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About michmikaia

  • Birthday March 21


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  1. May be, we can still see a personal information. I do not use Wetransfer frequently, but everytime I receive something from wetransfer, I can see the email of the sender.
  2. Do you mean, by answering buyer's review?
  3. Answer with a simple "Hi" and report. If you do not answer, it might affect your response time.
  4. - That's the effect of flagged account. Your gig will not be displayed on Fiverr marketplace anymore. You can only work with your existed customers. - It can't be removed. Unless it was Fiverr's mistake. What's the reason why your account has been flagged?
  5. And what happened after publishing it again? Was it the same?
  6. Hi there. The answer to your question is here 👇 https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/29453001296913-How-to-become-a-Fiverr-Pro-freelancer And from my experience, I am not a Fiverr pro seller, I had heard back to Fiverr Pro team after about a year of submitting my application, saying that they missed my application. That was 3 years ago. I don't know how it works now.
  7. I did the same mistake 2 or 3 years ago and I got a warning too. So you are not the only one. No more explanation as it's against Fiverr's ToS.
  8. Hi there. So you mean that you work on the project without order? If it's the case, it seems that you work for free then. If you've worked without order, you can still negociate about the price you want before they put an order.
  9. I don't know if it might help. But it's worth to check anyway If you use chrome, check the setting. Then here
  10. It looks like this on Desktop.
  11. I'm on mobile, and everything seems fine on my end.
  12. If Fiverr search could speak, you would hear "AGAIN & AGAIN".
  13. Why your account is disabled? Check your email. Anyway, contact Fiverr Customer support.
  14. Contact Fiverr Customer Support. Send an email to support@fiverr.com and explain your situation.
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