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This post is absolutely fantastic. Really great insights and analysis of how the Fiverr system works and how things might be changing. This will be my new go-to post to send to new Sellers requesting assistance. Thanks for going to the effort to put this together Frank.

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This translates to what income? If your income was over 700$ every penny above that should go into savings accounts or investment. If you had 6 sales a day you should invest them, convert that earnings into passive income.

About $5000 a month… And I have saved the majority of my money but that’s for important surgery.

You act like building passive income streams by investing your money is easy. Without an ENORMOUS upfront investment you don’t even stand a chance. Even if you avoid real estate and go on sites like flippa to buy online business you need like a good near hundred thousands to get anyhting you could live off.

I tried investing my money in tshirt designs, stock music and other sources of making passive income from content. But the market is insanley oversaturated, you barely stand a chance. Even with selling content not on a marketplace you need enormous amounts in ad spend to make even a dent.

I have to agree, I feel like “diversify” is just a default statement, it’s an easy thing to say if you’ve been doing it for a long time.

It’s not easy for most peopl to diversify their income. Most people stuggle to find/keep a job, let alone finding or creating another one.

A lot of poeple (including myself) lost their jobs during this pandemic, Fiverr was a great alternative. The fact that Fiverr changed so much without telling us is unacceptable.

A lot of people will tough it out/bounce back and a lot of poeple will leave Fiverr.

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Just to throw something out there -
I stopped using the Promoted gigs feature for all gigs two days ago.
I edited gigs based on some of what has been said here, mainly tags and some of the metadata things.
Each gig (5 gigs) now has double the impressions or more - one gig got more impressions yesterday than the other six days combined. Clicks have increased similarly and I have had more messages from people today than the past five days. Keep in mind that this is WITHOUT promoted gigs being on - so the increase is really substantial in comparison.

Not gonna work for everyone obviously but worth looking at what you can change (even on one gig) to go along with the guidelines here and see what happens.

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Just to throw something out there -

I stopped using the Promoted gigs feature for all gigs two days ago.

I edited gigs based on some of what has been said here, mainly tags and some of the metadata things.

Each gig (5 gigs) now has double the impressions or more - one gig got more impressions yesterday than the other six days combined. Clicks have increased similarly and I have had more messages from people today than the past five days. Keep in mind that this is WITHOUT promoted gigs being on - so the increase is really substantial in comparison.

Not gonna work for everyone obviously but worth looking at what you can change (even on one gig) to go along with the guidelines here and see what happens.

I stopped using the Promoted gigs feature for all gigs two days ago.

I quit using it too. I tried it twice and it was not for me. It seemed to work for a bit and then nothing.

Also, after the 4 students contacted me for homework and I turned them down, I did not get one message the next day, which is unusual for me. I guess since I did not convert those 4 messages the algorithm did not like me.

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I stopped using the Promoted gigs feature for all gigs two days ago.

I quit using it too. I tried it twice and it was not for me. It seemed to work for a bit and then nothing.

Also, after the 4 students contacted me for homework and I turned them down, I did not get one message the next day, which is unusual for me. I guess since I did not convert those 4 messages the algorithm did not like me.

I guess since I did not convert those 4 messages the algorithm did not like me.

Hmm, that’s quite unfair for the sellers, if it’s true. What is 20 competitors decide to send a message and they don’t want to purchase, that means the algorithm is against me? I hope that’s not the case.

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I guess since I did not convert those 4 messages the algorithm did not like me.

Hmm, that’s quite unfair for the sellers, if it’s true. What is 20 competitors decide to send a message and they don’t want to purchase, that means the algorithm is against me? I hope that’s not the case.

I do to. But maybe it was just a slow day.

It seems I’m only getting sales and enquiries from people who haven’t bought anything on the platform yet or have recently signed up to fiverr.

I get a few of those, but I also seem to be getting a lot of business buyers lately too.

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Hey gang!

I have been watching this conversation from the sidelines these past few days, as I am still trying to figure out what my new strategy needs to be, now that things are once again shifting.

