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Everything posted by frank_d

  1. According to the person in charge of the feature, OOO is completely safe and with none of the weird issues of the past. Switch it on and when you are back you will regain your position in search results, provided nothing else has changed.
  2. To be honest I did it just the one time, on just two clients that had asked me about that specific service. But overall I don’t think it is cool to reach out to past clients for additional work. I personally don’t like it when sellers contact me again after a transaction has been completed. It’s not a good a look.
  3. Sorry you feel this way. Not sure what I can do to help. Seems like a month ago you most probably had a drop in your buyer satisfaction rate. If your repeat buyers are actual legit buyers then you need to keep doing what you are doing until things pick up again. In the meantime you can definitely work on your existing gigs as there is a lot of room for improvement, especially in your demo videos (a little bonus critique from me as an animator)
  4. I never got the cash advance feature and my stats are considerably higher. Fiverr is working on several financial products but I think these are more complicated and also have to do with different regions.
  5. I've made a personal game out of it, where I take time out of my day to reject each and every one of the briefs I receive that have their budget set to "flexible". Just for shits and giggles I sent a custom offer to two briefs that were a potentially great fit, and in both cases the budget was $40 when my "briefs" rate is set to $1,000. The sooner Fiverr understands that they need to work on that, the better.
  6. Hey @danno1950 please don’t take my availability on this forum personally. I sometimes like a post to simply acknowledge it and I reply when I can. I have a lot of balls in the air at the moment and I will post about my findings as soon as my orders situation calms down.
  7. That stock chart has nothing to do with Fiverr's search engine. This is not why Fiverr stock is lower than last year.
  8. I had an hour long conversation with someone from the actual search/algo team. Things are “interesting” to say the least. 🙂 I promise to post something extensive soon.
  9. Remember how I always talk about indicators? This is a great example. Fiverr knows which gigs are performing well so they recommend you promote them to get the best out of your promotion.
  10. Yes you can become eligible again once your gigs are performing well again.
  11. It is complicated. 🙂 ASP counts when a competitor is also performing roughly the same as you. In which case whoever has the highest ASP outranks the other. On the other hand, repeat buyers are also a big part of performance metrics currently. I can’t say for sure that this is hurting or helping. It just is what it is. 🙂
  12. There’s no manual intervention but it does take time for their system to propagate changes and start serving your gig. I suggest 2-3 weeks, minimum. yes you need to use the “no cap” it is significant when certain hidden conditions are met. If you paused the gig that explains the underperforming. It makes sense. Give it time to recover, it is easier to bounce back nowadays. Hope you are safe.
  13. I can offer some advice, which can’t possibly be personalized due to how promoted gig works in general: -when editing your gig and/or tweaking your bid, allow for at least 2-3 weeks before making new edits -I strongly suggest to use the uncapped feature rather than trying to bid based on the suggestion given by the system -the feature needs strong performance on your end to give optimal results. So if you are still not getting impressions, messages or clicks, your gig is underperforming when compared to what others in your vertical who may be taking the promoted spot in searches.
  14. The person in charge of the Business Marketplace said that they are just now finalizing the seller’s end of things and they will begin rolling out to buyers gradually late April-Early May.
  15. It’s not frowned upon, but I don’t recommend it. For several reasons. I don’t recommend offering discounts to past clients purely because that’s leaving money on the table. You should “spend money” to acquire new clientele not entice existing ones. Secondly: I think that one should reach out to past clientele when they have something new to offer that is of value. For instance, you can use your “contacts” page to look at past clients that were a good fit and see if you have a new service to offer them. A specific example: I just recently started offering a 3D animation gig. Once I created it, I reached out to past clients that I knew could benefit from that service plus more specifically clients that were a good fit and had clearly demonstrated they had resources. That way it’s not me asking them to come back, it’s me offering them more value and thinking of them. 🙂 As for what Fiverr thinks: ToS clearly states it’s a no-no but at the same time, CS agents seem to recommend this to new sellers.
  16. It’s Fiverr’s official community. If you are looking to learn from experienced sellers then you will greatly benefit from this platform. if you are looking for hacks and/or a way to grow your sales just by replying on here, then you are in for grave disappointment.
  17. I don’t think that’s true. Fiverr doesn’t stop serving your gigs just so other untested sellers can have a go at it. ”5% metrics” is equal parts oddly specific and arbitrary. I saw your thread about your gigs No longer being served and if I were you I would look into your past performance for the answers. Also, apropos of nothing, Fiverr knows when certain transactions are iffy in terms of who places them and when.
  18. It seems that Fiverr is making some changes to this feature, they just added the option to send a message!
  19. Actually, the old system was a playground for scammers, grifters and poor facilitators. The new Fiverr version makes it easier to spot any seller who is offering a poor experience, not focused on the client journey or who is attempting to game the system. Just take a look at how many moderately successful sellers post about their gigs going dead on a daily basis.
  20. Hey there @toorzan Sorry to hear about your experience. I’m sure you understand that I can’t diagnose a situation with no data points. My first step of action would be to go here and check if my gig is still indexed. Then I would look into the 5 gigs that declined. How are they related? What’s their recent order history? It seems like a performance issue on your account. Maybe your buyer satisfaction rate dropped? That’s just an assumption, I can’t tell for sure. Out of the 5 gigs that dropped to zero, pick just one or two that were actually getting sales and see if you can edit them in order to optimize. Start with tags and/or title and look at your description as well. The foal here is to make them more relevant to what buyers are looking for. So you need to research and figure out a good chunk of the market and what they need done. Then edit your gig so it solves that one problem.
  21. Thank you! I did have a fantastic birthday celebration. Working on a new post right now, this will be short and sweet, and will offer 100% actionable advice.
  22. Hey @zeus777! Thank you! Don’t worry about missing my post. I hope you find it helpful. I had a lot of cake. It was a ridiculous amount. And now I am happy for 3 days straight. Maybe I am on to something…
  23. You have got to be kidding me.
  24. Thank you for sharing that, I hadn’t noticed. It’s something that definitely ties in with what they are trying to do with briefs and to be honest, I had suggested this feature a few months back. I’ll try some searches and see how it works.
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