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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Maybe we should remove the forum categories "Improve My Gig" and "My Fiverr Gigs." We don't need gig links or self-promotion anywhere on the forum except for on someone's forum profile. If someone asks a "Fiverr FAQ" or "Fiverr Question," it's easy to look up their gigs from their names. Also, it might teach sellers to ask questions to learn, rather than say, "Here's my gig, give me tips." Question on that - if I were to change my seller profile to state something like, "I operate as a team" (to cover for the few times I might), would that affect any Pro seller applications (e.g., for technical writing)? I can't see Fiverr approving a profile if it looks like a team is involved. However, I think it would be better for me as a seller if buyers approach me knowing I have a team, and I tell them that I will take care of their requests myself (and not use my team), rather than have them come to me with the expectation of working only with me and I tell them that I would like to outsource their work. I've self-reported this post to be taken down because I think I was out of line. This post was unnecessary and put another seller in a bad light. I apologize for not being conscientious while posting.
  2. Hi @fahadislamjuel, there's a tab called "Trending" that you can see the top-trending gigs on Fiverr: However, even in the best-selling gigs on Fiverr, there will be a lot of sellers who aren't making money. Instead, you should focus on skills that you are good at and can deliver quality work on. This post may help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/
  3. No, this is simply a feature for buyers (and sellers who buy) to organize their favorite gigs so they are easier to find. This has no affect on a seller's gig rankings.
  4. Anything that could be changed was changed - I standardized my gig images, updated my gig videos, updated my titles & tags, added subscriptions to all my gigs, used all of my gig extras, removed unlimited revisions, added surcharges for expediting and additional revisions, updated my gig descriptions, used all my FAQs (and cross linked my gigs in the FAQs), optimized my order requirements, updated my portfolio and gallery images, updated my packages, and increased my prices. When Negative Keywords came out for Seller Plus members, I added them in too.
  5. What kind of details? Obviously Fiverr can't share details about your seller or buyer, but they can provide you with details on your orders. Normally there is a spot on your support ticket to enter in the order number.
  6. That's strange @moikchap! Try clearing your browser's cache and cookies and see if that helps.
  7. That happened to me and I just clicked on "Retake Test." It allowed me to take the test and publish my gig.
  8. @animie_video, this is part of Fiverr's initiative to prevent "low-quality" services from entering the marketplace. Based on the sellers who are flooding the forum with "Fiverr didn't approve my seller profile," these are some of the reasons why I think their profiles are not getting approved (this is my personal opinion, since Fiverr hasn't revealed their specific criteria): 1. They are copying the gig descriptions from other sellers on the platform. Plagiarism is not allowed. 2. They are offering services that violate Fiverr ToS or Community Standards. 3. Something in their gig was deemed "low-quality" - it might have been grammatical errors, pictures, or overall lack of professionalism. 4. Their profile appears misleading (i.e., making claims to be an expert when it is obvious that they are not). 5. Their gig does not offer value to the marketplace (i.e. too generic in an over saturated marketplace, gigs for random skills with very low demand)
  9. I tend to do all my major changes at once (every 6 months), and then make minor tweaks in between if necessary. All my changes have been positive, so I got a nice boost in impressions after each change.
  10. What tabs do you have?
  11. You could keep the beard and moustache, @samus_x! You don't have to get rid of all the hair!
  12. I've been having a hay day the last several days because my post-limit is gone!! 🎊🙌😊
  13. Awesome! I am hidden. (however, my identity is revealed by creating this post and liking your post.) 😂
  14. No worries! You can still edit your post (click on the three dots and 'edit') to remove the post within 15 minutes of posting. 😉 If not, we can 'report' and have it removed by a m0d. You can also create a post in the right category so that your question gets answered.
  15. @adsfromgeorge - please remove your gig link. It isn't allowed in this category. You may post your gig link in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig." Thanks!
  16. Sorry! Average Selling Price 😊 (silly me!)
  17. Great job @rabia_sabir! You have a great ASP as well 😊 Do you think you'll be increasing your rates soon?
  18. I couldn't find this seller. It looks like this service is no longer available.
  19. This number updates daily. Red just means your impressions today decreased, or is less than yesterday. Green means it increased or is higher than yesterday.
  20. Those gigs have the following statement: You happen to be a licensed professional, and it doesn't appear that Fiverr allows licensed medical professionals to offer their services on Fiverr (that's why they have the disclaimer and the statement in the Community Standards that prohibits these types of services by medical professionals). Also, there are still many gigs up on the marketplace that slip through the cracks that do violate Fiverr ToS, and it will only be a matter of time before they are taken down.
  21. Hi @catscop - You can just mention in your bio that you haven't been active for 10 months and that you are now offering your services again. You can also try to get orders through Promoted Gigs (if you have it), Buyer Briefs, and Buyer Requests. Once you start using your account and start delivering on orders, your gig will start becoming more visible in search.
  22. @melanielm - Is it possible to pause a gig that has active orders in it? Do you know if I would be able to work on/deliver orders related to a paused gig?
  23. If it was a mutual cancelation, it will most likely hurt your seller statistics. You should have contacted Contact Fiverr Customer Support and canceled through them so that it wouldn't hurt your seller statistics. Try reaching out the them - they may still be able to help you. Also, FYI - if the buyer cancels themselves and marks the order as "ordered by mistake," or, if the buyer cancels before submitting the order requirements, it also won't hurt your seller stats.
  24. @joyh97 is right - once a delivery is accepted by the buyer, the seller has no obligation to do anything further. You should never listen to a seller that is pushing you to accept a delivery before all deliverables are complete. I did that as a buyer once, and the seller ignored me for a month (without giving me the files he promised me). If the seller is pushy, you can report the seller to Fiverr Customer Support. Sellers should never coerce buyers to accept an unfinished delivery.
  25. Please read the message that Fiverr sent you. It explains exactly why your gig was denied. The messages says the service you are offering is prohibited by our Community Standards: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-services The Community Standards states the following is prohibited: Also prohibited... Your gig mentions "I will ...heal you."
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