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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Unfortunately, that's the only option available for him to communicate with you. 😔 And if you can't communicate effectively with your buyer by chat, you might have to pass this opportunity. Poor communication can lead to cancelations, unhappy buyers, and negative reviews.
  2. @donnovan86 - the new Seller Plus forum should be accessible at the top of your forum navigation bar, but if you still can't find it, here's the direct link to the 6 forums within the Seller Plus forum: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/forum/126-seller-plus/
  3. @charlottelou856 - I can feel your pain because I found myself often in that situation with many buyers earlier this year, when I had unlimited revisions and could not say "no" to any requests. However, I also agree with @mariashtelle1 that I was the cause behind most of the grief that I was experiencing. If you tell your buyers "yes" to everything, they will expect that you will do just that. Don't afraid to say "no"! I found that I was doing logo design, voiceovers, video creation/editing, ebook designs and formatting, content writing, curriculum alignment, researching, data entry, virtual assisting, writing and editing, ESL coaching, and on and on. I was saying "yes" to everything and holding myself to high standards to complete it all. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is to tell them is "no," and set expectations and boundaries from the beginning so they know exactly what you will and will not do. Saying "yes," to everything has not only hurt me, but it hurts my buyers when I take too long, or end up canceling. My buyers have all responded positively when I tell them I won't do their logo designs, because I'll direct them to sellers who can. It saves me a lot of headache, too. I also refuse to do voiceovers anymore because I can refer them to amazing sellers who can do voiceovers so much better than I can. The turning point for me was when a buyer accuse me of slacking off (when I was spending over 8 hours a day trying to get his project right). It was an order for 3 resumes and 3 cover letters for a PhD in robotics/simulation. Each resume and cover letter set had to be exactly optimized and specific for each area of research, robotics, and software development that he was involved in per his 25 GB portfolio that he sent me. I told him I wasn't an expert in that area, but I was researching and sounded intelligent enough that he assumed that I was on the same level as him. When he realized how much effort I was putting in, he apologized profusely. After many grueling hours, I not only delivered an excellent product, he came back with "raving' reviews from recruiters and head hunters who absolutely loved all of his cover letters. Was is worth it?!!! I don't think so. Even though I was happy with the finished product, I literally cried every day of that order. And the $$$ wasn't worth it. After that, I decided to come to the forum because I knew there had to be a different way to do business, or I would go crazy. That was the best decision I've ever made. 😂 I hope it's the same for you!
  4. If Zoom is an option, you'll see the video icon at the bottom of your inbox (and a similar one in your order chats): If you don't have the video call option, continue making the suggestion to communicate using Fiverr chats. Even though I get a lot of requests for video calls, I have never used that option. I always direct my buyers to try chatting with me first and they never ask about doing video calls again.
  5. @donnovan86 - I haven't gotten it yet, either! But I haven't been around as long as you have, so I wasn't expecting to get it any time soon. I also haven't seen anything new with Buyer Briefs/Buyer Requests yet. For now I'm just enjoying Negative Keywords and the new Seller Plus forum - those two are worth more than the other updates anyways!
  6. My experience was very similar to yours @titansign! I was a Level 1 seller in 3 months and became a Level 2 seller in 4 months. I also found having 7 gigs helpful. My business took off with data entry, but was almost nonexistent for several months. However, other gigs took off at the same time, so I didn't experience any setbacks from that one gig. Now data entry is back on the rise. It seems like there is always one strong gig up when others seem to go down. Not necessarily. Make sure these gigs are providing value to your customers, otherwise, it doesn't matter how many gigs you have set up. Too many sellers on the forum quickly set up 7 gigs and expect orders to flow it. It doesn't really work that way. I was lucky that my buyers told me what they wanted, so it was easy to set up my gigs specifically for them. I'm glad you have so many repeat customers! This is definitely the way to go. Once you have customers, keep them happy and they'll continue to use your services. I also get most of my business from repeat customers. These are the customers that keep your business going strong. Since I have a lot of repeat customers, I haven't really checked to see how my gigs are performing in search. So many newbies worry too much about clicks and impressions, that they forget to take care of the customers they do get. If you take care of your customers, they'll take care of you.
  7. @jenimonica - Communication outside of Fiverr is not allowed. Kindly tell your buyer that all communication must remain on Fiverr. If your buyer is unwilling to do this, then you should mark the buyer as spam to block them:
  8. Yes, we have a pretty good working relationship. I also wrote her ebook on financial literacy and designed her logo, among other things. Since I do have a good buffer from my orders each month, it doesn't hurt to keep this order as is. It will be nice to finally get paid, though. 😊
  9. It's also nice because you would get paid after each step of the project (rather than having to wait until the end to get payment). I made the mistake of not using milestones for a project that I have been working on since March and I'll finally get payment at the end of this month (when I finally deliver the project). It isn't fun working for months without payment.
  10. @tousifakrams, you can block them by clicking on the spam button: (they don't need to order, only to contact you) You can do this for any customer that you don't want to deal with.
  11. vickieito

    Work or Play ?

