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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. What?! Leaves are already changing color? Summer has gone by way to fast!!! My kids are back in school and my youngest is being homeschooled, so I'm back to lesson planning and teaching. I'm looking forward to the kids having a more normal sleeping schedule. My favorite time of year is from October (my birthday month) to December. So I'm looking forward to everything! Cooler weather means I can layer up on clothes. I also love eating baked goods and hot stew, soup, and chili during the colder months. Cornbread would go well with the chili. 😋
  2. As a seller - I don't like to hear this because it often seems like a manipulation tactic to get me to work for reduced rates. However, when I buy, I'm just thinking about the projects that I have. It's easier working with one seller than trying to vet and qualify a new seller every time. So I have to catch myself every time because I almost say that to the sellers that I work with. Now I just think it in my head. If it works out, then I'll order more from this seller. Some buyers seem to disappear, only to pop up many, many months later. It can take a while for them to get their next project for you.
  3. Hi @edge_97, Welcome to the forum! Have you tried the recommendations in the Help Center? https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360049645673-Payment-issues If this doesn't work, you can contact Customer Support here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/buying-on-fiverr/payments/payment-failed/create-ticket Also, on a different note, I noticed that you are offering B2C leads. This isn't an allowed service by Fiverr and I would remove that if I were you (only B2B leads are allowed). I reached out to Customer Support a few months ago to get a reference for this. See below::
  4. I wish I could have a Disney princess moment like that! I think the closest thing was a dance with a dying cicada. I had no idea that if you step on one of them, they go off like a firecracker in every direction! My husband and kids go ballistic when they see a fly in the house. It becomes their mission to destroy it at all cost. I see no point in hunting down a poor fly if it isn't directly near me or trying to get on my food. I'm usually okay with bugs and spiders if I know where they're at and how they're going to act. I think I've swallowed a couple of spiders in my sleep because I wake up suddenly coughing with a feeling that something is caught in my throat. I'm not bothered by it. However, if a bug or spider were to crawl into my ear ... I would have a BIG problem with that. One of my most vivid experiences as a child was being chased by my older sister because a spider (a very, very tiny spider) had latched onto her neck and wasn't budging. Her eyes got all wild and crazy looking and she came running at me full speed, "Get it off of me! Get it OFFFF!" Of course I ran away from her yelling, "Get it off yourself!" Sometimes i's not the spider, but the people who are absolutely freaked out about spiders that scares me. One thing I don't like is squishing spiders and bugs. The smaller ones like mosquitos and tiny spiders are okay. However, if they're big and juicy-looking (like the huntsman spider in @breals's picture), I don't want to squish them because I don't like how they feel, sound, and squirt when I do kill them. As for me, cockroaches are one of the worst bugs out there. If you see one, there's usually millions others hiding somewhere. And they are almost impossible to kill and get rid of.
  5. Hi @mohin_g, Here's what the Help Center says on Fiverr Pro: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/288388-buyer-reviews-on-canceled-orders-do-they-matter/ It looks like you have to do this for each of your gigs that you want to convert to Pro. That seems ike a hassle. Can you find any signup link on your acceptance email? If not, you might want to reach out to Customer Support here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/more-features-for-sellers/fiverr-pro/create-ticket
  6. Hi @jemesweb - Point #3 in this article may help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ You may also want to read this one: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/
  7. Hi @mohin_g - Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your Pro status! The last line in the email says: It looks like you need to still set up your Pro gigs. Once you set them up, you should see a "Pro" mark on those gigs.
  8. Hi @akashahmeda, Welcome to the forum! Promoted Gig eligibility is based on your seller performance (see Help Center article below): https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs?segment=seller My guess that it's one of the bullet points ... usually it's the last one that causes you to lose that qualified status for Promoted Gigs. The good thing is, if you improve your seller performance, you can become eligible for Promoted Gigs again.
