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  1. Dealing with demanding/difficult clients and resolving conflicts As freelancers, we all know that working with clients can sometimes lead to challenging situations and conflicts. Whether it's a misunderstanding about expectations, miscommunication, or simply different working styles, dealing with demanding clients can be a significant stressor for freelancers. So, how can we effectively manage these situations and resolve conflicts professionally and positively? Here are some tips and best practices to consider: Maintain open communication: One of the key factors in avoiding and resolving conflicts is maintaining open and positive communication with clients. Establish clear communication channels and regularly check in with clients to ensure everyone is on the same page. Listen actively: When conflicts arise, it's important to listen to the client's perspective and understand their point of view. By showing empathy and seeking to understand the client's needs and concerns, you may be able to find a mutually acceptable solution. Be clear and concise: Conflicts often arise from miscommunication and misunderstandings, so it's important to be clear and concise in your communication with clients. Make sure to clarify expectations and ask for clarification when necessary. Seek mediation or outside help: In some cases, conflicts may not be easily resolved through direct communication with the client. In these situations, seeking mediation or outside help may be helpful, such as a trusted third party or a dispute resolution mechanism provided by the platform you're using. Protect your rights and interests: Finally, as a freelancer, it's essential to protect your rights and interests. Make sure you have a clear contract in place that outlines expectations, responsibilities, and dispute resolution mechanisms and be prepared to enforce your rights if necessary By following these tips and best practices, you can effectively manage client conflicts and maintain positive and professional relationships. What strategies have you found effective in dealing with demanding clients and resolving disputes? Let's share our experiences and insights!
  2. This is still a mystery, suggestions are being shared to solve this puzzle & everyone is sharing their own perspective. If we summarize this as fiverr says "A good quality work with a communcation" does this all. so this includes everything 😂
  3. I've built over a thousand website or more and mostly I had to design websites for businesses. From small level to large businesses, they all wanted a good design. So I practiced a few tools like WP Bakery, Elementor, Thrive Builder, Divi Builder & AVADA. But then I thought a one single builder can do it all, why not practice on one builder to make something awesome. I chose Elementor Pro using Jupiter theme, they gave me a lot of options & made my journey so much easierrrrrrr. What do you guys prefer to use for a better Website Design?
  4. Yes it's huge, I'm still in a queue for over 11 months
  5. I still didn't get that, i even applied for Seller plus tooooo many times. not getting that 😭
  6. My cousin changed his son name, I don't know why. If the world was Fiverr, then she wouldn't be able to change his name 😂
  7. I've completed over 500 orders on Fiverr & the most demanding function in Fiverr is the Voice/Video call with the client. I recently saw that whenever a Fiverr Business client starts a conversation, the chat has a by-default option to make Call using Fiverr platform. BUT What about those clients who are not having Fiverr Business subscription? Mostly the Good Clients with Giant budget & Complex Requirements demand to have a voice conversation for a better understanding. But there's no option for that. 1) What do you recommend for such clients? To clearly tell them that they will have to join the Fiverr Business subscription? 2) Ask them to initiate a very small order for Consultation, so Fiverr order page will allow us to have a call 3) Or simply tell them it's not possible & keep chatting as we're doing right now Please guide me if someone has a better solution to this little problem.
  8. @lalitsdmittal thank you so much for the input, I believe you're totally right at this.
  9. Folks, I hope you're doing so well. It's been over 2,3 years that I'm working on my profile and earned over $50K+. I've completed all the requirements for becoming a TOP RATED SELLER, but still not getting. I tried to reach out Fiverr, they said that it is a handpicked program, so things will be evaluated manually. I'm very good at communication 99% of clients are happier with me I have a lot of repeating clients, it means anyone gets help from me, comes back to me for sure I've been ranking on 1st page for most of the keywords Now, I'd like to have some guidelines from Top Rated sellers, maybe they can guide me something? Rabia R.
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