    Our family always play games on the Nintendo Switch and watch Netflix/YouTube videos on Friday nights. We usually take a break between activities to go for a night walk (and pick up treats from 7-Eleven). 😊
  12. If you are on Seller Plus, you can identify "negative keywords" to filter out people who are using certain words in search. I was getting a lot of requests to do student essays and Amazon reviews (both prohibited by Fiverr ToS), so I added "student essays" and "Amazon reviews" to my "negative keywords" and I haven't gotten any inbox requests for those anymore. Negative Keywords allow me to spend more time on the buyers who I can actually work with and gets rid of the requests that I don't want to receive.
  13. That's why you have to do research to figure out how you can connect with your customers so that they'll want to buy your gig over your competition. Try thinking as if you were them ... what would convince you to buy your gig? Here's a good article to read:
  14. The above image shows you how you can view all your top spenders and repeat buyers. You can sort them by number of orders and amount spent. You can also send offers to your top buyers from this page as well:
  15. Have you extended the delivery date via the Resolution Center? You can add up to 28 days to the order at a time. I have one order opened since March and have been extending it every month (I should deliver it next week, finally!):
  16. @juanchirino600 - you have been reported for spam. Promotion and links taking members off the platform are not allowed on the forum.
  17. Hi @mariyam_tayyaba, Gig links can only be shared in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig." I've requested that your post be moved to the proper category so that your question can be answered properly. 😉 To answer your question - Promoted Gigs are offered to sellers who meet certain quality metrics, so if you don't qualify for it anymore, that means there was a drop in your performance and quality metrics. We know that many of those metrics stay on your account for 60 days, so as long as you focus on delivering good quality and keeping your customers happy, you can qualify for Promoted Gigs again. One way to improve your metrics is to get more orders - and as a Seller Plus member, you have more options available than most, so don't be afraid to utilize all options! Coupons are great and Buyer Briefs or Requests may also be a source of orders for you:
  18. Hi @victor_sam665, this is what the Help Center says: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs?segment=seller Based on your gig, you need at least 12 more reviews and you need to maintain high quality and good seller statistics.
  19. It's based on your seller performance metrics, so I'm assuming your warning has something to do with it. If you improve your metrics you can qualify for Promoted Gigs again. Read the ToS to make sure you're doing everything correctly, and focus on delivering quality work and keeping your customers happy.
  20. vickieito

    Soooo bad

    Spam for me always seemed the worse when I had less than 10 orders. I also made the mistake of unlimited revisions and low prices as well. However, spam is still pretty bad as a Level 2 seller. No one can avoid it - all we can do is mark the messages as spam and report the buyers. I don't mind Fiverr's 20% fee because I'm not doing any marketing myself. I do have a website that I get orders from, but the returns are nothing like what I can get on Fiverr. So I'm not complaining. This income allows me to work from home and have more freedom. I'm also on the Seller Plus program, so I can get paid right after the order closes, if I choose that option. I take all my earnings out at the beginning of the month, so on the last orders of the month, I choose the early payout option so that I can include that in my monthly withdrawal. Otherwise, I wait for the 7-day hold to release my funds.
  21. @jonbaas is right - you are responsible for doing your own market research for your business. A good way to check your skills is by using the search function to see the demand for your services. You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/
  22. @all_asmoule is correct, @designexpert266. Gig links are not allowed in this category. You can share your gig links in "My Fiverr Gigs" or "Improve My Gig." I've asked for your post to be moved to the correct category. However, you did come to the right category to read about others' experiences. Feel free to browse this category! 😊
  23. @nicks_voice, it wouldn't necessarily cancel their subscription, but they wouldn't be able to place the subscription order if you blocked them. What you can do, is cancel the subscription order yourself. If you do it 10 days before the next subscription order starts, it won't hurt your seller stats.
  24. Yes, you can see in the image above, I selected my proofreading package. In terms of management, we had to do that on an Excel spreadsheet: As soon as I hit the target word count for the order, I close the order and roll over the remaining words onto the next order. However, we ended up canceling our subscriptions because the word count changed so much each week (4,000 words in one week & 1,000 words the following week). Since the word counts were changing so much and we couldn't "move up orders," we chose to go with straight orders. Also noteworthy - if you have weekly subscriptions, cancelations get a little tricky because you have to cancel 10 days before the subscription starts in order for it to not affect your seller stats.
  25. You missed my post on taking care of our health here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/287019-we’ve-got-to-take-care-of-ourselves/ I completely forgot about mentioning about mental health (although I did point out my tendency to choose the forum over early morning meditations). 😊 ...But if you are here on the forum... would that count??? 🤔
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