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Bring Back Buyer Request

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1 hour ago, editors_picks said:

how can we help you more with your issues in the platform, this is part of the reasons why our team is existed. Please send us a DM via the Fiverr Inbox in order to properly try and support you. 

There's no need, I already talked to the customer support a long time ago and got all the answers I needed.

If you want some insight on the issues in the platform you can just go through this very thread and comments from users who have raised their concerns over removal of buyer's request.

As for me, the last time I talked to the customer support I haven't had any matches, so my questions were based on that. But I did get matches later ( even though they were wrong matches ) so I have no new questions for you.

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3 hours ago, ayman_arin said:

So, I want to get again buyer request.

The Buyer Request feature is gone for good. It will not be coming back, no matter how much you liked it. It would, therefore, be wise for you to learn how to work within the features Fiverr chooses to offer, and complain less about what once was.

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4 hours ago, ayman_arin said:

So, I want to get again buyer request. 

You have joined Fiverr this month. Buyer requests were removed last year. How do you know what was it like for sellers when BR was available? Are you one of the thousands of Bangladeshi sellers whose accounts got restricted at the beginning of the year, and now you have created a new account even though you didn't get the permission to do it?

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4 hours ago, ayman_arin said:

Buyer request is beneficial for new seller.

I saw a new seller that just started his account last month (Jan 2023) in the competitive field of web design. He has 5 orders so far, so it looks like buyer requests aren't needed for a new seller (in the web design field) to be successful.

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2 hours ago, catwriter said:

You have joined Fiverr this month. Buyer requests were removed last year. How do you know what was it like for sellers when BR was available? Are you one of the thousands of Bangladeshi sellers whose accounts got restricted at the beginning of the year, and now you have created a new account even though you didn't get the permission to do it?


2 hours ago, catwriter said:

You have joined Fiverr this month. Buyer requests were removed last year. How do you know what was it like for sellers when BR was available? Are you one of the thousands of Bangladeshi sellers whose accounts got restricted at the beginning of the year, and now you have created a new account even though you didn't get the permission to do it?

My senior person's said  about this feature and seen his before portfolio. 


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I won’t reply any more to this topic but SELLERS stop dismissing those who say the BR feature benefited them if it didn’t benefit you. It’s so infuriating, “no a seller this, a seller should do this, a seller…” who are you? The owner of Fiverr? You now speak for everyone? Or because you’re a TRS, because you’re a level 2? NO! There are over a thousand sellers in this platform and many who are successful and I doubt their success story is the same as yours. Stop dismissing other sellers if how they got orders did not fit your criteria of how a seller should get orders in this platform. BR should have never been on Fiverr in the first place if that’s the case. From the get go, you have had strong opinions about BR, yet you were not the sellers who were using this feature frequently. It doesn’t matter if one got their orders organically or whatever. The point is sellers were getting orders and satisfying buyers. There’s proof of BR working for buyers and sellers but you want dismiss that because it was pathetic to you. If a seller is complaining about briefs that’s their experience, and many sellers below level 2 have complained but you want to also dismiss that? “Fiverr is still improving the briefs feature”, it doesn’t matter. If sellers were not complaining about briefs, what would be there to improve. Not every seller will be successful that’s a fact but it’s also a fact that each seller in this platform will never have the same experience with every other seller. They will have their own success story and it does not have to fit your criteria of what being successful is on Fiverr. 
Stop seeing things in your privilege point of you. Very annoying. Argue with yourself if you want to argue. Just do not dismiss seller complaints and be more understanding.

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Hello everyone,

Thanks so much for your concern, your insights, and your suggestions.

Regarding Buyers' Requests - It's crucial for me to emphasize that I'm just the messenger in this particular case - Fiverr management together with the Product teams had decided to currently make the transition to a platform without buyer request. I'm certain that this matter is not suitable for all sellers, but unfortunately , these kinds of issues when not everyone agrees on a topic had happened already and will probably occur in the future again. I'm just asking you all to understand that we are trying to make all of our sellers community satisfied and positive, but as happens sometimes in the real world, it's not that easy. Just please keep in mind that we have a mutual interest - we want you to stay happy on our platform and keep being successful. 

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Because of the negative issues Buyer Requests caused, Fiverr has repeatedly said the feature would not be reinstated. As a buyer/seller, I tried finding sellers through Buyer Request, only to be bombarded with messages in my inbox that I had to mark as spam.

To paraphrase my friend @jonbaas, "To get orders, you need to be a great seller and know who your buyers are so you can create an excellent profile and gigs."

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Working part-time on fiverr from 2 years, I was loving the way buyer request show up, I mean we don't have to buy bids, and we can apply for 10 projects in a day, 

But now!, Fiverr has taken over the job searching and seller are getting briefs, but to be honest they are not that good specifically for sellers, I don't know that fiverr  may be had done research and it's getting good reviews on biref system but for me it is kinda weird, Some day I get 4 briefs and some days there is not even one. 

Its difficult for sellers, because we are not able to control flow of work as we were doing earlier, who else think the same way?? 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, i hope you all are doing well. 

since the new feature is launched (Get Matched with Buyers) i have just got a 2 orders, Buyer request was good option for full time freelancers and it was very effective in getting order from new clients, 

i completely understand that during last days of buyer request there was a lot of SPAM REQUEST but still that was good enough as compared to new feature which is  unpredictable.  instead replacing the feature Fiverr should make it Paid request from buyer or sellers, 

in short new feature is useless to me, 

what do you think about Fiverr GET MATCHED WITH BUYER FEATURES. 

Please share your suggestion / Tips how to use the new feature most effectively. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been on Fiverr for around 2 years now. At first, when a I was just a new seller, there was not a lot of buyers requests. I used to see like 1-5 buyers request, sometimes none. It kinda felt useless in the beginning. Then got a few orders through the buyers request, I became a Level One Seller and the number of buyers requests went from around 5 to around 5000. I was really surprised and happy to see so many buyers requests. But kinda sad that I can only send 10 offers per day. But still, its better than nothing ( or just around 5 buyers request ). Things have been pretty well in fiverr. I could at least see, what buyers are looking for, what's trending nowadays, if there's something new I should learn, and so on. It was a great feature.
Agreed, there were a few ( like around 2-5 within 5000 ) buyers requests that were spam, which most people can easily identify. but most of were genuine people who wanted to buy our services.

Then fiverr removed the buyers request and replaced with a "half baked" AI that can't do anything but annoy the sellers with weird, irrelevant, unwanted posts that has mostly nothing to do with the sellers. Whoever worked on the AI, did the worst job imaginable. Not sure if they even tested the feature properly before releasing it to production.

I myself brought 20+ people to fiverr, when it was actually a good platform. People could actually get orders, earn money. But now i don't even recommend fiverr to anybody.

They say, they removed buyers requests because of the spammy posts. Its like cutting your head for having a mild cold.

Pardon my English but its been rather frustrating to see a good marketplace becoming useless. Pardon the usage of the harsh words, which are used because of the love for the platform.
Have a wonderful day everyone.

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1 hour ago, mandyzines said:

Buyer requests never worked for some people, myself included. Nothing came of them--not once. I've had maybe three sales through briefs.

I'm happy that it worked for you. I think, Fiverr could've kept both features and let the users decide which feature they want to use. Pretty sure, having both feature would benefit a lot of sellers.

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