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  1. Many buyers contact you without see the price on the gigs.... at the end you will send an offer based on your Gig Packages and buyers will not purchase if they think is expensive. If you send the offer of $100 and the buyer say his budget is $5 so you need do it for $5 to not be affected. Fiverr send a lot of emails and notifications, is really annoying that Sellers also keep sending messages for buyers make something. I already did it this week, order auto completed, the buyer did not replied me back even after I messaged them to say if they need something they cold contact me. I guess Fiverr forgot we are Freelancers who work alone, I know some sellers who work in almost 100 orders monthly. I just wanna know how they will be able to answers new clients, current clients, message them many times asking feedback, keep them posted about progress, work on projects, revisions. Fiverr expect to much of Freelancers, we are not a team or an agency, #wearehumans #soloworkers
  2. I don't remember exactly (if I'm no wrong) the buyer can extend 3 times based on the order deadline. If your delivery is 5 days they can extend it in total 15 days. Some sad facts 🤬 - I had one buyer who extended the review every day, he came just to extend it. - Buyers are extending the review right after the delivery, giving them more than 1 week to review the orders. - Buyers are extending the review for several days and requesting a revision, this loop allow buyers to keep the order pending for more than 1 month. - Fiverr don't care, the money is already with them, while you: you can be there with your order for months. There's a lot of abuse in this function and was reported since the beginning. Buyers must be allowed to extend the review in maximum 1 Week! @Kesha
  3. If the buyer request is equal to what is displayed in my packages I always charges what is displayed in the package. If the seller you contacted sent a bigger offer, you can mention that the gig page is $XX and not what he quoted for you. If you do not agree with this seller charges you can move to other sellers available on Fiverr.
  4. This is unfair for sellers, because unhappy buyers for sure 100% will fill the private survey. While, happy buyers even don't care to fill the public review, think about the private.
  5. What don't make sense for me is: The buyer came from your gig, your gig displays all Prices there, so if the buyer cannot afford your prices why they message us? Maybe to get some discount? Who knows
  6. A scammer asking to scam a qr code, never do this!
  7. I hope Fiverr blocked these usernames: "Fiverr Team" "Support Team" "Secure Team" "Customer Support" and other. - Most of these names should not be allowed to be used as a normal user.
  8. mateusbl

    Q3 Check In

    My greatest accomplishment/highlight in Q2 was: MONEY The thing I’m most grateful in Q2 for is: MONEY In Q3, I would like to improve MONEY earnings. In Q3, I would like to accomplish increase MONEY earnings in my professional life. In Q3, I would like to accomplish more MONEY to invest in my personal life.
  9. It would be beyond unfair! We have no control about the revisions or the time required to complete each order. - Some Buyers open revisions just to make questions or to postponing the order by requesting revisions without any detail. - Some Buyer's combine the "Extend the Review Time" with "Request Revision" in a loop to make the order pending for one month and beyond. Outside of Seller control, @Kesha
  10. @milos_siena Most of these users are new, so is something to pay attention. I would like that Fiverr fix this problem, for example Fiverr Select is a vetted badge. One advice could be require ID verification for buyers get the Pro Badge or give it after the buyer spend some amount.
  11. How it works: - Scammers are creating new accounts; - Scammers are joining the Pro Client to get credibility; - Scammers pretend to be Pro, to apply scams; Fiverr Select have much more credibility than the Pro Client Badge, all these badges should be given to buyers who Spent X amount on Fiverr. Not be open to everyone apply on it.
  12. The same here, the only thing I changed in the gig was the Extra offers add-ons. And then a drop of 5x, same as you after April 🫠
  13. This should be called "Agency Award" I saw a seller who made 200 orders in one month, this is 7 orders per day in social media market, is impossible to do it alone, and of couse yes he have a big team... he not even worked on a single order by himself
  14. Fiverr and other platforms should make the life of the freelancer more easy, but is complete the opposite of that: it only make more stressful and the gamefication make the sellers anxiety.
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