  9. Hi @zakariacacc, Welcome to the forum! If you were able to publish the gig, then buyers should be able to find you in search. If you click on this link and then the drop down for your gig, you'll see if your gig can be found by buyers when they are searching for your services: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status This is how it will look like: Also, if you are getting impressions on your gig, that means buyers are seeing your gig in search.
  10. Hi @web_solution15, Just as an FYI ...gig links aren't allowed in this category - you may post your gig links in "Improve My Gig" and "My Fiverr Gigs." I've asked for your post to be moved to the correct category. 😉 Here are my comments on your gig - 1. You have good reviews and happy customers, so keep this up. Delivering quality work and keeping your customers happy is the best way to gain better visibility i search. 2. Consider adding gig videos on your last three gigs - this may help to increase buyer engagement with your gigs. 3. In your profile - Replace the period after 2020 with a comma "2020, I have" 4. All gigs - Remove references to "Unlimited Revisions," "24/7 customer support" and "100% refund policy," "100% Client Satisfaction," and "On-Time Delivery." <--these are not good selling points and will cause trouble for you as a seller. The last one, "On-Time Delivery" is expected of sellers, so I would leave this out. 5. Gig#1 - Remove the FAQ "What if I will not like the website" <--this is not necessary and makes a potential buyer question your ability You might also want to include the gig links in your FAQ's of the other related services that you provide (instead of telling them to inbox you).
  11. Good point @max3dmodel - sometimes I forget that I'm on Seller Plus too, so I can immediately see the average rating that a buyer gives the seller as well as the buyer's order completion rate. For a new seller with only 11 reviews, it's devastating when a buyer reviews you in this manner. However, since this is a nonsense review (rather than an actual negative review), such a review wouldn't deter me as a buyer. It means nothing, because it doesn't make sense. I would be more likely to notice how happy all the other customers are. Even though there are few reviews on this seller, the reviews are good. So @deviftesum_s2rn only needs to respond positively to this last review. And luckily, the average rating is still 4.8.
  12. I would avoid doing work with a buyer like this. If he placed the order without chatting with me, and I saw the kind of reviews he leaves, I would just cancel the order. It would hurt my seller statistics, but I prefer not to work with buyers who provide nonsense feedback. All you can do at this point is respond to the review positively - and mention the highlights of how your provided good service and it was a pleasure working with that buyer.
  13. @ipersephone, I agree that it seems harsh, but there are thousands of new accounts created every day on Fiverr. Fiverr asks users to review their ToS when signing up and users are responsible for reading and understanding all of rules. Fiverr doesn't have time to keep track of every offender. Spam is also a huge problem on the platform (with spammers opening multiple accounts). So Fiverr has to be vigilant in enforcing these rules.
  14. @azeetechworld - Welcome to the forum! Your on-time delivery is 83%, so you can't level up. You need to have an on-time delivery of at least 90%. I would also keep an eye on your response rate too. If it drops below 90%, that will be another reason why you can't level up.
  15. @safakca - that's a really unfortunate experience. A message in your spam box asking you to communicate outside of Fiverr is a sure sign of spam. Don't fall for it! You might want to read this article here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/285174-no-you-have-not-been-hired-new-sellers-dont-let-them-scam-you-dont-contact-them-off-fiverr-dont-do-any-work-for-them/ Never contact anyone outside of Fiverr's platform. You risk your account by contacting the buyer using these two methods. You should probably review Fiverr ToS and read this article here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/288116-just-because-you-didnt-get-caught-doesnt-mean-its-allowed/ Unfortunately you were scammed and probably won't get your money back. You also broke Fiverr ToS by communicating with the buyer off of the platform and attempting to make payment arrangements outside of Fiverr. As a seller, you should never have to pay to do an order. And the buyer should always place and order with you before you even start on the work. That's how Fiverr is set up and it can protect you if you follow the rules. Once you leave the platform or communicate by other means, you have no protection. Please read the articles above and learn from them so that you don't make the same mistakes!
