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  1. That's a horrible story, not only did they kick the stool under your feet away, they also don't even implement their own system correctly. Why on earth do you have 8, 8, 8, 8 for all your categories, but not "officially" a success score of 8? Shows you how messed up that is. It should be straight forward; From all the available categories, you should get an average score, and then act on that. If it's 7 or above; You go up a level, if it's under 7, you stay, if it's under 6 you rank down even further. And 8 is definitely above 7! You should have been moved up a level at the very least, if they don't even rank you properly. I have been struggling with ranking, but basically everyone is complaining about that on fiverr and there are so many reasons for why you're not ranking well. But the success score works against the way they advertised it! Why even bother with the success score and all those numbers when they obviously mean diddly squat? There are way too many hidden statistics and algorithms at play, way more than necessary! It's best to diversify, you're very right. I have started looking into other platforms to sell my services, too.
  2. Typical fiverr community post. A direct question is asked, people point to the vague fiverr FAQs (that don't really answer anything) nothing is being answered at all, everyone is just guessing, some guy comes in and writes books about how "all the answers can be looked up" (pointing to the FAQs general answers again), some people chime in say "oh yes, you are so right" and at the end of the day, I still don't know what makes the client satisfaction go up or down.. Is delivery on time "client satisfaction"? Does that play into the metric? If I deliver all my orders on time now without any other problems, will that improve the client satisfaction? Or is that a different metric? What about revisions? If I get revisions, will that drop the client satisfaction? Or is client satisfaction only affected by ratings, when the client chooses an amount of stars in the "satisfaction" category? What about other metrics, like quality of delivery? Is that going into the "client satisfaction"? Or is that a different category?
  3. I was around before the recent change. That was like what only a few months ago... And no, it doesn't really clear things up. Also Idon#t think anyone could abuse it. You still have to do good work, you can't cheese your way to the top and make millions even if you completely know how it works. But I see what kind of discussion this is; You just like to say "everything is perfect the way it is" because you don't know any better. I'd much rather know what affects my score so I can improve on it than to be puzzled by the results despite thinking I do everything as I should.
  4. Which are very, very general and never really answer any specific questions. Please stop pretending like that's the answer. Well, good for you. But I am talking about myself here, and i try to learn what I can do. Yes, and it's really annoying that Fiverr is so intransparent.
  5. Although you have to take what the staff says with a grain of salt, because they often don't know what they are talking about either. I had staff tell me ridiculously wrong things before. I suspect most of them go through a very rushed training and then work with templates and a FAQ file.
  6. Sounds quite awful. I will leave Fiverr as soon as i have an alternative. I am fed up with all the secrecy and counterintuitive approaches, and also the censoring of my personality now (because that's what that is, at least to a degree). My business is affected by it just because apparently I am not speaking the "right" way with my clients, and that is beyond being rude or anything (which I am not, and i don't think I am even perceived that way at all). When I opened the thread, I thought it would be something different.
  7. The passive aggressivity in this one is strong, but man, I get you. I didn't even know that the chats are analysed by bots and GRADED as well. Some clients I am close to and speak on a very close and friendly base, even banter a little from time to time. That will definitely not interpreted positively.... Fiverr now forces me to be cooler, distant and "professional" to get my ratings.
  8. I saw it before, I see it now again, and that is just very generic. I asked to know what exactly influences the client satisfaction in the success score page. If you request a change to the deadline that might affect it, or if someone gives 3 stars instead of 5 on certain criteria in the review or something like that. This is what I was asking.
  9. Oh man. I am not exactly unfriendly or anything, but I don't exactly talk like a chatgpt robot either. maybe that's why my client satisfaction is negative.
  10. So now i also have to make sure that the way I write on the order page is appealing to an AI? That seems to be the main take away here.
  11. What affects Client Satisfaction negatively and what positively? how can I improve on it?
  12. Apples to oranges. You compare how many orders a week you got to how fast a delivery is, and what I am talking about is improving impressions by how many deliveries you get in a week. More orders = more delivers = more impressions Faster deliveries = more delivers per week (provided you get enough deliveries to do so) = more impressions
  13. I assume we are not being told very honestly how we have to behave in our own best interest here on Fiverr. I see a lot of mediocre sellers that do 10 times better than me because they deliver quite often. If it's not just me thinking that quantity goes over quality (unless quality is really horrible) then I feel confirmed in that thought now. Wish I could experiment with it and force more orders lol and deliver smaller orders quicker to see if it works better than if it would take a little longer between. Impressions are so important here. Without them, you don't get work.
  14. No, but I believe Fiverr ranks you better....
  15. Try etsy. 🙂
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