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  1. Does not ask for support to solve the problem. He asks what is happening with his account that is not showing up in the search results. It is normal for you to ask for an explanation, when you have no cancellations or disputes, your account is not flagged and your success ranking is 4 for one rating or another. You understand that you have less exposure, but you don't understand that YOU ARE OUT OF THE SEARCH RESULTS, do you know how helpless that feels? YOU CAN NOT DO ANYTHING. No repeat customer who leaves you 3-4-5-6 positive reviews will do. You have to have too many positive ratings to get above that 4 and remember NO ONE IS WATCHING YOUR CONCERT SO YOU HAVE NO WAY TO GET NEW RATINGS. So I see it as quite coherent that this guy writes to support asking for some kind of USEFUL advice, which support does not give, because THERE IS NO USEFUL ADVICE for this situation.
  2. Yes, I understand you, I am going to the 4th month and nothing has changed. Support will not give you any solution. Your services are simply out of the search results, so you will no longer generate new work here.
  3. I'm in your situation, there is no way to improve my account, this is just the end friend. You can only work with your regular clients (if you have them), if you don't have regular clients (there should be too many to leave you too many positive reviews for several months) there is no chance. Some will tell you to post on social media, blah blah, it doesn't work. Your account is dead. I would recommend closing this account by talking to support and starting over from scratch. But magically they will be closing conversation threads where we talk about creating new accounts. I don't know what happens in the end. I'm sorry for your situation.
  4. Why do you think seller performance would decrease by having cancellations without consequences? the seller wants to sell as much as Fiver. One thing does not remove the other. The more money the seller makes, the better. On the contrary, having the possibility of canceling without consequences would increase the performance and effectiveness of your service, since no seller would ever cancel a job that they can do and for which they would earn money. Has no sense. On the other hand, although Fiver is a company that profits from the massive buying and selling of services, it does not mean that it treats sellers as scum who have no right to even reject work that may not fit the characteristics of their job, simply because Mr. Fiver earns a few coins less. Under this concept, should any employees a company hires to play a role and make money for the owner be treated as objects without rights or benefits? You are justifying that Fiver, when taking care of its money, should not consider those who generate that money, which are basically all the users who offer a service here. There is demand here because there is supply first. So, as always, because we have to endorse nefarious behavior on the part of a mega company, when no one here does us a favor, no one here is working for a salary that Fiver gives away, here we are the ones who give 20% of our payments to Fiver. I understand your concept, but I think it is time to change certain centrist thoughts that only lead to labor involution. Finally, Fiver wanted to take a leap in quality, but forgets that much of that quality is built with sellers. Fiver can focus its objective on earning thousands and thousands of dollars by being the intermediary between seller and buyer, however there are different ways to achieve this, and not necessarily the best is not to consider those who make up 50% of the platform. Multi-billion dollar companies like Google even make their employees work longer hours than normal, but the difference is that their employees are happy, because they are considered, listened to, and respond with loyalty, performance, and commitment. Fiver can make this platform a great marketplace, it can raise the quality level of sellers, it can even improve the performance of sellers, and it can achieve this by keeping both buyers and sellers satisfied. However, they chose to implement archaic policies that not only reflect their lack of professionalism, but also their miserable interests without an iota of intelligence.
  5. Exactly I'm in your situation. Exactly the same. From support I only got the following response: the algorithm changes every day so we cannot guarantee a position in the search results, we advise you to improve your metrics and continue working with your regular clients. But how are we supposed to improve metrics without new customers? Regular customers exhaust the resources of their orders, they are not infinite. I'm honestly thinking about deleting my account and creating another one from scratch.
  6. Fiver has already made it clear that it doesn't care about ratings that are public. Only private evaluations are valid. In that case I don't understand what public ratings are for, if only the private ones will be valid, then they should leave the private ones and stop making us dizzy. You were very lucky. I searched for myself by my country, language, category and I don't appear anywhere at all. My success score is 4 for using the delivery extension. All my ratings are 5, tips on almost all orders, 0 cancellations, 0 disputes. And that's how Fiver treats me. Magnificent.
  7. The success score is driven by the set of your metrics as well as the set of metrics of the sellers in your niche. That is, it doesn't even depend on your metrics. The algorithm changes every 24 hours.
  8. How is it possible that scam seller accounts have only 5 stars? Did a scammed customer provide a 5-star rating? What would be the point of doing that?
  9. mmmm sometimes I find that you just want to be right about something... I have already given my opinion on this: Bad sellers are just the excuse, it's about Fiver automating the platform to reduce costs. For everything else there are always solutions, but the high-level solutions are with HUMAN support. If you're okay with Fiver's update, I wish you luck. Bye bye.
  10. No one can help you here with that. You have to consult with support, otherwise you will run the risk of having your friend's account deactivated.
  11. You have to delete your Fiver account since you cannot use the same payment method on 2 different accounts. Write to support.
  12. There are always ways to reinforce control and security so that the number of fake accounts is minimal. Wouldn't it be better to reinforce that instead of screwing all the sellers who are doing things right? The update does not have to do exclusively with the number of bad salespeople, but with the cutting of expenses and automation of personnel. Because what is currently happening happens, the platform goes crazy with hundreds of errors. Cheap is expensive 🥴
  13. I honestly didn't know there wasn't a button to report if you hadn't made a payment. I assume it's to prevent competitions from purposefully mass reporting and ruining accounts. In any case, if the seller does not give you confidence in the conversation prior to purchasing the service, simply do not buy their service and that's it. If you think they are acting suspiciously, you can report the profile by writing to support. I'm a seller, I have no idea what it's like to negotiate here as a buyer, but I can't think of how there can be so many ways to scam. The question would be: how did this situation occur and why? And I think the answer is simple: Fiver does not want to spend money on employees to monitor and maintain the proper functioning of the platform. Why are humans needed? because all situations are different and have a context, and that is something that AI does not know how to interpret, only a human can make a judgment about a situation between seller-buyer. Just as there are scam sellers, there are also buyers. AI cannot control that with algorithms. It's ridiculous. Under that concept, I don't think Fiver improves its quality as a platform.
  14. I understand you and it seems very unfair to your level of sales that because of a rating they tarnish your reputation. In the end you feel frustrated for spending 5 years on a platform that only sees the drop of coffee in the glass of milk. I imagine that with your sales volume you have regular clients, you can continue working with them and have more assertive communication, leave them happier than usual and get them to leave only positive reviews, then be patient until those reviews impact the algorithm and come back. . to raise your success ranking. Unfortunately there is no exact time in which these things happen, it can be days or months.
  15. That makes no sense. How can the number of positive reviews not matter? A seller with 1 negative review and 10 sales is not the same as a seller with 1 negative review and 1000 sales. There are no sellers who have not received a rating below 5 with sales above 1000. First, a negative rating is not always subject to poor seller performance; You may receive bad reviews by mistake or from a customer who did not know how to communicate well, or you are simply a bad customer. You can't just flag a seller with so many positive sales for 1 bad rating! ha ha That makes the difference between a professional platform and a minced meat platform. As they say, then any competition just leaves you a bad review and you're out of the market. Wow, how they like to celebrate companies that love ground human meat 🙄
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