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About sawoda_sumi_29

  • Birthday 12/20/1989

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. - I set a price that I feel is justified for the experience and expertise I bring. The buyer is unknown about the work that gets put behind the curtains nor has expertise on how it is done. - If the buyer thinks that the price for the service required is high then he/ she should not start the order itself. - I think this forces sellers to reduce the prices as we get directly compared to other gigs with lower prices and provide the same services. However, prices are based on the final quality that you would receive which cannot be quantified without asking 2 sellers to do the same work. What should we do? Should Fiverr need to focus on this?
  2. I got my first value-for-money review of 4. It's very disappointing because it will affect our success score. If a buyer does not understand what will affect this feedback and what we will go through. Fiverr should take the action for the seller. Because any person can't be happy spending money. Fiverr should let them know what going through the seller because of this feedback or should give buyers other options to understand what value they are giving. Or take back the old system. As we can't talk to buyers about reviews, how do they understand? We want to remove the value for money or give only specific options to select. Also if they doing it unknowingly then it's should be removed easily without any problem. If We keep our price low, then buyers may be happy, but it will not be a solution as we all need to earn more money, including Fiverr. We hope Fiverr will think about it.
  3. I got my first value-for-money review of 4. It's very disappointing because it will affect our success score. If a buyer does not understand what will affect this feedback and what we will go through. Fiverr should take the action for the seller. Because any person can't be happy spending money. Fiverr should let them know what going through the seller because of this feedback or should give buyers other options to understand what value they are giving. Or take back the old system. As we can't talk to buyers about reviews, how do they understand? We want to remove the value for money or give only specific options to select. Also if they doing it unknowingly then it's should be removed easily without any problem. If We keep our price low, then buyers may be happy, but it will not be a solution as we all need to earn more money, including Fiverr. We hope Fiverr will think about it.
  4. Thank you. As you mentioned about seller performance please can you see my profile and see my gigs? I always doing my best for my buyer and I have positive feedback from them. I have complete 1000+ orders with 785 reviews. because of de-ranking I am not getting new clients and orders. but I am doing works for my old clients always. I hope fiverr help me for this problems.
  5. Thanks so much for reply. But how it possible to go any ranked gig first page to last page in one day?
  6. Hello everyone, I am level 2 seller and working from 4 years. My gig always was in first page and gets many orders every month. without any reason fiverr de-rank my All gigs from first page to last page. I know its algorithm system and it will be fine soon. So I waited. Its been 2 months now and I am really disappointed. I contact support team and they told My gig are active. But still its not back. During this time I complete some orders from old clients and edit one gig with new Tag and SEO. But result is same. Now What I can do? why they de-rank any good selling gig without notification and why not give back in a certain time? I think its a big problem of fiverr. They should do something about this. I am feeling hopeless... Thanks.
  7. Gig marketing, stay online, send buyer request
  8. Rather than just straight ordering, messaging the seller first helps a lot. Buyer and sellers conversation is most important to get right products.
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