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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. I sign NDA agreements that share both buyer and seller contact information .... but this is included in the order requirements of the order, and is only done through the order chats. Fiverr allows information to be shared if it is required to complete the service and if all information is being shared in the order chats. I also include in my FAQs what information is needed to complete an order, so that it clear beforehand, and clear in the order requirements. Don't send it in Fiverr inbox chats... only in the order chats.
  2. Hi @edipyektaglr - If a buyer cancels with the reason of "ordered by mistake" the cancelation won't affect your seller stats. You might still be able to show Customer Service screenshots of your customer's messages saying that they don't need the project anymore. They may still be able to make adjustments so that it doesn't affect your seller stats. In the future, cancel following these steps: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/281489-mistake-order/?do=findComment&comment=1775844 Also, always reach out to Customer Support whenever you are canceling due to buyer error so it won't hurt your seller statistics. You can submit a ticket for your most recent cancelation here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/orders/current-orders/cancel-an-order/create-ticket
  3. Hi @malikasif69, unfortunately I'm not really helpful in this area. I've never done any promotions myself, other than using Fiverr's Promoted Gigs for 3 weeks. Most of my orders come from repeat buyers so I don't really need to promote. Hopefully others will jump on this thread to provide you with more helpful tips!
  4. Thank you, @katakatica! I wish every newbie seller would read this. It would solve so many headaches and unnecessary posts to the forum! Before I sold anything ... I bought. I wanted to know exactly how my buyers would be interacting with the platform. I took screenshots like crazy when I was buying so that I could help my buyers know where to go and which buttons to push. Most of the buyers that I dealt with as a newbie were just as green as I was ... and they looked up to me as an expert. I couldn't use the excuse that I was new. I had to learn the platform quickly. The problem is, many newbie sellers come to the platform thinking that this is much simpler than what it is. They're lured in by the promise of easy money because someone on YouTube told them that all they had to do is sign up, set up a gig, and the money comes in. Fiverr isn't a quick cash site like Inbox Dollars or Swagbucks ... and Fiverr doesn't "give" you buyers, "quick orders, or guarantee you income. Unfortunately, most newbie sellers don't understand this at all. It really doesn't take that much to get that competitive edge - like you said:
  5. Hi @isai92 - you would still have to be the primary point of contact and the only one logging into the account. You would have to state that you operate as a team, offering both male and female voice overs. In this case, you are customer service, the admin, the male voice over, and your team lead. Your girlfriend would just be recording the female voice overs. You can add more people to your team and operate as an agency. Since this is your account, you still be responsible for ensuring the quality of all work done through your profile.
  6. There's also less buyer requests available because Fiverr is doing away with Buyer Requests. It'll be replaced by Buyer Briefs. You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284572-fiverr-is-updating-buyer-requests/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286972-new-feature-get-matched-with-buyers/ Buyer Requests are a mess right now, with a lot spam and sellers using it inappropriately to promote their gigs. You might have more luck with getting orders by promoting your gig links with those you know, who might need your services.
  7. Hi @web_master2016 - Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! I see that you just opened your account last month. It can take a while to get your first order. Usually it isn't a "fast order." Some sellers get their first sale in a couple of week, while other wait months before getting their first sale. Your Fiverr business is like any other business. You need to figure out how to connect with your customers so that they will want to place an order with you and buy your services. The forum is a great place to learn how to grow your Fiverr business. Here's a great article to get started: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  8. Hi @obr_design - FAQs on your gigs are a great way to help your buyers make the decision to purchase your gig without you being there to answer their questions. You can also cross-link your gigs (put the gig links of your other services in the FAQ) to increase the chances of sales across all of your gigs.
  9. Hi @hypershard108, your gig is getting good visibility, and you are getting orders - you delivered 3 orders in the last week and have 3 more in queue. However, your gigs aren't catching the eyes of your buyers. So they're not clicking on your gigs. You can make your gigs more attractive by making sure your gig images don't have too much or too little text and they clearly state the services you provide. Three to five words should be enough. Also consider adding videos to all your gigs. Also, FYI - you aren't allowed to share your gig link in this category - you may share it in "Improve My Gig" and "My Fiverr Gigs." I've asked for your post to be moved to the appropriate category. 😉
  10. Hi @marufsarkar_pro - When you're just starting out, it might take a while before you see Buyer Requests. There's only a set amount of sellers from each level allowed to make offers on each Buyer Request, and it disappears after that limit is set. Since there's so many New Sellers, Buyer Requests can disappear rather quickly. Try also checking at different times of the day. I didn't see any Buyer Requests for a while when I first got started, and that was because I was checking during Japan business hours (most requests were popping up around US business hours when I was sleeping).
  11. That's a lot of spam, @sagitarisandy! Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is mark the buyer as spam immediately every time. You won't get scammed if you do that. I'm not sure why you are seeing so much spam. It does seem like it's the same person. Don't waste your time talking with this buyer.
