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About Alex.M

  • Birthday 02/03/1904


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  1. the only thing you can do is to contact support ( support@fiverr.com ) or go to https://support.fiverr.com/
  2. this also happens from time to time unfortunately and we can't do much about it, in your case I believe that the success score that you have is simply because many others are in front of you for now but that can be changed in time
  3. those 19 reviews don't mean too much, there are others in your category with thousands of reviews, it's actually normal to have a success score of 4 when there are thousands that are performing better, you are being compared to others in your category as well , it doesn't matter if you have 5 star reviews if there are many others that are doing better
  4. well it is wrong, I understand what you're saying however this is how the system works for now... You will have a stable success score after you will get more orders most likely, also you are being compared to other sellers in your niche so if others are doing better for now automatically your success score will be lower , at least in theory
  5. such a drop shouldn't happen, the success score should remain stable over time, I've never heard about such drops from 10 / 9 to 4 without a severe issue... It might be possible if you had very few orders perhaps. Later Edit : I see that you only have 8 reviews... no wonder the success score is not stable.
  6. are you sure...? you just admitted that you have/had multiple accounts
  7. Pay attention if you receive such messages, they will ask you to scan some QR code ( I made it unusable in the picture ) and they'll try to steal your account. This looks new, never saw this type of hacking attempt until now on Fiverr.
  8. No, completely wrong. I travel a lot, it has nothing to do with it
  9. This definitely should not happen ! There are so many changes on Fiverr lately.. can't they just leave us alone to work without having to deal with these bugs ? I would be terrified as well if this happened to me, good to hear that it was eventually solved
  10. definitely a scam, report his message and make sure you don't open the link
  11. I believe that this is already happening
  12. this was present 10 years ago , it happened a few times 🙂 I got similar messages in the past , it happened recently as well in a different context, the buyer said that he doesn't want to leave a bad review but he is going to do so if I don't cancel an order 🙂
  13. This is why all transactions have to take place here on Fiverr, you both broke the rules and if you paid him outside Fiverr, Support can't do anything since this isn't in their control. It is very important to read and follow the rules when signing up on an online marketplace. The only way to solve this in...some way would probably be by taking legal action against that person but of course, outside Fiverr since the transaction didn't happen here. It's complicated at this point, I assume that the location of that seller is important as well... Justice doesn't really work the same everywhere
  14. but these are not your suggestions though
  15. In general, I would say that this isn't safe if you want to keep your account. In theory, you can use the same internet connection on two accounts ( in case there are two legit accounts, each belonging to a different person ) as long as you are not selling the same services but if your account gets flagged for having multiple accounts it will be difficult to explain/solve this with support.
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