other ways AI can elevate your work as a data analyst. Check out our recent article on the AI hub for tips on incorporating AI into your workflow and mastering the latest tools on the market here. Incorporating AI into your workflow across these industries is no longer a luxury but a necessity for staying ahead. Explore our Seller’s AI Hub for expert insights and advice on how to maximize productivity and thrive in this new era of AI-driven innovation.
  13. The power of collaboration! It's cool to see how so much talent came together to produce such a cool project. Congratulations!
  14. Hi @kartik7679! The important thing when it comes to promoting your gigs on social media is that it requires a strategic and consistent approach. It's not enough to just spam users with links to your gig. I wrote a post highlighting some helpful tips for this on the Seller's Best Practice board. You can check it out here:
  15. Hi @gastree! I am sorry to hear about your situation and understand how frustrating this can be, especially in such a time of immediate need. I see our Customer Support rep is currently working on trying to get this resolved for you. As they explained, your buyer needs to confirm some things before things can move forward with your withdrawals. I would like to assure you that your concerns are very important to our Customer Support team. Please be patient as they work diligently to get things all sorted for you.
  16. Hi, @nikolaj_mac! I am sorry to hear this happened to you. It is extremely important to always properly vet sellers before deciding to work with them. Sellers who over-promise and undercharge are usually a red flag as mentioned by @smashradio. In the future, if you have any issue with an order feel free to dispute the purchase with our CS team. Further, we have a dedicated team of Fiverr Advisors who are committed to helping you find the perfect freelancer for your project. They can also vet sellers for you to ensure that they're only recommending trusted sellers. You can schedule a call with one of them here: https://go.oncehub.com/CustomerSuccessManager.
  17. Hi! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Let me look into it and see why that could be.
  18. Love that! FIverr can definitely be life-changing. 💚
  19. Wow! Thanks for sharing these, @williambryan392! I enjoyed learning about these experiences you've had. You certainly had a rewarding career, I see. 👏
  20. Hi! Pausing your gig does not inherently negatively impact the Success Score. Do keep in mind, however, that if the paused gig has a high SS, pausing it may cause your overall score to drop since the Success Score is an average of all your gigs' scores.
  21. We know you've achieved some incredible milestones on your freelance journey, and we want to hear about them! What do you consider your most significant achievement as a freelancer? Share your success with us so we can celebrate your accomplishments together! 🌟
  22. You’re amazing at what you do, and with its rapid advancements, AI is here to take your work from great to even better. Whether you’re a writer, editor, architect, or designer, AI can serve as a trusted assistant that helps you generate new ideas, refine your work, and streamline your processes. Our Seller’s Hub has all the scoop on how freelancers like you can incorporate AI into their work to get the most out of it. The AI-Powered Writer While AI has revolutionized the writing landscape, it still can not replace human intelligence and creativity. Understanding how to leverage AI in a way that complements your work, rather than replacing it, is key. Our recent article lays out the appropriate role of AI for writers and dispels the myths surrounding AI. It also explores how writers can use AI for character development, research, grammar, style editing, and more. For more details, check out the article here. The AI-powered Editor When it comes to editing, combining the unique perspective of humans with the unparalleled processing power of AI can lead to a quicker, more polished final product. By embracing AI tools, editors can simplify their work of proofreading, copyediting, fact-checking, and style refining, among other things. For more information on how you can leverage AI as an editor, check out our article here. The AI-powered Industrial Designer A 2023 report from Mckinsey reported that product and service development is one of the most commonly reported use cases of generative AI by organizations. The research also shows that product research and design alone could unlock $60 billion in productivity. This is a good indicator that now is the perfect time to start incorporating AI into your workflow if you have yet to do so already. For help on how to use AI to accelerate the design process, elevate creativity, and turn sketches into 3D models, check out our Seller’s Hub. Read the full article here. AI for the AI-powered Architect and Interior Designer Adopting AI as an architect or interior designer can improve your workflow and improve the overall client experience. For example, tools like Midjourney can generate room layouts and mood boards in a matter of minutes, saving you time and creative energy. Additionally, AI can help you analyze specific design challenges and help you present your ideas to your clients in a realistic and unique way. Learn more about effectively use AI in architect or interior design work here. AI is inevitably changing the way we approach work. By embracing the advancements, you can save time, generate new ideas, and reduce the margin of error. Explore our resources on the Seller’s AI Hub and discover how AI can help elevate your craft.
  23. Thanks for sharing your perspective, @emmaki! An aspiring author should do their due diligence in researching and understanding the landscape of the market they'll be selling their book on. Sure Amazon may pose its own set of challenges, but that's just one of the many ways for authors to get their book out there. Hiring public relations & marketing support for the book would definitely be 7 on this list because, as you rightly pointed out, who wants to work hard on a book that no one will read?
  24. Hi @leonardosous268! I'm sorry this happened to you. As @andywarburton mentioned, you're always able to leave a public response for a negative review you do not quite agree with. If choosing to reply, just remember to do so tactfully and maintain respect, not letting any anger show. A misguided response can make the situation worse, whereas an empathetic and professional reply can help convert future customers who would have otherwise been put off upon reading the bad review.
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