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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. @raohamza845, Welcome back to Fiverr! I took a look at your gig and it looks like you have been getting orders for the past several months, with 13 orders this past month. The fact that you are getting regular orders with good reviews only helps increase your visibility in search. When did you leave and when did you come back?
  2. Hi @rajmacd, Welcome to the forum! You can start learning how to get your first order by reading this: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  3. Hi @obaloluwaire, Welcome to the forum! About your question - What is the reason for the cancelation? If it's due to buyer error, it shouldn't hurt your seller statistics as long as you contact Fiverr Customer Support and cancel through them. If it's a mutual cancelation, it will hurt your seller stats, so it doesn't matter if the buyer or seller initiates the cancelation through the Resolution Center.
  4. Hi @taizul0011, Welcome to the forum! 😊 This article may be helpful for you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/285174-no-you-have-not-been-hired-new-sellers-dont-let-them-scam-you-dont-contact-them-off-fiverr-dont-do-any-work-for-them/ Spam is also a very popular topic of discussion (unfortunately it is a big problem that we all have to deal with). You'll see many posts about it every day. Feel free to browse the forum for those discussions!
  5. Hi @dhaka029, That's great! The fact that your impressions and clicks are increasing means that people are starting to notice your gig and are clicking on it to learn more. Your goal should be to convert those clicks to orders. If people are "clicking" on your gig and visiting your gig page, that means they are interested in your services. If they visit your gig without placing an order, that means they've checked out your gig, and for whatever reason, decided to go with your competition. So now you need to do your research to figure out why. As a seller, you don't want to give your customers any reason to leave. I saw that you had one recent order and your customer was very happy. This will help you gain more impressions and clicks.
  6. Hi @expndroid, reporting another's gig shouldn't affect how your gig performs. What have you been doing for the past year to get in new orders besides updating and adding new gigs?
  7. Hi @dataraqib! Welcome to the forum! I think there are way too many words on your gig image that's it's hard to understand what service you are offering. Keep the gig image simple with only 3-5 words describing your services. You're in a competitive field, so it's best to utilize all the tools that you have so your gig can stand out from the crowd. Add a gig video, share your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) with your potential buyers in your bio and gig descriptions, and utilize all your FAQs. You can read here for more suggestions: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/
  8. Hi @star_stuff, have you tried using the "Private notes" on the bottom of the order page? Once you click on "Add Note" then you can fill out and save your note:
  9. Hi @zaman200, Pick up where you left off. Include a note in your bio that you are now back in business after a long break. Thoroughly review all your gigs and make appropriate updates and changes so that your gigs can start attracting your customers. By updating your long dormant gigs, you are telling Fiverr's algorithm that you are now "active" and it will start evaluating you against the competition to see how relevant you are in search. Not only will your gig be monitored, but your performance as well. So be responsive to messages, start making offers on Buyer Requests, deliver quality work, and keep your customers happy. All of these actions will help your gigs become more visible in search.
  10. Hi @katiecontentseo, You could just price the word count the same on every package and it doesn't matter which package the buyer orders. Then you could maximize all your gig extras for the SEO keywords and other upsells that make sense. Utilizing your gig extras and add ons such as fast deliveries and revisions can help increase your average selling prices.
  11. Hi @mudasirbuzdar, you made several changes but haven't addressed all of the concerns that @jonbaas and I have brought up. So continue to make the changes and read the articles that I provided for you because that will help you get in the right mindset. No one can tell you how to best run your business. That's something you'll have to figure out yourself. How you run your business and connect with customer will be different from how I do it. So the best thing you can do is make changes and monitor how your gigs perform. There's a lot of helpful information on the forum and it's helpful to look for specific questions. If you have specific questions, you can find specific answers. If your questions are general, the feedback you'll get will be general too.
  12. @mdshafiurrahman - you aren't allowed to share your gig link in this category - you can share it in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gigs." 😉 Please don't spam the forum with your gig links. If you want to share you gigs, you can share them in the two categories that I just mentioned. Thanks!
  13. Thanks, @melanielm! This makes me sad, though. I'm not sure why I would block someone if they can just place an order. The whole reason why I block people is because they won't listen to me (if I tell them I'd like to decline their project and feel that they might place an order anyways). ☹️
  14. But didn't the applicant write the letter himself? I can't see why it would be plagiarism if you were just proofreading his letter. 😔 This is really sad. Hopefully you have repeat customers that can sustain you for the next 60 days until this cancelation and ToS statistics falls off your record (the violation itself won't fall off, but at least your statistics will).
  15. I agree with @joyh97 - your agreement is with Buyer B. Buyer A cannot speak on the behalf of Buyer B and you can't send Buyer B's files to Buyer A. You can let Buyer B know that Buyer A wants the files. I think @joyh97's idea to suggest a new contract between you and Buyer A is a brilliant idea. Buyer A probably won't take that offer. If Buyer A gets mad at you, or too demanding, you can always block him. There's no reason to deal with him.
  16. How is this plagiarism if you aren't the one writing? Aren't you only proofreading and commenting on work that has already been written? For student work, it should always be the student doing the writing. As a proofreader/editor you would never supply a finished work. Only annotations and edit suggestions in the form of comments. Then the student would take that and write the finished draft themselves. This includes applications. You shouldn't be providing any rewriting or writing because that would be doing their work for them. As long as you are doing this, if there's any plagiarism, that would be on the student.
