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  1. That's probably fair - sometimes you're right, it's better to just get the business!
  2. I agree - I think the only way to block someone is if they've messaged you. If they haven't messaged you, I don't think it's possible. Big thumbs up from me!
  3. That's really tough - I'm sorry about that. My advice is just to wait it out. I find that my impressions/messages vary massively month-to-month, and even dependent on the time of month. For example, I often get lots of messages at the start of the month (as people typically have payday at the end of a month, and then have money to spend at the start of the next) - and then no messages in the middle-end of a month.
  4. Definitely worth a try, thank you! I'm not averse to discounts though - I still think they have their place. Since this line of work is precarious, I'd happily take a 15% discount on a bulk deal of 3 projects, just to give myself some bottom line for that given month. What do you think?
  5. That's a good point! The only thing is that when people see your Gigs they see "starting from" - and doing your suggestion would dramatically increase the "starting from" price (since my lowest package is quite low). But this is helpful, thanks!
  6. The whole part of the appeal of Fiverr for many people, is the fact that they can place orders - just like buying anything online - without having to discuss anything beforehand. 75% of my orders are done this way - IMO it's the most "AFK" way of doing it, and it's the most sustainable.
  7. I'm really glad it's working for you - any steps towards generating consistency are fantastic.
  8. I'd love to be able to set pricing for bulk orders. For example, it would be great if clients could automatically get a 5% discount for placing 2 (of the same) orders - 10% for 3 orders..... etc. What do you think? PS. subscription orders are not the same!
  9. Ever had a buyer send you a message, asking for a LARGE discount - simply because they've got "more work for you in the future". This might sound great, but there's no guarantee they're place multiple orders with you. Even with the subscription offering on Fiverr - they can back out at any time. I once heard a great tip, so feel free to use this if someone offers this to you: Respond with: "Sure, I can do discounted pricing for repeated orders. The first order will be my standard rate - but the second and third orders will be 5% and 10% discount respectively, and 10% thereafter". This way - you're offering a discount for repeat orders, but not risking the client placing one order and ghosting you!
  10. I'd love to know everyone's experience with Subscription Orders - whether you're a buyer or seller. These orders involve getting automatically billed for multiple orders over a 3 or 6 month period - for a discount. In my experience (as a seller)... they don't really work? I LOVE the idea of them - they're a great way to make precarious work a little less...precarious. I'm really glad Fiverr brought this in. But the problem is - in my field of work at least - I've had many subscription orders just sit there for months on end, because they're simply not ready to submit their requirements. This is fine, but it just seems to not be working. What's your experience?
  11. wow that's super super interesting. thank you!!!!
  12. also your suggestions are completely right, i have thought this for many years
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