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Official feedback thread re: the new leveling system

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20 minutes ago, arianelaurent said:

Extension requests definitely count but whether revisions do is still yet to be confirmed (Fiverr is saying different things).... 

I thought extension requests are under the conflict metric

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1 hour ago, mandyzines said:

At least you have a social space to help set the stage for off-platform ventures. Change can be scary, but that helps. 

Tinkering with Fiverr can be kind of addictive, too. I'm sitting here contemplating if I want to create a new gig video or join Hub Spot and venture into uncharted territory. 

Agreed! I can dig in a little too deep when it comes to exploring new avenues on Fiverr as well. And as we're both voice actors I'm sure you can agree it's a very nice feeling to have this kind of earning potential at our fingertips without having to go and audition for project after project. 

There's still a lot of potential here, but I'd encourage you to venture out into that uncharted territory too! There are opportunities all over the place. Case-in-point, I had someone knock on my door to campaign for a local position ahead of the primary elections at the start of this month. Through some conversation I found out she's a commercial director and producer, dropped my profession, swapped a business card and I now have a very enthusiastic lead in the neighborhood. 

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1 hour ago, ch6k0r said:

So how does delivery time work in the success score exactly? does it compare you to other sellers? does it count the revisions? does it count extension requests?
I've had the old delivery on time metric at 95-100% always yet I have strong negative impact on it now in the new system, how??

The same thing happened to me as it did to you.
Prior to the update, Fiver reportedly said the extensions did not affect its metrics.

I used them a lot because I had large projects where the client had to confirm each part of the process. At least I care that my clients are happy and if I have to make many modifications I do it. To all this, the client's response time must be taken into account; Sometimes it takes up to 3 days for customers to respond. In those cases I always extended thinking there was no problem.

Now my work has a strong negative impact and extensions are frowned upon. Why didn't they give notice that this was the case before taking into account the 2 year metrics?? 🙄

Edited by marinanp86
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9 minutes ago, marinanp86 said:

The same thing happened to me as it did to you.
Prior to the update, Fiver reportedly said the extensions did not affect its metrics.

I used them a lot because I had large projects where the client had to confirm each part of the process. At least I care that my clients are happy and if I have to make many modifications I do it. To all this, the client's response time must be taken into account; Sometimes it takes up to 3 days for customers to respond. In those cases I always extended thinking there was no problem.

Now my work has a strong negative impact and extensions are frowned upon. Why didn't they give notice that this was the case before taking into account the 2 year metrics?? 🙄

For situations like this I think they want you to use "Milestones". That could potentially be a fix for you with bigger orders.

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11 minutes ago, marinanp86 said:

The same thing happened to me as it did to you.
Prior to the update, Fiver reportedly said the extensions did not affect its metrics.

I used them a lot because I had large projects where the client had to confirm each part of the process. At least I care that my clients are happy and if I have to make many modifications I do it. To all this, the client's response time must be taken into account; Sometimes it takes up to 3 days for customers to respond. In those cases I always extended thinking there was no problem.

Now my work has a strong negative impact and extensions are frowned upon. Why didn't they give notice that this was the case before taking into account the 2 year metrics?? 🙄

Jumping on this too - is there any documentation anywhere explaining how revision requests and extensions factor into any calculations?

I use revisions as a core mechanism within my order process since a huge part of my work requires buyers to have their say on what has been delivered to them. I always encourage buyers to request a revision: this makes the buyer feel like the order is progressing, gives us both a sense of structure, and helps me control revision requests (i.e., avoiding the buyer who requests infinite revisions). Milestones just aren't appropriate for this purpose because my orders aren't big enough to warrant "milestones" (and in many cases don't involve a second or third "milestone", i.e., "revision").

If revision requests are negatively impacting my "Success Score", I'm going to get reset from TRS to Level 0: kiss all that progress goodbye.

Edited by tbrummers
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6 minutes ago, tbrummers said:

Jumping on this too - is there any documentation anywhere explaining how revision requests and extensions factor into any calculations?

I use revisions as a core mechanism within my order process since a huge part of my work requires buyers to have their say on what has been delivered to them. I always encourage buyers to request a revision: this makes the buyer feel like the order is progressing, gives us both a sense of structure, and helps me control revision requests (i.e., avoiding the buyer who requests infinite revisions). Milestones just aren't appropriate for this purpose because my orders aren't big enough to warrant "milestones" (and in many cases don't involve a second or third "milestone", i.e., "revision").

