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  1. How you created this thread, if network is down ? Normally our government disable net only on dangerous occasions and even just signals, rest wired networks are allowed to work issue like yours country, our government would have just turn off social media
  2. As you mentioned, performance wise you are well and good So what left is only competition I know a seller in your category, getting 136+ reviews a month and probably completing 200-250+ orders a month Such agencies hiding behind a seller profile giving you competition More orders you complete and earn, you will see increase in impressions
  3. Is there any negative impact indication on gigs ? Other factor is competition. Logo design is at top in competition.
  4. Yes you can apply here: https://help-pro.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/17029281011217-How-to-become-a-Fiverr-Pro-freelancer
  5. Had similar situation few months ago I confirmed from buyer, if its mistake or intentional I also mentioned that if its intentional, I respect their opinion and if somewhere issue, will try to improve... But buyer confirmed, it was due to confusion caused by new UI I suggested to submit ticket. and they changed it. Just make sure to use correct wording and that you aren't asking for 5/5 but to make review reflect exactly what client wants and its not manipulation, but correction Edit: Not sure how it will work now, as they disable review after 1h ?
  6. By the way, what was issue ? Did they share reason and precaution for future ? Something must be wrong behind the scenes, which causing issue frequently.
  7. yes, it will save in Fiverr balance after whenever you want to transact, attach your paypal or payoneer account even for that, Fiverr won't ask you for access/credentials and if you already gave card details, i will suggest consulting your bank ask them to change credentials so scammer can't use it when it get funds
  8. Its different i.e manipulate or pressurize for removal/modification of published review What we are doing: requesting a buyer to publish honest review and giving them freehand if they opt or not even if its negative, we will respect You shouldn't delete that gig: - as it won't reset its impact on score - new gigs take time to get impressions, trust, reviews... I had 2 gigs. They are working like helpers in hard time for each other.
  9. 1. Normally I remind in polite manner after 1 day of completion. If we have continuous no. of orders, I give gaps like 2 weeks to ask for reviews. So it doesn't annoy buyer. But sorry this is how Fiverr works. We are forced to annoy buyers. or bad buyers going to annoy us. 2. I understand its hard to build profile. and you don't want to risk it. But wait, Why fear if you aren't violating rules in anyway ? You are doing what Fiverr officially suggested.
  10. Unfortunately, in my case, my repeat clients didn't even know what private rating is... We need to educate them. Conduct survey yourself, how many knows and in each, how many write it...
  11. this is where we get beaten there's strong rumors that asking for review isn't allowed and you get warning etc There's difference. You can ask for review, but don't ask for favor like 5/5 or good review etc. This is from Fiverr's staff:
  12. if repeat/happy buyer doesn't review and angry buyer does, mathematically result would be negative I doubt like Priyank. Your private reviews might be bad. Even in public reviews, I seen 3 bad stars in previous 20. Not sure what they wrote in private... So to fight those, you need repeat clients to oppose by writing both private and public reviews
  13. This review showing 2nd in top list If you keep getting such bad reviews, client satisfaction won't improve You need to encourage happy buyers to write both public and private reviews
  14. Wait a second Its NOT gone yet, just switched to gigs instead of profile
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