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  1. There is no link between "cash advance" and "gig ranking" imo. Because, cash advance is just a benefit to some selected sellers whereas gig ranking depends on the performance. So these are something different.
  2. Because it's not an order. It's a scam. Do not even click that link.
  3. Hi. Have your already contacted the CS about it? It seems that your account is not active. And that's might be the reason.
  4. Again. Your post has been reported.
  5. Hi there. One question. Do you really live in the USA? Because I suspect that this the reason of the "flagged" account.
  6. Unfortunately, there is no alternative. The only solution for you is to remember the answer of your security question.
  7. It is illegal if you use it to mislead your location. Sooner or later Fiverr will find it.
  8. Hi there. That is the reason why your account has been flagged. And that's why also CS told you that your account is still remain flagged.
  9. I am in the same niche as you regarding design. But I rarely do a mold design, especially about injection molding because I do not master it well. All in all, as the other said, you have just joined Fiverr this month. It takes times for your gig to get noticed by buyers. So you have some time to learn how Fiverr works, you can search and learn here in the forum some tips of improving your gigs and profile. Keep advices from successful sellers as they have more experiences and have more knowledge about Fiverr. Moreover, if you are used to working for 12hours, in freelancing you might work for 12 hours/day too. Even more sometimes. But it's up to you to give value to your working time. Good luck.
  10. In fact, both "mould" and "mold" are correct. But "mold" is the most common one. Especially in manufacturing.
  11. If you want to rely on "get brief" you have to wait for it. I don't know if you have access to gig promotion (go to Growth & Marketing/ Promoted gigs). If so, you can use it if yo want. Apart from that, what you can do is to make your gig more attractive as possible so that buyers will have a look at it. I know it's challenging in your niche as there are more than 21k sellers who offer services about writing SEO, but in final you have to do that too. You can use your SEO skills to improve your profile and gigs too. As you're new here, I think, it's worth to take a look and learn from this Fiverr course; in order for you to understand how Fiverr works. Besides, there are tips of improving your gigs and profile. 👇 https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/online-freelancing-essentials-be-a-successful-fiverr-seller Good luck.
  12. Hi there. Fiverr will send you the project description (brief) from a project owners if your skills match that brief. It is not like the other freelance platform. Turn "get brief" on. And set your price.
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