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Everything posted by sabbir_dm25

  1. Great. Fiverr Neo How to find a freelancer? If the Buyer tries to find a freelancer for any job and Fiverr Neo give 3 or 4 buyer profile. So My question is how does Fiverr Neo find these 3/4 gigs. Is Fiverr Neo Find it Ranked Based?
  2. Hi, this is my last 7 days gig impression and click details. from the buyer. So as a new seller I don't know what the issues are and what my next step could be. I need help from experts. Please help me. Thanks
  3. Hi, this is my last 7 days gig impression and click details. I am not getting any message from the buyer. So as a new seller I don't know what the issues are and what my next step could be. I need help from experts. Please help me. Thanks
  4. No. I belive hard work never failure
  5. Hi, Let's make a big network in forum. Add each other
  6. Congratulation. Untill I am still waiting for a Order. It's creazy madness
  7. Bangladesh 🇧🇩
  8. Hi there, I want to know about Zoom Meeting, and Google Meet, and whether they violated Fiverr Terms. Does it affect my ID if I use words like this or send links to client conversations? I've already used words like this in my gig, is it will affect my gig? ASAP
  9. Many Concersation already have in this topic. If you search it you may found many article
  10. Struggle and keep patience brother. 1 month go on but I don't get a order
  11. War is never good for business. It does not make happiness. Both-sided people are suffered for it.
  12. Hi there, I am Sabbir a professional Digital Marketing Specialist. My specialty is Facebook Promotion, Instagram promotion, Facebook Advertising, Instagram Advertising, Domain Verification, Pixel set up, Conversion API with GTM, Commerce Manager, All kinds of Facebook Business Solution. I have 2 years of experience in my local Area. I’m so ready for my next big challenge! If you have time, I’d love to talk about whether my background would make me a fit for any openings you have. Thanks
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