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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. @aqibsheikh77 - it can be frustrating when you are overloaded with work and clients end up unhappy with the work. Negative private reviews can stay on your account for 60 days, so you might see a decrease in impressions until those fall off of your record. So you aren't doomed - there is a way out of that. You just have to focus on delivering good work and keeping your customers happy so that you can bring your performance back up to where it was before. Right now Buyer Request is a mess and Fiverr recognizes it. Fiverr is actually in the middle of replacing Buyer Requests with Buyer Briefs. It's a slow process, but it'll take care of a lot of concerns that you have. You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284572-fiverr-is-updating-buyer-requests/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286972-new-feature-get-matched-with-buyers/ That's the problem. ALL freelancers are doing their best, so when it comes to how your gig performs in search, your performance as a seller does come into play. If other sellers have happier customers or more orders than you, their gigs will have better visibility in search. However, if you were to improve your numbers and performance, you could start turning that around. As your performance improves, so will your visibility in search. One or two negative reviews won't "doom" you unless you let them. You can control your business direction even when setbacks happen.
  2. @mudasirbuzdar, your gig changes shouldn't affect the buyer requests that you see. How many did you see before and how many are you seeing now? The amount of buyer requests changes every day, and they pop up at random times during the day, too. Fiverr is also incrementally rolling out upgrades to Buyer Requests that seems to be affecting how many buyer requests we see.
  3. Hi @jafors17! I'm glad you're finding good information here! I'd just like to add a few thoughts: It does help to have 7 gigs if they are all skills that you are really good at and they provide value to your customers. Otherwise, it isn't helpful. This is a vague tip. Be active doing what? It's important that you aren't just busy, but that you are spending your time wisely doing things that will help your business grow. Simply being online won't help. Staying online 24/7 won't help either (and it's dangerous for your health). It's great to be patient, but if you are just waiting for things to happen, it won't help. Patience is working hard on your business knowing that it takes time to grow it to where you want it to be. Use the PDCA cycle (Plan - Do - Check - Adjust) so that you aren't making the same silly mistakes and that your business can grow and as you continually learn and improve.
  4. Hi @martinwrites4u, Welcome to the forum! I just wanted to clarify that it's a myth that once you hit a certain point, orders will start rolling in and you will keep getting orders. The truth is, business is very dynamic. There will be times you have orders and other times when you won't. The forum has sellers complaining every day that they don't have orders. This includes sellers who have over 1k good reviews. It is possible to make a living from your work on Fiverr, but, like any business, it takes time and orders are not guaranteed. The forum is a great place to learn how to grow your Fiverr business. Here's a great article to get you started: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  5. HI @sqwebdesigner, Have you tried filling out Microsoft's Account Recovery Form? You can do that by following the instructions here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/account-billing/help-with-the-microsoft-account-recovery-form-b19c02d1-a782-dee6-93c3-dc8113b20c42 I also find using Payoneer's live chat very helpful when I have issues: https://payoneer.custhelp.com/app/chat/chat_launch
  6. Hi @wendalyndimas, Welcome to the forum! Yes, Fiverr is giving Buyer Request a makeover. And it has been rolling out incrementally over the last two months. I still haven't seen the "Buyer request is getting a makeover" window, so I can still see buyer requests on my phone and desktop. Others can see that message on their phone but can still access buyer request on their desktop. And yet others can't access Buyer Request at all. All we can do is be patient and wait for Fiverr to roll out this program. It looks like Buyer Briefs will be replacing Buyer Requests. You can read more about this update here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284572-fiverr-is-updating-buyer-requests/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286972-new-feature-get-matched-with-buyers/
  7. I wasn't sure if I was a "cool kid," but I did come in early and saw the donuts. Yes, there were donuts. However, the donuts were only around for the first 15 minutes. There were several boxes. It's amazing how quickly they disappear when you are all alone and waiting for the show to begin... When I saw these comments, I thought it was best to use my newfound "anonymous" mode to disappear and view this thread in secret. I was also hoping that everyone would eat all the blueberry scones and celery that @melanielm so generously brought (and forget about the donuts). It seemed like this was going according to plans after seeing @smashradio's comment on the meat shredders and @vickiespencer's comments on the meatballs and polka dotted bloomers. Maybe then, I could creep into the meeting without feeling guilty. But now I'm having second thoughts. It's nice just sitting back in anonymous mode and reading everyone's comments in secret. Perhaps I'll remain this way. Hopefully there's room for stowaways. I'll grab a couple of celery sticks so I can feel better about myself.