(at the same time I am experiencing some mild burnout for the umpteenth time since Covid-19 first came into our lives)

I will try to reply to everyone who mentioned me, and I will also start sharing some updates of somethings that were off in my initial assessment and some new information I picked up along the way.

Let me work on delivering an order, and I will post a lengthy reply.

Thank you to everyone who is contributing to this topic!

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Hey gang!

I have been watching this conversation from the sidelines these past few days, as I am still trying to figure out what my new strategy needs to be, now that things are once again shifting.

(at the same time I am experiencing some mild burnout for the umpteenth time since Covid-19 first came into our lives)

I will try to reply to everyone who mentioned me, and I will also start sharing some updates of somethings that were off in my initial assessment and some new information I picked up along the way.

Let me work on delivering an order, and I will post a lengthy reply.

Thank you to everyone who is contributing to this topic!

Thank you for everyone who is contributing to this topic!

Thank you for starting all of this.

I edited gigs based on some of what has been said here, mainly tags and some of the metadata things.

I just did the same… we shall see.

On some GIGs, I could come up with logical tags that are not in the title, but for some gigs, I just had to be extra creative (aka put anything that is not in the title).

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I do to. But maybe it was just a slow day.

It seems I’m only getting sales and enquiries from people who haven’t bought anything on the platform yet or have recently signed up to fiverr.

I get a few of those, but I also seem to be getting a lot of business buyers lately too.

I get a few of those, but I also seem to be getting a lot of business buyers lately too.

Do business buyers have a specific tag that I’m unaware of?

Let me work on delivering an order, and I will post a lengthy reply.

Thank you to everyone who is contributing to this topic!

Given the sheer effort you put into each of these posts, I’m just thankful you’re taking the time out of your already busy day to help everyone out.

Each gig (5 gigs) now has double the impressions or more - one gig got more impressions yesterday than the other six days combined. Clicks have increased similarly and I have had more messages from people today than the past five days. Keep in mind that this is WITHOUT promoted gigs being on - so the increase is really substantial in comparison.

Fiverr decided to just randomly edit the subcategories in my category which has lead to more impressions and clicks but lower orders and messages for some reason. I’ll think about changing tags in a week or so depending on how things play out but for now, my regulars are helping me get by.

Hmm, that’s quite unfair for the sellers, if it’s true.

I’ve definitely felt that too. I had 4 messages from new users come my way and I only managed to covert one since the other 3 didn’t have anything to do with my service or were just asking for my availability for a later date. Things just suddenly got real quiet from the next day. Hopefully, @frank_d could chime in on this because right now this doesn’t really feel “fair”.

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Just to throw something out there -

I stopped using the Promoted gigs feature for all gigs two days ago.

I edited gigs based on some of what has been said here, mainly tags and some of the metadata things.

Each gig (5 gigs) now has double the impressions or more - one gig got more impressions yesterday than the other six days combined. Clicks have increased similarly and I have had more messages from people today than the past five days. Keep in mind that this is WITHOUT promoted gigs being on - so the increase is really substantial in comparison.

Not gonna work for everyone obviously but worth looking at what you can change (even on one gig) to go along with the guidelines here and see what happens.

All this things is a mystery, today i received 3 messages from Promoted gigs… just in one day ‘-’ ‘0’

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I get a few of those, but I also seem to be getting a lot of business buyers lately too.

Do business buyers have a specific tag that I’m unaware of?

Let me work on delivering an order, and I will post a lengthy reply.

Thank you to everyone who is contributing to this topic!

Given the sheer effort you put into each of these posts, I’m just thankful you’re taking the time out of your already busy day to help everyone out.

Each gig (5 gigs) now has double the impressions or more - one gig got more impressions yesterday than the other six days combined. Clicks have increased similarly and I have had more messages from people today than the past five days. Keep in mind that this is WITHOUT promoted gigs being on - so the increase is really substantial in comparison.

