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🤩Popular Top Rated Sellers! What are your thoughts on these comments about becoming TRS?


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On 6/6/2022 at 6:05 AM, damooch916 said:

Let me start by thanking you for recognizing my enormous popularity. ...

Regardless of what you may have heard, I’m totally approachable. Despite my muscles and my great American jawline and that look on my face that says, “don’t speak to me you crumb,” I’m actually a man of the people. ...

Shocking, I know. But strip away my abnormal ability to turn a tank top into “high art,” and I’m just a normal person. I’m just your average, highly radiant sort, sitting at the local cafe with a collection of essays by Christopher Hitchens and a Jordan Peterson book, displayed visibly enough to make you think, “wow - what a balanced world view that handsome man must have.” ...

On 6/6/2022 at 6:29 AM, visualstudios said:

Omfg, this is too good lmao. Actually, this is so good I think we should start an inspirational youtube channel. You write the scripts, I edit the videos, and maybe mike for the voice over - and we split the revenue. Not even joking, it could do pretty well.

On 6/6/2022 at 7:11 AM, newsmike said:

I'm in. 

On 6/6/2022 at 6:40 AM, smashradio said:

Guys. You have to do this. I need this. 

@damooch916, I'm blown away with the content that you and @newsmike seem to come up with on a daily basis! That's pure awesomeness right there.

And that's not even looking at your vetted, top-rated talent that you offer on Fiverr!

I agree with @visualstudios & @smashradio...

I'd love to see what the dynamic trio can do on YouTube! @damooch916 + @newsmike + @visualstudios 😍

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On 6/6/2022 at 1:12 AM, yannisenglish said:

I work on Fiverr part-time so I am living proof that you do not have to break your neck working full-time on this platform to make TRS 🙂

@yannisenglish! That's really wonderful - good for you! How do you manage to maintain your Fiverr business on a part-time basis? I'm just learning how to spread out orders and plan ahead for weekends and other life events. I find it really hard to strike a good work-life balance.

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Thank you 🤩Popular Top Rated Sellers! The results are in…

Thanks to all of you for taking the time to share your thoughts on what it really takes to become a Top Rated Seller. You are awesome!

Based on the feedback, there are really only three categories that all of the comments fell under. I've included a summary of the discussions as well as my thoughts below:

Factors that affect whether you are TRS or not:

1)     You are Rock Star Material @miiila

2)     You bring value to Fiverr @smashradio

3)     You fit “The Pyramid” @williambryan392

FACTOR 1: You stand out … you are 🤩 Rock Star Material!

In order to be a top-rated seller, you’ve got to stand out. As @miiila reminds us, it’s not called “Top Rated Seller” for nothing and the team that handpicks sellers “are very choosey….because if everyone is a TRS, no one is.”

Simply put, just meeting the minimum requirements for TRS is not going to cut it.

  • You’ve got to exude greatness in everything that you do…just like @damooch916 in his ‘high art’ tank top, or collection of Christopher Hitchens essays and Jordan Peterson book.
  • Or @yannisenglish whose expertise in the games blog writing niche makes him naturally stand out from the crowd/competition.
  • Or @vickiespencerwho was clearly “knocking it out of the park” with her buyers.

Greatness is a part of who you are and it shows no matter where you are.

So based on the consensus, the team that handpicks TRS sellers will be looking for…

  • Seller/gig professionalism & presentation, timely deliveries, high % of repeat buyers, your portfolio, social proof (high reviews & buyer satisfaction), excellent communication, stellar customer service, and professional responses to public ratings.

In addition to “qualifying” you, the team may consider reasons that may “disqualify” you …

  • Even though forum activity is not a qualifier for TRS, it could be a disqualifier if you have warnings or offensive/bad content. @williambryan392 @newsmike 
  • Being notorious for going “full metal Karen” on CS, could be a disqualifier. @newsmike
  • Grammar mistakes could be a disqualifier if they affect overall gig quality. @smashradio

As @visualstudios says, “if you look like a TRS to begin with, you’ll be more than likely to get it.”

Don’t give Fiverr any reason to disqualify you due to lack of professionalism.

FACTOR 2: You bring value to Fiverr 

There were several questions on whether gig price or average selling price has any bearing on becoming a TRS.