  8. This means that you did not actually submit the requirements - the seller pushed the order to start without giving you the opportunity to fill those requirements out. You might have filled out the requirements, but the seller pushed the order to manually start before you submitted the requirements, so your order requirements actually weren't submitted. I don't know if this message shows up for custom offers where the order requirements are bypassed too. All you have to go off of are the the inbox chats (which aren't actually binding). Only the order requirements are binding and there's nothing there. Also @harryfbyrd - is there anything in the "details" tab? Sometimes there will be enough information on that tab. I would also check for anything communicated in the order chats. You could cancel the order with "ordered by mistake" and this should not hurt the seller's statistics. Here's how: (note: these instructions were given to a seller to give to their buyer, but you'll get the idea)
  9. It's important. If buyers are looking for Facebook or Pinterest services and all you put in your title is "I will do something I'm really good at," no one will find your gig. Also, if you aren't using all of your tags (I noticed you only have 2 when you could list 5), that's a missed opportunity to make your gigs more relevant in search. Title and tags are important because they help your gig get found in search. If your title and tags are relevant, your gig will have a better chance at being found in search. However, it isn't the only important thing. Your performance as a seller also plays a huge role in how well you are seen in search.
  10. I didn't see buyer requests for a while when I first started. Then I started checking at different times in the day and found out my buyers were active during US business hours (I'm in Japan). As a new seller, you have to act quick - sometimes I'll see a buyer request and then it'll disappear 5 minutes later. They come and go very quick, so sometimes it looks like there isn't any buyer requests. There are only a certain number of seller allow to bid on each request, so it'll disappear when that number is reached.
  11. Hi @wjobayer, Welcome to the forum! Impressions and clicks are only related to buyers who are using Fiverr's search to find your services. If people are visiting your gig through your gig link, they aren't using search. So sharing your gig links, although it might increase traffic to your gig, won't increase your impressions or clicks. To increase your impressions and clicks, make yourself relevant in search. This includes having titles and tags that are relevant to what your buyers are looking for. This also includes how well you, as a seller, are performing against others in your category. If you are doing well, you'll be found in search more often. And if your gig is attractive enough, buyers will click on it to see your gig page.
  12. Hi @greengas, You have more expertise in SEO than I do, so I wouldn't be able to help you with the keywords. Try checking your gig impressions later. This number is only updated once a day, and often it'll show 0 before it's updated. I did see that you are a brand new seller who just posted your first gig this month. It does take time to build a business. Fiverr's algorithm looks at sellers' past 60 days performance to determine their relevancy to buyers who are searching for services on this platform. If you are responsive, have orders, and good reviews (among other metrics), the algorithm will see you as more relevant in search and you will get more impressions. If you aren't doing as well as other sellers in your category, you'll be seen as less relevant, and your gig won't get as many impressions. So it's not just SEO - it's also your seller metrics that determines where you show up in search. The best way to improve your seller metrics is to get orders, so if you haven't started making offers to Buyer Requests, you can start doing that. Also, I wouldn't make the promise to "skyrocket your sales" unless you are confident that your copywriting SEO skills can deliver on that promise for 100% of your buyers.
  13. Hi @intrusionmovie, Welcome to the forum! I'm not sure what category you originally posted your buyer request in. Did you already try this one?
  14. @dhaka029, I created my account 2.5 years before I posted any gigs and it hasn't hampered my ability to get work. If anything, if you have an older account, people trust you more than say, someone who just opened an account this month. Also, with an older account you can level up faster because you are already past the "active days" required to hit the different levels. So as long as you are willing to work hard, you can build your business just as easily as anyone else just starting on the platform. Since your account is older, you can also mention in your bio that you are now open for business.