If revision requests are negatively impacting my "Success Score", I'm going to get reset from TRS to Level 0: kiss all that progress goodbye.

This is the information about reviews. I don't particularly use it, because I think it's marked as something negative.
I simply do the reviews in the chat with my client.
Some customers use the review section, but Fiver doesn't make it very clear how much this affects their successful outcome.


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11 minutes ago, dereck_s said:

For situations like this I think they want you to use "Milestones". That could potentially be a fix for you with bigger orders.

I have no problem with using the milestones system, but Fiver can't tell you that the extension doesn't affect your metrics and then tell you "Oops, if it does, now you're a bad seller."

Simply put, if it didn't affect your metrics before and now it does, they should have reset those results to 0 and count them from now on. Otherwise it doesn't make sense.

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32 minutes ago, marinanp86 said:

I have no problem with using the milestones system, but Fiver can't tell you that the extension doesn't affect your metrics and then tell you "Oops, if it does, now you're a bad seller."

Simply put, if it didn't affect your metrics before and now it does, they should have reset those results to 0 and count them from now on. Otherwise it doesn't make sense.

Sure I totally agree. I also think they've straight up lied about cancellations not affecting you being fixed as well.

Edited by dereck_s
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I'm officially a level 0 seller (says "new seller" on mobile) now after 11 years and the only strong negative impact on my success score 4 is cancellations. I went line by line over my cancellations and I could find only 2 cancellations in the last 2 years that didn't say it wouldn't affect me "resolution center" or was fixed by CS.

Only 2 so either I'm getting screwed by something I'm not told about or resolution center white listed cancellations have a negative effect despite them saying clearly they do not.

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49 minutes ago, dereck_s said:

I also think they've straight up lied about cancellations not affecting you being fixed as well.

My personal experience was that several of my gig success scores went up on the day they announced it was fixed, so I’m inclined to believe it.

Who knows though? 🤷🏻‍♂️

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16 minutes ago, dereck_s said:

Only 2 so either I'm getting screwed by something I'm not told about or resolution center white listed cancellations have a negative effect despite them saying clearly they do not.

Even if you had 2 cancellations during the 2 year period it still doesn't justify your demotion to level 0.

It seems like a purge where Fiverr is randomly selecting and demoting sellers. 

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3 minutes ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

My personal experience was that several of my gig success scores went up on the day they announced it was fixed, so I’m inclined to believe it.

Who knows though? 🤷🏻‍♂️

It's definitely possible but in the last few weeks they were pulling and adjusting a lot of levers and on the forums it's been quite a common complaint that it didn't go up after the fix. Actually yours so far has been the only one I've personally seen and I'm glad it did for you of course.

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From TRS, my “Success Score” is now 0. My gigs are incidentally paused because I’ve been taking a break over the past month to regroup after two continuous years of “service” during which I developed to TRS. Is this really how Fiverr wants to treat their TRSs? Apparently so.

Fiverr CS response to my concerns here were totally inadequate: they didn’t engage with anything I actually raised and gave me canned responses that were no better than reading through the interface and routine communications. I was even a Seller Plus member, but this really has reframed my perspective: I am not a freelancer, I’m not even an indirect Fiverr employee. Fiverr’s responses really seem to be showing me that I’m just a schmuck.

I would love to be proved wrong. I’d love to be shown, for instance, that Fiverr conducts its due diligence on any instance of negative private feedback, but my hunch is that private feedback is taken at face value, public feedback now means nothing, and years of reputation are as valuable as the pixels its rendered with.

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2 hours ago, dereck_s said:

I'm officially a level 0 seller (says "new seller" on mobile) now after 11 years and the only strong negative impact on my success score 4 is cancellations. I went line by line over my cancellations and I could find only 2 cancellations in the last 2 years that didn't say it wouldn't affect me "resolution center" or was fixed by CS.

Only 2 so either I'm getting screwed by something I'm not told about or resolution center white listed cancellations have a negative effect despite them saying clearly they do not.

I'm in the same boat, colleague. Level 0, with the gig marked with high negative impact due to cancellations, when I've only had 2 cancellations in the last 2 years.

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2 hours ago, dereck_s said:

Actually yours so far has been the only one I've personally seen and I'm glad it did for you of course.

Thanks. In fairness, the score going up might have been coincidental. There are so many factors that influence the success score that we are in the dark about, so there's really no way to know.

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Hoping that extensions / modification requests are not impacting the overall score. Recent reasons for modifications / extensions:

Been super busy and not time to review - I need to add an extension to the review period.

