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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. This is worth so much more than two cents @imagination7413! Your level of detail is insane! 😊 Thanks again for the link! I've bookmarked this because it'll take me several reads to process it all! (note: now I need to organize all my bookmarks because I'm starting to have trouble finding the articles I do bookmark) 😂
  2. I don't know @zeus777 , 3 years of living in Japan has made me really want to eat Mexican food. 😔It's so expensive here. Our family even spent $80 to get Costco's 2-lb bag of tortilla chips shipped to us from Amazon (In the US, it's less than $5). The Costco here doesn't sell it. There is a Taco Bell close by, but the portion sizes are so tiny (and the prices so high) that it's better to just make our own food. If we can find all the ingredients. If you are in the US, I'd go for Cafe Rio or Chipotle over any Taco Bell or Del Taco out there! It's worth any "thunder" that may happen after consumption!
  3. So happy to see you posting more @damooch916! I love reading your content! Okay, so "Forrest Gump" has a lot of amazing quotes it in and I absolutely love this movie!😍 However, since we are sharing bad movie quotes, this one is piece of advice that I lived by before I met my husband that's just plain wrong (my husband's name is Jun, by the way). Unfortunately for Jun, he was my first and only boyfriend (so I knew very little about relationships when we first met). Lucky for me, he's put up with me for the past 18 years. He's been extremely patient when I flipped out about him opening my junk mail and I've learned to "finish" all the tubes of toothpaste that he starts but somehow loses track of. On our first date, Jun stopped by my apartment to pick me up from my college dorm and I grabbed his hand and started running. He stopped me and asked me what the heck I was doing. "Going to our date," I replied, "We're late!" We were supposed to be at a performance put on by the school's dance club. I knew we could get there on time if we ran. "That's not what people do on dates," Jun told me, "I just want to hold your hand and be with you." So we walked, hand in hand, and had a fun time together. It still took several dates for me to understand that concept - to not run through life. When we hiked a mountain together, I was all set on getting to the top of the mountain as fast as possible. Jun constantly told me to stop and enjoy the view. I thought he was just being a wimp, stopping all the time, but he really did want to enjoy the view. I think I have a tendency to run through life - trying to get results and achieve targets - that I often forget to enjoy the journey. We shouldn't be so set on our destination that we forget to stop and smell the roses! 🌹🌹🌹
  4. @faizkhan88 - you posted the same question here: That's why you are getting the same responses from me and @imagination7413. If your impressions are dropping, you don't have a strong overall profile to other competitors. You might have when you were pooled against other New Sellers, but you've moved up a level. You are faced with higher competition. Low impressions means that Fiverr's algorithm sees you and your gig as less relevant to buyers searching for your service compared to other sellers in the same category. So you've got to step up your game. [mod note: topics merged to comply with forum rule 1.]
  5. In my experience, if orders are canceled due to buyer error, CS can help ensure it doesn't affect your stats. Even after the fact. So you might have to cancel with CS after the deadline passes to prove that you've done everything on your side as a seller. Go ahead and put in a request for cancelation via the Resolution Center. (Maybe it's worth it to get that Success Manager now?)
  6. Hi @faizkhan88, Have you read this article? https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/148025-level-1-hell-pass-the-test-new-sellers/
  7. CS had to cancel my order before it was due, or else it would be considered late (and a late delivery does affect seller statistics). However I'm not sure how it would be if that late delivery is then canceled. I would think that it would only count as a canceled order at that point. I can't remember how long it took for me to connect with my Success Manger, but you could try it. I think it was a day or two. I love having a Success Manager! She was the only reason that I got paid for the work that I did do on my order. I didn't even ask her to help me with that - she took it upon herself and a month later CS contacted me to tell me that I was going to get paid for that project.
  8. I had a similar situation on one of my resume orders. I ended up canceling with CS so it wouldn't affect my seller stats and eventually got paid for the work that I did do (a month later): I'm not sure why you haven't heard from CS yet. Hopefully they respond today. While you're waiting, please make sure that you sent CS all the screenshots they need to help you.
  9. Thanks @imagination7413! @mudasirbuzdar - I gave you 7 tips to improve your gig and profile when you private messaged me 3 days ago. Those changes still have not been made. I also provided several links to help you in that process. Please read those links and make the changes. I'll be more than happy to take a look at your gigs and profile again after all the changes have been made. If you still have questions, please ask. Thanks!
  10. @amina_majeed1 - even though Fiverr CS considers an issue resolved, you can still respond and reopen the ticket. It's hard to say why and how Fiverr CS considers your issue "resolved" without seeing your support ticket or Fiverr CS's response.
  11. Hi @hasnain_099, for mobile view only, you can create templates for custom offers that you send your clients. This feature will allow you to set up different deals and custom offers (i.e., your "templates") for your background removal services, which you can then send to your buyers through your mobile chats.
  12. @katiecontentseo - great job delivering early! Your buyer now has 3 days to approve the order or it will auto-close. As long as you have notifications set up through the Fiverr mobile app and/or email, you can get notified if they accept the order, tip, leave a review, request a revision, message you, or submit a cancelation request. As long as you've delivered what was ordered and your buyer is happy, you shouldn't see a cancelation request.
  13. @shamimhasanjebo - impressions means that people can see you in search. Clicks means that your gig is attractive enough that buyers want to "click" on your gig and find out more about your services. If you aren't getting clicks, your gig isn't attractive enough to your buyers - they are clicking on the gigs of your competitors. Several things that affect how attractive your gig is: your minimum price, seller level, reviews, title, gig video, and gig thumbnail. Do research to find out how you can make these more attractive so that buyers want to click on your gig. Take a look at your competition and make note of the things that are working and things that aren't and make appropriate changes so that your gigs are unique enough that they will stand out from the competition.