Fiverr decided to just randomly edit the subcategories in my category which has lead to more impressions and clicks but lower orders and messages for some reason. I’ll think about changing tags in a week or so depending on how things play out but for now, my regulars are helping me get by.

Hmm, that’s quite unfair for the sellers, if it’s true.

I’ve definitely felt that too. I had 4 messages from new users come my way and I only managed to covert one since the other 3 didn’t have anything to do with my service or were just asking for my availability for a later date. Things just suddenly got real quiet from the next day. Hopefully, @frank_d could chime in on this because right now this doesn’t really feel “fair”.

Do business buyers have a specific tag that I’m unaware of?


Next to the name on top of inbox and left too.

image301×530 53.8 KB

I changed/updated my metadata, tags and mandatory requirements, also twigged descriptions and pricing a little.

And now I activated promoted Gigs.

Will see in a month results.

Last month was 538$ profit. Goal: double that.

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Do business buyers have a specific tag that I’m unaware of?


Next to the name on top of inbox and left too.

I changed/updated my metadata, tags and mandatory requirements, also twigged descriptions and pricing a little.

And now I activated promoted Gigs.

Will see in a month results.

Last month was 538$ profit. Goal: double that.

Last month was 538$ profit. Goal: double that.

Good luck Marina.

My experience with this feature is lackluster.

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This last month has been kind of jarring. My impressions absolutely skydived from healthy numbers down to double digits over the course of 24 hours and have sat there since. I’m all for upgrading the site and all that, but I hope something in the algorithm is tweaked.

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I do to. But maybe it was just a slow day.

It seems I’m only getting sales and enquiries from people who haven’t bought anything on the platform yet or have recently signed up to fiverr.

I get a few of those, but I also seem to be getting a lot of business buyers lately too.

After reading what over have said above, I think conversion rate and response time is a major player in this. My conversion rate went up, I replied to revisions instantly and did loads of orders days early, then the next day I got loads of messages from VID’s and top buyers.

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But the annoying thing about conversion rate is many times it’s out of your control.

Many people will message asking for things you don’t offer due to not reading the gig properly and you can’t convert which affects your conversion rate.

For example I just had 2 messages. One said he’ll order in a few days. The other wanted me to write in PORTUGESE! My profile says English lol. Both of these will affect my conversion rate but it’s not a fault of mine at all 😕

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But the annoying thing about conversion rate is many times it’s out of your control.

Many people will message asking for things you don’t offer due to not reading the gig properly and you can’t convert which affects your conversion rate.

For example I just had 2 messages. One said he’ll order in a few days. The other wanted me to write in PORTUGESE! My profile says English lol. Both of these will affect my conversion rate but it’s not a fault of mine at all 😕

I don’t think the conversion rate is very important.

My conversion rate is well under 1% for all my gigs and I am doing fine. You can’t convert any impression or message, I am sure Fiverr understands that. It didn’t derank me, remove from search or stuff like that.

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I don’t think the conversion rate is very important.

My conversion rate is well under 1% for all my gigs and I am doing fine. You can’t convert any impression or message, I am sure Fiverr understands that. It didn’t derank me, remove from search or stuff like that.

It didn’t derank me, remove from search or stuff like that.

Okay… But there’s no way to see how things affect your gig ranking anymore, as there is no gig ranking. All we have to go off is how many sales and enquiries we get.

I check my ranking everyday normally and I’m always at the top, yet I have been getting barley any sales or messages.

I’d think conversion rate may matter… As gigs that convert well will be much higher value to fiverr and there would be no point in ranking low conversion gigs high.

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It didn’t derank me, remove from search or stuff like that.

Okay… But there’s no way to see how things affect your gig ranking anymore, as there is no gig ranking. All we have to go off is how many sales and enquiries we get.

I check my ranking everyday normally and I’m always at the top, yet I have been getting barley any sales or messages.

I’d think conversion rate may matter… As gigs that convert well will be much higher value to fiverr and there would be no point in ranking low conversion gigs high.

Okay… But there’s no way to see how things affect your gig ranking anymore, as there is no gig ranking. All we have to go off is how many sales and enquiries we get.