  12. Hi @alexadraws29, Welcome to the forum! What answers do you need to get the your projects done? Those are usually the best questions to include in your order requirements. The more detailed you are in your questions, the more detailed the brief that the client will provide you in the order requirements. This helps to clear confusion and prevents unnecessary cancelations.
  13. Welcome back, @seo_terminator! You might want to explain your 1-year absence from Fiverr in your profile bio. You can also mention that you are back and ready for business!
  14. Hi @malikasif69 - You delivered your last order 14 hours ago and you have an order in queue. So you are getting orders. If buyers aren't messaging you, it's because they placed direct orders with you, which isn't a bad thing. This is a good thing, and most likely a result of you promoting your gigs.
  15. @nishikanto744 - Finding your gig on first page isn't helpful for several reasons - First, what you see in search isn't what your buyer will see in search. Fiverr is a matching service, so search results are tailored differently for each buyer. You may see yourself on page one, while your buyer might not be able to see you at all. Secondly, your account has been opened for over a year and you haven't gotten your first sale yet. It also appears that you haven't been contact yet since there isn't an average response time for you. Encouraging forum members to search for your gig in the marketplace won't help you gain sales because we are not your customer. Instead, focus on connecting with your target customer so that they will visit your gigs and place an order.
  16. HI @charlesbradl449 - I'm not sure if I understand your question. Did you fill out a Buyer Request? And did you provide all of your contact information in the request? Sharing your personal contact information is not allowed on Fiverr unless it's required to complete the gig (and you would usually share it in the order requirements or order chats...not in the Buyer Request). If sellers are now contacting you in your email, you could report them, however, you risk getting a warning from Fiverr yourself if you gave out your contact information in the Buyer Request.
  17. Hi @designcity32 - Yes, if you are sharing your gig links, traffic can come directly to your gig and place orders. Impressions and clicks are only related to activity on the Fiverr platform, so traffic from your gig links won't affect impressions and clicks.
  18. Great story, @sayed_hossain! I like how the seller in the story was proactive, solutions-minded, and customer-focused. Here are some key takeaways that I got from the story - It's so important for sellers to take action instead of just watching their gig go downhill (like the seller who took no action). Sometimes the "me" mentality can hurt our business (like the seller with the umbrella). And creating solutions that enhance the customer experience key to running a thriving business (like the seller with the tarp).
  19. Hi @razib_biswas - nothing is wrong with your account. If Fiverr's system suspects that a message is spam, it'll automatically move it to your spam folder for you. All you need to do is ignore it. This helps to keep your inbox clean so that you can deal with the messages that do matter.
  20. Hi @designcore69, have you tried clearing your browser cache and cookies? If this doesn't help, you might want to reach out to Customer Support to help you.
  21. Hi @sujontive - I usually have a schedule set for each work day so I know what I need to accomplish for the day and when I'll be working on it. I also make sure that I have a dedicated place to work that allows me to work without too much distractions. This doesn't get rid of procrastination (it still happens), 😅 but it does help to keep me on track for the day!
  22. Hi @kota_kat, this does not sound like a legitimate buyer, especially since nothing is being mentioned about your gig and the buyer asks an irrelevant question. I would mark this buyer as spam. You might also want to read this article here on spam: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/285174-no-you-have-not-been-hired-new-sellers-dont-let-them-scam-you-dont-contact-them-off-fiverr-dont-do-any-work-for-them/
  23. Hi @in_studios, Sorry to hear of your experience with customer service. Unfortunately there isn't a contact number. Normally a supervisor doesn't get involved unless you leave a negative review on your support agent. However, there are issues that agents deal with that sometimes requires the help of other departments, so it can take time to resolve an issue. What exactly is the reason for your support ticket?
  24. @brotheron, the reason why you aren't getting as many impressions is because impressions are based on your performance compared to other sellers. When your gigs were deactivated, you weren't making sales, while other sellers were, so their gigs are given more visibility in search over yours. You can increase your visibility in search by improving your seller metrics. Decrease your average response time from 3 hours to 1 hour. Be proactive about getting orders. Take advantage of Buyer Request and Buyer Briefs. Advertise your services and gig links to those within your circle of influence. This article may also help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104901-getting-through-the-sales-slump-upyour/
  25. Hi @sever_pro You have really good impressions, which means your gig is being found in search. However, few clicks means your gig is not attractive to buyers who see your gig. So they aren't clicking on it. And if they don't click on it, they won't turn into orders. The biggest factor in getting clicks are your gig images. You have too much text on all of your gig images and it's hard to understand what services you offer by looking at them. Try to simplify each gig image so that you only have 3-5 words describing your services with a clear visual of the service that you offer. Consider adding videos to all your gigs because that can increase buyer engagement.
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