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Official feedback thread re: the new leveling system

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It's not about being "awesome". It's about being unavoidable once we cross the singularity. If something is faster and cheaper, it will displace what isn't - doesn't matter if that is "good" or "bad", "moral" or "imoral". It just is what it is.

AI can, potentially, kill billions. Doesn't matter. Nothing matters, really. Just efficiency.

Edited by visualstudios
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Just now, visualstudios said:

It's not about being "awesome". It's about being unavoidable once we cross the singularity. If something is faster and cheaper, it will displace what isn't - doesn't matter if that is "good" or "bad", "moral" or "imoral". It just is what it is.

Yeah, but in this case we are replacing ourselves. There's no coming back from that. It's the real end game.

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Just now, levinewman said:

Yeah, but in this case we are replacing ourselves. There's no coming back from that. It's the real end game.

Yes, that's a possibility. Transhumanism, just like we replaced the ancestral apes.  Next step in evolution. 

Another is that we live free from work, watched over by machines of ever loving grace.

Another is just straight up extinction. 

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Just now, visualstudios said:

Yes, that's a possibility. Transhumanism, just like we replaced the ancestral apes.  Next step in evolution. 

Another is that we live free from work, watched over by machines of ever loving grace.

Another is just straight up extinction. 

Good thing I'm a man of faith and this is all just a temporary stop anyway.

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Just now, levinewman said:

Good thing I'm a man of faith and this is all just a temporary stop anyway.

In that case, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I worry only because I have no idea what the future holds. And by future I mean into eternity.

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Or we could stop the humans that are experimenting with our destruction.  Funny how no one who wants to stop nuclear arms cares one whit about this. That's because they sell it as "it will do everything for you." That is AI 1.0, AI 2.0 is "why are we doing stuff for humans?" and AI 3.0 is, nightmare stuff. 

Edited by newsmike
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Just now, visualstudios said:

In that case, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I worry only because I have no idea what the future holds. And by future I mean into eternity.

I'll put in a good word for you with the man upstairs. 😀

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Just now, newsmike said:

Or we could stop the humans that are experimenting with our destruction.  Funny how no one who wants to stop nuclear arms cares one whit about this. That's because they sell it as "it will do everything for you." That is AI 1.0, AI 2.0 is why are we doing stuff for you? AI 3.0 is, nightmare stuff. 

Easier said than done. The same logic applies to nuclear weapons - we need them, because if we stop ourselves from making them, we will be at the mercy of those who don't. AI is the exact same thing. It's not enough to stop some from doing it, as long as someone does (and you can't stop everyone), it's smarter do have it for ourselves as well.

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2 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

Easier said than done. The same logic applies to nuclear weapons - we need them, because if we stop ourselves from making them, we will be at the mercy of those who don't. AI is the exact same thing. It's not enough to stop some from doing it, as long as someone does (and you can't stop everyone), it's smarter do have it for ourselves as well.

But with limits. We don't let Instagram, Facebook and Twitter have nukes.  Imagine Fiverr. 

BREAKING:  NEO gets accidentally pissed, nukes ASIA.  @kesha to post apology soon.

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Just now, newsmike said:

But with limits. We don't let Instagram, Facebook and Twitter have nukes. 

... so far 

In any case, AI is a different beast. We can make decisions about weapons, because weapons are not sentient. We can't make decisions about an intelligence that is higher than ours, that's nonsense - that intelligence will make better decisions than us.

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6 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

... so far 

In any case, AI is a different beast. We can make decisions about weapons, because weapons are not sentient. We can't make decisions about an intelligence that is higher than ours, that's nonsense - that intelligence will make better decisions than us.

Not necessarily true. It will never actually be intelligence, it will be an amazingly fast imitation of how it is programmed to mimic intelligence. Without compassion, without ever holding an infant, or loving anyone.  It is a tool, and stupid as hell to make it our overlord. It should be kept as a very controlled servant. 

It will never actually be sentient, it will perfectly imitate sentience. It will never have  a heartbeat, it will play an MP3 of a heartbeat. It will never care about anyone, only justify every decision as in your best interest. Kind of like politicians do now. 

Edited by newsmike
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Who knows. This was what they were predicting in 1899 for 100 years in the future.

It's impossible to predict the future of technology past a certain point, and the rhythm with AI will be exponentially accelerated. Anything we predict here is highly likely to sound totally ridiculous in 20 years.


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1 minute ago, visualstudios said:

Who knows. This was what they were predicting in 1899 for 100 years in the future.

It's impossible to predict the future of technology past a certain point, and the rhythm with AI will be exponentially accelerated. Anything we predict here is highly likely to sound totally ridiculous in 20 years.


I've actually seen that video. But a bunch of French artists in 1899, making some wildly incorrect and some close to reality guesses as to what mankind would invent in 100 years is far from saying , "Let's turn our food supply over to a machine." None of that was in any way discussing a technology that would run your life, and BTW, notice they did not ask professors, they asked artists. 

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59 minutes ago, arianelaurent said:

In my meeting with my SM, it felt like they really want to push the new-ish AI section for writing/editing.... (which is not my cup of tea)

Meanwhile, I was thinking about humanizing ChatGPT scripts for people so that they don't all look/sound identical.

Edited by mandyzines
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43 minutes ago, newsmike said:

Or we could stop the humans that are experimenting with our destruction.  Funny how no one who wants to stop nuclear arms cares one whit about this. That's because they sell it as "it will do everything for you." That is AI 1.0, AI 2.0 is "why are we doing stuff for humans?" and AI 3.0 is, nightmare stuff. 

