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  1. Logo Maker is a lovely little source of passive income. It's mostly about putting in the hard work by uploading consistently, but if you want to grow past that point, the outlook isn't very promising in my opinion. You need to put that extra hour in from your work schedule to upload a single logo, and... I'm uncertain about how this is supposed to be effective if you want to grow further. The Logo Maker FAQ suggests a straightforward approach of "continuously uploading great work", but the reality is a tad more complicated. Despite consistently uploading logos for several months, my monthly income stays the same - new logos come in, old logos come out. So it hasn't really paid off for me. While it started off well, for me personally it seems that this platform doesn't offer much opportunity for growth in the long run. If there are sellers making a killing on Logo Maker, perhaps they could share their unusual strategies. The way I see it, even if you meticulously follow all the guidelines and experiment with different styles, approaches, and methods of uploading logos, you may eventually realize that there's no pattern or strategy. Not that it's not a nice passive income opportunity, just don't expect that it will be really worth it for you.
  2. Architecture & Interior is my favorite. From my experience, buyers tend to purchase Premium packages more often and the CTR is quite high.
  3. Oh, that's a shame! 😞 Those were my best-selling logos with consistent sales... I wonder - where could I do better?
  4. It consistently occurs that within a week or two of being uploaded, the impressions of a logo begin to decline (with no future increase whatsoever). While one might attribute this to logo rotation, it doesn't hold true for two reasons: 1) There isn't a single logo that exhibits an increasing trend in impressions; all logos experience this declining trend without exception. 2) The logos displayed are actually my top-selling ones with a track record of consistent sales. Does that happen for your logos too? What causes this, how does Fiverr benefit from that, and more importantly, how can it be addressed?
  5. Hearing that you guys admitted the weak point of the rating system just feels incredibly heartwarming. Every seller knew that any non-five-star rating meant serious issues with performance... And this used to be so weird! Doesn't a rating of 4.7-4.9 reflect that the job was done wonderfully? Moreover, it shows the areas you can grow in the future. Overall, I'm so glad that you guys are finally shifting the 5-star paradigm! ⭐️
  6. That would make sense if the impressions number were higher than 0 🙂 But if it's zero, then the search algorithm completely stopped showing these in the search. I mean, not every logo gets obliterated, some of them have like 1/5 of the usual impressions. I'd love to know how the mechanism works because I don't really want to delete the logos from the tool completely.
  7. I wonder what that mysterious December 6th day is! 😅 These were awesome logos with many impressions, clicks, and orders. But one day everything changed for some reason. I've decided to wait for a couple of weeks to no avail. Initially, my first thought was it could be connected to a ToS violation, but I know for a fact it's impossible to find these logos anywhere else as I made them from scratch in Illustrator and all of them are pretty different and they are extremely minimalistic so they can't communicate some hate message or anything. I've got no clue as to why they could be removed from the search. I'd love to understand why that happens and how to address this. I tried changing metadata, variations, everything - but nothing seems to help 🤷‍♂️ Guys from Logo Maker, I hope this isn't too much to ask for. Could you help me find what I'm missing here? I'd love to earn more for myself and Fiverr, I believe we all should talk about this type of stuff to make sure all of our logos are as productive as they can be 🙂
  8. Thank you so much, that's lovely! I'm actually slowly growing, got 5 sales already and the team promoted me to the next logo capacity tier, so I'm on my 60 logos journey rn, haha 🙂 I think I'm doing great, adding new logos and fixing old ones. One thing that's bugging me - it seems that for some reason some of my logos were completely removed from the search (0 impressions every day), has that happened to you before? I wonder what that's supposed to mean (I'm sure I don't violate any rules) To sum it up, I had 0 sales back when I started, but then after like 2 weeks they started coming in 🙂 I wonder if the selling rate may change with time and whatnot!
  9. Thank you so much for such a detailed response! So glad to hear that variations have no impact on the exposure. Looking forward to using your recommendations in my journey. Can't wait for tomorrow, haha 🙂
  10. 100% CR, better save that screenshot, looks supernatural 😂 Also, thank you so much for your advice, I noted everything down!
  11. Thank you for the advice! I highly appreciate it. Seems that I follow the same strategy - low supply + medium-high CR. I usually create 9-15 variations consisting of either horizontal or vertical placement and different colors. Not adding curved texts, additional geometry, etc. But I've only made 1 sale in my first month with 20+ logos, I think I'm missing something, no? I mostly create minimalistic and geometric logos though, maybe that could be a problem.
  12. Thank you for your response! It's truly encouraging to see how dedicated you guys are to the Logo Maker tool. Regarding analytics, I'm keen on identifying the specific factors that may impede a buyer from finalizing a logo purchase. Also, got my first order! It's a milestone worth celebrating 🙂 I've been contemplating my approach, typically focusing on color variations rather than altering element placement as I've found other options less appealing. Could this approach impact my performance? Will the algorithm prioritize showcasing my designs to more potential buyers if I diversify beyond color changes? Additionally, as I approach my maximum logo capacity, I wonder if this unconventional strategy aligns with my readiness for a tier promotion. Despite thoroughly reviewing all Logo Maker support articles to optimize performance, securing only one order in a month leaves me pondering if adjustments are needed. Is 1 order in the first month an acceptable outcome, or might there be areas where improvement is necessary? I realize these are numerous questions, and I apologize for the abundance! It might be asking for too much advice, but any guidance would be greatly appreciated 🙂
  13. I'm kinda confused about this whole thing. That's a great idea, but does it really work? For instance, I'd love to see more "I am a buyer" points of view to understand how people choose logos. The way I see it, there should be a way to interact before placing an order. Something like "I love this logo, but also am wondering if it would be possible to do *this* and move *that* symbol *there*. I think Fiverr may be interested in this too since helping buyers find a logo and make it ideal with a couple of fixes may boost their revenue as well. Also, I think there should be more in-depth analytics for your Logo Maker performance 📈 Let's take a look at my experience: I follow Logo Maker Team's selling recommendations, I have a lot of impressions, clicks, and favorites and have yet to receive an order. Wouldn't it would be great to find that little thing that stops buyers from buying a logo from me? To those who've managed to achieve a regular revenue with Logo Maker: How soon have you started getting orders with Logo Maker? What impactful solutions have helped your performance? Let's share our experiences and learn how to sell better! 😄
  14. It seems that offering separate orders is obviously better, because: 1) You get paid right after what could be a milestone 2) The client orders several times from you, so that makes him a returning buyer, and that's a great indicator of performance Maybe there are more reasons to use separate orders, add them below if you thought of it. Why use milestones at all? If there's no point, I think the Fiverr team should make it more reasonable.
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