  17. I'm more worried about the future orders...can Customer Support make sure this person cannot place another order? Sellers should be able to choose who they want to work with and this situation doesn't make that possible.
  18. @donnovan86 - I just barely started blocking people, so I'm also curious to hear what others have to say on this. I thought that if you blocked someone, you not only stop their communication, but you also stop them from ordering from you (otherwise, what's the purpose of the blocking)? I refuse to work with buyers who have poor communication and can't provide me with the feedback I need to deliver an excellent product. It would be horrible if those same people turned around and then ordered from me. I would probably end up canceling right away. However, that would cause me to drop a level or levels if I do that too often. Have you reached out to your Success Manager and Customer Support to make sure this buyer really is blocked and unable to place more orders? I wonder if they can do anything about the last order that was placed after you blocked this buyer. 🤔
  19. @logo_maker_b - Links aren't allowed in this category. I've asked for your post to be moved to the correct category, "Improve My Gig" (links allowed). 😉 This will help your post be seen by those who are looking at others' gigs and providing feedback. I took a look at your gig and see that you are in a competitive category. Try to find ways to make your services unique from all the other graphic designers, so that your buyers can find you and buy your services. The forum is a great place to help you research ways to help grow your business. Here are some posts that you can read to get started: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/234149-new-sellers-the-true-way-to-success/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/263159-many-clicks-but-no-sales-read-this-a-guide-to-improve-conversion-rate/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/263089-about-ranking-your-gig/
  20. @mahfuz_mredul - Once you start treating your business as a business, you can grow your business just as fast as anyone else who takes their business seriously. @jonbaas is right in the fact that freelancing requires time, effort, and determination to see success. I personally had my Fiverr account 2.5 years before I posted any gigs on it and it has only helped me level up faster because the day I posted my first gig, I was already considered an active seller for 2.5 years. It doesn't matter how old your account is, when you post a new gig, it is treated as a new gig. New gigs have no data and have to be built up from scratch. The minute you post them, this alerts the system that you are "active" and it starts to collect data on the gig and your account. @uk1000 also mentioned ways to start showing Fiverr's algorithm that you are taking a more active role in your business, such as making offers to buyer requests. Responding quickly to inquiries is another way to start showing you are serious about your business. I would also put a note in your bio that you took a 2 year break and are now back in business so that buyers know why there's a long gap since your last order.
  21. If you want it, you have to work for it. No one on the forum will give you your first order - we're not your customers. To get your first order, you'll have to learn how to connect with your customers so that they'll want to buy from you. No one will want to buy from you if you approach them and say "I want my 1st order." Think of your customers. What do you think they'll want to hear in order to buy from you? Did either of you read what @jonbaas just wrote? There is no such thing as gig "rank." Fiverr doesn't operate that way. Fiverr is a matching service. It matches buyers to relevant sellers. You, as a seller, have to make sure you are relevant by delivering good work and keeping your customers happy.
  22. @sawoda_sumi_29 - It's impossible to grow a business in one day. As @jonbaas mentioned, there is no such thing as gig "ranking." To get on the first page, you will need to improve your seller performance so that your gig is seen as a relevant match to a buyer's search term. Improving your performance takes much more time than one day. The algorithm looks at your past 60-pay performance. Your seller performance depends on how many orders you are completing, how happy your customers are, your seller metrics on your dashboard, your response rate, and other quality factors. If you are performing better than your competition, you will be visible in search. If your competition is performing better than you, you won't be as visible.
  23. @jime_l, That sounds so frustrating! Normally if a buyer scam you it only ends up as a canceled order, not all of the things you mentioned. Violating copyrights and plagiarizing others' work is a pretty heavy accusation and if true (I'm not saying it is), is a legitimate reason for canceling an order and reporting you for a ToS violation. It sounds like what happened to you was an automatic process that was triggered by the buyer reporting you, so you reaching out to Customer Support is the right thing. If you can prove to CS that your work is original and not plagiarized, then you might be able to get the ToS violation removed and your order completion rate fixed. One thing that worries me though, is that you offer a lot of services to students. Doing work for student work is a violation of Fiverr's ToS, which could risk your account getting another warning. I checked out your gigs and you offer services for college applications, personal statements, and essays. You can help students as a proofreader, but only in the form of annotations and comments - if you are using Track Changes, Suggestions, or doing edits, rewriting, and writing, then you risk getting another ToS violation. I have a writing gig too, and I avoid student work. Since I'm on Seller Plus, I use Negative Keywords to block out any buyers who uses "essay," "sop," or "personal statements" in search to find my gigs. I should add "college applications." It's not worth risking your account to deal with those types of orders.
  24. Welcome to the forum @omarfaruk05! Like any business, you have to do your research so you can know how to connect with your customers so that they'll want to order from you. To improve your impressions, make your gig more relevant in search. Your relevancy is based on your title, tags, seller statistics, response rate, quality, number of orders, reviews and other metrics. If you are performing well as a seller, your gig will be seen as more relevant in search and will get more impressions. To improve your clicks, you have to convince buyers who see your gig to click on it. Your gig title, image, video, minimum price, seller level, and reviews all influence whether a buyer clicks on your gig or not.
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