On the one hand, Fiverr likes high prices:

  • "Generally speaking the higher the better ... seeing that [the average selling price] move in the right direction, this shows you're making more and more over time, and therefore more and more for fiverr.@williambryan392
  • "...when Fiverr sees you are selling at higher prices, you are likely doing something right." @yannisenglish

However, we see TRSs with low selling prices, so it’s not decisive.

I think what it all boils down to is what @crownmediaa calls “value for the money” and @miiila calls “relevancy and providing value to Fiverr.” [emphasis added]

So, the big question is…(more than just price alone)…are you providing value to Fiverr?

  • @smashradio sums it up nicely here: "I think the main factor…is how much value you bring to Fiverr. Selling five dollar gigs probably won't make you stand out as a monetary resource that Fiverr can tap. And that's what we are: a resource for Fiverr to earn profit from. That's not negative, in my view, and I want Fiverr to find the best ways to push more value out of us. It helps me improve as a seller and freelancer (and it makes Fiverr earn more, making me, as a shareholder, happy)."

TRSs are a monetary resource for Fiverrr.

  • @vickiespencersays: “One of the first things my SPM said to me was, 'Of course, Fiverr expects you to increase your prices over time.' Therefore, I think the team that chooses the TRSs looks at the seller’s potential earning ability.” [emphasis added]

Potential earning ability is money for Fiverr.

  • I also like @newsmike’s comment here: "I would hope they are giving preference to those using "seller plus" and "promoted gigs" as well. You know, those investing in their own success, both monetarily and through behavior, public and behind the scenes."

I also hope that sellers who invest in their business, in paid ways that also benefits Fiverr, would be considered.

  • @smashradio says here: “one of the things they look at is community leadership. I assume that involves being active in the community, helping other sellers, or doing something that benefits the community as a whole."

I would hope that Fiverr looks into the value you bring to the Fiverr community as a whole, including the forum. Think of all the sellers who flood the platform and get the motivation to stick it out just a bit longer because of the help from TRSs and other levelled sellers. Seller retention is in the best interest of Fiverr.

FACTOR 3: You fit “The Pyramid”

The last part of this discussion talks about gig type and the performance/number of sellers in your category.

  • As @callyofficial states: "I don't think this [gig type] would be a major factor, but could be taken into consideration, especially if you have a unique gig or USP."  
  • @yannisenglish is the prime example of an expert who is dominating a niche market.
  • @vickiespencer states: We all know that sellers and their gigs oversaturate some categories, and it is more unlikely that sellers will earn the TRS status in these areas. 

This is unfortunate, but happens. Some sellers qualify for TRS but never get it because they are in oversaturated markets.

  • @williambryan392 says that “so long as there aren't duplicates and they aren't unethical or against ToS” gig type and the category shouldn’t matter.

This goes back to the first two factors. Make sure you stand out in good ways and provide value to Fiverr.

  • @visualstudios mentions: I assume there is some sort of cap (% wise) of TRS per category, so as not to devalue the badge.
  • @callyofficial adds: while I don't think this would make a big difference, I would guess that there will only be a certain number of TRS's for each category, so I'm sure this would be taken into consideration.

Agreed. There’s a reason why TRSs are handpicked because if this were an automatic promotion, the TRS badge would be meaningless.

  • I like @williambryan392's explanation: It is a pyramid…they want to have enough sellers at each level at each price point and offering each type of gig.

This makes sense and is the way things should be. The bottom layer of the pyramid will always be the biggest – it takes no effort to be there. Then, the levelled sellers make up the middle layer. And at the top, the hand-picked, specially-selected and vetted sellers who clearly stand out and consistently demonstrate excellence in all that they do AND provide tremendous value to Fiverr's platform.

That badge is certainly well deserved by all of you!

Thanks for all of your input!!!

Edited by vickieito
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Nice summary, @vickieito! I agree with most of the points on the list as being factors for the TRS badge. 

One thing I'd like to add. I belive consistent improvement on level two over time (increasing satisfaction rate, higher earnings and so on) could be a factor. That upward arrow might be something they look for when identifying sellers they want to look closer at. But it makes sense to see who's improving even while on level two. The ones that stay "flat" might have a harder time getting shortlisted. It's just a feeling I have. No idea if it's true.

