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About Kesha

  • Birthday July 22


  • Location
    Orlando, Florida

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  1. Hi Andy! Great question. If you are on the move traveling, this is usually OK. As long as there are no suspicious and unrealistic patterns in your location, your account should remain in good standing. Of course, if you'd like an extra layer of protection, it never hurts to give Customer Support the heads up on your nomad plans. 😊
  2. Hi Donnovan! Thanks for this question. I've been working limited hours and I am just getting a chance to catch up on some messages so sorry for the delayed response. You are never bothering me though! To answer your question: traveling to another city within the same country won't trigger any location inconsistencies. Traveling to another country is usually okay too, as long as there aren't any suspicious or unrealistic log-in patterns.
  3. HI there! This sounds like it could be a bug. It is important to deliver the final product on the order page to prevent any false or late deliveries. If this issue persists, please reach out to Customer Support to report the problem.
  4. Kesha

    World Emoji Day

    I cannot make any promises for the facepalm emoji but I am currently looking into the others! 🤗
  5. Hi there! Our customer support team is aware of the situation happening in your nation and they are ready to help you through these times. If your response rate has been affected due to the internet outage, please contact them and they will be happy to assist with getting it restored.
  6. Wow! It breaks my heart to hear of the horrific situation currently happening in Bangladesh. You all remain in our thoughts and we want you to know that we are hear for you! 💚 Hoping things continue to look up for the better.
  7. Thanks for sharing your story! 💚 It's truly a tale of how unexpected circumstances can lead us to exactly where we need to be. We're happy you're here!
  8. Hi there! Thanks for your question. The system will show that you are online as long as you are actively working on or navigating the platform. If you are inactive on the platform, it will likely go offline. We do not expect you to be online consistently and going offline will not affect your performance.
  9. Some of us knew exactly what we wanted to do for a living since we were children. Others? Well, we’re pleasantly shocked to look up and realize we’re doing something that was never really on the radar. Where do you fall? Did you always know your calling or was it through a series of fortunate events that led to your current industry? Tell us about your journey to your current career below.
  10. Hi! Absolutely. You are free to remind your buyers to leave a review. When doing so, just be careful to avoid feedback manipulation and threats. Learn more here.
  11. For quick orders, it's not absolutely necessary. The main take away is to make sure your buyer remains in the loop with what's going on with their order.
  12. Hi there! We are aware of the ongoing spam issue and please rest assured that we are actively making strides in helping to ensure your account remains secure. To help us stop the scammers we also ask for your help by reporting any suspicious users or contacting our Customer Support team.
  13. I love that one! I read it a few years ago and I appreciate this reminder to start applying the principles from that book once again!
  14. Kesha

    World Emoji Day

    Were there any ones in particular you are interested in seeing?
  15. Hi there! Being offline likely was not the reason why you're unable to message this user. It could be that they are no likely on Fiverr, or that they got frustrated and blocked you. You should still have messaging capabilities with other users. If for any reason you don't, please contact Customer Support for further assistance.
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