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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. No, buyers are not required to leave a review. If a buyer doesn't leave a review, this doesn't hurt the seller's statistics. It only hurts the seller's statistics if a negative private or public review is left. The only thing that might hurt is, as a seller, you've worked hard to make a good delivery. And you were hoping to get a good review to show for it. However, sellers can't ask for good reviews, so it's best not even mentioning reviews to the buyer. Fiverr already gives buyers plenty of reminders to complete their review, so if you also remind them, they could leave you a negative review or you might even get a warning for trying to influence the buyer's review.
  2. There are usually no issues with revisions and revisions don't hurt your seller statistics. However, problems can occur if: 1) sellers are offering unlimited revisions, 2) there is poor communication between the seller and buyer, and 3) too many revisions are occurring. If one or more of these issues happen, the following results may occur: The seller ends up doing more work than what the order is worth. The order gets canceled by the buyer or seller (whoever is frustrated the most). The buyer is frustrated or unsatisfied with the experience and leaves a negative private and/or public review.
  3. If your buyer really wants a signature and the documents are really the same, you can just add the signature to your document.
  4. Have you read thoroughly through the document and does it look okay to you? Normally the commercial license you provide should suffice, but sometimes customers have special requests. Don't ever sign anything you don't feel comfortable with.
  5. Hi @teramangala, I've signed NDA contracts before and sent them back as scanned PDFs to the customer. That's really the only contract I've signed since each order is considered a contract. What type of contract did your buyer ask you to sign?
  6. vickieito


    Hi @rayane798, You might want to read this thread because you are also in a highly competitive category and will need to find ways to differentiate yourself from the competition: Also, gig links aren't allowed in this category - they are allowed in "Improve My Gig," and "My Fiverr Gigs." (for future reference) 😉
  7. Hi @tayef47, you have zero sales. You're also in a very competitive category with very generic-looking gigs. You're going to have to find ways to connect with your customers and differentiate yourself from the competition. Here are some articles that can help you do that: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/273172-the-simplest-way-to-get-a-boost-in-ranking/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282867-how-to-build-credibility-on-fiverr-even-if-youre-a-new-seller-with-zero-reviews/
  8. Hi @hossain_ifty! You can only share your gig and gig links in the forum categories "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig."
  9. Don't worry, I already requested that the m0ds move this thread for you. For future reference here are the posting categories:
  10. Hi @livinsider, This isn't my area of expertise, but if you are creating videos, shouldn't it be under the video & animation category? It might fall under the "Short Video Ads" sub-category, but you'll have to do your research in the video category and see what best fits your gig. Also, FYI, gig links are not allowed in this category. I've asked for post to be moved to the "Improve My Gig" category where links are allowed. This will also help you get more relevant answers to your question. Good luck and welcome to the forum!
  11. Hi @nupurds, only sellers who meet certain quality metrics are allowed to promote their gigs, so sometimes you may see your gig fall into the "unqualified" status. Fiverr won't reveal what quality metrics you don't meet - it may have been a negative private review, or maybe there was a dip in orders (so your gig is seen as less relevant than other sellers). I see that you are a TRS, with good reviews, and regular orders, so keep delivering quality work and do what you can to keep your customers happy. You can qualify again for Promoted Gigs.
  12. @hriday_99, As @jonbaas mentioned you've got to do your market research. Yes, graphic design is high competition. The good news is, you don't have to cater to the entire market for graphic design. You only need a handful of good clients to make a living. I noticed that you almost have 30 reviews under your belt and you have repeat customers. That's a great place to start identifying your target customer and creating a niche. I listened to my repeat buyers - what problems they faced and what they wanted - and created 6 gigs to cater to their needs. Although I do data entry (which is also high competition), I mostly do work that's tailored for educators. So if they need to organize data, research information, compile a course, create forms, help with project management or putting together grant proposals, curriculum, or aligning curriculum, then that's the type of work I want to do. Visit the "More" tab from your seller page and click on "Contacts" to see the sources of your top spenders and repeat buyers. Review your inbox ad order communications to see if there's an opportunity to enhance their experience by adding other services or gig extras that meet their needs.