So your improvement by raising prices, earning more and over-delivering consistently, should not stagnate, just because you're "stuck" on level two.

The moral is to never stop improving, no matter how stuck you feel. 

Edited by smashradio
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Pardon me for being late for the game, and dang, I'm bummed I missed this thread...I've been quite busy in and outside Fiverr.
I need to take my time and read through everything while sipping wine or something.
BUT I need to finish work first, I'll be back in a few hours! I can sense that this is one of those threads that are actually veeeeery fun to read


OK, I'll be back.  I need to work on a translation and also draw this dude as a Stat Trek character.

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If you open my profile, I've two gigs that fall almost under the same category, but the purpose is to target different type of business

e.g : 

one is a website
other is a blog

any thoughts on this? it will prevent me from getting a TRS badge?

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OK, aaaaand I'm back. I finished the translation, worked on an image, I also made a hair stick in the shape of a mushroom because why the heck not, and I finally got the chance to sit down and read through the post 🙂

  • Forum activity
  • Gig price
  • Type of gig(s) offered
  • Seller/gig professionalism
  • The performance/number of other sellers in your category

    So many other awesome TRS people already posted their replies and I am a bit late showing up so I'll keep it short and sweet.
    Forum activity? I doubt it. However I've seen strange/intense/ugly drama unfold here at the forum in the past so I won't be THAT surprised if Fiverr decided not to promote the people who started the drama...but again, I'm sure the forum isn't that important.
    Gig price? Nah, don't think so. Types of gigs offered...maaaybe? I guess?
    Seller professionalism, absolutely. The performance/number of other sellers in your category...this I have no idea. I know that there are Japanese/English translators that are TRS sellers here, but does that matter, not sure.

    OK, I'm reading back at what I've typed and i feel like I didn't contribute aaaaanything to the thread!! All my other fellow Fiverrians have said what needs to be said.
    I'll finish my post with this random thing I saw today:

    I saw a vulture eating a squirrel in my friend's backyard in California.
    It's the first time to see an actual living vulture (I've only seen them in old western movies)  I know I'm sounding mean but vultures are not......attractive birds, they look like they have third degree burns on their heads!!
    The wing spam was quite impressive though.

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1 hour ago, zeus777 said:

I'll finish my post with this random thing I saw today:

I saw a vulture eating a squirrel in my friend's backyard in California.
It's the first time to see an actual living vulture (I've only seen them in old western movies)  I know I'm sounding mean but vultures are not......attractive birds, they look like they have third degree burns on their heads!!
The wing spam was quite impressive though.


Oh, @zeus777! You're so funny! Did you really see a vulture eating a squirrel today? Hopefully you didn't watch the whole thing ... and hopefully vultures in the backyard aren't a common thing over there!

But if it is a random thing, like you said, I'm not surprised you're the one who got to see it! 😂


Edited by vickieito
NOTE: I thought I hit my post limit already, but it's letting me type here, so maybe the status updates didn't count. 
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One final thing I'll add is that I know almost everyone wants TRS, who wouldn't want the recognition, and the potential help it gives to getting sales.

But, you can be hugely successful without it, there's a rather famous level 2 seller that did $300K last year so it really isn't the be all and end all.

Also, you'll drive yourself crazy waiting for it to happen. I know I did. And when I gave up on it, that's when it happened.

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I want ask a question! You do not have to chase for Top Rated Seller right? Level one and two is good enough, as long as you deliver your best work and be professional? It seems like a lot of work to be trs and I do not want to be stressed out, I want to have fun ;w; 

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2 minutes ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

want ask a question! You do not have to chase for Top Rated Seller right? Level one and two is good enough, as long as you deliver your best work and be professional? It seems like a lot of work to be trs and I do not want to be stressed out, I want to have fun ;w

Exactly. You can be very successful at every level.

Just do good/great work, look after your clients and success will come.