Oh - I forgot to mention that I have been working another job (despite me asking them repeatedly), I need a modification.

I am submitting a modification request as I need more time to review.

etc etc etc.... None of which have anything to do with me, my delivery time or my communications

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Following from my last message about communications. Received a somewhat non-specific response from my SM. If an order autocompletes, it may impact the score as it shows the buyer is disengaged and this apparently is my fault as I did not send another follow  up message between when the order was placed (when I do follow up with a Thank You and a questionnaire) and the few days to the delivery. If this happens and then the order autocompletes - bang. Buyer Satisfaction score takes a hit.

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19 minutes ago, johnparsons01 said:

it may impact the score as it shows the buyer is disengaged and this apparently is my fault as I did not send another follow  up message

I'm sending follow-ups all the time but for some buyers it doesn't really matter , I have customers that place an order and log in again on Fiverr after a month , nothing that is in our control here...

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Just now, Alex.M said:

I'm sending follow-ups all the time but for some buyers it doesn't really matter , I have customers that place an order and log in again on Fiverr after a month , nothing that is in our control here...

I don't think Fiverr realises that some people just..  don't care.

They come on here, buy something and (in better cases) download it or in worse cases just... disappear.

I really REALLY hate running after buyers constantly, but do it because I know Fiverr might penalise me if I don't. I can only imagine how someone who goes off for a week can feel when they see 6 (or more) "oh hey, by the way" messages from me. 

(I send updates. Then updates about updates. Updates about the delivery and then the time to review things expiring and so on.)

I personally would feel pressured as a buyer (to react even if I don't like something or just didn't have time (which is why I try my best not to pressure them) but it's hard...  

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1 hour ago, johnparsons01 said:

Following from my last message about communications. Received a somewhat non-specific response from my SM. If an order autocompletes, it may impact the score as it shows the buyer is disengaged and this apparently is my fault as I did not send another follow  up message between when the order was placed (when I do follow up with a Thank You and a questionnaire) and the few days to the delivery. If this happens and then the order autocompletes - bang. Buyer Satisfaction score takes a hit.

So now we have revisions (out of control) affecting our delivery time metric + autocompleted orders (also out of control) affecting our buyer satisfaction, hmmm...

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6 hours ago, johnparsons01 said:

Following from my last message about communications. Received a somewhat non-specific response from my SM. If an order autocompletes, it may impact the score as it shows the buyer is disengaged and this apparently is my fault as I did not send another follow  up message between when the order was placed (when I do follow up with a Thank You and a questionnaire) and the few days to the delivery. If this happens and then the order autocompletes - bang. Buyer Satisfaction score takes a hit.

Well, that might explain things for me. I've had a ton of autocompletes. No malicious buyer intent; they just recieved their delivery, and moved on to other business needs. Not my fault, and not worthy of a 4 seller success score, due to the enigmatic "buyer satisfaction". As Fiverr themselves have stated over the years, "buyers are not required to leave a review".

So, NOW we ARE penalized if an order autocompletes, and no reviews are left?

I feel a bit like Fiverr's yo-yo.

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43 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

So, NOW we ARE penalized if an order autocompletes, and no reviews are left?



Kinda, but with extra steps I think.

As @johnparsons01 said autocomplete can suggest the buyer is disengaged. More importantly though I think when compared to other sellers it's not good for us if their orders are not being autocompleted. It's all relative between sellers.

We know that the review of a new buyer to the platform matters more because Fiverr wants them to have a great experience and buy again. Someone who has purchased a lot already probably matters less, and someone who has purchased a lot from you already probably matters even less.

I expect this also affects how impactful an auto-completed order is. If that same buyer buys again from you (or someone else) it maybe also negates the autocomplete impact to a degree. If that buyer always lets orders auto-complete it maybe also negates the impact to a degree. If they usually accept the delivery and rate and review, but don't with you then it probably has more impact.

I expect there are hundreds of data points that in turn impact the importance of other data points, which in turn impacts the score.

I even recall seeing an email or a post from a success manager (I can't find it) saying that we should actively try to get the order accepted as this gives a stronger indication the order has gone well / buyer is happy with the deliverable.

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6 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

I expect there are hundreds of data points that in turn impact the importance of other data points, which in turn impacts the score.


The human thought process tends to be very LINEAR and can easily get blindsided by what they can see on their dashboard and public reviews!! 

Their world kinda starts & ends with what's evident and visible to them -  while Fiverr most likely doesn't even take the visible parameters into consideration. 🫠 Or even when it takes them into consideration, the impact is likely to be very minimal. 

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