"Thank you for helping us train your replacement."

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4 hours ago, mandyzines said:

Meanwhile, I was thinking about humanizing ChatGPT scripts for people so that they don't all look/sound identical.

You can already do that in the AI editing category! It's one of the options you can have in a package, I think. I have a gig and it's dead. I have no idea how other gigs in the category doing, but probs also dead unless they're very cheap. I know FB is swarming with people from a certain part of the world who will do hundreds of articles for virtually nothing that are humanized. Their English is usually terrible, so I imagine they use those "AI rewriters" which basically just make the grammar worse.

Best bet for writers is to get new skills and have writing be a useful sidekick/part of the package. The problem is trying to find something that a) AI won't swallow whole in the near future b) people want to buy.

I'm thinking about kickstarting my Amazon books again, having noticed they allow up to 3 AI books a day with disclosure. I note the market is flooded with really bad AI c**p with people with names from a certain part of the world who clearly didn't use AI to make their book designs.

The upshot of all this is that due to the efforts of many people from a certain part of the world, AI from freelancers is going to become overly synonymous with garbage if it hasn't already. There's still room for prompting, but autoGPTs (you give them a task and they prompt themselves to complete it) are slated to be the next big thing.

If the world is going to embrace AI as it currently is, UBI is probably on the cards with corps paying larger taxes. People won't be useless; someone will always need something, and the global economy is currently based on buying cheap (and exensive) goods with built-in obsolescence. The UBI wouldn't be for our benefit - it would simply go straight back into the megacorp pockets. Not so different from now...

...But I doubt it will be the "free money with no strings attached" that many people imagine. The social contract would have to be rewritten for all of this, and that will be a big problem.

Personally, I'm hoping to be long gone from the planet by that point.

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5 hours ago, mandyzines said:

"Thank you for helping us train your replacement."

As a voiceover artist, I just LOVE when I get people trying to hire me to do AI stuff. Do you get them as well?

Sure, let me help you replace me in the future!

It’s really hard not to reply something that would get me a warning 😂

Edited by zerlina84
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The other platforms seem a lot less discerning! I'm still at the "maybe" stage of whether I should get back into the whole epub thing. I know KDP works bc I'm still making $ from books I published a decade ago, but I'm also aware of how much work I had to do to make it into a reasonable income, and it's probably harder now. 


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I was level 2 and got demoted to level 1 by this system. My sales died, only been getting orders from old buyers. Turns out it's because of cancellations that happened in the past. I have completed a few orders recently but my success score is not moving. So how long do I have to wait and work until the score increase? 

I hope anyone responsible in Fiverr read this. Do you know that Fiverr's algorithm sucks? Once there is a slight change in seller's profile (not just cancellation or bad rating, we CAN'T even edit out gig), the sales will die and we will be missing from the search page. In the previous level system, the sales will be dead for about two months. But in this system, I am afraid the sales will be dead for a longer time because the score is not moving at all. This system can make seller stuck in the same level for a long time. 

It's ok if we still get orders, but what if no order is coming? How long do we have to stuck in the same level?
I like the percentage and monthly review better. At least it's clear when will we get to the next level.

Remember, no seller = no buyer = no money for Fiverr. Thanks.

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8 hours ago, newsmike said:

None of that was in any way discussing a technology that would run your life, and BTW, notice they did not ask professors, they asked artists. 

He also said in that video "they talked to scientists, businessmen and thinkers of the day to compile a list of innovations".

So the artists could have been drawing what those scientists etc. had thought.

edit: removed other bit. I read it as "without disclosure" not "with disclosure" of ai generated.

though it still might be risky copyright-wise to create AI generated (not "ai assisted") books on KDP (though for ai assisted - KDP's definition - that could leave the content detectable as AI content whereas the human edited AI generated one probably wouldn't so the AI assisted might sometimes seem more AI-like than AI generated).

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Amazon likes to shift the goalposts just as much as any other company: I'd be disclosing anyway. 

There's a lot of books that have obviously just been churned out. Here's a topically-relevant one:


Incidentally, the Fiverr niche is pretty dead on KDP, but the collections of "100 best selling gig ideas" seem to do quite well. GPT can pop acres of bad ideas out for those book. Sadly, I can't "look inside" any of the books I've looked at. 


At some point, Amazon's probably going to cull the AI crud. I've been through a non-AI Azon cull already (years ago - there was a moral storm over er*tica books and Amazon had a kneejerk cull to think of the children and get the Daily Mail off their backs). 

OTOH Amazon has never really cared about book quality. Of course, the real riches are in building up a loyal following. I believe romance is still the biggest and best category, but that readership is very discerning and gets very upset if you ruin the romance formula - and that means massive  books with full plots, emotions, a little "excitement" and all the rest of it. I'm not convinced that AI delivers there at all.

Although I have found a way to almost make it work, I haven't fully tested it out on a proper draft yet. 

Then there's the low content books ("coloring therapy" "journals") and stuff, but I think those do better on Etsy. Overall, I think it's possible to make a good income here but you'd need to git gud a SEO, marketing, and build a brand to make it work sustainably in the long-term. And for myself at least, if I'm going to do all that work I'd rather do it on something I'm actually interested in.

Sadly, my interests are mostly unprofitable. THANKS FOR NOTHING, ME. 


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