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About faymus

  • Birthday 09/12/1904


  • Location
    South Africa

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  1. I just saw the message and received an email.
  2. My lowest priced gig was $5 when I first started, but my first order was $150. I increased my prices after the first few orders. As I said, I focused on quality so I kept getting repeat buyers. 🙂
  3. Hi (to whoever is reading this) I became a TRS after 1.5 years on Fiverr. I qualified on the 14th of July and was promoted the next day. I have read many posts about people not becoming TRS and so I thought I'd share my experience. As others have said, this a manual selection process even if you meet all the criteria, but don't lose heart. Personally, I have maintained a 5 star rating since I began and I became a level 2 seller after 3-4 months on this platform. I always make sure to have the best customer service and to decline jobs and/or clients that I know will give me trouble. I'm not very active on the forum so I don't think that counts, but I do get quite a lot of orders every months so that might have played a factor in it. All this is to say, just keep working hard and focus more on your reputation than remuneration. Your consistency will pay off. Good luck!
  4. I had the 5000 first, and the second time it was 2500.
  5. Update: My cash advance option has returned. It’s been 48 hours
  6. The Cash advance option disappeared after paying it back. I’m not sure when it will return.
  7. I did. It was very easy. I only took out $100 to test it out because I knew I could pay that back in a day or two. I’m curious to see what happens after.
  8. Thank you all for your help.
  9. Hi all. I’ve offered the cash advance option since it was first released but I’ve been skeptical to try it out because I don’t have enough information. Can someone (who has tried it) please tell me what one can do with the funds? Can you withdraw them or are they strictly for use on Fiverr? I’ve read the other threads and no one has answered this question. Thanks P.S. I’m a level 2 seller
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