  16. @ipersephone - once Fiverr shuts down your account for violating ToS, you are banned from using the platform and can't create a new account. That's why your second and third attempts were not approved.
  17. If you are a seller in Pakistan, please reach out to your buyers! Especially if you are in a flood area with limited internet. Your buyer may be willing to initiate the cancelation and reach out to Fiverr CS on your behalf. My seller is busy relocating to a safer area, so I'm sure Fiverr CS will understand the situation.
  18. Monitor your gigs and see how they perform. That will be a more accurate assessment of your changes than mine. Please look back on the private message that I sent you. You can also double check to make sure you implemented all of @uk1000's suggestions.
  19. Hi @furyy123 - I'm just a seller trying to improve my business, just like you are. I don't have any students because that's not how the forum works. I use the forum to research how I can grow my business and I like to answer questions because I want to give back as much as I'm getting out of the forum. Here's some feedback for you - 1. Profile - "I can translate English to any other language" <--please specify what languages you can do this for 2. Profile - "My all work will be unique and perfect." <--I wouldn't promise perfection 3. Profile - "My belief is that if you are punctual then you are successful." <--punctual does not equal success 4. Profile - "So I will try my 100% and my work will be enough to make you satisfied." <-- I wouldn't promise this. Some clients can't be satisfied. 5. Gig #1 - "You are on the perfect address!!!" change to "You are at the right place!" 6. Gig#1 - You are again promising to translate to "any other language." Please be specific in the languages you work with. 7. Gig #2 - "I have been serving people since 10 years in translation ." <-- there is a space between "translation" and the period. 8. Gig #2 - You offer Spanish translation, but on your profile, Spanish isn't listed as a language that you're proficient in. Consider adding it to your list of languages. When offering services on Fiverr, please make sure you are offering something that you are good at. You also mention English --> Chinese translations in your skills section. Are you fully proficient in all of these languages?
  20. Orders are not guaranteed and you shouldn't be "waiting" for orders. Being found in search is only one way to get orders. What are you personally doing to get orders? Are you submitting offers to buyer requests? Are you sharing your gig links with people you know that may need your services? Also, you still haven't made many of the changes that I suggested for your profile and gigs.
  21. Only if the changes you make are bad. If the changes are good, then you'll see your gig's performance increasing over time. I would also focus on getting more orders, because that has a huge impact on your visibility in search. The better you are performing as a seller, the better visibility your gig will get.
  22. If the buyer is asking for more work than what he or she originally ordered, you can offer to do the extra work, for a fee. You can add that to the order as a gig extra. This would require the buyer to accept the gig extra. If the buyer is unwilling to work with you, then you can get Customer Support involved so that you can cancel the order without it affecting your seller statistics. You will have to show Customer Support how the buyer is demanding work that is outside the scope of your order.
  23. Hi @thomasfische222 - Welcome to the forum! If you are using PayPal, Apple Pay. or Google Pay, you would have to change your bank information in your account with that company. If you are doing wire transfers as a Fiverr Business client using the wire transfer option, then you would have to update your bank information for the wire transfers (I'm sorry I'm not helpful on this point since I'm not a Fiverr Business client). Here's more information on payments for buyers: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360050216753-Payment-methods?segment=buyer
  24. My status as a Grand Master means nothing. It just means I spend a lot of time on the forum. 😂 You will see that there are some "Grand Masters" on the forum who have no sales on the Fiverr platform. Forum rank only relates to your activity on the forum and has no connection to how you are performing as a seller. So don't trust someone just because of their Forum status. Check and verify. Yes, the statement should only be read in conjunction with the title "Customer Testimonials Are Not Permitted."
  25. You can promote through social media or just share your gig links with people you know. It took me 5 months to get accepted to the Seller Plus program. There's a long waiting list because they are short on Success Managers. These can be a good source for orders when business is slow.
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