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Everything posted by frank_d

  1. Today I got the first positive response to my vision of what's next for Fiverr.com.

    Things will either start happening soon, or we'll get shot down within a month.

    Commencing a 30-day countdown.

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    2. frank_d


      Your emoji choice skills are impeccable. That's exactly how this situation feels like at the moment.  🙃 🙃 🙃

    3. catwriter


      Shot down as in the whole site will be gone in 30 days?

    4. frank_d


      Hahaha! No, shot down as in my idea won’t be turned into a product.

  2. This topic keeps coming up every year or two like clockwork. Here's my progress since last time:
  3. Yes, that's also true.
  4. Yeah sure. I agree 100%. Preventing users to do something that's not allowed or not verified is the way to go. What if a verification/certification system existed? 🤔
  5. I've seen a few users occasionally using a screen name that includes a certain level or badge. Like TRS, Pro, etc. So in my book, smart*sses like that are always worse than people just throwing the Fiverr name on there. They are actively trying to deceive people. I don't know why Fiverr doesn't stop you when creating the account but instead chooses to de-list all your gigs instead. But here we are, commenting about it on the OP's plead for help, as they don't understand what happened.
  6. Umm, have you considered creating an account where the actual username is NOT misleading?
  7. Well yes, you need to be a seller plus member in order to receive this feature. Right now seller plus is only offered via manual selection from a huge waiting list.
  8. Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing what’s wrong in your case and offer personalized advice. What I do know is that if a gig was eligible and then it suddenly is no longer eligible, it’s usually due to poor performance. However, 10 months is a long time, so maybe reach out to customer support and ask them.
  9. I started making a distinction between people who messaged me asking me for a job and people who messaged me asking me for help. I get 7-10 messages like that per day on average. I have a qr for the sellers who ask me for a job, politely informing them about how they are not going to achieve anything by this and I also report them for breaking ToS. However, if someone is asking me for help, I have a different qr where I point them to the forum and encourage them to ask their questions there and read post by senior members. I understand how we can’t help everyone, but at the same time we all started from 0 and at some point in time we all probably sucked at this. So while it’s definitely not mandatory, sometimes a little bit of empathy may be just what could make a world of difference.
  10. This too will change gradually. @miiila I have a 4-digit minimum engagement limit and ANYONE who chooses to set their budget as "flexible" gets to send a Brief my way. Fun fact: out of 254 briefs received thus far, just 2 had an actual budget stated. Everyone else was "like, super-flexible, OMG!".
  11. You need to actually go through an interview to get Pro approval. TRS is manually selected. As for the FBM. the team leader told me they are really strict with people not complying to the platform's suggestions. So not sure how they were selected, but it's the #1 place on Fiverr where you can literally lose your spot on it if you aren't the right "material".
  12. Well my meme still stands, as it is about the implementation of the features and not the products themselves. I could offer a rebuttal on Fiverr business, but I think I'll wait for a bit as the FBM is not fully operational just yet.
  13. Apropos of nothing: if you are on the fence about the Fiverr seller Plus program, you better get on that and quick. 🤫

    1. miiila


      ... if you don't want to end up like

      keep your smiles on that side of the fence! | Grumpy cat meme, Funny grumpy  cat memes, Grumpy cat


      Joking, of course, but that's one thing I don't get being on the fence about, even though I got a degree in indecisiveness. Why anyone wouldn't take that invitation if they get it, is beyond me.

    2. frank_d


      But yet, here we are. A lot if people are mulling it over apparently.

  14. I made this, hopefully it summarizes things nicely.
  15. This might be the reason: you may not have been completely honest with your location and Fiverr knows.
  16. This is why I said this approach isn't for everyone. Just because I want to be on top of things all the time, doesn't mean that it's the healthy thing to do. I use my phone to respond to everything within seconds. I actually have a set of 12 custom replies that cover 99% of ANY message I receive on the platform. Which means I can stop whatever it is I am doing -except for driving- and respond in under 60 seconds. It's a response that let's people know what I am reviewing their inquiry/question/project and whether or not I am interested/available. This type of record-time response, offsets any messages I receive while sleeping or when something happens and I am completely unavailable. When I was in Israel I dropped the ball and had my first late delivery in 3 years. It was preventable, but I was just exhausted. But I was still able to respond to prospects and buyers, if you ask anyone on Fiverr HQ, they'd tell you that between meetings, when I changed rooms/floors, I was glued to my phone. 🙂
  17. I never user it personally. Seems like the actual reason is not relevant. I would recommend saving the OOO feature for emergencies and actual vacation. There are plenty of workarounds with delivery time, pricing, etc if you need a few days here and there. But this is just my opinion and how I operate my Fiverr business. It's definitely not ideal and it most certainly isn't for everyone.
  18. Do you ever get decision-paralysis?

    I have so many things I want to post about for what's coming next on the platform that I can't decide where to start. 

    1. nomuffinsforyou


      omgomg im so excitedd!!!

    2. miiila


      Yes. Decision-paralysis, which also can, and often naturally does, result in procrastination, is certainly a thing for many people. In some areas, applied minimalism helps a lot; in others, not so much. 

      But, Frank, just give each thing a number, and roll the dice, we want to read, the order is secondary. 😉 

    3. frank_d


      That's a great idea @miiila I need to introduce chaos theory in order to stop procrastinating.

      I will roll the dice and see what comes up.

  19. I started in 2013. As for the “autopilot” statement, I have to say that it’s true, until you need to do your first crash landing. In a swamp. Full of alligators. That hold AR-15s.
  20. I have been doing this for quite some time on Fiverr and I have to say that people are never mad at me or ask for a refund when I consult them and inform them that they are not ready to make a video just yet. As for Chris, I’ve spoken to him enough to know that he would do just fine here, under any situation. The man can’t be phased.
  21. Something I learned directly from the person who created this feature: When Fiverr suggests you do something specific, it is usually because they have data of both yours and competition’s exact performance. Their goal is to make sure you keep getting a great ROI and seems like the math is checking out in your case.
  22. I think yours is truly a case study if you managed to land a job via briefs.
  23. It’s just a matter of how you set the expectations for the call. You can definitely mention that it’s to establish project fit and figure out the direction but at the same time you will offer additional value by sharing ideas, educate them on the process, evaluate their existing footage, break down a competitor’s video production. Something that brings value even if they choose a different vendor after the call. Charging for a call just to see if you want to take on their project alone may leave them feeling like it was a waste of money and it could possibly lead to a mediocre review. You should start considering the overall strategy of offering consultation for two reasons: a) it’s what experts do at a premium to create additional streams of revenue b) maybe Fiverr will give you some new tools to better cater this type of facilitation 😉
  24. I think I need a vacation. And chocolate cake. Maybe not in that order.

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