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About irshan_cool

  • Birthday 08/15/1904


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  1. I think its depends on the experience. An expert can find it out from the requirements or with very few questions.
  2. You can find a template under quick response when delivering the order.
  3. August is not a slow month, Now a days more business are going to the new sellers. Best selling old gigs are far away from first few pages on its category. This is due to the new ranking system. If there is no gig promotion option then, it is very difficult to have business for old sellers, other than having orders with continues buyers.
  4. You can read the below article for more information regarding this. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010978618 Seller Protection - Fraud Chargebacks Fiverr Has Your Back! In cases where the service was provided in full, Fiverr will protect you from fraud chargebacks. The funds will be added back to your account, and after 45 days, you will be able to withdraw the funds. Most importantly, it will not affect your cancellation rate.
  5. This might be a pay pal charge back. You should contact CS to solve this.
  6. He means no buyers Knocking is door with orders once he sent the buyer request 🤔. If buyer request works this way then we all will be multimillionaires 😃!
  7. If you are hosting in your selected server then you can invoice him the annual server charge through fiver. Or you can send the link to customer to purchase the server space and send you the login to process the Wordpress.
  8. Its a great achievement, I like your handwritten signature logo designs!.
  9. New sellers allowed to create 7 gigs. Do not create multiple gigs for the same service. If you want to create more than one gig, create each gigs with different services, then only it will help you.
  10. Compare your gig including pricing and etc. with the gigs of most experienced sellers who are having more sales. Or you can ask for an expert to check you gig. Also you can find some more ways if you think.
  11. If you are having a gig with an attractive title, perfect Gig image/Video & good tags with descriptions. Then preform well and keep on marketing your gigs Still if you are failed to get order, there should several reasons as below:Still your gigs are not reached to the targeted audience, or there might be some problem in your gig as it is not giving the confidence for buyer to order from you. Or they can find the same service for lower price than you ... etc.You have to research and find out what are the issues and make the corrective actions.
  12. You can improve and gain more knowledge. Read, Write & Practice to enjoy more benefits.
  13. If you are having a gig with an attractive title, perfect Gig image/Video & good tags with descriptions and you are keep on marketing your gigs and still you are failed to get order, there should several reasons as below: Still your gigs are not reached to the targeted audience, or there might be some problem in your gig as it is not giving the confidence for buyer to order from you. Or they can find the same service for lower price than you ... etc. You have to research and find out what are the issues and make the corrective actions. Every failure leads to success. Successful people don’t fear failure but understand that it’s necessary to learn and grow from. Also note: Sharing on social media is not the only way to market your gig learn some other ways too and apply to your gigs.
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