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16 hours ago, zeus777 said:

draw this dude as a Stat Trek character

Stat Trek? There's a Fiverr series? 🥰 Where can I watch it, Netflix? Sorry, I know it was a typo, but don't you wish it wasn't! Why doesn't anyone make a series based on gig economy platforms, could be so much fun, and there should be many people who'd watch. Stat Trek, Clone Gig Wars, Stranger Buyers, so many possibilities... They could source quite a few ideas for episodes on the forum, and probably even a few people who'd be happy to be in it. And then we'd finally have a new recurring forum question, too, "Do you get more orders if you're in Stat Trek?".


Oops, sorry, OP, quite off-topic, so let me add... While it's probably not a hidden requirement, I'll claim that a good sense of humour will immensely help you stay in the Gig platform environment, without going crazy, and thus help you on your journey towards TRS, as you can't become one, if you quit before you do 😉


Edited by miiila
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On 6/9/2022 at 1:06 AM, vickieito said:

Hopefully you didn't watch the whole thing ...

Augh, ahem, no, once I realized that the chunk of meat was a squirrel, I decided to walk away and let the vulture enjoy his lunch. I felt bad for the fluffy tailed guy, but hey vultures gotta eat too. So far I've seen the vulture only once so I guess he's not a residential bird. I did see a rabbit in the yard though, I hope he stays safe.

On 6/9/2022 at 6:00 AM, miiila said:

Stat Trek? There's a Fiverr series? 🥰 Where can I watch it, Netflix? Sorry, I know it was a typo, but don't you wish it wasn't!

HAHAHAHA OMG I didn't notice the typo!! I'm not a huge Star Trek fan, but if they really created a series called Stat Trek, I'd watch it!!
This is what I drew BTW: 


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  • 3 weeks later...
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I am stuck here for the last three months. I have fulfilled all the given requirements of Fiverr for top-rated sellers but I have never seen myself in top-rated sellers. When I asked this question to Fiverr Support, they told me not to write or participate in any event and that you are not involved in the Fiverr community. But I am a seller, not a writer so that's why I am associated with the Fiverr community and I also write forums and blogs. I handle my clients very cleverly and I meet the mentioned points of achievement level.


I saw here but here i am sharing something for @vickieito. I attach a screenshot where this point was mentioned by Fiverr support. 


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Did you see the summary that I provided on "Community Leadership"?


 @smashradio says here: “one of the things they look at is community leadership. I assume that involves being active in the community, helping other sellers, or doing something that benefits the community as a whole."

I would hope that Fiverr looks into the value you bring to the Fiverr community as a whole, including the forum. Think of all the sellers who flood the platform and get the motivation to stick it out just a bit longer because of the help from TRSs and other levelled sellers. Seller retention is in the best interest of Fiverr.

Please also see the section on the pyramid as well. No matter how much you may qualify for TRS, you might never get it.

The good thing is, you can still be a great seller and make good money without becoming a top-rater seller. 

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2 hours ago, grahpicworker said:

i am going my way to the top rated sellers and i believe  i am goon make it one day 
and about the leadership comment i was not aware that you can help new sellers achieve something through communities so now on my focus will be there too 🙂

Taking the lead in the community is important. It's not about being "active" on the forum, but contributing something to the community – it could be having the best selling gig of all time in a niche, it could be having a Youtube channel where you help new sellers, answering questions on the forum, or just being a generally nice person to have around. It clearly isn't a requirement to become a Top Rated Seller, since many TRS's never post on the forum or own Youtube channels and so on. But it's a "nice-to-have", if you're actually talented enough to help other people and be a productive part of the community. It won't make you a Top Rated Seller, but if you do get nominated, I'm sure they take a look at your behavior and history in the community. Having a track record as a helpful person with great knowledge about the Fiverr system certainly can't hurt. 

With all that said: your first goal should always be to make your buyers happy by being excellent at what you do, offering great support, creating good vibes and awesome results. That's what being a TRS is all about. It's not about the badge, technicalities (even though they matter, too) or forum activity. It's about being best in the business and it all starts with how you communicate, work and deliver results that buyers love. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

I am TRS from Jan 2018 and I am active on fiverr forum  for past year so forum participation is out of question.

The main reason for fiverr TRS selection in my point of view  ; is how much money and business you bring to fiverr, as when I became TRS I have generate $100k+ in total with the 20% fess so  that is main reason . 


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