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What's the benefit of the Fiverr forum badge? Or what is its significance?


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4 minutes ago, ayan929 said:

Can anyone tell me what will be the benefit of achieving fiverr Forum Badge

There is no benefit, it's just for fun.
Achieving a forum badge won't guarantee orders, gig "ranking" or whatever you've heard so far about them

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On 6/26/2021 at 12:38 PM, shadiya646 said:

Don't try to gain the badges try to gain knowledge and don't ruin others post by commenting or post same thing several times.

You are right but first of all, Oil your own machine! Now in your profile just posts 747+ and reputation 2.2k! but you got Veteran badge too much earlier. how funny!

btw, Thanks.

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On 7/29/2021 at 3:08 PM, shaamim said:

You are right but first of all, Oil your own machine! Now in your profile just posts 747+ and reputation 2.2k! but you got Veteran badge too much earlier. how funny!

My 747+ post isn't like yours like 'Thanks' 'wonderful' 'helpful' 'Informative' 

2.3k reputation in just 747+ post? What do you think? By giving 'thanks' post I receive those reputation? 

@maitasun @vickiespencer @catwriter and many of them are most senior seller here. They also react my post and never said please don't post unnecessarily anything. Even today One of my post got the helpful badge which is given by a MODERATOR. 

So what are you talking about? 

Edited: And you want to know how I reached up to veteran badge? By replying of some seller like yours who are posting "Thanks" "welcome" etc. 

On 7/19/2021 at 2:29 PM, mdminhaz05 said:

You are telling the truth                                  

Cause my Mamma said never tell a lie 😉 

Edited by shadiya646
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Is fiverr forum badges really necessary?

They don't affect your Fiverr account.


Any tips on how I can get my forum badges levelled up quickly?

There's no real benefit to them currently apart from I think a longer time where you can edit your posts (that's what someone on the forum said). But if you want the higher forum badges you can post more (quality posts that people will react more to), react more (like etc.). 

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Forum badges are for entertainment, gamification, to increase user interaction with the forum. 

The forum and the main site don't have that much to do with each other. There are heaps of successful Fiverr sellers who never post on the forum and thus don't have badges.

Use the forum for info, discussions, entertainment if you feel like it, and badges will come naturally, there's absolutely no need to try and level up your forum badges quickly. The people who do that cause a lot of unnecessary clutter and make the forum a pain to use for anyone interested in using it for the community aspects, just because they imagine their actual Fiverr Gig or ranking will improve.

The latter could happen if you use the forum to find the actual info among all the posts only created to level forum badges and implement it, independent of your forum badge level - but you'll most probably have more luck using your nice list of skills from above for making your Fiverr Gigs work than hoping for your forum badge to do some magical trick. 

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Guest nur_mohammad_20

At first thanks who asked this question and then thanks to all who replied the reality of this question. I also know the wrong before reading the answer of this question. 

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On 7/23/2021 at 9:22 PM, hosneara_jaqlin said:

fiverr forum Badge are effective for my fiverr profile??

Fiverr forum Badge will not effect in your fiverr profile or gig impression, order. Fiverr forum is only for supporting part to get information instantly. Fiverr Forum have a lot of experience seller and also buyer so you will get good suggestion from them. Thanks. 

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Fiverr rank is just for fun usually. Ranking in forum is not related to fiverr seller profile.

You can click on drop down button on your username (top right corner)
You will see the points there and milestone.

Completing each milestone will promote you to a new rank. 

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Guest lloydsolutions

"As I’ve said in the past, and I will continue to say: Your participation here in the forum DOES NOT affect your Fiverr seller Gigs, sales, or rankings in anyway." 


The above is from here: 

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2 minutes ago, shahalam4bd said:

I've found; being online at Fiverr.com or at Fiverr Forum is the main subject for improving Gig Impression. 

Okay, I'm really curious - how do you think being online on the forum has ANYTHING to do with impressions? 

Being online on Fiverr can - kindamaybesomewhat help if you are in a niche with 212231312 other gigs AND people filter for online sellers - but that still won't get you clicks OR orders, for that matter.

I'll give you a trick though: be good at what you do - and sell something people actually NEED. 

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Guest lloydsolutions
17 minutes ago, mdriaz009 said:

What's the benefit of the Fiverr forum badge? Or what is its significance?

Tips for Sellers

This category is for posts with original tips for sellers to utilize. 
Always read the category heading before posting.
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1 hour ago, mdriaz009 said:

What's the benefit of the Fiverr forum badge? Or what is its significance?

There is no benefit if you're thinking about benefits as a seller on Fiverr. What you do on the forum has no influence over your rankings, ratings, sales or stats on Fiverr. Obviously, you can use the knowledge shared by experienced sellers on the forum to get better at what you do, but that's the limit of what the forum will do for you. 

On the forum itself, increasing your reputation by contributing meaningful content to the forum increases how many posts you can make on the forum per day. But like I said: your activity on the forum does not affect your sales or Fiverr profile directly. The two are entirely separate. 

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