  14. Hi @amruth92! Welcome to the forum! Here's a great resource for you to read - note there are a lot of links provided by @williambryan392 and @imagination7413: 😊 Enjoy!
  15. vickieito

    Improve my gig

    As a seller, you should never send out buyer requests. Buyer requests are created by buyers, not sellers. As a seller, you can send offers to buyer requests. I don't know if you are on the new or old dashboard but if you are on the old dashboard, you can get to buyer requests here: Click on your "More" tab and then "Buyer Requests." If you highlight a request, a green "Send Offer" button shows up. That's where you can submit your offer on the project. Please make sure to read the request carefully. Don't make an offer if you don't understand the request or if it looks like spam. There is a lot of spam in the Buyer Request section. When writing your request, make sure that you address all the key points that the buyer makes in the request. Show how you are the solution to the buyer's problem.
  16. @amina_majeed1 - Is your Payoneer account active or did you just set it up? It took me about 2 weeks to set up my Payoneer account. After that, I was able to quickly add it as a method of payment for Fiverr. I also use PayPal, but I know you can't use that in Pakistan.
  17. What exactly is the issue? Are you having trouble with your Payoneer application or withdrawing funds?
  18. Hi @amina_majeed1, The note above says to contact Customer Support by clicking on that link. Have you done that?
  19. Hi @shalock, Buyer Briefs will be replacing Buyer Requests. You can currently report sellers who are misusing this feature. This change is being rolled out slowly, but eventually there will be "certified clients" who will be matched with your services. You can read more about this here:
  20. @antiksarker, if you have impressions but no clicks, that means your gig is being seen in search but no one is interested enough to click on your gig. You need to research how you can make your gig more attractive to your buyers so that they'll want to click on your gig, not your competitors' gigs. Gig videos, thumbnails, titles, minimum prices, seller level, and reviews are some of the things your buyers will be looking at to decide if they want to click on your gig and learn more about your services.
  21. @hussienfahmy - Orders canceled due to buyer error shouldn't hurt your seller statistics as long as it's canceled correctly. A buyer could cancel the order with the reason of "ordered by mistake," and it wouldn't hurt your seller statistics. Or the seller can cancel the order through Customer Service (not the Resolution Center) to ensure the cancelation doesn't hurt your statistics. Try reaching out to Customer Support and show them how the buyer ordered by mistake. They might still be able to change things so the cancelation doesn't hurt your seller statistics. You can contact them here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/general-inquiry
  22. Hi @imniazkhan687 - how your gig performs in search depends on you, not Customer Service. So you need to solve this problem, not them. Also, Fiverr no longer "ranks" gigs - it's a matching service based on the buyer's search term and it's customized for each individual. So where you find yourself in search won't be the same as someone else searching for the same terms. You might not be able to see yourself in search, but a buyer might. If you are still getting impressions, then you are being found in search. If you want to increase your impressions, you'll have to increase your relevancy - this includes not only optimizing your gigs, but improving your seller performance and quality. If you are doing better than your competition, you'll be more visible in search.
  23. @denisecorp is right, @emirx_x - it takes time and effort to build your business. It's especially hard when you are getting your first 10 orders. Too many new sellers think that all they need to do is open a gig and orders will start flowing in. It's great that you are getting impressions because that means your gig is considered relevant in search when buyers search for your services. Fiverr is a matching service - higher impressions means you have higher relevancy in search. This is a combination of not just your title and tags, but your seller performance, response time and rate, and how you compare with other sellers in your category. If they are getting more orders than you, they will be considered more relevant. Another important number is how many clicks you are getting. More clicks means that buyers who see your gig in search are interested in your services. Maybe it was the video you had up, your attractive thumbnail, or the price. For whatever reason, they were interested enough to "click" on your gig to check out your services. If those clicks aren't turning into orders, then that means buyers are visiting your gig pages and are deciding not to place an order. Instead, they moved on to your competition. Your goal is to not let that happen! Do your market research so that you can connect with your customers and convince them to to order from you. When I was a new seller, often that was developing my portfolio and finding initial orders through Buyer Requests. More orders will make you more relevant in search, especially if you get good reviews.
  24. @denisecorp, the article that you were redirected to explains that Promoted Gigs is only offered to sellers who meet certain criteria and quality metrics. You'll know it's available to you because you should be able to find it from your dashboard (I don't know if you are on the old dashboard or the new dashboard). I'm still on the old dashboard, so it's a tab up top: Once you click on that, you'll be shown all your gigs and will be able to see which gigs qualify for promotion.
  25. I agree! I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. There seems to be a lot of mixed messages in here. Can you clarify? Why would I want to change my profile picture that often? I would just confuse my customers. All you need to do is make sure you have an attractive and professional photo that accurately reflects you and your services. I wouldn't suggest that. What if your keywords are doing great? Changing keywords that are working for you may do more harm than good. It makes no sense to change the keywords when your gig is performing well. Changing it would reset the algorithm. Also, the words you choose might bring in less traffic. A well-designed, professional, and active profile does not necessarily bring in orders. You also have to be really good at what you do and know how to connect with your customers. Thanks for sharing your experiences @pramodchoudh188! However, I only understood and agreed with the first bullet point. Can you review my comments and explain your reasoning behind the rest of your points? Thanks!
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