Which is why I said it didn’t affect me. Then again, most of my work comes from repeat customers in general.

I check my ranking everyday normally and I’m always at the top, yet I have been getting barley any sales or messages.

It does depend on what you are selling, obviously. I see you are selling music promotion services, due to the pandemic I can see the demand being lower.

I’d think conversion rate may matter… As gigs that convert well will be much higher value to fiverr and there would be no point in ranking low conversion gigs high.

True, but it also depends on how many views you get and stuff. I don’t believe Fiverr cares about a gig that has a 100% conversion rate if it just has 2 views and 2 sales… So there are other factors.

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Do business buyers have a specific tag that I’m unaware of?


Next to the name on top of inbox and left too.

I changed/updated my metadata, tags and mandatory requirements, also twigged descriptions and pricing a little.

And now I activated promoted Gigs.

Will see in a month results.

Last month was 538$ profit. Goal: double that.

I changed/updated my metadata, tags and mandatory requirements, also twigged descriptions and pricing a little.

And now I activated promoted Gigs.

Will see in a month results.

Though if you don’t update one set of things at a time and give enough time to see results you won’t really know which of the things might have improved things (got more orders). eg. whether having gigs with 0 tags that are in the title helped or made it worse. Maybe having a couple of tags in the title might help more on average than having 0 (all other things being equal).

Though ones not in the title would help to get you found for those things it’s possible a bit of extra weight might be given to a tag if it’s in the title.

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Okay… But there’s no way to see how things affect your gig ranking anymore, as there is no gig ranking. All we have to go off is how many sales and enquiries we get.

Which is why I said it didn’t affect me. Then again, most of my work comes from repeat customers in general.

I check my ranking everyday normally and I’m always at the top, yet I have been getting barley any sales or messages.

It does depend on what you are selling, obviously. I see you are selling music promotion services, due to the pandemic I can see the demand being lower.

I’d think conversion rate may matter… As gigs that convert well will be much higher value to fiverr and there would be no point in ranking low conversion gigs high.

True, but it also depends on how many views you get and stuff. I don’t believe Fiverr cares about a gig that has a 100% conversion rate if it just has 2 views and 2 sales… So there are other factors.

due to the pandemic I can see the demand being lower.

Hmmm… I’d think this too but throughout the whole pandemic I’ve had a steady flow of sales every day. I do branding for businesses too which is my most profitable gig.

Everything was fine, constant sales every day. Then the second fiverr 3.0 come in my sales stopped. So it’s definitely due to these changes.

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due to the pandemic I can see the demand being lower.

Hmmm… I’d think this too but throughout the whole pandemic I’ve had a steady flow of sales every day. I do branding for businesses too which is my most profitable gig.

Everything was fine, constant sales every day. Then the second fiverr 3.0 come in my sales stopped. So it’s definitely due to these changes.

Then the second fiverr 3.0 come in my sales stopped.

No one knows when 3.0 stepped in. It’s just an algorithm change, one that might have been introduced during months and months of work. In fact, all you have in this topic are speculations. No one knows exactly what the algorithm is looking for. What everyone shared are things they noticed, which worked for them, but you already saw that not everyone has the same findings so…

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Then the second fiverr 3.0 come in my sales stopped.

No one knows when 3.0 stepped in. It’s just an algorithm change, one that might have been introduced during months and months of work. In fact, all you have in this topic are speculations. No one knows exactly what the algorithm is looking for. What everyone shared are things they noticed, which worked for them, but you already saw that not everyone has the same findings so…

If you look further up people were searching for services from different accounts and everyone got different results. This must be the reason I’m not getting sales, as my gigs are ranked at the top for the keywords and are cheaper / offer more than my competition. There has definitely been changes to the system that have stopped my sales.

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It might be wiser to invest in computer chips and GPUs rather than solving Fiverr’s SERP and algorithm mystery. 🙂

Deep learning changes the way the algorithm works literally every moment. There is just one goal, making more money.

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