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  1. Yeah it really sucks for sellers when the buyer is working in bad faith but that’s just the nature of the beast on these marketplaces. They can even cancel after completion if they go to fiverr support. I’ve had orders cancelled months after completion after a positive review. 20+ hours is utterly brutal I do feel for you aha. My jobs are normally very short so it doesn’t bother me too much.
  2. The buyer will ALWAYS win and that is never going to change as fiverr is buyer-centric. So would you if buyers where your businesses entire source of income. They have nothing to gain by siding with the seller. It’s either potentially unhappy buyer that will stop spending money on the site. Or potentially unhappy seller that can be replaced by the millions of others. It’s an obvious choice for fiverr.
  3. Many other sellers are facing this EXACT same problem following the ineligible promoted gigs notice. The last guy I saw that posted about this got his ranking back after two months of this happening though so there is still hope. Stay strong 🙂
  4. Yeahhhh. This is what I find too. It seems totally random a lot of the time. I’ve been shoved to the last page randomly along with my competitors a bunch of times. Then replaced with people who have terrible reviews. And I mean terrible. One time they had less than 4.9. It makes no sense as my replacements on the search rankings would have barley ANY orders in the que due to the bad reviews. So like fiverr would’ve been losing money. Why would they do this :s I would’ve thought that it would be a matter of how much money you bring into the site but obviously not.
  5. Delivering early definitely seems to improve results for me… When I’m close to the deadline on a lot of orders my enquiries etc. stop. But when I deliver a bunch two days early they start flooding in again.
  6. So I think the algorithm filters the sellers with poorer metrics to the buyers that are least likely to buy. And the sellers considered high-value / good metrics are filtered to the buyers who are most likely to buy. I say this because when I search for something that I’ve bought before, or something similiar, all the top rows are top rated sellers with amazing ratings. Fiverr sees I’m very likely to buy based of my buying history so they give me the best possible sellers with a lower likelehood of cancellation, lateness or poor experience. If I search for something I would never even consider buying all the top rows are sellers with low ratings. Fiverr ses I’m not likely to buy this service as i’ve never even bought anything similiar, so they give me the more low-value sellers, so that they are not wasting all their good leads on the crappier sellers. This would make sense for fiverr. Because they don’t want to send traffic that’s highly likely to convert to a seller that is at risk of cancelling the order and losing the money, providing poor customer experience or just generally making the buyer unhappy. So the low value sellers performance wise get the scraps. The bad leads that aren’t likely to convert. And the best sellers get the cream of the crop, the ones that are most likely to buy and spend MORE. This would explain why impressions and clicks are not down but sales are. Because they are sending just as much traffic to you, it’s just low-value traffic because your performance is seen as low.
  7. Whenever people on here ask for tips on promoting their gigs, loads of people chime in with “post it on social media” as if this actually works. So they head over to Facebook or twitter and start spamming their links in groups and pages thinking that people are going to just buy it. The problem is that people are bombarded with content every second of every day. They won’t even acknowledge your post. JUST posting your gig on social media does not generate sales. Here are some methods that do: Content marketing Build an audience outside of the platform that trusts you for quality advice on your niche. Create content such as blogs and youtube videos that help bring value to your customer base. Start building an email list and an audience. Bring them as much value first BEFORE going in for a sale. It’s called the law of reciprocity. People feel obliged to do something for us when we do something for them. Many sites like these offer free e-books on the subject in return for customers email. If you just start reaching out to people, even if their in your target audience and asking for sales without providing them value first, your gonna have a severely lower success rate. Like 70% of the pitching / sales process is understanding their needs and pain points by listening to them. Offer specialized advice on the niche and prove you can help solve their problems. People take action (i.e buying) to avoid pain or to gain pleasure. You need to frame your service as something that alleviates their business pains and helps them reach their goals. Cold emails This means identifying business that would benefit from your services and emailing them directly to drum up business. Yes, this works. You just need good copy and highly targeted leads. Again your main focus for the duration of the pitch should be on providing them value and understanding their business, as well as its pain points and goals. Offer them a fress consultation first so they feel like they’ve been given something of value for free. Again, law of reciprocity. Only once they trust you as an expert who can solve their problems and have received value from you will they even consider hiring you. It is a numbers game though. You will need to send out THOUSANDS of emails to get any results, each one tailored to the specific business, no cut and paste jobs. Online communities Yes, facebook groups and online forums like Quora, reddit, niche forums can get you customers. I recently got a sale from reddit. However, it’s not a matter of just advertising your services on there by posting about them. For a LONG time after joining the community you must not mention your product at all. If people think you’re just there to sell something they will resent you. It’s like walking into a bar and shoving your product in a strangers face. You need to become a trusted authority on the forums for your niche. Consistently, build your reputation on there as someone that provides quality contributions to the forums, establish yourself as an expert in the niche. Then after your highly trusted and respected on the forum you can start offering your services. People buy from who they trust. So if they already trust you then you are half the way there. Influencer marketing Gonna need some cashflow for this one but it works. People are very likely to buy if they’ve been referred by a friend. Online influencers are like friends to their fans, they trust them. So what you can do is pay these people to endorse your product to their audience. You need to find influencers in your niche of course like youtubers etc. A good example would be if your selling marketing services, you could pay someone on a business channel to talk about how great your product is for start-ups. Wouldn’t recommend this method until you’ve succeeded with the other methods though as it requires risking cash. Any more methods people can think of? On a side note: Why are there so many digital marketers on here asking for advice on promoting their gig lol. If you are a digital marketing expert then surely you should be able to market it yourself. I’d really question your skills.