  15. @raohamza845, it does take time to build up your business again, but it's wonderful that you have so many repeat customers to work with. Their orders and good reviews will give you better visibility in search. Fiverr's algorithm looks at the past 60 days of performance, so continue delivering quality work and keeping your customers happy. As you do that, Fiverr's algorithm will see you as more relevant in search and will show your gig to more prospective buyers.
  16. Hi @finevector, You can sign up for the waiting list here: https://www.fiverr.com/pages/seller-plus It took me 5 months before I was accepted into the Seller Plus program. They are short on Success Managers, so there is a long waiting list.
  17. Hi @customqo - Welcome to the forum! 😊 To answer your question: Yes, it will lower your on-time delivery rate. And no, there isn't a grace period. Since you have only 3 orders (all this month) and 1 order was delivered late, your on-time delivery rate is 66.7%. You can improve that rate by delivering orders on-time. You can increase your delivery times before the order expires to avoid delivering late. I always ask for time extensions on projects that require more time than the originally agreed upon timeframe. Your on-time delivery rate includes the last 60 days of your performance, so after 60 days, this late delivery will fall off of your record. You need at least a 90% on-time delivery rate to get promoted to Level 1, along with the other required seller metrics.
  18. Hi @rabbyrabeya - your activity on the forum does not affect your Fiverr business. That's a myth. Being active on the forum, liking, and commenting posts will not improve your business. If anything, it'll make a lot of people annoyed by you serial liking their posts. The time you spend on the forum also takes you away from time that you could be building your business. Impressions are a reflection of not only how well your set up your gigs, but your performance as a seller. If you have high impressions, that means you are performing better than other sellers, and as a result, Fiverr's algorithm will make you more visible in search. If your impressions are going down, that means your performance is worse than the competition, so Fiverr is making other sellers' gigs appear higher in search than yours. Your average response time is 14 hours, while most sellers who are serious about their Fiverr business have an average response time of 1 hour. You also don't have any reviews, so you should be doing everything you can to get orders so that you will appear higher in search. If you are not submitting offers to Buyer Requests, you probably should start doing that as well.
  19. Hi @aamirkhan4567, It's really hard to get that first order, but it is possible if you are willing to put in the work. Doing business is more than simply updating a profile picture. You also have to do research to find out how to connect with your customers. WordPress development is a very competitive category and your gig looks very generic. It doesn't stand out from the crowd. Try to find ways to make your gig look different and attractive to your buyers so that they will click on it and want to order from you. I also wouldn't offer unlimited revisions or 3 months of unlimited technical support. That's only asking for trouble.
  20. Hi @jafors17 - Welcome to the forum and the Fiverr community! 😊 The forum is a great place to learn how to grow your business. You can start by reading this article (note: there are a lot of great links) - https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  21. I haven't been able to turn that function off. I assume it's tied with how you set up your gig. As long as it's based on word count, that option will be there. If you were to set up your gig based on something other than word count (such as hours or chapters), it wouldn't show up.
  22. @cmdgwu, you can make a full time income from Fiverr, even if you live in the places that you mentioned. You'll see on this forum that there are successful sellers who are doing quite well in those countries that you mentioned. It does take time to build your business and a lot depends on how well you can connect with your target buyers. I'm an American expat and the income I make from Fiverr would still sustain me if I lived in the US (currently I'm in Japan). I've never had to advertise off of the Fiverr platform. Fiverr does my advertising for me. I set up my gigs and Fiverr shows my gigs to buyers who are looking for my services. Competition can be high, but that's why you need to differentiate yourself from the competition by selecting a niche and working only with buyers in a targeted group.
  23. @denisecorp, I have also never posted on a forum in my life before I made my first post here on Fiverr's forum. Here's a post that I wrote that might help you get started! https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-–-how-i’m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/
  24. Hi @scotwllm, Welcome to the forum! As for your question, that would be a "no." You can read more about this in the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4410883326481-Gig-image-guidelines-Making-the-most-of-your-Gig-image?segment=seller#h_01G33EME9BD5K6XFZ4RHE2AFN2
  25. Hi @harryfbyrd, Welcome to the forum! After you place an order, you can access your orders from the top navigation bar. Click on "Orders" and then scroll down to select your order: Once you click on your order, you'll see the following tabs (see below). The "Requirements" tab will show the details that you submitted.
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