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About abdullah_shah

  • Birthday 05/05/1995


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  1. Absolutely Right, it will be best ever decesion by fiverr, you all knows payoneer has an option for live chat, and whenever there is any assistance required they solved it with in minutes, BUT fiverr still rely on old ticketing system which tooks months to resolve the simple issues.
  2. Stuck at 6 from last few months,, look at other metrics its far above then required,, but success score is still 6,
  3. Exactly faisal.. even the new review system is not user friendly.. buyer didn't understand it and unable to leave their desired feedback..
  4. I value your perspective. What do you think about NEW FEEDBACK SYSTEM?
  5. I value your perspective. What do you think about NEW FEEDBACK SYSTEM?
  6. Same from last 14 days, and it was all of sudden, all gigs
  7. Hi, i hope you all are doing well. since the new feature is launched (Get Matched with Buyers) i have just got a 2 orders, Buyer request was good option for full time freelancers and it was very effective in getting order from new clients, i completely understand that during last days of buyer request there was a lot of SPAM REQUEST but still that was good enough as compared to new feature which is unpredictable. instead replacing the feature Fiverr should make it Paid request from buyer or sellers, in short new feature is useless to me, what do you think about Fiverr GET MATCHED WITH BUYER FEATURES. Please share your suggestion / Tips how to use the new feature most effectively. . Thanks.
  8. still waiting for seller plus.
  9. bundle of thanks @hanshuber16
  10. world domination appears at the bottom of the page when you click on the analytics option… kindly explain … thanks
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