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Bring Back Buyer Request

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1 hour ago, mujtaba_fiverr said:

Our Company was utterly dependent on Fiverr till it removed Buyer Requests. Is there any chance it will return or has the platform become nothing but a waste of time? Because you cannot do anything unless someone reaches out to you.

Yes it's hard to get more sells for new bays it's too difficult to make a sells..

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I also find it a bit strange.  When they removed the feature the whole idea was that it will all be automated and you will receive requests from Fiverr that fit your services. I only received a few after they implemented the system. Most of them were poorly chosen and then they stopped sending requests altogether. I haven't received any offers for months now. 

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4 hours ago, mujtaba_fiverr said:

Our Company was utterly dependent on Fiverr till it removed Buyer Requests. Is there any chance it will return or has the platform become nothing but a waste of time? Because you cannot do anything unless someone reaches out to you.

I am just curious like @maxtpf. 🤔.  How does buyer request affect your company?

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@michmikaia I believe this feature was also being abused. Many sellers had their accounts banned or had poor reviews. They would collect new buyers via this feature knowing exactly what a customer would expect from them. But many of them were falling back on the same patterns of poor deliveries and misleading people. 

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27 minutes ago, codeloghin said:

@michmikaia I believe this feature was also being abused. Many sellers had their accounts banned or had poor reviews. They would collect new buyers via this feature knowing exactly what a customer would expect from them. But many of them were falling back on the same patterns of poor deliveries and misleading people. 

Well, Fiverr took the good decision about it then.

Edited by michmikaia
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Buyer request is no longer available now. But I have researched on fiverr. Every new seller like this feature. Top level sellers are not like this. Fiverr need to know every seller was new seller one day. So if fiverr add buyer request feature again this will profitable. 

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I think I'm with Fiverr on this one, I liked seeing it removed and think there's better ways of doing what the buyer requests were trying to do. I don't think it led to a positive experience for someone trying to buy and getting hundreds of copy / paste messages and I don't think it was good the seller trying to lowball and undercut and compete with other sellers in that way. There's platforms where you do that and I personally think there terrible, it's 60% botting and 40% scams in most cases.

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Who remembers the ability to send 10 offers per day (Buyer Requests) that was removed by Fiverr months ago?

Please confirm if you have financial and order decreasing after removing this feature and let's all demand the leadership of Fiverr to bring back that opportunity.



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its too late now

I think we should forget past, let us welcome new changes

Briefs are updated better day by day, I also see many different features:

- Report button (so we can report scam and spam) which we asked for years

- You can contact buyer, discuss requirements and adjust budget/time (without forced to send offer first)

- It also shows buyer details (like country and profile), so I can decide whether to send offer or not (I spot bad buyers using such details)

- Shown to relevant folks only, so less competition and high chance of success

Also I'm bit satisfied now, I get good orders from brief. and I believe its started to work (unlike in start, it was too bad).

Edited by grayprogrammerz
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1 hour ago, newsmike said:


I suggest you hold your breath until they meet your demands. Show 'em you really mean business.

Bored The Virginian GIF by GritTV

Yes, I know that they look down on all sellers, and are always biased, that's why I suggest that we unite and if we all demand, they cannot fail to comply with our request

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6 minutes ago, animatedmonst said:

Yes, I know that they look down on all sellers, and are always biased, that's why I suggest that we unite and if we all demand, they cannot fail to comply with our request

Good luck with that. 

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1 hour ago, animatedmonst said:

Yes, I know that they look down on all sellers, and are always biased

Okay, how are they looking down and who exactly are we sellers in this context?  

A seller on a freelancing platform is like a product and a seller is replaceable. There are 10,000 freelancers with better skills waiting for their chance. If you and I boycott or revolt against this platform it's going to be our loss only. Because we only take money to our bank using this platform. On the other hand, a buyer brings money to this platform. A buyer is not replaceable, the more buyer, the bigger business. So, a good business will always focus on buyer satisfaction by treating them like VIPs. That is how the industries work. So if you don't understand your position and acknowledge your reality that's your limitation. Sometimes we should introspect the realities and work to make it in our favour rather than going against them. 

Think of it like this, because Fiverr is strict with its policies, buyers feel this platform is reliable and safe. Hence they come to this platform for buying a service they need but if sellers were more important, then these buyers would have faced a lot of irregularities, poor quality work and scams. Then the number of buyers would have decreased and eventually, at some point, most of the sellers would have gone out of business, reason lack of buyers. 

