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Hi sir I need your help in my doubt and confusion. As your buyer request new update, any request didn't show me In my application Your algorithm didn't match to the new seller's he show just level 1 and level 2 seller's. As you know 60% fiverr seller Community is begginer as your update it's meant this 60% fiverr seller didn't receive any request. If we didn't receive any request it's mean we didn't receive any order. Kindly this is our request kindly give us option to bid the buyer request. You know mostly seller's are beginners he completed 5,6 order's yet. Because we joined recently, every year 20% new people registered on fiverr. It's mean this 20% seller don't able to receive order he disappointed and left this platform. At the end conclusion is this fiverr user's left this platform and fiverr revenue is very less. And you know in this platform graduated people's polish his skills through work on different projects. This new update conclusion are many advantages is very less and disadvantages is very more. That's why this is our seller community request kindly remove this new update and open option of buyer request where we match request and bid on it. If you didn't open this buyer request option then show us every request where our gig matched. 


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Okay, we are not the Fiverr team, we are sellers like you. You mentioned that the new sellers are not getting matched, that's wrong. The new sellers are also getting matched with buyer briefs. (I will attach proof). 

personally, I would love to have the buyer request back but it's not possible with the scammers, new sellers who try to promote their gig using the buyer request and others who try to bring traffic to their websites using the buyer request. 

what can we expect new feature is NEW and still learning, it will improve. so make sure to have a quality gig

Screenshot (101).png

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On 10/9/2022 at 7:02 PM, muhammad_waji9 said:

Kindly this is our request kindly give us option to bid the buyer request.

From what I've heard, the Buyers Request feature is going away for good. It is being replaced with a different system. It's not coming back.

As a freelancer, you need to learn how to adapt to change. That's part of being a freelancer, and it applies to every successful business. 

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Guest minario

It's kind of affecting me too 'cos i'm really attached to the buyer request method of getting clients and this new update does not kinda favor new sellers like buyer request.


The new update could have been filtering the buyer request posted instead of the match making update.

I really hope this update is improved considering those new to fiverr as it might not be undone.

Thanks in advance! 

Posted (edited)

@muhammad_waji9 @minario @bina0609   You have 5 sales between you all. 

 I'm struggling to see why the 'bring back the buyer request revolution' is being brought up.  If it was that successful for you then I would understand your frustration.  But unless you're taking your clients off the Fiverr platform, then it's plain to see that the old requests are not converting into sales for any of you.

So try the new system and see if it works any better.  As @jonbaas mentioned above, businesses like Fiverr have to adapt. So give it a shot before shooting it down!

Good luck all

Edited by breals
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7 hours ago, minario said:

It's kind of affecting me too 'cos i'm really attached to the buyer request method of getting clients and this new update does not kinda favor new sellers like buyer request.

Like I said in a previous comment, you will need to learn how to adapt. The Buyer Request feature is not coming back. It is an outdated feature that is no longer compatible with Fiverr's chosen buyer-seller matching format. 

7 hours ago, minario said:

The new update could have been filtering the buyer request posted instead of the match making update.

Fixing a broken and incompatible Buyer Request feature is not the route that Fiverr chose to grow in.

6 hours ago, btaliabano said:

f you are not receiving buyer requests on Fiverr, it is likely because your gig does not appear in the search results when buyers search for relevant keywords.

No. It is because the Buyer Request feature is being removed. 

6 hours ago, btaliabano said:

By taking these simple steps, you can increase your chances of getting buyer requests and growing your business on Fiverr.

Once again.... no. Buyer Requests are going away. 

6 hours ago, btaliabano said:

If a seller wants to increase their chances of getting buyers request they should be more active on Fiverr and make sure their gig portfolio is up-to-date and relevant to what buyers are searching for.

Still no.

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On 10/10/2022 at 5:25 PM, breals said:

@btaliabano  are you sure that's your own writing?  or have you lifted it from another website and pretended its your own ?

@btaliabano copied it from here:


I wonder if they know it is against the Fiverr Forums rules to copy text from elsewhere and claim it as their own? 🤔 

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On 10/10/2022 at 1:02 AM, muhammad_waji9 said:

As you know 60% fiverr seller Community is begginer as your update it's meant this 60% fiverr seller didn't receive any request. If we didn't receive any request it's mean we didn't receive any order.

Many new sellers got their first orders without bidding on requests.

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35 minutes ago, mr_riyas_mhd said:

It's too hard getting orders when  buyer request was removed

Do you give up when things become "too hard"? Perhaps you can take the time to learn how to master the Fiverr marketplace instead.

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Guest kashan_pakistan

I am new seller with < 10 reviews on my profile. How am I to adjust to these new changes ? I've 4 gigs right now. I am already under-pricing to get orders. Not being able to bid using Buyer Requests is a real set back to new sellers. My question is how is fiverr going to maintain fairness to new sellers with these breaking changes ?


It's a good thing that Fiverr is removing buyer requests feature due to spammers (by sellers mostly). Though I don't use that feature.

I can understand that most of the sellers were dependent on Buyer Requests but its time to move on to the new feature i.e. Get Briefs.

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I hope the buyer request function will not be restored. It was a source of spam from unrealistic buyers and sellers who copied and pasted the same response over and over again.

If every seller responded to a pre-vetted request with a genuinely unique and high-quality answer, the system would have worked perfectly. I'm glad it's gone; it will root out some of the resellers.

On 10/10/2022 at 10:46 AM, breals said:

I'm struggling to see why the 'bring back the buyer request revolution' is being brought up.  If it was that successful for you then I would understand your frustration.

Some "resellers" have found a way to make a high profit margin by selling work they have purchased from others at a price much higher than their purchase price. I have seen many resellers who are much more established than I am here on Fiverr solicit work at $125 and resell it at $650. 

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As a high volume buyer (with nearly 900 completed projects)... I say the new system is utterly ridicilious... I posted a (basic) project last eve (funnel in GHl) and I received one (1) response... and it came without a cost... the old system would have produced 25 service providers in 20 minutes and 50 in an hour... it was NEVER an issue finding the right person (from the spammers)... you have to wonder who's side the folks who run this thing are on... the sellers or the folks paying the bills?

On 10/25/2022 at 10:22 PM, strategist_ceo said:

Some "resellers" have found a way to make a high profit margin by selling work they have purchased from others at a price much higher than their purchase price. I have seen many resellers who are much more established than I am here on Fiverr solicit work at $125 and resell it at $650. 

And what's wrong with this? Is this the free market or some kind on commune?

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38 minutes ago, prateekgaonkar said:

Please check it out in desktop its available

Regardless of what YOU see, the Buyer's Request feature is going away for good. This has been clearly announced by Fiverr.

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As I see it, the Buyers Request function is still available, but it is being phased out.   The new feature has hiccups, though.  Spammers still slip through - I've received at least three briefs already where the buyer really wants to be a seller... I hope the reporting feature of why sellers are refusing briefs is there to fix this over the longer term. 

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Then you are not tackling the situation properly. Buyer requests is not a system you should rely on, same with the Brief system. Create great gigs that provide new leads and customers organically. If you rely just on requests from buyers, then it's better to choose other platforms specialized on that kind of system. Fiverr is unique because you just set up a gig, market it properly and people come to you. Focus on that, and you will have much better results. However, you do need to realize that you are in an over-saturated category (if you're a designer as the username says). So you really need to be unique and stand out, as there are thousands of gigs that are pretty much identical in that niche.

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