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  1. Hello! I've read the "Success Score Explained" article and understand what it means. However, I still don't understand why it seems that I should be communicating in a way that doesn't match how my field works. I'm a jingle/intro music producer, so for example, a client messages me with their project needs, doing a fantastic job of simplifying everything or giving me enough creative freedom that it doesn't require much give and take in our conversation. Most of my orders come in this way, or the client submits their requirements in the same way, with me asking an extra question or two on the order page before starting. My projects are small, straightforward, and have quick deliveries. How am I supposed to communicate "more effectively"? Regarding politeness and professionalism, I see myself doing well. I have improved a lot over the years by making the conversation more casual and friendly. So, long story short, my orders don't require much communication (especially if we've already talked in the inbox), and I already follow the "Effective Communication" tips. Has anyone improved their score in this area? What did you change in your communication to improve?
  2. Even a 5mins timeframe for modifications would be beneficial, specially when you're trying to answer a new message right before bed and your brain is not braining well at typing.
  3. Same my friend, seems impossible at this point no matter how much I tried.
  4. Does anyone know what the current covered timeline is?
  5. We keep looking at it because with the score of 4, we just want to get our promoted gigs feature back since it was the only way (beside repeat buyers) that allowed us to make an income since the new system was introduced.
  6. For my fellow people with a success score of 4, did anyone manage to fix it yet? It seems like it's the score that no one seems to have success improving it, and most of us have no idea how did we end up having our score that low.
  7. Do you think it was fair that all of a sudden older sellers with many reviews are now having to face and fix 2-5 years of stats they knew nothing about? While new sellers can easily fix their score thanks to having a fewer orders in the past.
  8. Thanks man, I apreciate the amount of smart opinions that you've provided on this thread
  9. Since success score compares us to other sellers with similar aspects and niches, what are the factors that are being compared and how do I change who am I compared to? example: If I lower my price will I be compared to people with a lower rate? and vice versa. I work on an artistic field (Music) and art is very subjective when it comes to comparisons and competitivity. And by the way after the removale of promoted gigs, lately I get no orders and it was my only way of fixing my score one day (even if my score doesn't seem to move after +50 orders)
  10. Same here, no matter how much I've performed well the score is stuck at 4. It seems that people with a score of 4 are facing this more than others.
  11. I'm really curious if the new orders are given more importance when it comes to the success score, I've completed about 65+ order since the implementation of the new system, however my score doesn't seem to move at all, I'm doing my absolute best and even adding more free work for my customers (since client satisfaction is the main issue in my best selling gig who has returning clients who tip and seem happy)
  12. I'm having a hard time as well trying to fix my score, it seems that no matter how many orders I complete it doesn't change, I've been making sure to work on all the metrics that it's mentioning but no luck so far. Also, you can't tell if your going forward or backward with the success score bar since you have no way of knowing if you're closer to the next score or may drop backwards (there's no representation/movement between numbers)
  13. It's been almost 2 months now since the implementation fo success score, yet it's still the most discussed thing in the forum and outside the forum as well. Here are 3 things that remain questionable in my opinion: 1- Implementing the system all of a sudden and not gradually As much as it may be a revolution on the site to introduce the SS system, making it affect levels (features) and visibility and even if we were given that one month before it took effect. I don't think it is a good idea at all to have sellers who were active for 5+ years be facing a low score that gives them tips on how to improve yet they will be trying to fix over 2-5 years of data, while in that period of time all of their metrics were at 100%, great reviews and good tips, with no way of knowing that behind the scenes, they will be demoted to a New Seller one day (No matter what I did in the past 2 months, my success score is a rock solid 4/10) On the other hand, new sellers are having a huge advantage with a much more reactive success score, due to the lower amount of previous orders and data. 2- Comparing you to other sellers in your category: As others have already mentioned, it's not fair to compare a single freelancer to some accounts who are ran by multiple people be it an agency, or someone and his wife or friend sharing the same office. As an artist it gets even more unfair to compare me to other musicians/producers, since art doesn't have an average delivery time or an average price, it depends on how much time you need for your creative flow to give your best work and how much you and only you value your own work, at the end of the day it's the client's decision to choose you for their project. 3- The success score bar and some other mysteries We all know how the success score is a stable metric that won't change within days... However it puts you at much more stress not knowing if you're going in a good direction or not since the bar doesn't let you know if you're closer to the next score or a lower one, would have been good to have a more reactive bar that slowly shows you it's evolution from score 5 to score 6 for example or even some little indicators that tell you if you're close to the next station or not. Another mystery is the time frame that is taken into consideration, fiverr's chatbot says it's 60 days, some staff members hinted that it's over 2 years, the offical articles say that it takes a ''wider timeframe'' This leaves you wondering about your history of works, meaning you don't know when you did something wrong in order to know what you could improve.
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