Do you think this scenario would work better for you?  

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4 hours ago, animatedmonst said:

Who remembers the ability to send 10 offers per day (Buyer Requests) that was removed by Fiverr months ago?

Please confirm if you have financial and order decreasing after removing this feature and let's all demand the leadership of Fiverr to bring back that opportunity.


2 hours ago, animatedmonst said:

I suggest that we unite and if we all demand, they cannot fail to comply with our request

I understand it is hard for newbies to compete without the buyer request features. But the Fiverr algorithm is already working, if you have worked on your gig properly and made yourself available on the platform every day consistently then there is a good chance a potential client is going to contact you. Be prepared for that moment, make all your links, examples, price breakdowns, models, and portfolios ready to convert that potential buyer. If everything goes right, your gig is going to be promoted automatically. 

But if you are already a level 1, level 2 seller and still relying on the buyer request feature then I am sorry to say, you are not providing your services properly. In my experience buyer request feature only punished a good freelancer. I am a full-stack developer and I once created a complete website for $200. It made me complete 14 days of work in 7 days, I worked day and night and gave up my sleep and whatnot so that I can avoid negative feedback. The base price of my service is $2000 and believe me when I say I have never seen a buyer request justifying the price compare to the work needed to be done.  

At least now a buyer can go through the whole marketplace and select a service which will make both the buyer and the seller satisfied rather than just punishing the seller due to sheer competition.  

I won't comment if removing the buyer request feature was a good idea or bad but I can say this it doesn't concern me as a seller at all. It only benefitted the buyers. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I never liked the buyer request feature but I am sure it was well-used by new sellers on the platform. The "briefs" feature was a good idea, but unfortunately, the seller isn't given enough ability to stipulate what type of work they provide. I rarely get a brief that matches my skills or what I provide. Most want translation services or things that are totally irrelevant to me. About half the briefs received are, wrongly,  from new sellers trying to sell their services.

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Lol, this thread.
I was looking for other people who, like me, wished Buyer's Request hadn't been removed.
But going through this thread, the pattern of opinions is so predictable. Ninety percent of the top sellers, pro-verified sellers, and level 2 sellers with expensive gigs are happy with its removal. Not only are they doing better now that the beginners or level 1/2 sellers with less expensive gigs are out of the equation, but they're also coming here to mock anyone who is demanding this feature to come back.
Loving the show, guys?
I bet if Fiverr decided to bring the feature back, they would be the ones throwing tantrums here.

Anyway, if there's a vote, union, or petition to bring back the Buyer's Request, count me in. Because going over the thread here, it is pretty obvious that the people against the "Buyer's Request" are a small, happy percentage. The majority wants it back.

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I never wanted it gone. I wanted it fixed. But I guess Fiverr decided the cost of fixing it was too much. 

Maybe whoever programed it in the first place no longer works at Fiverr, in which case, if no one knew the code, would have been crazy costly to fix or even upkeep. I'm not a programmer, but I do understand that sometimes projects need to be scrapped. 

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15 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

I never wanted it gone. I wanted it fixed. But I guess Fiverr decided the cost of fixing it was too much. 

Maybe whoever programed it in the first place no longer works at Fiverr, in which case, if no one knew the code, would have been crazy costly to fix or even upkeep. I'm not a programmer, but I do understand that sometimes projects need to be scrapped. 

I'm no programmer either, but I thought that's what comments in code are for 😅. You might be right, though.

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The gain of fixing it may also have been low, so even if the right programmer was there it may not have been worth it.
Are there any analytics available to see how Buyer Request users compared to basic Search users for order cancellation rate and for buyer retention/average spend? I never used Buyer Request so I have no idea what the results were like.

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I am a programmer, and I can confirm that projects the size of Fiverr have a modular design.
Most of the time, the parts that are incomprehensible for the new team are like a group of small parts that can be replaced by a newer team. That is if the previous team wasn't documenting the progress, which should be the practice in the first place.
In any case, I don't think the problem lies with Fiverr not being able to maintain that portion.
I think they thought that handling the spam and scams manually costed more than AI handling everything. So they chose that. However, there are a couple of issues here:

The priority algorithm in AI doesn't seem to be fair to all users.
Even if it were fair, I don't think it can tell which job a seller can do well. In the buyer's request, the seller could pick what they could do best. In my case, AI just gave me a couple of jobs that didn't suit my skill set. Once I declined those, it threw me to the bench.

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