  13. Hi @laffeetaffeegg! There's actually two statistics - your Response Rate and your Average Response Time. Your response rate is not only your inbox communications but your order communications. As @ridwansugi mentioned, for this statistics, you want to respond to the first contact message from your buyer (in your inbox or your order chats) within 24 hours. You will also want to make sure that you response to spam messages before you block them. Your average response time looks at how quickly you are responding to messages. Buyers will see this when they visit your gig. It's best to keep this to 1 hour.
  14. Welcome @designerr_bird! I tried to find your profile, but couldn't - Have you set up a gig yet? No one will be able to see your profile until a gig is set up. The forum is a great place to meet other sellers and to learn how to build your Fiverr business. Good luck and we'll see you on the forum!
  15. Hi @web_clwon - I agree that most people come to Fiverr platform looking for instant success and are not interested in learning. But don't get analysis paralysis! You can learn and grow your business at the same time. I noticed you have one review on your account and that's a great start! How is the forum helping you build your business? Also, FYI, links are not allowed in this category - they are only allowed in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig."😉 I'm looking forward to chatting with you on the forum!
  16. @rickhardypro, this is a great topic of discussion! Before I forget, I did notice that you posted in the wrong category - "Tips for Sellers" is a place where experienced sellers post their tips for others. If you want tips, you can post in "Fiverr FAQs," "Fiverr Questions," or "Improve My Gig." Links are allowed in "Improve My Gig." I've asked for your topic to be moved into the right category so that more people can respond to your question and add to this thread. 😊
  17. This is all you @smashradio! It took me 8 months to finally start blocking annoying buyers, but after the three ridiculous Fiverr Business Buyers that wasted my whole day and put me in a bad mood (which is really hard to do), I'm now an avid disciple of your teachings! 😂 The truth shall set you free!
  18. This is a great idea! You can easily waste a day chatting with one potential buyer if you're not careful. Let them know that your time is precious and find ways to minimize your inbox times. Utilize the QRs, FAQs on your gigs, and don't be afraid to use the spam button if you run into personalities who don't respect your time. This has greatly reduced my inbox inquiries, while giving me more money per project. I also like to use the "More" tab and "Contacts" to see if I am spending too much time with clients who are bringing in too little money (and who may be really demanding). I want to spend time and take care of the clients who spend more per order, and who are easy to work with. I love nurturing relationships with clients who appreciate my work and who want to use my services for the long term. Other tips include: Extending delivery dates and charging more for expediting orders. Utilizing all the gig extras and upselling during the order. Usually I'll ask in the order requirements for the buyer to list everything that they want out of the order (using checkboxes), with a statement that if they requested something they haven't paid for, the seller will request that they purchase that service right after the order requirements are filled out.
  19. You can also ask your customers how they would like the delivery. One of my customers complained when I sent a zip file and told me she preferred that I send the files individually. I agree with @samus_x - always include an image for your Live Gallery in the delivery. Many of my new customers mention that these images are the reason why they decided to buy my services.
  20. Did you see the summary that I provided on "Community Leadership"? Please also see the section on the pyramid as well. No matter how much you may qualify for TRS, you might never get it. The good thing is, you can still be a great seller and make good money without becoming a top-rater seller.
  21. Hi @tousifakrams, You can sign up for the Seller Plus waiting list here: https://www.fiverr.com/pages/seller-plus
  22. As long as you don't violate Fiverr ToS, there is nothing for the buyer to report, and you won't get a warning. If you are still worried about this, you can always contact Fiverr CS with your concerns.
  23. Hi @mistu_dgr, It was the buyer's fault for not reviewing the order before the 3-day period expired, so the buyer threatening you and calling you a fraud makes no sense. I can't see how you're violating any rules. I think you did the right thing in explaining to the buyer that Fiverr's automated system is outside of your control. I can see why your buyer is angry, but it isn't your fault. Buyer's can misunderstand and think it's the sellers' fault when orders auto-close. I think it was nice of you to offer to do revisions after the order closed, but definitely get Customer Support involved since the buyer is threatening to put in a complaint with Customer Support. You can share your side of the story and Customer Support may be able to help you explain to the buyer what happened and why. I agree with @katakatica - it isn't wise to do unlimited revisions - especially work outside of an order and through your inbox (this can be an issue if you are exchanging confidential information that should only be done in an order).
  24. Check out this article: (not everyone will get the top-rated badge)
  25. No worries! 😊 Yes, as long as you maintain good seller stats (make sure everything is green on your dashboard), you can level up on the 15th of next month.
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