  8. But what if the value suddenly drops an insane amount like it often does with bitcoin. Fiverr could lose millions. Seems risky. I love crypto and I’d love to see decentralized currency widely accepted. But from a business stand point it seems highly risky. I bought a few bitcoin some years ago for about $200. Now their worth over $100,000 lol
  9. Good advice… It’s important to make your gig pic more attention grabbing than your competitors. You need to make it so it attracts more eyballs than the rest of the gigs on the page. So that amongst all the other gigs buyers instantly see yours above all the others… I saw my competitors where using dull, brown colors etc. So I made mine really vibrant, yellow and black so you see it instantly amongst all the rest.
  10. I checked through my account, logged out and my friend in another city. Results were same. Now this seems an interesting observation and a valid one. But what about the sellers who are shown on first pages even though they have a bad reputation or have no reviews, why are they being shown at top? I really don’t know… There’s been times where my ranking has went down and I’ve been outranked by people with terrible reviews. There was a 4.2 at the top of my niche before with me at the bottom. Sometimes it just makes no sense and seems really random lol. Though it’s been confirmed that fiverr puts new sellers to the top sometimes to give them a chance… If it wasn’t for them giving me a chance in the early days I wouldn’t be were I am today so that’s fair…
  11. I agree to all your points except this. As when i could view my own gig myself on page 1, the impressions were great. But when i noticed myself thats its on page 5, impressions, clicks fell so that clearly means gig is down, its not being shown on top. Either its down or not shown. Hope for the best. Thats what ill be doing now. Avoid cancellation, time extensions, delivering before 12 hour notification, and the things you mentioned I was just wondering as Fiverr 3.0 said to avoid time extensions, what if we set the timer to 3 days even though it will take 1 day but we set to 3 days and when we deliver within a day, it might result in good thing? Can the system be tricked? Well I’m not entirley sure but I think the ranking YOU see is the default ranking for new buyers and people browsing the site without an account. I theorize, though not sure if I’m right, that the ranking starts changing for people depending on how much money they’ve spent on the site. So they don’t want to send buyers who spend a lot of money on the site to people with low customer satisfaction rate (i.e excessive cancellations etc.)… I think this as, after getting a few cancellations I’m no longer getting top buyers, VID’s and business clients… Just new buyers who haven’t spent much on the site. This is all speculation though…
  12. Agreed. I contacted the CS regarding the link between Promoted gig and ranking. Like how i lost my ranking when i lost the promoted gig feature, they didnt answered and avoided that. But they told me that I had a high chance of getting that feature back soon because of my remarkable performance throughout. So i think sometimes whether to wait a little more, maybe ill bounce back if not then ill edit as what is the loss if i edit a few days later, its the same thing like sitting at page 5 doing nothing and trying your luck after some time. What do you say? Yeah support will never give you answers on how the algo works or how certain things link to ranking changes… I’m just working on improving my performance and speed. Still getting sales just nowhere near as many. Even if it is on page 5 on your end, that’s no longer any indication of how the gig is appearing to potential buyers… Every buyer sees different rankings based on their buying habits etc. Frank said before fiverr 3.0, bouncing back was near enough impossible but now it’s doable. So there is hope… Just nail down your performance. Deliver quicker, respond quicker and provide a superior service and customer experience to all your competitors
  13. I am well aware how risky it is. In past, i lost my ranking for some time. But since the Fiverr 3.0, I believe i might have to . I completely agree with yours and @corsogr . Thats its a big risk. But frank’s observation is something else so double minded. Personally, I’m never touching my gig again. It’s not worth losing thousands because I stupidly clicked a few buttons. Speeding up our delivery time, revisions, minimizing cancellations and improving customer satisfaction is all we can do and hope for the best…
  14. Yeah I realized afterwards from searching the forum how risky it is… Luckily it didn’t affect anything. Never editing again.
  15. It is my high earning gig. Well if I make changes, it will be title, tags, description everything etc. But I discussed with few others, and the result waas 50/50. Some said to do and some said not to I regret doing it because I realized afterwards how risky it is. It’s not based around SEO anymore anyway so is it really worth the risk if there’s a fifty fifty chance it will tank rankings? Guess I just got lucky and it didn’t derank mine… I don’t think giig titles will improve the situation as it’s about speed etc. now as frank explained… Only a few top peformers have remained stickied to the top page.
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